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Leave your questions for Conrad below for the next edition of Ask Conrad!

Conrad is back where he belongs - behind the microphone - for the 44th installment of Ask Conrad! Topics include Foley is Pod, Cody Rhodes, Young Rock, RJ City, Casio Kid, and much more!



Jim In Buffalo

Hi Conrad. AFS Top Guy here who wasn't able to get to Nashville but watched on FITE. Great job by all involved. My question is - if you are able to pull back the curtain a bit - how complex do talks get with wrestling organizations to have their contracted talent appear on a show like Ric Flair's Last Match? Since you've established solid relationships with most of the company leaders already was it pretty easy or was there more to it? And in the case of JJ, was he already a part of the project before his new gig at WWE? Second, and apologies for the blunt question, but with the dust now settled on Vince's retirement and Bruce appearing to remain secure in WWE, do you know or think our pal Bruce will begin to have some more time to record again? I think most of us can understand the circumstances he's been under the past couple of months and the associated lack of new/original Something to Wrestle content, but we also miss it! Looking forward to TGW in Chicago!


Hey Conrad Have you been watchin WWE Legends on A&E and have enjoyed as much as I have! With the show having footage using for example Tony's commentary from nitro, does he get paid royalties for that? Much like content on the network/peacock with anyone who's ever worked under all the media wwe owns. If yes Is this from Jesse Ventura winning that lawsuit in early 90's? -Josh Yakima, Wa