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Leave your questions below for Dr. Tom for a future Mailbag episode!

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On this episode of Monday Mailbag with Dr. Tom Prichard, Tom answers your questions about most dangerous moves, former students, working with NWA, Test, tag team names and much more!




I believe WM 13 between Bret and Austin is the greatest match of all time. Do you think that was Bret’s best match? Do you think that was Austin’s best match?


Do you know why Roddy Piper did not like Mr. T?


Hey Dr. Tom and Pauly. I’m wondering about Kane. How did you two come up with the idea of opening a school? Did you train Kane? How did you two meet back in the day? Any specials stories you could about Kane?


Great show this week, Pauly B and Dr. Tom! What role would you have wanted to play in WCW during the Monday Night Wars, if you had been there in WCW? Thanks for answering my question! Love the show!


Dr. Tom has their ever been a time you have had to hold a student back to get more training? What is something you look for that lets you know okay they are ready?


Dr. Tom can you talk about your rivalry with the Dirty White Boy Tony Anthony from Continental. And talk about the angle where Tony tried to hang you.


This has become my favorite show on the AFS Network, thanks for all the insights and history lessons! Nathan Fillion from Serenity/Firefly fame has asked his fans to simply say “My captain” if they see him in public rather than “I appreciate your work, you’re my favorite actor, etc.” What would be the wrestling equivalent to acknowledge a guy without being intrusive on their private time? And any good stories about public fan encounters that went very right or very wrong?


Dr. Tom, what is the biggest obstacle for MMA fighters to overcome coming from their respective backgrounds to the wrestling business? Selling, learning to "work" a hold, or connecting with the audience?


Gotta admit Pauly B it was cool to hear the shout out about the replica medal I gave you at TGW..and yes I do listen to the mailbag..both of them..I was actually the one bringing up Kenzie and Ella on that same show..now this week I turn to music for the great Dr. Tom..my question...it's being fully funded for you to host your own music festival..you can pick five bands/artists from any genre..any era..who are they and which of the five is the headliner?


Hey Dr. Tom and Paulie B. I was wondering, Dr. Tom, when a performer is hurt in the ring and needs to be helped to the back, is there protocol against waving goodbye/saying thank you to the fans, if you know you're gonna be out of action for a while? In some cases, people have said they knew they'd be gone for a bit. Thank you for all of the insight & entertainment! Love the show.