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On this episode of 83 Weeks, Eric goes in-depth on what exactly went into Hulk Hogan's arrival in WCW, and how he was the savior for the brand. What Hulk did to not just increase interest in WCW from a wrestling fan perspective, but from a business perspective. 



Brandon Rhoades

Most recommended way to listen to these? Listened to 100s of hours of Conrad on Spotify. Not sure if you all use patreon or if there is a better way?


Recommend plugging into your regular podcast app via the RSS feed. Here's a guide: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041347732--How-to-use-your-custom-audio-RSS-link

Joseph M.

Anyone else realize the strange pause at the 25:03 mark? Curious if hat happened there