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On this episode of 83 Weeks, Eric and Conrad are talking about the career of one of the most creative minds in professional wrestling, Kevin Sullivan! The Boston Brawler's time in WCW as a wrestler, member of the Dungeon of Doom, feuding with Hulk Hogan, becoming involved creatively, Chris Benoit, Woman, the Horsemen and more!



Zach McInnis

AEW gives no meangingul stories to thier secondary championships. AEW in 2019/2020 for the first 6 months or so had such a special feel and presentation. It's so watered down now because of their huge roster and Tony's obligation to get everyone TV time.

Christopher M Ohlhoff

Gosh, I live in St. Catharines, Ontario and had no idea Bischoff was going to be here until just now. I had to google it, I haven't seen any promotion for it around the city at all.

Ron Ward

Go back and listen to the Jim Cornette drive thru or the jim cornette experience that came out after the episodes of Dark side of the ring came out. He had Kevin Sullivan on to defend himself and clear some things up. One revelation, If I remember this correctly and took it the right way, was that he and Nancy had been separated BEFORE the Nancy and Benoit angle started. I think that's where a part of the idea for the angle came from. Kevin was understandably upset that there was a previous restraining order in their relationship and he had it on her......The dark side guys never mentioned that. The stiff stuff in the fights between Benoit and Sullivan were essentially working the smart marks. It was like his Pillman angle 2.0. Go back and find the clip. I'm trying to be factually accurate here and I could be remembering something wrong. I know I found a couple parts of that interview revealing and at this point, he has no reason to lie.

Ryan Grenert

I've noticed Conrad has become Pro AEW.. He will fight for them no matter what

David Carr

That's nothing new. Been that way for along time now.

Drew Russell

but he bashed Bruce for years for “kissing HHH ass” but Now all of a sudden Eric can’t give his opinions without Conrad criticizing him. sounds like a hypocritical thing to me

Gary Blados

Doesn’t Conrad always bring up revenue from Meltzer when talking about the WWE before hey went public? So Conrad to say money doesn’t matter for a private company seems pretty hypocritical but and I get he’s protecting AEW very lousy few stretch. But just be consistent at least or the product suffers.