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This week here on Grilling JR - we’re going to finish our discussion regarding Bret Hart’s 1997 and cover the Montreal Screwjob.

Earlier this year we covered When Bret Went Bad Again…so be sure to check out that our in the archives…

There’s a production company shooting a documentary on Bret Hart that will eventually turn into Wrestling with Shadows. When do you first hear about this and are you surprised Vince agreed to do this?

Bret is shocked when he’s told that Shawn is coming back and his first major role will be to be the special guest referee for the SummerSlam main event against Taker. Do you think Vince’s plan of turning Shawn heel to put Shawn and Bret on the same side so maybe they wouldn’t have to work together?

We’re coming up to Canadian Stampede which we covered in the archives but this quote from Bret’s book is important to put this into context: “I’d waited my entire life for this night, wrestling at the top of my game in a really hot angle in front of fans who had been there for me from the very beginning. I was home and this was real.”

Wow Jim it was real for Bret wasn’t it?

Bret writes in his book that Bruce punching Austin in the kidneys during a brawl is the reason why the talk of Bruce being involved was cut off. Is that how you remember it?

In San Antonio in Shawn’s hometown both Shawn Michaels returns and also the Patriot debuts. When Del Wilkes debuts is there any talk whatsoever of pairing Bret and the Patriot together?

In Halifax, Nova Scotia one of the hottest angles ever takes place. During a match between Hunter & the Patriot Bret comes down and gets into it with Vince at ringside which turns into a hockey fight. You’re right next to Vince and trying to get Bret on the mic for what he’s saying and then…


Is this the true beginning of Vince as a character? You think Bret was embarrassed that Vince got Bret’s shirt over his head while Vince didn’t have a hair moved on his head?

Later that night  one of the hottest TV main events Bret, Owen & Davey Boy defeated Taker, Steve Austin & Dude Love. It’s from Raw on July 21st and it’s in front of a sell out crowd and you should go find it on Peacock or whatever as it’s just great. How hot are the Canadian shows at this time Jim?

In Pittsburgh the next week…yes it’s that promo. You’re in the ring for it Jim!


How fucking great is Bret as a heel? My goodness.

Later that night…the Patriot beats Bret! Hard to call Bret selfish when that happens right? Even with Shawn Michaels’ interference.

At SummerSlam with Shawn as the referee the public feud between Bret & Shawn sort of has a pin put on it as Shawn gets spit on by Bret Hart towards the end of the match and he swings a chair and crushes the Undertaker to lead to Bret getting the pin that Shawn counts and Bret becomes the 2nd person to ever hold the WWF Title for 5 times. This is a gigantic accomplishment for Bret to really be put on a pedestal with Hulk … or is it just a prop?

We’ve covered this in the archives so be sure to check it out but now Shawn and Bret are the top heels in the company so they should be kept away from each other but the issues continue to run into each other. Quickly Shawn is cemented as the top heel. Do you think that was Vince’s plan? Turn Shawn heel and supplant Bret to get out of the contract?

Bret as the new champion … is not the focus of the company as D-Generation X takes over and supplants the Hart Foundation as the top heel stable. How quickly did this happen and did anyone see it coming?

Let’s face facts Jim. The house show run in the summer was really on the back of the Hart Foundation. The increase in pay-per-view buys came from Bret being on top. Did Vince really have a leg to stand on to try and get out of Bret’s contract?

If you had your way at that time - do you keep Bret or keep Shawn?

Bret’s first pay-per-view title defense is against Del Wilkes…the Patriot. Not the glowing start to his historic 5th title reign is it?

He’s second from the top underneath Shawn and Undertaker. From the Observer:

“6. Bret Hart beat The Patriot in 19:20 to retain the WWF title. From a psychology standpoint this was a very good match but it was lackluster in other ways. Patriot wasn't over at all to the crowd until the end despite the big build up and being in a more Southern oriented city. After a ref bump Patriot got the Uncle slam but no ref to count the fall. After a few more near falls, Patriot got the sharpshooter on. Bret reversed the hold into his own sharpshooter and got the submission. It was a great story match of an All Japan main event variety, but unlike an All Japan title match, it only had so-so execution. After the match Bret gave Patriot a piledriver, broke his American flag and choked him with it, and ended up decking Pat Patterson as well. It was hard to figure out after having Patriot do a submission job why he was buried so badly in the post match as well. ***¼”

I mean Patriot is beat up afterwards like he’s being written out but the next night on Raw it’s setup that it’ll be Bret & Davey against Patriot & Vader in a flag match at Badd Blood. What was it about Del that just…was he not liked? What was it?

Bret talks about how the Canadian-US angle was cooled considerably by adding Patriot to it. Do you agree?

Bret works Terry Funk for Terry’s “retirement” match at WrestleFest. Bret fought with Terry over the finish as he wanted to put Terry over but Terry refused. Do you think anyone in the WWF office would have an issue with Bret losing to Terry even though he was the champion?

Can you talk about how deep the Hart-Funk connection in wrestling is?

Bret’s last big show in Europe takes place at One Night Only…an England only pay-per-view…but again he is second from the top this time against Taker. The story of this pay-per-view is Davey Boy Smith losing the European Title to Shawn Michaels after he promised his dying sister who had cancer he would win the match for her. Bret has said he thought it was because Shawn was refusing to lose to people that the finish was changed. What do you remember of this and do you remember Bret saying anything at the time?

Bret calls this the last truly great match he had in the WWF. Is that sad looking back at that?

On September 22nd, 1997 at Madison Square Garden the scope of the World Wrestling Federation and really the wrestling business changes forever. Hours before Steve Austin would lay his hands on and stun the owner of the WWF in the middle of the ring…Vince McMahon stuns Bret Hart and tells him he can no longer honor his contract. Vince tells him he’s going to breach the contract but he will make it up to him on the back end. Vince even tells Bret that he’s heard that Hulk Hogan is finishing up soon and his timing couldn’t be more perfect. From Bret’s book: “He went on to say that if I left, I would actually be doing him a favor because he was about to downsize into a northeastern U.S. promotion. Because of my fourteen years of loyal service, he said, he wanted to give me the opportunity to be able to approach WCW before everyone else did, since he’d be letting a lot of wrestlers go. He described me as the first guy in the lifeboat. “You don’t even have to drop the belt if you don’t want to. You hold all the cards.” He even said that he would secretly help me negotiate my deal, if I wanted. His final words to me were that he’d see whether he could find the money somewhere to pay me, but for now I shouldn’t breathe a word to anybody. If the news leaked out that Vince was in trouble, it would hurt my chances with Bischoff. Hurt my chances? I was so stunned by how many promises he broke in one short conversation that I didn’t know what to reply.”

OK Jim. Let’s break it all down. Was Vince really thinking of taking his company backwards into being a Northeast promotion?

Were there talks of cutting numerous wrestlers?

Do you think Vince really said all this to Bret?

Was Vince just trying to sell Bret on this idea?

Were you for or against?

Did you know the conversation was coming or happening?

The blows keep coming as Brian Pillman passes away before Badd Blood. Bret had gotten close to Brian since becoming a member of the Hart Foundation. Do you remember talking to Bret about it?

Later that night Bret & Davey defeat Vader & Patriot … second from the top again … in a flag match while Shawn & Taker main event in the Hell in a Cell. What I really want to ask about though Jim is are you checking in daily with Vince about Bret’s decision? I mean you need to know this as head of talent relations. What are the conversations you’re having regarding the fact that the chairman of the WWF gave the WWF champion permission to negotiate with your top competitor?

Does anyone ever come to ask you if it’s true?

Are you told to deny it?

At this point did Bret ever come to you with worries about the product? The content specifically?

Bret begins negotiating with Eric Bischoff about making a move to WCW all the while on the road with the WWF. Is this the most surreal time in wrestling that you could remember? Is there anything else you could compare it to?

Bret writes in his book on October 12th he sits down with Shawn to discuss Survivor Series and the fact that they’ll be wrestling together. ““I just want you to know that despite any differences we’ve had this past year, I have no problem working with you. You can trust me in every way to be a professional. What you need to know, Shawn, is that you’re not in any danger.” I added, “I also want you to know that I have no problem dropping the belt to you if that’s what Vince wants.” He glared back at me. “I appreciate that, but I want you to know that I’m not willing to do the same thing for you.” And then he left.

I mean looking back at this…can you blame Bret?

Bret talks in his book about how Vince goes back and says the money issues were solved and it was all good. What changed do you think?

Bischoff makes a last minute offer to Bret for $2.5 million for 125 days a year and as Bret says in his book - all he wants is a promise from Vince about where he’s going and what the story is going to be. Are you in communication with Vince during all this?

Bret writes in his book that Bischoff makes a deal with him regarding some details and when Vince finally calls back after not being able to be reached and Vince tells Bret he’ll put over Shawn 3 pay-per-views in a row and then beat Shawn on Raw. Vince wanted Bret to take the deal with WCW right?

How does Vince tell you… the office …whoever that the deal is done and Bret is going to WCW?

Did Vince think he was going to be able to convince Bret to drop the title to Shawn at Survivor Series?

Now I think it’s important to dispel some of the narrative out there. Bret Hart’s contract expired on December 8th with the World Wrestling Federation. His contract did not expire after Survivor Series is that right?

If the worry was real that Eric Bischoff was going to announce that Bret Hart had signed with WCW…why didn’t Bischoff announce it on November 3rd - live on Nitro?

The story leaks obviously as it was going to and now it’s a scramble. What does the World Wrestling Federation - Vince McMahon - Bret Hart - do in Montreal at the pay-per-view?

Did you have any suggestions? Thoughts?

The story that came out recently was that Jim Cornette was the one who suggested it. Do you believe that to be the case?

It’s all been said. It’s all been written about. The Montreal Screwjob. We even had Gerry Brisco on a special Something to Wrestle with recently to discuss it. Walk me through your day in Montreal and everything you did with Bret. The match itself…and the aftermath.

Was Mick Foley the only person who objected to coming back afterwards to you?

How did your relationship with Bret change after it?

Did you ever watch Wrestling with Shadows?

What did you think of it?

Is it sad the way this all ended for Bret and the WWF?

What are your favorite memories of Bret during this time?

Can anyone say - even with Steve Austin getting hot - that without Bret Hart in 1997 the company may not had survived?


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