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Leave your questions for Conrad below for the next edition of Ask Conrad!

Conrad is back for the 48th installment of Ask Conrad! Topics include Crown Jewel, the UWF, wrestler trades, Halloween costumes, Fall PPVs, and much more!




What has been a presentation/storyline that has surprised you the most recently? I really didn’t like the Chase U stuff in the beginning, but have been digging it more lately.

Eric Saadon

What topic on each of your podcasts are you looking forward to talking about the most?

Ryan Connely

Happy Thanksgiving Conrad! Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving dish that a relative made who is no longer with us? My Nana, my mother's mom, used to make amazing bread pudding with caramel sauce that was to die for. My mom makes a good one but not quite like Nana's. I hope you are able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

DJ Driscoll

Hey Conrad, is there any big matchups you can see (other than Rock vs Roman and Cody vs Roman). Any up and coming or independent wrestlers you can see making a dream marquee match ups?

Carl Hayes

In STW episode 118 question was asked you and Bruce’s favorite movie and how it compared to Jimmy harts tiki bar. You didn’t answer saying “they don’t care about me they want to hear from you”. Well as you on Ask Conrad 49(ish), can we get the movie answer and compared to Bruce’s answer of Back To The Future (top five of mine)?

Yambag Jones

Coming up on my one year anniversary being a ‘My Push’ guy. I’m sure you’ve heard it one hundred times but you deserve the props. You and your crew behind the scenes have created an incredible platform here for all of us weird wrestling fans to get our fix and get to know others like us. Cheers to you, can’t wait to see where AFS is headed in the future.


Just wanted to say I'm sorry to see wrestlegamia go. I know ye have added loads of content and is great but that was a fantastic show and afs is lesser for losing it


We’re sorry to see it go as well. Love Efren and will continue to support him.


Heard you and Jeff talking Austin's possible involvement in next year's Mania. Hypothetically what if... They take a page out of the Rocky 3... Roman has beaten everybody but still can't get the respect and acknowledgment he wants so he lays down a challenge to The Rock. We get weeks of vinegenttes of The Rock hearing the challenge but is having doubts if he can still do it... when one week Austin shows up and proposes "the most electrifying can of whoop ass of all time" and offers to train the Rock. We then get training montages of Austin training Rock to get back into "ring shape" (my gawd these montages could be money). Of course the final vignette would have to be Rock/Austin in a bar singing Margaritaville the night before Mania. You could print money with this lol

Michael berrett

Hey Conrad! Two-part question. I’ll be going to my first mania in LA next April with my sons. I was wondering if you would describe what your first mania experience was like? Also, will you be doing any live shows in LA that weekend that I could plan on attending?

Robert Vornberg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-14 11:26:59 I was wondering what you thought about the XFL. I want it to be a success this time around. I’m from & live still live in St. Louis. We still have the STL Battle Hawks and I want to see the XFL to stick it to Roger Goodell for allowing the Rams to move to LA.
2022-12-17 03:07:08 I was wondering what you thought about the XFL. I want it to be a success this time around. I’m from & live still live in St. Louis. We still have the STL Battle Hawks and I want to see the XFL to stick it to Roger Goodell for allowing the Rams to move to LA.

I was wondering what you thought about the XFL. I want it to be a success this time around. I’m from & live still live in St. Louis. We still have the STL Battle Hawks and I want to see the XFL to stick it to Roger Goodell for allowing the Rams to move to LA.