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Today we’re going to be discussing one of your fellow AEW members… Jake “the Snake” Roberts.

When did you first remember hearing about or meeting Jake? Was it when you were both starting out under Leroy McGuirk as referees, or prior to that?

How well did you know Jake’s father, Grizzly Smith during this time period?

What were your very first impressions of Jake like in the ring, or in promo work? Did he have “it” from the get go?

Jake spent most of the late 70s working in Canada for Al Tomko’s Vancouver All Star Wrestling and later Stampede for Stu Hart, where he really revitalized his career.

Did you see any of Jake’s work up there?

What do you remember about Jake coming back to Mid-South in the early 80s? This was where the DDT was invented, is it not?

Jake also had some runs in Mid-Atlantic, Georgia, World Class and Florida in between Mid-South runs. Do you think it was good for Jake working in multiple territories to perfect his craft as an all-round promoter?

He had some big feuds with Ron Garvin and Dick Slater, a memorable moment was when he put the DDT on Slater’s valet Dark Journey in January 1986.

Tell us a bit about the heat with Jake and Bill Watts when he left his territory.

Jake got his biggest break joining the WWF in 1986. He already had the “Snake” moniker for several years by this point, but this was when he would start bringing an actual snake with him to the ring too. What did you think of this added twist to the character?

How much were you paying attention to his WWF work when he was there for 6 years up to 1992?

He had some great feuds with Steamboat, Honky, Rick Rude, Andre, DiBiase, Randy Savage.

Is the highlight in your mind Randy?

There has always been talk of Jake getting involved with Hulk and when they did the one segment together the crowd went crazy for Jake as a babyface when he was supposed to be heel. How big do you think Jake and Hogan could’ve been in the WWF?

Jake was a master of psychology from his promos with his quiet delivery and his in-ring work as a heel and babyface - did Jake get the business better than most?

Have you seen anyone since, have a master of ring psychology like Jake?

He left the WWF after not getting a promised position in the office, and negotiations had gone on with Jake and WCW for a while in 1992. He had agreed a lucrative deal with Kip Frey to come in reportedly for a high six-figure sum.

How impactful could someone like Jake Roberts be to WCW at this time?

Were you aware of his issues with substance abuse at the time?

Well we know now that while he waited his 90 days for the contract to go into place…the Cowboy Bill Watts was brought in to replace Frey, and Watts allegedly tore up the contract and offered Jake a new one for a much lower amount on the 87th day.

Was all the heat still there between Watts and Jake that started in Mid-South?

Jake has said he went from earning $3.5 million a year to $200,000. You think that’s accurate?

Grizzly Smith was working in WCW at the time…what did you see between Jake & his father? Was it the relationship you were expecting?

What was it like working with Grizzly as well during his time in WCW?

Jake finally debuts at a memorable TV taping in Baltimore in August 1992, attacking the franchise Sting.

Jake is paired with the Barbarian and Cactus Jack almost immediately. What did you think of those 3 together?

His in-ring debut for the company would take place at Clash of the Champions XX where he teamed with his old enemy Rick Rude, Super Invader who was Hercules Hernandez and Big Van Vader in a 4-on-4 elimination match against Sting, Nikita Koloff & the Steiner Brothers.

From the Observer: “5. Rude & Roberts & Vader & Super Invader beat Sting & Steiners & Koloff in an elimination tag match which took 15:15. Rick and Vader worked hot spots together and were the highlight of the match and the card. First fall saw Koloff pinned in 7:26 when Roberts pinned him after he collided with Rude. Sting pinned Invader in :36 with a face-buster in the second fall. Third fall was back to the Vader/Rick Steiner show with them trading hot power moves. Rick tried to stand up with Vader on his shoulders but 395 of dead weight starting at the bottom made this a bad idea. At least he didn't tear out his lower back because that much weight that shaky is dangerous. Scott was DQ'd in 3:32 for coming off the top with a clothesline on Vader. They attempted the Road Warrior finisher but Rick couldn't get Vader up. Rick was counted out in :55 next when Rude gave him a neckbreaker on the floor which left Sting against three. With Rude and Sting both on the mat, Vader came off the top and accidentally splashed both men. Vader was DQ'd in 2:54 while both Sting and Rude were left for dead. The crowd was chanting "DDT, DDT" and Roberts dragged Rude to the corner, tagged in and got the pin with the DDT in :46. Best match on card. ***¼

Was this the Jake Roberts that could still go? Or did you feel like he lost a step when you saw him in the ring for the first time in his return?

What was Jake like backstage? Did his demons affect him at this point?

What did you think of Sting & Jake together in the ring?

Did you think Jake was the perfect heel to keep up with Sting?

The build to the infamous match between Jake & Sting at Halloween Havoc 92 is to lead to “Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal.” We will cover that in-depth later this year for the 30th anniversary of the show…but this match leads a card that draws WCW it’s biggest buyrate since SuperBrawl II. Jake & Sting had a lot to do with it did they not?


Sting gets the win and just weeks later…Jake is out of WCW, had the relationship between him and Watts just intensified so much or was it more down to Jake’s demons beginning to haunt him again, or a combination of everything?

I mean Jake is only in WCW for 3 months…this is one of the shortest runs I can remember…could there had been so much more with Jake?

The next time you run into Jake is during a brief run in Smoky Mountain. What do you recall about Jake’s work down here, primarily with the Dirty White Boy?

Whose idea was it, or who made the decision to bring Jake back to the WWF in 1996? Jake didn’t wrestle at all in the year 1995 and returned for the Royal Rumble in January.

Was anyone against the idea knowing Jake’s issues with drugs and alcohol over the years?

They do some interviews with Jake on TV, to openly talk about his issues. This was then brought into storyline in a feud with Jerry Lawler.

Was Jake all for his real life issues being presented for the world to see?

Was it always the intention for him to eventually have a full-time writing position when he retired as an actual wrestler?

What were all the circumstances that led to Jake’s release in 1997? Jake’s demons again?

Did you know about all of Jake’s childhood history with his father and his family prior to the Beyond the Mat documentary in 1999?

Jake really goes on a downward spiral from this point, we know about his incident at the Heroes of Wrestling PPV in October 1999. Did you see that at the time or been made aware of it?

Were you checking in with Jake during this time? It’s not during the time where the WWF would send people to rehab but people had to keep tabs on him right?

Jake spent the first half of the early 2000s living in England until you interviewed him for a WWE DVD release on him in 2005 when he’s still at a very low period of his life. What do you remember of all this?

Was Jake persona non grata in the WWE during this time period about coming in and doing anything?

In 2007, Jake entered WWE’s voluntary 14-week rehab program that they had recently just started.

Jake reconnects with Diamond Dallas Page in 2012 after getting back on the drugs and alcohol and putting on a lot of weight. Thank goodness for DDP who essentially saved his life.

You were sat front row for his Hall of Fame speech in 2014 in New Orleans, how great was it seeing he had changed his life around to get this moment?

When Jake comes into play for AEW - can you expound what he brings to the table to the younger talent?

What do you think of Jake & Lance Archer together?

Have you had much chance to spend time with Jake backstage while you’ve both been in AEW the last few years?

Is this the best Jake Roberts you’ve ever seen?


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