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Today we’re going to be doing a watchalong of the last appearance of yours on TNA television. This is our first watchalong of an Impact TV show. First and last huh Eric?


We’re two weeks out from Lockdown which we covered last week. The week before the show had a .96 rating - the lowest in months - and it’s written in the Observer that it’s a disappointing rating especially coming off the 2nd biggest pay-per-view for the company. An NBA game is to blame but that can’t be encouraging can it?

The focus of that show was Bobby Roode’s new haircut…I’m only kidding…but a #1 contenders match being built for Sacrifice with the winner facing Roode between Ken Anderson, Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam. RVD wins the match.

Also during the show every time you’re mentioned they bleep Bischoff which is from the stipulation that you can’t use that name anymore and it’s only for Garett. Flair seems to have taken your place as the manager of the top heel stable and even says you were one of the greatest innovators in the history of the business. What a turnaround from 1998 huh Eric?

Ric announces a tribute party for you and here we are!

This episode also sees Kazarian & Daniels begin to black mail AJ Styles and boy oh boy we don’t wanna talk about that angle…

Open Fight Night is launched last week as well. The concept is a non-TNA wrestler will appear and challenge anyone on the TNA roster. There will be three judges and if they decide they like what they see…they’ll be signed to a contract. What did you think of this idea and who came up with it?

From the Observer: “The problem with TNA is the overall vibe of

TNA in that nothing matters.” Is that a valid criticism of TNA at the time?

“The show opened with Hogan in a room with all the champions except Eric Young &

ODB, which actually got explained later but made it no worse execution-wise. Hogan

explained that tonight, everyone can challenge anyone and you must fight. Since Devon

has to defend every week, he’s defending. In addition, he’s picking Samoa Joe & Magnus

to defend the tag titles and that there are four contenders that he’s going to pick from–

The Machine Guns, Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy, Kazarian & Christopher Daniels and

ODB & Young. He’ll eliminate them as the show goes on and he won’t pick the contenders

until just before bell time. Immediately the concept is a joke because you’ve got ODB &

Young out there, who are supposed to be the women’s tag team champions anyway, which

pretty much renders the entire idea of belts pretty match as comedy props to begin with.

Hogan called Joe & Magnus the greatest tag team of all-time, which just came across

ridiculous given they’ve only teamed for a few months. It’s one thing if Hogan is a heel,

since a heel isn’t supposed to have any credibility with what he says, but he’s not, and the

public reaction has to be that he’s just a full of shit carny, and whether that’s true or not,

you don’t want people thinking that about the babyface authority figure while you are

watching the show.”

Does this creative lack sense? I mean why even include ODB & Young? Does this make Hogan look bad like Meltzer says?

“Devon pinned Bully Ray in 9:35 to keep the TV title. Devon was the one in the ring and

called out Bubba. I guess that means he’s shooting when he uses his ECW name instead

of his TNA name. Ray came out and refused to have a match with Devon because he said

that “If you’re in the ring with me, you’re a star and I’m not making you a star anymore.”

That makes the title seem so prestigious when the champion hands you a title shot but

you’re a star and don’t want it. Ray left. Devon attacked him as he was leaving. They had a

match. Ray was bleeding over the left eye. The crowd was hot for the match. Devon won

clean in the middle with a spinebuster. Not only that, in the shocker of all shockers, Ray

didn’t attack Devon after the match and leave him laying. There was no post-match at all.

Just a clean win by the champion over a top guy. In the end, the TV title meant more

when this was done than it has probably since its inception.”

These two really have a strong match and it’s believable. It’s hard when you see so many tag teams break up and it’s just hard to believe they’re like this at this point and these two made you believe. Is that a credit to Devon, Bully, both?

“Ric Flair came out and talked about Eric Bischoff. Last week Bischoff could no longer use

the name and all references to him were bleeped. One week later, they’ve already

forgotten that and were saying his name left and right, although Bischoff is done for now

as a TV character. Flair said that Bischoff was the greatest promoter in the history of

wrestling. That was quite the comedy hearing Flair of all people say that. He said Bischoff

single-handedly made Impact what it is today. Okay, he’s either a great promoter or he

made Impact what it is today, but you can’t be both.”

These Flair promos are funny how dramatic they are and Ric is just great at this stuff but wow. This is one of the last things Ric would do in TNA. If you could sum up Flair’s run in TNA how would you?

Any idea why they didn’t bleep your last name on this episode?

“Backstage, Daniels and Kazarian went to talk to Kurt Angle. Angle was mad at both of

them, saying he never asked for their help and didn’t want their help in his win over A.J.

Styles last week. Angle told them if they get involved in his matches, “You’re going to see

a new side of Kurt Angle that you’ve never seen.” Daniels used the word “Ungrateful,”

which Angle heard, and then Daniels pulled out his cell phone to make it appear he was

saying that in a phone conversation having nothing to do with Angle.”

Is this…where does this…we all know what’s coming. Claire Lynch. Why Eric…why?

“Jeremy Borash came out. They showed all the heels and faces standing together

backstage. I hate when they do that. If you’re watching a baseball game, they don’t have

all the players on both teams who aren’t on the field sharing the same dugout, and

wrestling is supposed to be more of a hatred game than baseball. I don’t think anyone

that watches wrestling wants to see faces and heels together during the body of the show,

just like in a movie you don’t want to see the main rivals in the same trailer waiting to be

called out. It made Impact feel like a game show. Borash came out and said he’s been

there longer than anyone, has more seniority than anyone in the company and that there

hasn’t been a bigger prick to come along than Eric Bischoff. He talked about how Bischoff

gets liquored up and goes on Facebook and demeans other employees. This is back to the

bubble the writers live in. I’ll bet at least 90% of the audience watching the show at that

moment had no idea what he was talking about. Now, there’s nothing wrong with going in

that direction, but the least you could do is tell that 90% what the hell is going on,

showing a Facebook clip or having the announcers explain the back story. Instead, they

just alienate their TV audience. Then Borash said he wanted to shove his fist down

Bischoff’s throat. Fans were chanting for him. Eric came out. Borash said that they should

install a Breathalyzer on his phone. That was a good line. As Borash wanted to start a

match with Bischoff, Ray snuck up from behind and gave Borash a low blow. Bischoff

then pinned Borash as the ref counted to three. He slapped Borash in the face and head

and took a photo of him that he said he was putting up on Twitter.”

OK Eric how much fun was this? Is it more fun knowing Meltzer hated it?

“During the show they had a bunch of people talking about Eric since he was leaving.

Anderson said he and Eric share a lot of views as both are anti-government getting

involved in business. Babyfaces talking politics on a wrestling show is generally a bad

idea. Anderson said that Eric is not an asshole, he’s a douchebag.”

Just moving on…

“Anarquia was in the ring challenging anyone to come out. Angle came out as a face.

Anarquia kept talking and said that Hernandez would fight him. So Angle and Hernandez

were about to go at it when Anarquia hit Angle from behind with a mic shot and started

putting the boots to him. Angle recovered and tapped Anarquia out with an ankle lock in

50 seconds.”

This just seems like we don’t know what to do with Kurt Angle. Was LAX dead at this point in time?

“Next they introduced Alex Silva for the Gut Check segment. Silva did an interview saying

he was the youngest OVW TV champion ever. He’s a Montreal guy and talked about how

his father just died earlier this year, and how his father worked so hard at a job he didn’t

like so that he could try and live his dream. Al Snow is the lead judge. Then, they had

Robbie E vs. Silva. Last week they said there would be three judges and Hulk Hogan out.

So instead, we had no judging panel, no judging stand, nothing. They had the match, E

won with an implant DDT in 2:15. Silva looked fine, but wasn’t in long enough to tell

much. If they were going to do this, either the newcomer should have won his first match,

or lost a competitive fairly long match getting either near falls or at least kicking out of a

ton to establish heart before losing and establish the concept. Instead, it was a throw

away match and completely forgettable. And there was no judging. Later in the show they

said the judges would rule on whether he gets a contract next week.”

Why was the concept different? What changed in the time frame? Is this a miss in a launching point of a new idea that was pushed as being a big deal?

“Dixie Carter did an interview ripping on Bischoff.”

You enjoy this now looking back right?

“Hogan brought out Daniels & Kazarian, Hardy & Anderson, the Machine Guns and ODB

& Young. He asked them all to say why they deserve the shot. Daniels & Kazarian were

pretty funny. About ODB & Young, Daniels said that only one member of the team was a

man, and the other has a beard. On Hardy & Daniels, he said one dresses up like a mime and

the other is a potty mouth and their gear doesn’t match. Sabin said that the Guns have

been a team the longest and have won titles in both Japan and TNA. The Guns also talked

about how both of them have had to come back from injuries which shows they want it

more than anyone else. Young said that they were the only married team which gives

them more cohesion, that they are undefeated, we love Hulkamania and that ODB would

spend a night with him if they got the title shot. Then he pointed out that was her idea.

Anderson started talking and Young told him that he and Hardy should get married if

they want a title shot. Hogan eliminated the Machine Guns saying that after they lost at

Lockdown, he’s worried about Sabin’s knee. I’m sure they’ll be back wrestling on TV in no


What exactly does this do? Is this just a time filler segment because it really makes MCMG look like shit. Eric Young & ODB are entertaining but you know what they say…funny doesn’t equal money.

“Brooke Tessmacher pinned Gail Kim in a non-title match in 3:54. Tessmacher came out

and called her out. Kim said that she wasn’t even in her league. Kim missed a missile

dropkick and Tessmacher got the pin with a face plant. Not good, but not terrible either.

Kazarian did a promo and said if Styles doesn’t show up next week, they are going to

reveal the secret.”

Gail is good - real good - but Tessmacher isn’t exactly able to be carried. Why was she constantly put into a position where she had to wrestle?

“They showed RVD in a gym punching a bag and training. The idea of guys training before

a match works, but not if they look bad at it. RVD looked old and people have seen

fighters punch bags. When they do workout footage they should stick to footage of what

guys do in their workouts that they look good at doing, instead of footage that even to a

casual fan exposes they are actors pretending to be training.”

Do you think RVD looked old here?

“Snow and Silva were backstage. Roode came out and got in Silva’s face. He told him that

in TNA, you always have to be ready for the unexpected, and then sucker punched Silva in

the gut. Good heel spot.”

How good was Roode? It’s so surprising to me to see him not rise higher in WWE. Great body. Great talker. Excellent heel. Did he just not have good enough babyfaces on the other side here in TNA?

“Hogan told Young & ODB that he was eliminating them because he heard what Young

tried to do to the waiter last week and told them they could go back to the hotel. Young

thought that was awesome.”

And this story continues…

“Garett Bischoff said that he’s been watching his dad bully people around and manipulate

situations to benefit him. Maybe they could have had Eric attend a Be a Star meeting

where celebrities treat him like he’s 12 to teach him not to bully.”

OK this is pretty funny Eric.

“Ray was on a cell phone and asked “What’s she wearing.” when Joseph Park showed up.

Ray told him to shove it. Park started laughing. As silly as this is, they are doing a good

job with the slow build here.”

Park is so good in this role and so is Bully. The ability to reinvent in these scenarios and situations is so important creatively is it not?

“Joe & Magnus came to the ring. Hogan then eliminated Daniels & Kazarian as

challengers, meaning the title match was against Anderson & Hardy. Hardy and

Anderson didn’t get along. Good match. Joe & Magnus worked as the heels a far as match

structure, but weren’t really playing strong heels but more just giving Anderson & Hardy

the face spots. Anderson went for an O’Connor role but Joe blocked it and locked on the

choke. Magnus was holding Hardy’s leg to keep him from making the save and Anderson

was out at 10:57. Joe & Magnus left, and Daniels & Kazarian jumped them on the stage.”

Is this too much going on? I mean you got a lot of strong workers here but Joe & Magnus as a team…what did you think?

“Final segment was the Eric Bischoff farewell. Flair did most of the talking, coming out

with Ray, Gunner, Daniels and Kazarian, who I guess are the new lead heel group. No

Roode. Flair then called out Eric Bischoff. He said that Bischoff was the reason Hogan

was in TNA and the reason he was in TNA. Flair then asked if there were any women in

the audience who wanted to go home with Eric. Eric was fake crying his way through this.

Gunner thanked Eric for giving him an opportunity. Flair gave him a Rolex watch. Ray

told him that he was the, “Wind beneath my wings” and hugged him. Garett, Borash,

Sabin, Shelley, Aries and RVD all came out. Borash did the promo and said that they have

a Hall of Fame, but that Bischoff deserves to go in the Shad of Shame. He then pointed to

a curtain with a portable toilet with SoCal Val next to it like this was “The Price is Right.”

Then there was a big brawl with all the faces and heels. Garett got Eric and dragged him

to the back, to the portable toilet and threw him in it and locked the door. Then he and

Borash tipped it over. When it tipped over, they had something that was supposed to be

shit on the floor with the idea that turning it over meant it would all be flying. They

opened the door, Eric was completely covered in it from head-to-toe and that was his

final scene as the show went off the air.”

Where did you get the shit Eric? What was it?

What did you think of your send off? Did you try and do it like when WWE had Vince throw you in the trash truck?

Is this a good synopsis of TNA TV. Some good matches, some shitty creative, pun intended, but a show that didn’t really do much?

“Impact on 4/26 did an 0.99 rating and 1.45 million viewers. The show did a 0.80 in Males

18-34 and 1.00 in Males 35-49. It finished 32nd for the night on cable.

Once again, the show opened weak at 0.88, and that’s with a lead-in of last week’s

episode being replayed as an experiment (the replay did poorly). Devon vs. Bully Ray and

a Jeremy Borash interview gained 132,000 viewers. Eric Bischoff coming out with Borash

and Kurt Angle vs. Anarquia gained 15,000 viewers. Robbie E vs. Alex Silva in the Gut

Check lost 73,000 viewers. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher gained 249,000 viewers to a

1.10, the star quarter of the show. A series of promos, as well as RVD training, Hogan with

the tag teams, Garett Bischoff talking about his father and Bully Ray and Joseph Park lost

88,000 viewers. Samoa Joe & Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson lost 73,000

viewers. And the Eric Bischoff going away party gained 44,000 viewers to a 1.02 final


Eric! Always a rating draw!


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