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83 Weeks – Lex Luger’s 1995-97. In anticipation of celebrating Lex’s birthday on June 2nd, Eric will discuss bringing Lex back to the company, his hesitation on it, the Dungeon of Doom connection, Lex vs. Hulk, Lex as a main player in the WCW vs. nWo war, Lex’s title win over Hogan, and story with DDP, Curt Hennig and Buff Bagwell. and Lex’s relationship with Sting.

My World – AJ Styles. The Phenomenal One is the biggest star to come from the beginning of TNA to WWE World Champion. The rise of AJ, the evolution of AJ in the business, as a wrestler, businessman, and what AJ meant to TNA. Was Jeff sad to see AJ leave TNA? And also standing alongside AJ Styles as a member of the Bullet Club!

What Happened When – Impact May 19, 2011. Tony & Conrad will be watching one of the most infamous Impact shows of all-time. A new look Impact with new look Impact Zone and no more “TNA.” The battle of control over TNA with Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff leading Immortal against Mick Foley, the X Division rises up against Bischoff, a Knockouts 6-woman tag match with Sarita, Rosita & Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James, Tara & Ms. Tessmacher, SURFER STING, Kazarian vs. Abyss for the X Division title, Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red. Plus, AJ Styles and Tommy Dreamer’s storyline continues, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett’s story continues after Chyna and Karen Jarrett were involved at Sacrifice, and the reason why we’re watching this show – GENERATION ME (THE YOUNG BUCKS) VS. MATT HARDY & ERIC BISCHOFF.

To Be The Man – Clash of the Champions VI vs. Ricky Steamboat. Ric continues his look back at his career by watching his classic match against Ricky Steamboat from Clash of the Champions VI. The ***** match from Dave Meltzer and it’s 2/3 falls from April 2, 1989. The promotion running up with George Scott deciding not to promote the show heavily, the finish, all of it. Now is the time to find out what Ric thought of this match!

Grilling JR – Raw is War Watchalong June 9, 1997. Live from Hartford, it’s the Raw after King of the Ring. The LOD and Ahmed Johnson team up to take on the Nation and then a new Nation is formed, Davey Boy Smith taking on Goldust, the Headbangers taking on Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon, Flash Funk takes on ROB VAN DAM, Paul Heyman & Tommy Dreamer appear, Steve Austin accepts the Hart Foundation challenge for Canadian Stampede, Sid takes on Owen Hart, the last of Mankind’s interviews with JR, Rockabilly taking on Bart Gunn, Steve Austin is scheduled to take on Brian Pillman but the Hart Foundation interrupts!

Oh...You Didn’t Know – Mount Rushmore of Tag Teams. Road Dogg & Ryan Katz will be discussing who is on their own Mount Rushmore of Tag Teams and they want to know who is on yours!

Something to Wrestle – King of the Ring 2002. The King of the Ring tournament featuring Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, & Test. Hurricane defends the Cruiserweight Title against Jamie Noble, Eddie Guerrero taking on Ric Flair, Trish Stratus defends Women’s Title against Molly Holly, Kurt Angle taking on Hulk Hogan, the Undertaker defends the Undisputed Title against Triple H. We’ll also talk about the infamous Eddie and RVD ladder match in Edmonton, Chris Benoit’s return to the WWE, Austin vs. Flair and Flair losing WWE ownership.

The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy – WOKEN Matt/Bray Wyatt. The change from Broken to Woken. Bray Wyatt being involved in the story – who’s idea was it? Why did it end?



Oh you didn't know- 1 The Rockers 2 The New Age Outlaws 3 Demolition 4 The APA


What Happened When – Impact May 19, 2011 Tony, do you think Mike Tenay could ever show up at an AEW show?