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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss Bray Wyatt, respect from young talent, lack of selling, concussions, violent matches and much more!



Zoel Lopez

Happy Halloween gentlemen. What was your favorite costume for Halloween either growing up or as an adult?

The Mediocre Warrior

Happy Halloween fellas! My favorite scary movie of all time is the original Poltergeist oof even all these years later it gets me. Paul, the question I asked for 'Arn' was for the November 90 episode asking what the plans were with the tag titles had they not given notice. I will accept your excuse at face value and move on, thank you. Also Paul, thank you for jinxing the Packers by picking them against the freaking Jets Oh this is a mailbag so I guess I should ask some questions instead of idle chit chat. 1)More for Paul, how do you feel no longer being the antichrist of AFS now that Casio is getting roasted for doing podcasts? 2)Mike, even though they were pretty much throw away matches, how nervous were you reffing in your first wrestlemania? 3)If Onlyfans was around during Mike's whole career, which lady wrestler does he wish had one besides Bertha Faye? Paul we know your answer would be Rebel Keep up the great work guys

RJ Kruszynski

Do you believe bruiser Brody had the potential of being in a heel role opposite Hogan in the 80s in the WWF? GO BILLS!!!

Brad Stanton

So I got the impression Mike that you’re not a Halloween fan. That’s ok. And apparently nothing scares you but drug tests. And Pauly your scared of heights because your big? So let’s skip Halloween and get to the real holiday, Thanksgiving. Are you watching the parade? All three football games? Pauly anything you’re leaving off your plate because of your diet? And Mike are the Rosati sisters cooking? And if they are what’s they’re speciality?

Jeff Ronquillo

Yo! Pauly B and Mike C! Man, yall two are cooler than a brass toilet on the shady side of an iceberg. No better duo out there. This show is always amazing, yall two are legends. Thank yall 1. Were there instances where you know for a fact that a talent had to have gotten injured from a move and you started signaling for help but the talent told you no, they wanted to finish the match? 2. You were close to The Rock as evident in him choosing you to ref his matches....do you ever drop him a "Hey how ya been" text or does he reach out to you any? He's crazy successful and so busy. I'm sure it's hard to keep up with someone like him. 3. Who yall got in the World Series???? My Braves got beat! So pissed! 4. I. Absolutely. Despise. The. Steelers! They beat my Bucs! But much love to yall! Peace!

Martin Watchorn

You guys just absolutely smash it every single episode.. one match I watched loads as a teenager was the double pin when Mike ran in at in your house: beware of the dog, bulldog v Shawn Michaels title match. Please could Mike share any memories about the bulldog? Hope you guys are doing well. Thanks again to the legendary team of Mike & Pauly.. cheers, Martin

Ron Ward

Hey, Mike and Paulie B. We had some discussion about favorite horror movies this week. Sorry, Paul. I never did get the Jamie Lee Curtis thing. Right up there with Amanda Bearse in Fright Night for leaving with not the slightest tingle down there. Anyway, I used to be a staff member at a horror movie site. Here's my October watch list full of movies you might not have seen, but should or ones you watched so long ago you forgot about them. Audition (1999) - A guy has trouble moving on after his wife dies. A friend sets up a fake audition for him to find a new woman in his life. He finds one. SPOILER ALERT: She's nuttier than Chinese chicken salad. Cure (1997) - There's a serial killer loose in Japan. Only one thing, he hasn't actually killed anybody. He hypnotizes them and they kill somebody. A bit slow at the start and hypnotism doesn't sound very appealing. Much better than you might think and an amazing ending. Martyrs (2008) - For the love of god, do not watch the 2015 remake by accident. Calling it an abortion is an insult to abortions everywhere. A very different movie. Horror movies have sub-genres. This doesn't really fit that well into any of them. There's violence in here that can be tough to watch at times. It absolutely belongs in this movie. It's not violence for the sake of violence. It fits in here almost as much if not more than it does in some Stanley Kubrick movies like Full Metal Jacket. One of my favorites. Nazis at the center of the earth (2012) - Sci-fi movie with a lot of great gore. Deadly friend (1986) - Wes Craven's forgotten classic. If you've seen this movie, your brain just went to one death scene automatically. The one with the basketball. Brain damage (1988) - Let the funny horror movies begin. A parasitic worm emits a highly addictive drug that it's users will do just about anything to get Frankenhooker (1990) - A guy's remote control lawnmower runs over his. Her brain is the only thing he can save. In order to fully bring her back to life, he needs human parts. He creates a super crack and gives to a bunch of hookers who blow up after smoking it. He brings his wife back to life the leftover parts. But you can take the girl off the street corner. You can't take the street corner off the girl. Extremely fun movie. Inside (2007) - My favorite of the invasion sub-genre. A really great, psychotic female villain. Frontier(s) (2007) - I hate what I call the Texas Chainsaw Massacre sub-genre. I really like this movie, though. At least one mindblowing scene. Cannibal Holocaust (1980) - Pretty much the only movie in the Cannibal sub-genre worth watching. I do believe the director was on trial for killing the actors in this movie. He had them sign some kind of contract forcing them to stay low. I think they showed up in court to get him off. See? People have been doing weird shit to get publicity for ages. Evil Bong and Gingerdead man series (A bunch) - For the stoner in the house. The first four Evil Bong movies are funny. After that, they just get stupid. I liked the first two Gingerdead man movies. Wasn't crazy about the third one. There is an Evil Bong vs Gingerdead man movie that I liked. Idle Hands (1999) - Another Comedy. Seth Green in a stoner horror movie. A very young Jessica Alba. Let the right one in (2008) - A weird combination of a coming of age tale with a vampire in it. Let me in was a scene by scene remake. Rectuma (2003) - After getting ass raped by the Mexican butt himping bull frog, a guy goes to Japan for an experimental treatment to save his life. The treatment goes wrong and now his ass comes to life when he's asleep and kiills people by covering them in shit. Trick or Treat (1986) - Skippy from teh show Family Ties is getting bullied at school. After his favorite metal singer dies, he gets a special unreleased recording. After he starts listening to it, people start dying. For those of you youngins that don't remember this, there were literally supreme court cases where musicians were put on trial for having subliminal messages in their music. Morons in high places aren't a new invention. This movie pokes fun at that and includes ozzy osbourne as a preacher. He was one of the people on trial in that case. Thankskilling (2009) - Killer turkey with a fowl mouth. A thanksgiving must around here for me. Silent night, deadly night (1984) - There was a list of banned movies called "the video nasties". This is my favorite one of them. It's the closest I've seen to one of these movies showing how a person can become a serial killer. That should keep you guys busy. Happy Halloween.

Aaron Polowin

I hope that you are both doing well. The mailbag continues to be a highlight of my day every second Monday. Similar question for two different WWE wrestlers during two completely different eras. I’ve been watching some 90-92 clips on YouTube. Kerry Von Erich had one of the most impressive physiques in wrestling history, incredible wrestling lineage… Why do you think that his WWF career did not go further. Seems like he started towards the top but then was barely appearing in late 91 and early 92. Similar question but for Harry Smith, seems like he never got too far in WWE. Really enjoyed his match in Nashville this past summer. Hope I can see you guys real soon in Boston for Survivor Series or in my neck of the woods in Montreal for Elimination Chamber, the smoked meat sandwiches are on me.. I know Mike has Schwartz on his mind :)

Ryan Purvis

Do these celebrity timekeepers actually ever keep time, and if so who was the best one? It’s Johnathan Taylor Thomas isn’t it? You strike me as a Home Improvement fan (nothing against your girl Roseanne or anything.)

Sawft Custard

Hey Mike, when the Phillies win it all are you coming up for the parade? Would love to meet up and chug a beer on broad street! GO PHILS!