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Today Jeff we’re going to discuss your history with AAA - the company Antonio Pena founded.

Jeff in 1992 when this company was formed you were in Memphis obviously - were you familiar with AAA and Lucha Libre in general?

10 years later you start your promotion - TNA - and you immediately reach out to AAA about a talent exchange. Is that correct? Do you deal with Pena directly?

Why was it important to attempt to establish relationships with offices around the world?

It’s been long said that Vince Russo doesn’t care for lucha libre or Japanese wrestling. Did he object to you trying to bring in talent from AAA?

Did you only have conversations with AAA or were there any other Mexican promotions?

AAA was using the six-sided ring a lot at this time. Is that where you got the idea from?

When the conversations with AAA began - did you think you’d ever go there as talent?

In late 2003 Antonio Pena shows up at a TNA show and provides spanish commentary with Konnan. For those that don’t know the heat between the two…it is insane. Here’s how Dave Meltzer described it: “Pena and Konnan together is almost like Vince McMahon doing commentary with Bret Hart, because the two are legendary enemies in Mexico after a long association, when Konnan quit and took most of the top talent with him years ago, after the two were the key players in building AAA.” What’s the conversation like with Pena and Konnan about working together?

You’re talking with both Pena and also Paco Alonso at the time is that right? Why did you end up going with Pena?

From the Observer: “Antonio Pena was at the show again on 10/8. Apparently he got word that Paco Alonso might come in (although at this point that is far from definite), and decided to try and solidify his position as far as a working agreement goes. One of the ideas is to send a group of TNA wrestlers to Mexico (Pena likes Gilberti because he’s into the good looking guys dancing), with either group, as heels. This angle would work, but the problem is, there is no money in it because of the weak peso. Pena is talking about doing regular PPVs in the U.S. next year, but we hear that every year about a major U.S. expansion. He is said to be against using the TNA guys for a U.S. vs. Mexico program feeling that because EMLL has done Mexico vs. Japan and Mexico vs. Puerto Rico, the nationalistic angles have been done to death. Konnan and Pena talked at length at the show, including Konnan giving Pena back the AAA world heavyweight title belt from the mid-90s. Others close to the situation say Pena still won’t consider bringing Konnan back, although the idea of bringing Konnan and Vampiro in as a team and splitting them up for a feud has been talked about, as Vampiro is seriously considering switching sides. Jarrett talked about going to Monterrey for the upcoming Latin Lover vs. Hector Garza hair match. There is a feeling among the major promoters in Mexico that it’s a sign of weakness and backing down to use Konnan, which is something of an unofficial blacklisting. Pena was also not all that high on the NWA heavyweight title being defended in Mexico, saying the NWA names doesn’t mean much there any longer.”

So much to unpack there. What do you remember of all this?

Also at the same time you’re negotiating with and traveling to Japan for Hulk Hogan. How many irons you got in the fire at the same time?

When you make the working agreement with AAA to trade talent - how does it work? You pay the TNA talent? How does it work?

It’s reported that you & your father appear at the Latin Lover vs. Hector Garza hair match. Did you two attend that show?

The first set of TNA talent to go to AAA was Michael Shane & David Young. Why them do you remember?

From the Observer: “Although I don’t believe there is a prayer of this happening, when Jeff Jarrett talked about Pena wanting the “Bound for Glory” PPV in Mexico in an interview a few weeks ago, he was serious. Pena suggested having the show at El Toreo, feeling the size of the crowd (Pena feels Hogan’s name alone would insure a sellout) would make TNA look major league and international”

Was this ever under consideration?

From the Observer: “The relationship with AAA is already starting to get strained. Michael Shane and David Young still hadn’t gotten paid for their appearance on the 11/29 AAA big show, and that show sold out 18,000 seats. In addition, TNA had asked AAA for footage of Shane in the ring before the big crowd to put him over, for the 12/10 show, and the footage never arrived”

How hard is it to maintain this type of relationship?

Finally some AAA talent begin to be integrated into TNA and it’s based around this from the Observer: “They built up a second X Cup on 2/11, attempting to duplicate probably the best show in company history on 9/3. This is being called the Americas’ Cup, and the current idea is four wrestlers from AAA and four wrestlers from TNA, which was said to be a one-night tournament (again all pre-taped), but the latest word we heard is that it may be a Team AAA vs. Team TNA concept. Team AAA looks to be Juventud Guerrera, Hector Garza, Mr. Aguila and Heavy Metal (or Abismo Negro). Team TNA looks to be Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Jerry Lynn (who was at the show on 1/14 and talking about coming back) and Elix Skipper, or possibly Michael Shane. The teams were to have been finalized on the 1/21show”

How difficult is THIS to do?

Any issues when they came in or putting matches together or shows?

You lay out Juventud after the show and in the Observer it’s reported at Pena’s request to bring you to AAA. What was that negotiation like?

You’re announced to head to AAA for Rey de Reyes in March of 2004 to take on La Parka. What type of control did you have over what you were doing there?

What was your expectation of what you were walking into?

It eventually changes to Latin Lover facing you instead of Parka when he gets an appendectomy. Were you more excited to work Lover?

You retain the NWA title over Lover in front of 18,000 fans in the main event. 18,000 fans Jeff. That’s the most you had worked in front of since your WWF attitude era days is it not?

From the Observer: “Jeff Jarrett as NWA champion went to El Toreo in Naucalpan with Abyss and Dutch Mantel for the 3/21 show for AAA before a sellout of 18,000 fans. It would be the first time an NWA champion has gone to Mexico since Harley Race went about 25 years ago (Ric Flair as champ actually flew to Mexico once for an Arena Mexico show, but there were visa issues and he got back on the plane and flew home without leaving the airport). They set up a TNA vs. AAA angle as Jarrett, with help from Abyss, beat Latin Lover in the main event with a low blow finish, and then laid out Hector Garza and several other AAA wrestlers including Octagon, Juventud Guerrera and Mr. Aguila until the AAA version of La Parka made the save on crutches. Jarrett actually worked more with Garza than with Lover. Jarrett threw tortillas at the fans to get super heat before the match even started, and fans pelted the ring with debris at him. The key to it being a promotion vs. promotion deal is that Jarrett & Abyss laid out both heels (Aguila & Juventud) as well as faces (Octagon and Latin Lover).”

To come in as an outside guy - at one of the promotions big shows of the year - and not only win but to THROW TORTILLAS AT FANS…you’re just a big heel aren’t you?

What do you remember of this - the match, the crowd almost turning into a riot, the promotion, everything.

Were you shocked what the crowd was like considering this was your first time wrestling in Mexico?

From the Observer: “Jeff Jarrett and Mantel were both raving about all the heat at the 3/21 show in Mexico City and performing in front of 18,000 people. It hasn’t been since the heyday of the wrestling war that Jarrett had worked in front of a crowd that large, and even longer one in front of one so heated. It will be interesting to see how the relationship with AAA develops. It’s really been since Jake Roberts and Los Gringos Locos ten years ago since AAA has had such a high profile American that they could do programs with. The problem, and I can see this one brewing, is Jarrett will see those big crowds and think on top it should mean big money, but the ticket prices there are so much cheaper than in the U.S”

Were you blinded by the crowd and thinking there would be a lot of money there?

It’s rumored that your return to AAA would be for the main event of TripleMania. How do they go about booking you at this point?

You’re not at the show physically but you send a video in…do you remember why that was because the Observer said this: “Antonio Pena decided not to use Jeff Jarrett for TripleMania this weekend because he felt he could sell out without him, and because Jarrett wasn’t coming cheap. Jarrett thought, because he caused a riot the last time, that he should be brought back. This hasn’t helped the relationship between the sides, and there are things coming in Mexico that may also strain relationships.”

The reaction is supposedly gigantic and the fans threw a ton of shit into the ring during your promo. What do you think was the reason they had such a reaction to you after just one appearance?

From the Observer in early July of 04: “The AAA relationship was in critical condition last week, but seems okay right now. As we noted, Jeff Jarrett wasn’t happy that Antonio Pena didn’t bring him in for TripleMania. In addition, Hector Garza had told Jarrett he was going to be leaving AAA and wanted to keep working here. This was going to have political implications, because Pena wouldn’t be happy if TNA was using someone who quit him. Jarrett told Garza he would still use him. Then, on 6/23, they were scheduled to have the AAA Mascarita Sagrada and Mini Abismo Negro. Because Mascarita didn’t have the proper paperwork, AAA had told TNA they had Octagoncito as a back-up. Well, the day before, Mascarita got flagged at the airport. Mini Abismo, for whatever reason, then didn’t get on the plane. Armando Quintero, who works as the liaison with AAA, kept trying to find out if they got on the plane and who got on the plane. Pena, who TNA had invited to come in for the show and they wanted to take him to see Orlando, had disappeared, as every so often he disappears for days. AAA officials kept saying they would call back, and never did. Finally at 4:30 p.m. the day before the show, Quintero told the AAA office that they needed to let him know what was going on, as by this point they did know that Mascarita was flagged and Mini Abismo didn’t get on the plane. He said they were closing the office at 5 p.m. so they had to know. The AAA people said they’d call back before 5 p.m., and never did. At 5 p.m., Jeff Jarrett told Quintero to get him two minis from somewhere, so he called the original Mascarita Sagrada, who quit Pena many years ago and works indies, and he and regular opponent Pierrothito came in. The frustration from the TNA side is also because they bought non-refundable tickets for the AAA minis, that Abyss had yet to be paid for TripleMania, while TNA was up-to-date in paying Pena for his guys (although whether they've got the money is another issue). It was figured when Pena found out about using rival minis, he'd be unhappy, as he'd be if they were to use Garza after quitting him. However, when Pena got back in contact, he never said a word about the minis. Garza wasn't booked this week as the only Mexican scheduled was Abismo Negro, booked through Pena”

This sounds so messy. Is this just business when working with someone like AAA?

AAA on the regular was only bringing in Abyss. Why was that?

Well in the Observer from August of 2004…

“The business relationship with AAA and Antonio Pena fell apart. As noted here for months, it had been hanging by a thread, particularly when Armando Quintero had to book minis independently at the last minute for the anniversary show after AAA screwed up. No reason was given for the break-up other than the general impossibility of doing business with Pena, and his frequent promises to come to Nashville or Orlando to talk about projects, but coming up with reasons that he can't come, or sometimes, not even bothering doing even that when he doesn't come. They were talking about a joint PPV in San Diego when he stopped coming. The sides were supposed to trade talent, but TNA was bringing in Pena's guys at good money, while the only guy Pena would book was Abyss. Someone close to the situation believes Pena did this on purpose, as he didn't want a repeat of the mid-90s, where he developed a whole crew of superstars, and then they started to get over in the U.S., and he lost the top ones. Even though TNA hasn't used Hector Garza, suddenly Garza decided he could make better money and be paid on time and didn't feel like being under Pena's thumb and quit. With Latin Lover threatening to leave and Heavy Metal also making noises, Pena didn't want to send guys to get a taste of better money, so just stopped doing business.”

Mike Tenay was always close to the lucha libre scene. Did he give you any warning? How upset are you when this falls apart?

You would book wrestlers independently from Mexico but stopped doing business with AAA. Did you talk with Pena after that?

You would return to AAA in early March of 05 for a 5-way match between yourself, La Parka II, Abismo Negro, Chessman, Cibernetico, Konnan and Latin Lover.

From the Observer: “Jeff Jarrett's appearance at the 3/11 Rey de Reyes show at one point fell apart over money. Jarrett asked for $3,000 for the appearance, and was turned down, and Sean Waltman was contacted to be the replacement. Jarrett eventually changed his mind, and he and Jerry are going to Mexico to try and work out a new deal. They were mad about the relationship with Antonio Pena when they worked together and it fell apart, because Pena is often impossible to deal with, and that will never change. Pena was mad that Jarrett wanted more money then Santo, and Santo is the biggest draw in the country.”

How did you end up working back with AAA? Was this all about money and a payday or was it about TNA - or were just trying to serve two different agendas?

It’s reported in the Observer at the time that Pena blew both you & your father off at the show regarding a future talent exchange. Is that accurate?

You become a member of La Legion Extranjera (The Foreign Legion) and the leader of the group is Konnan. Was this a logical fit for you considering Konnan was on the TNA roster?

How temperamental was Konnan and the relationship between him and the company and you?

How much did you enjoy going to Mexico?

You return back for AAA’s edition of SummerSlam - Verano de Escandalo (Summer Scandal) at the famed El Toreo bullring in Naucalpan in front of 15,000 fans and it’s reported you’re one of the top heels on the show. From the Observer:

“Vampiro, La Parka & Zorro beat Jeff Jarrett, Charly Manson & Abismo Negro in a ⅔ fall match when Vampiro pinned Jarrett in the third fall. Parka threw tacos at Jarrett. Fans started throwing things at Jarrett, including cups, beer bottles and dirt. Jarrett started throwing stuff back at the fans, although not the bottles. The heels pulled out duct tape to tape the faces to the ropes. Jarrett kicked Parka low. Vampiro then kicked Jarrett low behind the refs back and pinned him. Apparently they had to hide Jarrett to get him out of the arena because fans wanted to kill him.”

Holy heat Double J. Getting snuck out of the building. It’s still real to them damnit!

Is it easy to just randomly come in for shows?

How are you handling all this? Running a company, getting ready to debut on Spike, traveling back and forth to Mexico?

It would be another year before you’re back in AAA and it’s in a 6-man with Abyss & Konnan taking on Gronda II, La Parka II & Octagon.

Why so much time in between spots?

The show is one of the first that Dorian Rodan ran compared to Antonio Pena…do you remember the differences between the two at this time?

Latin Lover was supposed to be in your match but he no-showed. How much chaos is that day?

From the Observer: “Octagon, La Parka & the new Gronda beat Jeff Jarrett, Konnan & Abyss in the main event. The TNA wrestlers had a ton of heat and fans were throwing lots of stuff at them. Jarrett in particular understands how to work as a nasty foreigner. They had talked over a spot where Abyss was going to throw Lider, who fancies himself as being Mexico’s Mick Foley, into tons of thumb tacks. But being AAA, there is always one communication problem and nobody bought the thumb tacks. They ended up with some fluorescent light tubes and Abyss threw Lider through those. Jarrett gave Parka a low blow, and then went for the figure four leglock, but Parka turned it into an inside cradle for the pin.”

Damn Jeff - communication issues, light tubes, and you take the pin. Did you know at this point this would be the last time you would work in AAA for almost 5 years?

Antonio Pena passed away on October 6th from a heart attack. Did this hurt the TNA - AAA relationship?

What changed between TNA & AAA?

Konnan leaves TNA in June of 07 and it’s been said that when he filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against TNA there was no way TNA & AAA would ever work together again. What did you think of that?

TNA moves on to CMLL - but it was never the same relationship it was like with AAA right?


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