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This week on My World we’re going to begin on a somber note. Our originally scheduled topic this week was Lance Russell but when the professional wrestling world lost a legend and Hall of Famer Scott Hall…we felt it was right to switch topics to discuss Jeff’s first actual WrestleMania match against…Razor Ramon.

Jeff before we get into our topic…we’ve already talked a lot about Scott on this podcast but this news had to hit you hard did it not?

The gamut of emotions I’m sure were a lot…what did Scott mean to you?

What are some of your favorite memories of Scott?

Is it surreal to be talking about Scott in the past tense?

Jeff’s let get to our topic. Coming out of the Royal Rumble it is your first run as Assistant Manager for the WWF. You defeated Razor for the title and you can hear all about it in the archives. Do you know after the Rumble the plan is to run it back with Razor at WrestleMania?

You had your match cut from WrestleMania 10…the infamous 10-man tag between you, Rick Martel, IRS and the Headshrinkers against Tatanka, 1-2-3 Kid, Sparky Plugg & the Smoking Gunns. At the time was it a disappointment to not check that Mania box in the Garden?

A year later here you are going to be holding the second biggest title in the company as champion working one of the best workers in the business. This is the pinnacle of your run in 1995 at Mania right?

The night after Rumble…you’re in a King’s Court segment with Jerry Lawler. Lawler asks you about what we can expect from the Ain’t I Great tour…and you challenge Diesel to a match. So let me get this straight Jeff. You’re technically the #2 heel in the company behind Shawn Michaels…and the first night you’re IC champion you challenge the World Champion? The story that Vince tells on commentary is that Shawn put you up to it to help weaken Diesel for his match at Mania. What did you think of this booking?

Before we get to that match you work Razor in West Palm Beach on a Superstars taping and Adam Bomb in North Fort Myers for Wrestling Challenge. You lose via DQ to Razor after Roadie interferes and get the win over Adam Bomb. West Palm Beach has 5,000 fans while you need a ref bump and Roadie interference to beat Bomb. Do things change for yourself as IC champion?

On the road you’re working Diesel in Baltimore in front of 2,500…Razor in Hershey and Niagara Falls, Quebec and Montreal in front of 12,113. What do you remember of these tours?

This era is a whole lot different now where there’s no pay-per-view in between Rumble and WrestleMania. Do you think things would’ve been different in this era with an extra pay-per-view between these shows?

On the road again with Razor working against him in Pittsburgh in front of 5,075 and Scranton with a sellout of 2,500. The Scranton CYO shows were always joked about in shoot interviews by a bunch of guys. What did you think of those shows?

You’re second from the top at the Spectrum working against Diesel with Roadie & Shawn in your corner. Diesel gets the win but Michaels hits him with the superkick afterwards. Did you feel like you were second fiddle in this house show program?

On February 18th Eddie “the King” Gilbert passes away. When do you hear about this and can you talk about your relationship with Eddie?

What could have Eddie done in the business in your mind?

You get to work Diesel in Auburn Hills, MI which is a big deal to Kevin Nash is it not? You’re also on the Heartbreak Hotel with Shawn earlier in the night. You have to feel like you’re trending pretty upward here right?

You get your match against Diesel live on Raw from Macon, Georgia. From the Observer: “Diesel kept the title beating Jeff Jarrett in a good match and a lot of credit should go to Jarrett for carrying him not so much because Diesel was that bad but because they worked the match standing up and the size difference was just incredible yet they did a decent job with it.”

Damn Jeff look at Meltzer putting you over. Was Kevin hard to work with? What did you think of him as a worker at this time?

Were you surprised they had you put him over clean instead of a DQ finish?

The WWF is really pushing two main programs which are tied into each other. The former New York Giant and Pro Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor taking on Bam Bam Bigelow and Shawn Michaels introducing Sid as his new bodyguard and taking on Diesel. Was it surreal to see Sid back in the WWF?

Did you have any interaction at the time with LT?

Did you feel Razor and you were getting enough TV time to help promote your match?

The next night in Augusta, Georgia at a Superstars taping you team with Tatanka to take on Razor & Lex Luger in a losing effort. Is this your first time working with Lex? What did you think?

You lose again to Razor the next day at a Wrestling Challenge taping in North Charleston. These DQ losses mean nothing but it’s just you guys getting better and more familiar with you in the ring is that correct?

What’s Roadie like on the road at this point?

The WrestleMania press conference takes place at the Harley Davidson Cafe in New York and you’re not there. Is that something you take offense to?

An interesting house show happens in San Bernardino in early March. Dan Cortese of MTV at the time is in Diesel’s corner for a tag match where he teams with the Undertaker to take on you & Bam Bam and of course you take the pin. What was Dan Cortese like to deal with?

You start working tag matches with Shawn against Diesel & Razor. Does that make you a member of the Clique?

So in the final build to WrestleMania…somehow Barry Horowitz gets involved in your storyline…

From Raw on March 13th: “Barry Horowitz did an interview for an IC title match with Jeff Jarrett saying he's talked with Razor Ramon and knows Jarrett's weaknesses. Jim Cornette said Horowitz' won-loss record was 0-and-forever. Since they had no video walls, the fans live were actually in the dark as to the storyline so they didn't react the way they should have to Horowitz gaining the early near pins. Fans live saw it as nothing but a squash match and Jarrett isn't nearly as over as he should be with his push, but it was actually good for its storyline on television.”

I mean…Jeff this doesn’t help you in television standing letting Barry Horowitz getting near falls on you before you get the win with the figure four. What did you think of all this?

Later on in the show you agree to a rematch with Horowitz but Bob Backlund attacks Horowitz and signs the contract instead to get a match. Jeff…what in the hell is going on here?

The JJ - Backlund match takes place on the “March to Wrestlemania” special which airs on March 26th. In the mean time Razor has cut promos saying he’s upset that now his rematch may not take place if Jarrett loses and that the IC title could be up for grabs between Bret and Backlund at Mania. This leads Razor to interfere…and well I’ll let Meltzer take it away: “Jarrett vs. Backlund for the title was awful but post was very good. Bob worked as the face as far as the spots went but did his heel facials. Nobody cared at all about the match, though even though Jarrett really sold great. Backlund had Jarrett set up for the chicken wing when Ramon attacked Backlund for the DQ, no doubt the storyline being he wanted to make sure Jarrett still was champ for Mania "next week." (1/2*) Backlund put the chicken wing on Ramon after the match (poor Razor if they put them in a post-WM program) while Jarrett and Roadie made it 3-on-1. Bret and 1-2-3 Kid made the save with Kid throwing some incredibly fast kicks that Roadie sold great.”

I mean Jeff…this is all a mess is it not? Is this just creative running out of steam?

More tag matches take place before Mania between the Clique in Fresno in front of 9,000, Thunder Bay in front of 2,800, Maple Leaf Gardens, and then in front of 10,000 paid at MSG. The crowds are picking up and you’re really in the top spot working with the champion. Is this the most money you’d ever made in the business at this point?

Back on the road you’re in Detroit at the Joe Louis Arena and then the Boston Garden. You had hit every major arena at this point in the normal WWF loop. Did you have any stand out favorites?

You got to be the “main event” of the WrestleMania XI Public Workout at the Times Square’s Canyon of Heroes when you wrestled Tony Roy until you finally goaded Diesel into the ring and he ended up powerbombing Roadie. How crazy was this setup and the fact you were wrestling in Times Square?

Before Mania Wade Keller would write this regarding your match: “Razor Ramon faces Jeff Jarrett in a test for both wrestlers. If the WWF is serious in saying they want to stress workrate to a much greater degree than anytime in the past, both wrestlers have something to prove. Jarrett has been somewhat of a disappointment in the ring thus far, with only a few stand out matches. His lack of bump-taking and USWA punch-oriented style didn't jell well with other WWF wrestlers when he first arrived. Given how much Ramon has improved the past two years, Jarrett has no excuse not to be one-half of a four star effort. The angle the last two weeks with Ramon coveting in a heelish way this chance at the Intercontinental Title added some depth to Ramon's character. Look for 1-2-3 Kid and Roadie at ringside to add to the histrionics.”

Harsh words here Jeff. Did you think you had issues jelling with WWF wrestlers?

Coming out around this time also is your dad’s consultant deal with WCW. Did this impact you in anyway at this time?

Well Jeff we’re finally here at WrestleMania XI from the Hartford Civic Center in front of 15,000 fans…jam packed to the rafters.

Any nerves about this being your first Mania?

Is Scott a big help during this process?

You’re second on the show. Was that something you were happy about?

“2. Razor Ramon beat Jeff Jarrett via DQ in 13:32 so Jarrett retained the IC title. 1-2-3 Kid came out with Ramon to counter Roadie. Ramon got the early advantage but set up the Razor's Edge but Roadie pulled Jarrett out of the ring by his legs for safety. Jarrett tried to run away to the locker room but Kid blocked him and chased him back into the ring. Jarrett took over for three minutes until a collision. Ramon once again took over scoring several near falls. At one point Kid tried to crotch Jarrett on the ring post but Jarrett kicked him and he crashed into the security railing. At 10:28, Ramon missed a leap off the top rope and "injured" his knee. Jarrett put on the figure four but Ramon reversed it. Kid helped Ramon add leverage to the hold but the ref caught them and forced Ramon to break the hold. Ramon superplexed Jarrett and set him for the Razor's edge but Roadie did a run-in, clipping Ramon's knee for the DQ finish. Kid ran in for the save nailing both with spin kicks, one of which gave Jarrett a legit bloody nose. The heels came back and Jarrett locked the figure four on Kid until Rene Goulet and several refs broke it up. Good match with a bad finish.”

Meltzer gave it **¾

Wade gave it ***

Were you a fan of this match? Did you not like all the interference or were you a fan of it?

That bloody nose…the spin kick…looked brutal. What was up with that?

Jim Ross interviews you afterwards and your nose looks terrible. What did you think of the whole presentation?

Is Scott happy? Vince? And then…you?

Do you consider you & Scott a success on this night?

The rest of the night sees Bret Hart beat Bob Backlund in an I Quit match with Roddy Piper as a special guest referee, Diesel with Pamela Anderson retains his title over Shawn Michaels with Jenny McCarthy and then LT defeats Bam Bam Bigelow. What did you think of the rest of the card?


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