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"The Queen of The Mountain," Karen Jarrett, returns to Ad Free Shows as she answers another round of member questions in this AFS exclusive! Hosted by Paul Bromwell.




Burgers: Cheese. Bacon. Lettuce. Tomato. Mustard. Onion. Jalapeños if I’m wanting an extra spice. Question 1: Karen, if you could be a manager for ANY wrestler, past and/or present? Question 2: Could you describe your feelings with taking your first bump in the ring? The feeling, emotional reaction, etc. Question 3: Who is your least favorite NFL team and why is it the Kansas City Chiefs?


Topics to talk about on Coffee with Karen: Who are some of your favorite Pittsburgh Steelers? Some favorite Pittsburgh sports team memories? Some favorite celebrity involvement in wrestling? Favorite road trip snacks?


Karen mentioned that she does not like pork. I have to ask why?


I’ll revise my question from the last episode. You mentioned that Dixie would always send people to give you news. Who was she sending and what were some of the things she was saying? Was their ever anytime you got upset at the messenger?


When you are in the ring cutting a heel promo and the crowd is booing you out of the building how great of a feeling is it? Do you have any examples of when you had this happen and had the crowd in the palm of your hand?


Karen as a fellow yinzer what is you’re favorite thing about Pittsburgh


Also cheese on the burger and also lettuce tomato onion pickles Heinz ketchup and mayo and fries haha


I love Karen!!!! How does Karen feel about a Karen vs Dixie in a Guitar on a pole match! Lol


And as a follow up to a question answered on this show, any 8x10 of Karen is Awesome and one with Paul is just a bonus!


Burger: American Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Onions, with Ketchup & Mustard Coffee with Karen need to be a regular segment on the show! But first we need to know.....Do you enjoy coffee daily or less? If, so what is your "go to" order or home brew?


Karen is great to listen to. What’s her favorite Kurt Angle match and does she think Kurt’s retirement run and match did his career justice?


Burger: No cheese (only because I'm allergic), mustard, pickles Mixed tag: Mike and Maria Bennett v. Jeff/Karen would be so amazing in my opinion Q: If Karen could live anywhere, where would it be?