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How does it all come back together in 2010? Are you involved in that?

You’re in the middle of you & Karen up against Kurt and whoever they were bringing in at the time - which in this case was Chyna. Did you make Karen part of the deal of you coming or did they want her as well?

From the Observer: “Konnan then said he didn’t trust Jeff Jarrett. He said he doesn’t agree with Dorian Roldan that La Sociedad should work with the TNA group to take over AAA, saying he hates TNA, that he’s known Jarrett for 15 years and Jarrett thinks he’s the King of the Mountain, but this isn’t Nashville. Konnan said Jarrett doesn’t like Latinos and when he was in TNA, it sucked working for a racist boss. This is so funny because Konnan is forbidden to say anything negative in public about TNA because of the out of court settlement on his lawsuit, so he writes an angle where he feuds with TNA so he can say what he wants but it’s all storyline. Roldan said that Konnan and Jarrett would solve their problems on the 5/18 show in San Luis Potosi.”

I mean this is…blurring a lot of lines here Jeff. Was this all resolved with Konnan at this time?

“The 5/18 taping in San Luis Potosi with Jeff Jarrett and Abyss coming from TNA drew a sellout 5,000. They had built up a big showdown between Konnan and Jeff Jarrett, but it was a swerve as all of La Sociedad, instead of attacking Jarrett and working to run off AAA, all turned on Zorro. Jarrett got great heat with fans throwing garbage at him and he and Konnan argued and the crowd went crazy thinking Konnan was going to turn face against Jarrett, and then they did the swerve where Konnan and Jarrett and La Sociedad all attacked Zorro with a baseball bat and beat him down. This leads to the Zorro vs. Jarrett title match. Yeah, they kicked the world champion out of their group. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Joe Lider & Nicho beat Abyss & Jarrett & Super Crazy in the main event when Wagner Jr. pinned Crazy. They had the usual post-main event run-in brawl. The AAA guys cleared the ring of La Sociedad as well as Jarrett and Abyss. Joaquin Roldan then said this showed that even if La Sociedad joins with TNA, they won’t be able to take over AAA. Dorian Roldan then said he’s wrong, and that after TripleMania, they will destroy AAA and TNA would take over.”

This is a legit invasion angle. Are you working with Dorian to put this all together - or Joaquin? How is this all working because it’s reported that you’re the one being the point-man for the TNA side?

At the time - you lose a loser leaves town match to Kurt Angle and you’re banished to Mexico by TNA. We haven’t gotten into this in full detail but it how was this really decided?

You head to TripleMania and you get the win for the AAA World Super Mega heavyweight title from Zorro. It is reported in the Observer though that the original plan was Kurt Angle but his price was too high. Do you know that to be true?

“7. Jeff Jarrett pinned Zorro to win the AAA Super Mega heavyweight title in 15:30. El Hijo del Tirantes was the heel, and he pretty much let everything go. There was outside interference by both Karen Jarrett and Anderson. Zorro used a kendo stick. The match was described as slow and boring, and Zorro wasn’t close to 100% due to injuries, most notably several pulled and torn muscles. Jarrett at one point cracked his guitar over Zorro’s head. At one point Zorro threw powder in Jarrett’s eyes. The finish saw Jarrett use the third of three guitar shots, and then hit Zorro with a kendo stick for the pin. Crowd was furious with Jarrett winning. Jarrett was taunting the crowd by throwing tortillas into the audience.”

How did it feel to be the champion again?

A few weeks later you defend the title in a 3-way against Dr. Wagner Jr and LA Park and retain the title after Chessman hit Park with a guitar. Was the plan for you to be a long term champion or was that just not realistic?

Your next big match for AAA is a gauntlet match that you & LA Park work together in until Park turns on you and eliminates you. You & Karen help get Park eliminated by El Zorro in an act of revenge. Did you see you & LA Park having a long term story?

You drop the title to El Mesias at Rey de Reyes when LA Park interferes and ends your title reign. Up until that point you were the longest reigning champion. How big an accomplishment is this for you in your career?

Here’s something I’d never thought I’d see. You & Kurt Angle as a tag team for a hair vs. hair match…how the hell did this all come together?

You would defeat the AAA Trios champions at TripleMania XXI, when you team with Matt Morgan & Monster Pain over Los Psycho Clowns. Can you make a comparison with the Psycho Clowns to anyone in the US?

You would work in 6-man tags the next couple of times and even have Joaquin Roldan hit you with a guitar. Was working in Mexico some of the most fun you’d ever had in the business?

Was your exit from TNA an issue with AAA?

Your next appearance in AAA would be after GFW is formed and you appeared at their World Cup to scout talent and provide commentary. How did this all come to be?

Your infamous battle royal trios match at TripleMania XXV…supposedly this is what led to the TNA/GFW merger to not happen because of reports you were intoxicated at the show - in the ring - what can you clear up for us on that?

You would come back in 2018 at Verano de Escandalo and you unmasked to reveal yourself as the new leader of MAD and you’re put into the main event for the AAA Mega title with Rey Wagner and Rey Mysterio Jr. You win the match and you’re back to being champion. How did this all come to be?

You’d lose the title to current AEW star Fenix in a 4-way that also involved Brian Cage & Rich Swann. Was that always the plan?

You would then lose your hair against Rey Wagner at Heroes Inmortales XII…did you get that big hair payday?

Your final match in AAA would see you team with Killer Kross & La Mascara in a losing effort to Las Fresas Salvajes and Psycho Clown in a steel cage match. Looking back was that the way you wanted to go out?

You did that match after you were hired back from the WWE. How did that all work?

How did your return over WrestleCon take place?

Your last appearance in AAA was Triplemania XXX when you & Karen came out and there was a brawl with Latin Lover & Vampiro. Care to let us in on the plans at the time?

When you look back at everything - is AAA a highlight of your career?


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