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Welcome back to My World and today we’re going to be discussing your first SummerSlam with the WWF…SummerSlam 1994.

Before we get into the show itself - let’s discuss your opponent on that show…Mabel also known as Nelson Frazier. Nelson and Bobby Knight…known as Mo later on…debut as the Harlem Knights in March of 1993. What do you remember of your Dad bringing Mabel & Mo in?

They were working the PWF in North Carolina before making their way over. Back in 1993 - how were guys recruited? Did they send tapes or was it word of mouth at this point in time?

Nelson is 22 when he debuts with the USWA and very early on he’s teaming with Brian Christopher in 6-mans and their debut on TV…well Meltzer had this to say:

“The main event was set up when they had a six-man squash on television 3/13 with Knights and Christopher destroying two jobbers who had to be carted out. Actually Christopher spent most of the match relaxing on Dave Brown's desk and the Knights destroyed the jobbers. When it was three-on-one, Jeff Jarrett tried to become a partner with one of the jobbers but soon they got rid of the jobber and were beating on Jarrett until Lawler and Davis made the save. They are billing the big member of the Knights at 6-10, 525 and he was estimated to me to be about 6-7, 425-450. The two are really green as a team. The big one also nearly broke his ankle when he stood on the middle rope ready to come off and his height broke the rope. With the middle rope useless, they still tried to whip their foes into ropes for clotheslines which can be pretty dangerous with the middle rope gone.”

This is to setup your first 6-man against Christopher and you teaming with Lawler & Davis. When you see two big green dudes…are you worried about getting hurt?

And then even gets into a 6-man against you, Jerry Lawler & Danny Davis in Nashville and the heels get the win but within a couple days you team with Big Boss Man (Ray Traylor) in a win in Memphis drawing $5500.

What do you remember of these early matches? Were they easy to work with? Difficult? What do you remember of teaming with Boss Man at this time? Why do you think the house is up? Boss Man, Knights?

In Louisville the babyfaces get a 6-man win over the Knights & Christopher, and you get transitioned over into feuding with Shawn Michaels who’s coming in while Lawler marries up with the Knights as he’ll end up teaming with Bossman for a match. This is just typical Lawler booking isn’t it? Big monster heel to fall to the King?

In Memphis Bossman doesn’t show so you end up doing back to back matches teaming with Lawler in a loss by DQ before working in the main event and losing to Shawn for the IC title. When these types of things happen like someone not showing up…was it always you taking that spot?

In Louisville you team with Boss man again who shows this time in front of 1,100 with HBK vs. Lawler on top and get a win over the Knights…patterned booking is bring in heels…push and then lose before they leave. Why do you think that was?

How big was Nelson and how mobile was he? Is it easy to put into words at this point in his career?

The First Family is reformed - originally Jimmy Hart’s gimmick - with Mike Sanders as manager and the Knights, Scotty Flamingo (Raven) and Brian Christopher against Lawler’s Army of you, Jerry, the Moondogs & Richard Lee. What is old is new again right?

It’s just for one week and one match and all of a sudden the Moondogs & the Knights are out of Memphis. What do you remember of this? Is this just normal at this time for the terrority?

Did you expect Mabel & Mo to end up in the WWF?

Not long after they make a dark appearance on WWF TV they’re brought back to Memphis. You think that was Vince taking a look and being like…ehhh maybe they’re not ready for primetime?

Are you just like…why are they ready for the WWF and you’re not?

They start on WWF TV in July 1993 known as Mabel & Mo with Oscar as a rapping tag team - Men on a Mission or MOM. What did you think of the gimmick? Vince had to see Mabel and think dollars eventually right?

When you join the WWF later on was it fun to see the Knights again?

In March of 94 it’s reported that Mabel fell on Pierre accidentally and he didn’t kick out and they won the tag team titles on a show in London at the Royal Albert Hall. You actually defeated Koko B. Ware in the match before…do you remember this?

Mo gets injured in April and Mabel turns into a singles…and in August in the build to SummerSlam..it’s announced that you two will be facing off at the show from the United Center in Chicago!

You have to be somewhat excited to be on the biggest show of the summer against someone you’re familiar with working right?

Raw 8/15/94:


Mabel (w/Oscar) defeated Raymond Roy... Jeff Jarrett then defeated Scott Taylor.

As Jeff was celebrating his victory. Mabel's music began and Oscar rapped to the ring accompanied by Mabel. Jarrett challenged Mabel to enter the ring but WWF officials kept him from entering. McMahon hyped the match as "country vs. rap" (which in some circles sets up Jarrett as the babyface)...

What did you think of the idea of country vs. rap?

8/25 - 8/27 on the road at MSG, Nassau and Meadowlands - Jarrett & Bam Bam defeated Mabel & Doink each night

What do you remember of these matches?

Superstars 8/27/94:


Duke Droese had a match with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett got the pin with his feet on the ropes. Oscar came to ringside and told the ref. Jarrett punched Oscar which brought out Mabel. As Jarrett was running from Mabel, the ref had restarted the match and Jarrett was counted out.

Let’s discuss the show Jeff before we discuss your match!

This is the first time the United Center will be used after it’s built to replace the Chicago Stadium. We touched on last week how big a deal this is to you as a basketball fan considering Michael Jordan and the Bulls. How big is this for you?

The show draws 23,000 people - 19,500 paid for a sell out. This is the biggest crowd you’ve ever worked in front of at this point in your career is that correct?

The main build to the show obviously is about Undertaker vs. Underfaker with Leslie Neilson providing the vignettes building it up. Was this just the silliest shit?

You got Lawler on commentary with Vince…this is gotta be a big moment for both of you right?

Razor Ramon defeats Diesel for the Intercontiental Title while Razor has “Sweetness” Walter Payton in his corner while Diesel has Shawn. The Kliq featuring Double J is strong is it not! Any chance you got to talk to Walter at the show?

The also features Tatanka turning heel and joining the Million Dollar Corporation and turning on Lex Luger. Do you know of any talk of putting you in there at some point?

Now it’s your match…

SummerSlam 94 - Mabel vs Jeff Jarrett:

SummerSlam 8/29/94 from Chicago:


5) Jeff Jarrett pinned Mabel (w/Oscar) at 5:45. Oscar again tripped over his tongue as he showed an inability to articulate the methodical rap lyrics as Mabel entered the ring. Jarrett strutted after hitting Mabel. Mabel hit Jarrett and then mock. Jarrett's squat. The fans "oohhed and ahhed" as Mabel elbow dropped Jarrett.

Jarrett tried to knock Mabel off of his feet, but couldn't do it. He dove off the top rope and Mabel caught him. Mabel hit Jarrett with a spinning wheel kick for a near fall. The camera showed Knuckleball Schwartz walking down the aisle with a picket sign. At 4:30, Jarrett went after Oscar. but Mabel caught Jarrett after a long delay and held him as Oscar slapped him. Mabel then charged Jarrett into the ringpost. Mabel dove off the second rope and splatted on the mat when Jarrett moved. Mabel tossed Jarrett off and over the referee at the two count. At the finish, in one of the only ways a "500-plus pound wrestler" can lose, Mabel missed a sit-splash and Jarrett quickly hooked his legs for a pin. Oscar and Mabel chased Jarrett back to the locker room. Just a time filler. Nothing horrible, but certainly offered nothing good. *


5. Jeff Jarrett pinned Mabel in 5:55 when Mabel went to sit on Jarrett after blocking a sunset flip, but Jarrett moved and Mabel sat on the mat, and was then pinned. I was surprised they had a guy that large do such a clean finish to someone so small. 3/4*

Yeah I mean Jeff that’s not the WWF finish I’m used to. Were you surprised you went over? Was it hard to work the WWF style with a man that big as a babyface?

Was that the only finish you could come up with?

What did you think of the match?

After you - Bret and Owen had an all-time classic cage match - probably the best in the big blue cage - did you get a chance to watch?

The show ends with Undertaker defeating Underfaker and eliminating Brian Lee from the gimmick and the WWF never mentions it again.

Is this a success in your mind? Are you happy with your spot at this point?

Mabel & Jeff have a couple of house show matches in late 94 and work against each other every night on the November European tour in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Any memories of those matches?

Mabel had a reputation of hurting people…ever an issue with you?

Eventually Mabel would turn heel and win the King of the Ring and main event next year’s Summerslam against Diesel but you had walked out of the WWF earlier that year. You ever think that could’ve been your spot?

Were you surprised to see Mabel in that spot against Kevin?

When you return later in the year you both would disappear from the WWF around the same time after the Rumble in 96. Did you guys keep in touch? Do you know why he left?


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