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We’re looking at the build up to Vengeance 2002 today Kurt and the main event from that show, which is a triple threat match with you, Rock and WWE Champion the Undertaker.

We’re immediately coming off the King of the Ring PPV where you made Hulk Hogan tap freakin’ out!

The first Smackdown after this was in Chicago and was the night John Cena debuted and accepted your open challenge. We talked about this in our John Cena episode a few weeks back, and we’ve now passed 20 years since that moment.

Did you see the special Raw episode they did recently to honor Cena’s 20-years in the company?

You’ve ditched the goofy wig and later on that same Smackdown, we see the start of the build to Vengeance. Were you happy to get rid of the wig?

If you remember, you had defeated WWE Champion the Undertaker in a non-title match the previous week, and now you interrupt Taker during a promo, make fun of him and challenge the winner of the upcoming title match with Taker vs Jeff Hardy for next week’s Smackdown… let’s have a look what happened.

When you’re in the ring with a guy like Taker when he’s in the American Badass character - did you miss working with the Dead Man? Which one of those two characters did you enjoy more?

On the road you guys are running split shows between Smackdown and Raw. Was it a real competition between the boys on who was doing better business wise?

Just a few months into the brand extension - what did you think of it?

Did you think one set of talent on each show was helping or hurting the product?

The July 4th edition of Smackdown was taped in Boston and there’s a bit of a mess up in the finish of your match with Taker as you had to re-tape it.

Meltzer wrote about it:

“After the show had ended and the building cleared out, they taped a second ending, shooting tight and just filling in seats right in front of the camera.

In the original ending, Undertaker tapped out to a triangle choke before the ref counted three, with Angle getting his shoulder up, with the idea that he deserved to win. The other refs would explain Angle got his shoulder up after Tony Chimel’s first announcement was that Undertaker had won the match. Then he would announce it as a draw because of the botched call.”

Let’s take a look, and watch closely when the cameras zoom in tight when you have the triangle choke on Taker. Plus all the confusion afterwards.

Do you remember having to go out there and retape the ending again like this?

Was this a Vince call made as soon as you both got to the back after the screwed up first ending?

This is one of the best matches before the finish at the time between you two. Did you enjoy working with Taker?

Is it tough to do a heel vs. heel match as essentially that’s what you both are?

So we have a draw with you and Taker and Vince then  announced on the July 8th Raw that it will be you vs Taker vs The Rock in a 3-way match for the title at Vengeance.

The July 11th Smackdown was taped in Atlantic City and featured the (temporary) return of The Rock.

But first, Taker confronted you and Jericho in a hilarious segment:

Then there’s a great segment between you and Rock which we need to watch some of:

How great was it doing all the comedy segments Kurt, particularly Rock?

Having the Rock back feels like a jolt of electricity into the brand does it not?

The main event of that show saw Taker & John Cena defeating you and Chris Jericho, with Rock laying both you and Taker out to close the show, getting some revenge for Taker leaving him laying in the clip we just saw.

You can tell the company had big plans for Cena to be in there with you three early on. When putting this match together are you three encouraging him to contribute ideas or is this one of those shut up and listen to us rook type deals?

The go-home Smackdown was taped in Wilkes-Barre, PA and the main event was The Rock defeating you Kurt via DQ and lot’s of chaos at the end with the Undertaker, let’s watch:

So you were the last man standing, Kurt! Was there any talk of you winning the title going into the show or was it always intended for it go to to Rock?

Did you notice any difference in the Rock with his work here in 02 compared to when he was on the road regularly? Any hesitation from him as he’s getting into the early part of his movie career?

And now we’re here, it’s Vengeance 2002, and it took place on July 21 from Detroit.

Before the match even happens, something historic happens, it’s the first tease of you vs Brock Lesnar in a backstage segment, as Brock will be facing the winner of tonight’s match at SummerSlam next month. Here’s the clip.

Did you have any indications at this point they were planning you vs Brock for next WrestleMania, which is still 8 months away?

Are you excited with the prospect of working with Brock?

Let’s take a look at the finish of Vengance!

Meltzer’s report of Vengeance main event:

“The main event was one of those classic matches that make shows almost by themselves. While Kurt Angle was the star in the match where Rock became the first seven-time world champion in company history, the performances of all involved, as well as the announcing, shouldn't go unnoticed. Some complained about the finish, where Rock used the rock bottom on Angle, rather than Undertaker, the defending champ. In two weeks, we should have a better idea. It would have been preferable for Rock to beat the champ for the title, unless they are saving a Rock vs. Undertaker match for television where Rock beats him as well with Undertaker having the excuse of never having really lost the belt. If they aren't going in that direction, it was just an easy way out booking.”

Do you feel like the “fall guy” in this type of scenario where you had to lose?

Are you surprised that getting a big tap out victory over Hulk Hogan the month before - kind of falls by the wayside?

How hard are 3-way matches to put together?

“8. Rock won the WWE title over Undertaker by pinning Kurt Angle in 19:35. A hell of a well booked and well worked match. They did several spots where one guy would be injured, so the other two could just work with each other rather than coordinate among three, which is more difficult. Angle was a new ring outfit. With the bald head, he looks like a new guy but luckily wrestles like the same old guy. Undertaker was injured first. Good choice and Rock and Angle tore the place up like old times. Rock walks right in and doesn't miss a beat. Angle suplexed rock all over the place. Started using each others' moves. Rock choke slammed Taker. Rock used the ankle lock on Angle. Angle used the rock bottom on Rock. Taker used the Angle slam on Angle. But nobody else used the last ride. Rock did the people's elbow on Undertaker. Angle was taken outside the juiced. Tons more near falls. Angle laid out Undertaker with a chair and Rock with an Angle slam. He tried to pin each, but they both kicked out. Rock used a sharpshooter on Angle but Taker saved. Undertaker used the Last Ride on Rock, but Angle saved. Angle used a very sloppy triangle. Undertaker tried to break it with a power bomb, but Angle got the triangle back on. The triangle still isn't over. Rock saved. From this point the guys did their own finishers on each other, ankle lock on Undertaker, Rock bottom on Undertaker and Angle slam on Undertaker. As Angle was celebrating pulling off the big move, Rock used the rock bottom to get the three as Undertaker was just late on the save, which was a nice touch. ****½”

We only watched the ending Kurt but what an amazing match! So Rock will go onto defend against Lesnar at SummerSlam 2002, and kinda crazy to think Brock is in the same spot today, a full 20 years later and will be challenging the champ, Roman Reigns again at SummerSlam 2022.

The new ring outfit - what goes into making those changes? Does the office have to approve that?

Also if you want to see Kurt watch this match back with Jon Alba over at adfreeshows.com it is Kurt’s bonus show where he will go in depth while watching the match back!


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