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Who called who?

What were your first impressions of Vince?

What was said? What was the offer? How long after the Olympics was this?

Did you have another meeting before signing a developmental contract in 1998?

Do you see or hear from Vince while training in the Funkin’ Dojo with Dory Funk Jr?

When you go to TV for the first time in Pittsburgh on March 2, 1999 and do the skit with Tiger Ali Singh - did you see Vince there? Is he producing the segment with you?

When you go on the road for about 6 months doing the dark matches at most of the TV tapings, do you ever spend time with Vince?

As you’re normally the opening match on the shows, are you staying the full duration of the TV tapings to soak in and learn as much as you can?

Is Vince hands on in producing the vignettes that aired for weeks before you had your televised debut match at Survivor Series vs Shawn Stasiak?

How quick does Vince realize your character is gonna be very comedy-orientated?

Does he have a conversation with you, telling you to be as goofy as possible? Is he helping you a lot in the early months?

Do you feel under more pressure from Vince as you are moving up the card and getting all these titles in the first year?

Did it make you feel weird doing the segments with Stephanie, particularly the kissing one with Vince right there directing it?

What’s the call go like when Vince tells you you’re gonna be defeating The Rock and become world champion?

On the December 18, 2000 Raw in Greenville, SC, they did a show-long storyline where Commissioner Mick Foley makes you vs. Vince to be in the main event for the WWF title.

And when it looks like you’re gonna have the match, it ends up being a swerve and you both attack Mick Foley, with Vince then firing him as Commissioner.

We’ll end the clip there as it just becomes an extended beat down of Foley from you and Vince.

So the only time you’re supposed to get in the ring and wrestle Vince… it doesn’t happen. Are you disappointed you never did a match on TV against Vince like all the other top guys did at some point?

Are you nervous when put with Shane in the street fight at King of the Ring in 2001?

When you dropped him on his head when the glass didn’t break, were you thinking “Vince is gonna kill me!”

Around the Summer of 2001 is when you, Vince, and Austin do all those great comedy skits.

You know the ones. In particular playing the guitar and Jimmy Crack Corn!

It’s always worth watching so here’s the clip of it:

What did you think of doing all these silly skits in particular? Did you all need several takes to get through some of them as I can’t imagine you all keeping a straight face through them!

While you never really wrestled against Vince, you did tag up on TV a couple of times.

You lost to The Rock & Trish Stratus on the December 3, 2001 Raw from Milwaukee.

Because of the loss, Vince was to kiss The Rock’s ass on the next Smackdown.

Were you glad you never got booked to be put in one of Vince’s Kiss My Ass Club segments?

Was there ever a storyline you refused to do during this time?

And on the March 28, 2002 Smackdown from Philly you defeated HHH & Ric Flair, which we talked a bit about a few months back.

Could you please tell us again about you and Vince getting into a little wrestling match on a plane flight from the UK back to the US, and the whole story about that?

Did your relationship with Vince just keep growing stronger in your first few WWE years? Did you always see him as a father figure early on?

You’ve told us a bit in the past about your exit from WWE in 2006. How Vince wouldn’t return your calls, how you felt you had to literally pull your trunks down in front of everyone to show him how badly your groin was injured, how you pretty much begged him to release you from the company.

What are you memories of Vince and interacting - or the lack of it - during that time?

We know when you came back to WWE for the Hall of Fame in 2017 was the first time you met Vince in 11 years, but did you ever communicate on the phone or text during your time away?

WWE did a whole Network special about your WWE Homecoming and the moment you met for the first time again and hugged in his office. How emotional was that day for you?

Being back in the fold…how hands on was Vince during your backstage segments when you were General Manager? Did you & Vince fall right back into the old routine of you two?

Did Vince change much from how you remember he was during your first run?

What is your relationship like with Vince now? Could you just call or text anytime and he’ll get right back to you?

Obviously with everything going on with Vince nowadays and his retirement…you put out a Tweet that said, “After winning a gold medal in 1996, I found my 2nd calling because of @VinceMcMahon … thank you for believing in me and giving me the opportunity of a lifetime. I Love you Vince. P.S. I’m still Vince’s favorite @steveaustinBSR

Did you reach out individually to him?

Let’s get to some fan questions Kurt!


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