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Today on Grilling JR we’re going to be going back in time to 25 years ago as we break down the Rattlesnake’s 1997.

Steve Austin opens 1997 as one of the top heels in the company still working a program with Bret Hart. Do you know what the original WrestleMania plan for Austin is going into the year?

This has to be the best position - not just card wise - but money wise - Austin has been at any point in his career right?

Austin is voted Best Heel in 1996 by the Wrestling Observer readers. It’s so surreal to think about how good a heel he was in 96 and at the end of 97 he’s the hottest babyface since Hulk Hogan right?

You & Pauly B covered Royal Rumble 97 with Austin winning last month so be sure to check that out in the archives but what this is a career highlight is it not?

After Austin’s win Bret throws his biggest fit and quits and this is going to set up the Final Four pay-per-view.

But we get a hiccup in the road on the way there and it’s Shawn Michaels’ knee and everything changes. Austin is now in a pay-per-view main event for the WWF Title taking on Bret Hart, the Undertaker & Vader. From the Observer:

“5. Bret Hart won the WWF title in the Final Four elimination match over Steve Austin, Vader and Undertaker in 24:05. During the last weekend, they announced that eliminations could be done by throwing someone over the top rope along with the pins and submissions. An excellent main event but the effect of the ultimate title win by Hart was taken down several pegs by the circumstances which included outside interference in the final elimination and the fact all the eliminations were by the added "job-saving" over-the-top-rope stip. You have to give all four credit in that this is a difficult match to put together in that you don't want to be walking on somebody else's spots. The star of the match was Vader, who after a series of lackluster performances probably caused as much by illness and injuries as anything to the point people were writing him off as a major star, staged an impressive comeback. The first big spot was Vader grabbing a chair but Undertaker kicked the chair into his face. The four continued to brawl both in and out of the ring. At one point Undertaker choke slammed Vader and Austin gave the stone cold stunner to Undertaker immediately. Austin threw Vader into the ring steps and then threw other ring steps on him as he was selling it. Austin hit Vader with the title belt. Austin used a Thesz press on Vader and began pounding the eye. Hart piledrove Austin for a near fall. Vader missed a moonsault on Undertaker. At about the 12:00 mark, Vader, who had done so much, was looking really tired. Austin got a near fall with a rolling reverse cradle on Hart. Hart gave Vader a low blow. Austin wrapped Undertaker's knee around the post. Hart gave Vader a Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Finally at 18:09, Hart threw Austin over the top rope. Vader then clipped Undertaker and the two began working on him. Paul Bearer hit Undertaker with the urn. Hart superplexed Vader while standing on the top rope and Vader nearly took the bump on his head. Hart had Vader in the sharpshooter but Undertaker saved Vader by lariating Hart. Austin came back to the ring and began attacking Hart and posted his face. Vader was on the ropes readying the Vader bomb when Undertaker sat up and gave him a low blow and he went over the top in 23:33. Undertaker choke slammed Hart and went for the tombstone, but Austin grabbed Hart's legs and pulled him down and crotched him on the top rope. Undertaker went after Austin but Hart came from behind with a rolling reverse cradle for a near fall. Undertaker then went back after Austin and Hart clotheslined Undertaker over the top to win the title. After a celebration that didn't really come off as very celebratory, Sid hit the ring and he and Hart did a stare-down to build up their Raw match the next night as the show went off the air. ****¼”

How good was this match? Do you know why they moved towards just eliminating people over the top rope instead of pinfalls and submissions?

The plan for WrestleMania is settled after this when the next night on Raw Austin hits Bret with a chair while he has the Sharpshooter on Sid and Sid hits the powerbomb and Bret loses the title after 1 day.

Steve vs. Bret is on the agenda for WrestleMania 13 while Taker vs. Sid will be the main event for the WWF Title. Obviously you couldn’t put Bret vs. Steve on top but in your mind was that the real main event?

Ken Shamrock is added to the mix when it’s announced as an I Quit match. How much do you think Ken added to the match?

We’re going to be covering WrestleMania 13 in just a couple of weeks but the Double Turn by Bret & Steve. Is this - in your opinion - the most masterful creative the WWF had ever done at this point?

You knew you had the hottest babyface in wrestling coming out of that right?

Austin is hurt before Mania and coming out of Mania with a tear of his PCL. There was no way Steve was taking time off here right?

This is in the Observer and it’s worth pointing out: “Can you believe that just 18 months ago, WCW had Steve Austin put Renegade over on television not once but twice.”

I don’t think anyone knew obviously what Steve could’ve been but still the turn around in that time is insane is it not?

Steve wrote in his book that it’s his favorite match he’s had. That can’t be surprising right?

This is voted match of the year by Wrestling Observer readers and by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. It’s hard to disagree with that isn’t it?

Coming out of Mania - Sid suffers a back injury a few weeks later and it shuffles everything around so Austin and Mankind wrestle on a Raw episode and it’s a strong match. Austin is just the MVP at this point for the company is he not?

The next pay-per-view is going to be headlined by Taker vs. Mankind in his first WWF title defense and now Bret as a heel against Austin as a face. How much of a dramatic difference did you expect with these two switching roles on pay-per-view?

Not only is Austin the walking wounded but so is Bret. Is that a challenge for these two guys or are they just both good enough to work around it?

From the Observer: “WWF claims regarding its blood policy is that it has not changed its policy regarding blood and that Steve Austin and Bret Hart decided among themselves to violate company policy and do the juice at Mania.”

What was the policy regarding blood?

At the Revenge of the Taker pay-per-view Bret and Austin work. Hart is about to take off and get his knee fixed and it’s a focus on both that pay-per-view and the next night on Raw.

From the Observer: “5. Steve Austin beat Bret Hart via DQ in 21:09. A very good match, but not on the level of their previous two PPV matches. Austin destroyed Hart early until another ref bump. Hart got a chair and used it on Austin's bad knee five times and did the figure four around the post. Hart gave three more chair shots to the knee but Austin got up and actually made a comeback without selling the knee hardly at all. Hart removed Austin's knee brace but Austin hit a low blow and a legdrop to the groin. However, Hart was quickly back on top using a figure four, which Austin reversed. Austin backdropped Hart over the guard rail and cut open his left elbow. They brawled around ringside with Austin dropping Hart on the guard rail and clotheslining him off the apron. Austin tried a piledriver but his knee gave out. Austin went for the stone cold stunner but Hart blocked it holding onto the ropes. Hart came back with a low blow. This match didn't have nearly the heat you'd think it would have for a well-worked match and such a hot feud. Hart used a superplex off the top rope and went for the sharpshooter, but Austin hit Hart in the knee with his knee brace that was on the mat. Austin put the sharpshooter on Hart when Owen and Bulldog came out. Austin decked both, and got the hold on again. Finally Bulldog hit Austin with a chair for the DQ finish. After the match Bret went to attack Austin with the ring bell, but Austin beat him to the punch with a chair shot to the knee and put the sharpshooter on once again and held it until Owen and Bulldog knocked him out of the ring with Hart selling the knee big at the finish. ***¾”

So this is the main event over Taker vs. Mankind coming off last month and the name of the show is Revenge of the Taker. Do you know why this is the main event?

What did you think of the match? Are you a fan of ending a pay-per-view with a disqualification finish?

The next night on Raw though is one of the bigger angles that are remembered from 1997. “The 4/21 Raw saw Hart, who was noticeably limping, which was either selling the injury from the previous night or because the knee was in that much pain by this point, face Austin in a street fight. After Austin was jumped by Owen and Bulldog, who were then chased away by a chair-wielding Michaels, Bret destroyed Austin for a few minutes. Austin made a comeback moving as Bret put his ankle in a chair and was about to come off the top rope on him. Austin pounded Hart with several chair shots to both the knee and the wrist, to explain both injuries, and put the sharpshooter on him and held it for more than a minute. Hart was carried from the ring and they sold it as if he had broken his leg and wrist, and he was put in the ambulance where Austin was hiding. The angle actually began at the start of the show when Austin did the interview challenging Hart to a street fight, and Hart accepted. It continued until the end of the show, when Austin did another interview, and was jumped by Owen and Bulldog, which included Owen throwing Vince McMahon to the ground, before Michaels made another save with a chair chasing them both away. At that point, Pillman came out of the stands and attacked Austin with two hard chair shots until Michaels made yet another save.”

This is a major angle and it shows it in the ratings as the WWF gets a rare quarter hour win in the ratings over Nitro. I mean they beat a Meng vs. Chris Jericho match but still this is an accomplishment right?

With the amount of injuries going on in the company the decision is made to put Taker and Austin together for Cold Day in Hell and for the title.  Does this type of booking help either guy? I mean you got red hot Austin, babyface, and a new champion in Undertaker also a babyface, is this a recipe for success in your mind?

Raw on April 28th in Omaha has Bret & Austin on the show every 5 minutes it seems like. When you have a ton of injuries, a lack of talent depth, it’s hard not to rely on these guys for a 2 hour show right?

Jim Neidhart returns and with Brian Pillman joining the Hart Foundation there are 5 strong heels lining up against Austin. Are these just bodies for Austin to be able to stun every night?

At Cold Day in Hell Steve Austin gets his first WWF Title shot in a singles match on a pay-per-view against Taker. Austin vs. Taker will be a gigantic program in the future for the WWF. What was their chemistry in the ring at the time and did you see a future long term program eventually with them?

“5. Undertaker pinned Steve Austin in 20:06 to retain the WWF title. The Hart Foundation and Brian Pillman came to ringside and had five seats set up, with the storyline that they bought the tickets from scalpers. Lawler was hilarious in comments regarding them. When Austin attacked Owen Hart, Lawler was screaming about how the wrestlers were attacking the fans. Later when they were all sitting there calmly, Lawler said that it shows all the WWF fans don't misbehave. At the end, when in the post-match, they all attacked Undertaker, Lawler said it was like after a soccer game that the fans were attacking the players. Match started slow and the fans didn't boo either one and really didn't know how to react. It was a good match, but not on the level of most WWF PPV main events with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels involved. Austin wrapped Taker's knee on the post but Undertaker ended up smacking Austin's face into the post. Undertaker did his rope walk but Austin swept his legs, causing him to crotch himself. Austin went for a superplex but Undertaker threw him off. Undertaker missed an elbow. Undertaker used a sleeper but Austin used a jawbreaker. The two traded low blows. Actually the biggest pop of the match was Austin flipping off the ref. Undertaker used a choke slam, but Austin came back snapping Undertaker's neck on the ropes and hitting the stone cold stunner. Brian Pillman hopped the rail and rang the bell, causing momentary confusion. When the match re-started, Undertaker went for the tombstone, Austin reversed it, but Undertaker reversed it again and dropped Austin on his head for the pin. After the match, Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith and Pillman attacked Undertaker. Austin saw Bret by himself in the wheelchair and knocked him off the wheelchair and grabbed one of his crutches and hit the ring and cleaned house with it. After the heels were run off, Austin jumped Undertaker and hit the stone cold stunner, flipped him off and left him laying. ***”

Austin losing isn’t that big a deal as evidenced in the future but still there’s a way to not have him lose here isn’t there?

Do you think this run setup Austin being more protective of his character later on once he became the top guy?

The next night on Raw Austin saves Michaels from a beat down from the Hart Foundation. Putting Austin and Michaels together - two different types of babyfaces - eventually changes Michaels’ character from the boyhood dream to what will eventually begin DX. Did Michaels see the edge Austin had and begin the transformation is that from creative?

Early on for King of the Ring 97 Austin is scheduled to take on Brian Pillman and Michaels is scheduled to take on Bret. When Bret isn’t healthy enough why the pivot to Austin vs. Michaels?

Austin and Michaels are brawling on Raw at the same time a tag team title match is scheduled to take place on May 26th against Owen & Davey Boy. It is to be Michaels’ first match back on television since he lost his smile and it leads to a classic moment on Raw when Austin & Michaels team up to defeat Owen & Davey Boy to become tag team champions in what Meltzer calls a **** match. How good is this match considering it’s Shawn’s first match in 4 months?

This is one of the first time’s that Raw beats Nitro in the last quarter hour. Do you credit that to Austin or Michaels in that spot?

Austin hurts his neck during the match according to the Observer. Is this the beginning of Steve’s neck problems?

Also according to the Observer, Austin 3:16 shirts are selling out everywhere and out pacing Hogan & Warrior records. When does this hit your desk? Is it royalty reports? Or is it going out at the shows and seeing all the shirts?

Now Austin is scheduled to take on his world tag team title partner, Michaels, at King of the Ring because of Pillman not being ready but first Austin puts Pillman’s head into a toilet to setup a match the next night on Raw.

Before Austin vs. Michaels, the Hart Foundation come out and challenge 5 WWF wrestlers to take them on at Canadian Stampede. The original plan is Sid, Michaels, Austin & Legion of Doom. Do we have the classic match at Stampede if that’s the team do you think?

Now back to King of the Ring and the first Austin - Michaels pay-per-view match:

“6. Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin went to a double disqualification in 22:29. The surprise of this match is that Michaels actually got louder cheers than Austin, mainly because of the intense shrieks from female fans as Michaels was doing things. Austin was never booed, and Michaels was but the cheers for him drowned out the boos in nearly every case. A mentally handicapped fan tried to hit the ring on Austin and Michaels actually dropped the match and helped him to the back. Both guys worked an excellent match, but it was marred by a lousy behind-the-times finish. Michaels in particular put on another show and Austin seemed to show no signs of a potential career-ending neck injury. Mainly it was Michaels incredible bumps and athleticism that made the match. He crashed into the guard rail from the apron. He had his throat dropped on the guard rail. Austin whipped Michaels chin-first into the ring steps. He was press-slammed outside the ring and face first on the concrete. It appeared that one really stung because Michaels was shaking his elbow from that bump. Austin pulled Michaels' trunks down which got a huge female pop. Match ended with the first ref getting bumped. Michaels went for the superkick but Austin caught the foot and hit the stone cold stunner. No ref to count the pin. Austin got up and got so mad at the groggy ref (Tim White) that he gave him the stunner. Michaels then superkicked Austin and had him pinned, but again no ref. A second ref came in, but instead of counting as Michaels had Austin pinned, he checked on the first ref. White finally got up and counted as Michaels had Austin pinned, but Austin kicked out. Michaels got so frustrated and not getting the pin when he had Austin down so long that he superkicked the second ref. Earl Hebner, a third ref, ran in and disqualified both men for attacking the first two refs. Austin tried to attack Michaels with his tag title belt from behind, but Michaels beat him to the punch. Fans chanted "Bullshit" at the finish. The two eventually stopped fighting and started arguing and left together, yelling at each other all the way to the back. ****”

Is this really the only way out of this match?

Is this just a taste of what these two could do?

Injuries and everything aside…what could’ve been with these two in their prime?

Austin’s knee is banged up in the match so he can’t wrestle Pillman on Raw. Is one of the bigger misses that was never able to be fulfilled not getting an Austin-Pillman program?

Well the next night it all explodes when Bret and Shawn get into a locker room fight. Did you ever ask Steve what he thought of all of this in the summer between Shawn & Bret?

Michaels and Bret getting in a fight leads to Dude Love becoming Austin’s tag team title partner. When Dude Love is presented to Austin as his new tag team partner…what is Steve’s reaction?

Cactus and Steve knew each other for so long that they wouldn’t have an issue gelling but a new character like Dude Love has to bring some trepidation right?

Austin and Pillman finally get a one-on-one match on Raw and it goes 11 minutes but this isn’t the Brian Pillman of old. Is this a disappointment in your mind?

Austin finally has to take time off due to a collection of injuries, between his ribs, neck and knee. Is Austin feeling the wear and tear here?

At Canadian Stampede the 10-man tag match between Austin, Shamrock, Goldust & the LOD against the Hart Foundation is just fantastic. Even Meltzer gave it ****¼. We cover this show in detail - all the way back as our 12th episode JR - but the crowd - the work - and it all ends when Owen Hart rolls up Steve Austin and secure victory for the Canandians.

Transferring the program from Austin - Bret to Austin - Owen, is Steve ok with this idea? Is it to put Bret - Austin on the backburner to possibly go back to it later?

Austin stunning everyone really begins here. He would hug Mankind as a babyface then hit him with the stunner to such a huge pop. Was it the move, was it Austin, or was it both?

Dude Love debuts to save Austin in his tag title match against Owen & Davey Boy and gets the pin after Austin hits the stunner on Bulldog. Did you ever think Dude Love had a shelf life?

In Halifax one of the oddest main event takes place. Dude Love, the Undertaker & Steve Austin loses to Bret, Owen & Davey Boy in a flag match. You got 6 really good workers here…is it the stipulation that doesn’t work?

SummerSlam is announced with Austin vs. Owen in a IC title match vs. Austin having to kiss Owen’s ass if he loses. The goal here is to put the IC title on Austin while he continues his path to the top right?

Everyone had to assume Austin vs. Owen would be a tremendous match right?

Well in the Meadowlands…it happens. From Austin’s book:

“So the day came and I was talking to Owen in the back, and we were throwing a few things together for the finish of the title match. I said to him, “Well, what about if we do that thing where I come in for the elbow and you rotate your back around and pick me up upside down and give me the Tombstone Piledriver? Then you cover me and I’ll kick out right before the three-count.” I added, “Now, Owen, I don’t trust just anybody to do a piledriver to me, but you can do it, right?” And he said, “Yeah.” I said, “You’re going to go to your knees, right?” And he said, “No, I’m going to drop to my ass.” Then I said, “Well, you need to go to your knees, right?” And he said, “No, I drop to my ass.” I guess he knows what he’s doing. He’s ribbing me about dropping to his ass instead of his knees. Owen was a hell of a technician. When he assured me I’d be okay,I took his word that I’d be okay. I didn’t think twice about it. I had mentioned my concerns to him twice.”

Does Owen’s reputation as a ribber you think lead to this?

Did you ever talk to either of these guys about what went wrong?

Could this have been avoided in your mind?

When you’re sitting at ringside and see it happen…are you immediately concerned and knowing how strong Austin is to see him laying there for so long…how anxious do you get?

We all know what happens next…Owen buys time…Austin slowly crawls over and in the worst finish ever for so many reasons Austin pins Owen to become IC champion.

But Jim…for christ’s sake…Austin couldn’t even stand or hold the belt up when it was over. First off…the business has changed for so much better that this wouldn’t have continued right?

Second off…forget about the golden goose and all that. But you’re worried about his life and health right?

How do you continue the show afterwards?

When do you see Steve next?

Are you surprised Owen & Steve never buried the hatchet after this?

First thought is Austin is hurt for a long time right?

Austin…goes to Raw! He wrote in his book he checked himself out of the hospital…drank a 12 pack of beer…and then woke up and went to Raw. Like holy shit Jim.

This isn’t Austin’s first neck injury. And let’s be honest every wrestler has some type of neck damage from bumping for all these years. But my goodness Jim how does this guy ever get back into the ring?

He wrote in his book he was hot about the Owen 3:16 shirt coming out. Is that…just poor taste?

Is there concern about the WWF’s business without Austin?

Steve goes to all the doctors and eventually after it’s determined he has a bruised spinal cord…he returns to TV. How tough is this dude?

Was there anyone that could step in at this point for Austin? Foley, Undertaker, anyone? Or can you just not replace Austin here?

Austin has to vacate the IC title & tag team titles since it’s not known when he will get back in a ring again. Do you think Austin’s injury kind of made everyone … not just in the WWF but every other promotion … take a step back when it came to head drops and things like that?

Does the WWF take any different safety precautions coming out of this?

Ground Zero on pay-per-view comes up and the plan is for Austin to cut a promo and then hit a Stunner on you. Why are you the first office member chosen for a stunner?

The story in the Observer is that you were supposed to be stretchered out but when Scott Putski was injured they actually needed it. Is that the story?

Austin runs in and hits a Stunner on Owen Hart later on in the show to help the Headbangers become the new WWF World Tag Team Champions. Did Steve ever voice an opinion about continuing to work with Owen?

Are you surprised he let that happen?

Sgt. Slaughter the next night on Raw announces that Austin isn’t cleared to participate in the WWF and he gets a stunner to a huge pop. The rumor and innuendo at the time was that was half shoot half work. What’s the real story?

Lawler is the next victim the next week on Raw. Do you know at this point the payoff to this is going to be Vince?

Austin gets arrested for the first time for violating a restraining order and hitting a stunner on Owen to help him lose to the Patriot. My goodness Jim the pop for the stunner and his arrest…as sick as this is to say…did the Austin injury help Steve get more over?

The first Raw from MSG on September 22nd…features Austin hitting the stunner on McMahon and getting arrested again. My goodness the pop Jim. Did MSG shake?

Does this strap the rocket to Austin at this point? He’s now officially the most over right then right?

You & Lawler speculate Austin is to be fired because he just hit the stunner on the owner of the company. Does the thought cross anyone’s mind at this point…Austin vs. Vince McMahon would draw a whole bunch of money?

Did you have any reservations about putting Steve back in the ring?

Brian Pillman passes away on October 6th. How does Steve find out? Do you tell him? What is Steve’s reaction?

This is a lot for Steve between the injury and Brian’s death is it not?

Austin signs his release on TV if Vince would give him a IC title shot against Owen Hart and Vince agrees. Does it take a lot of convincing to put these two back in the ring together?

At Survivor Series…in a very little remembered match considering what went on that night…Steve Austin returns to the ring and re-captures the IC title from Owen. Did anyone think this was a bad idea putting these two back in the ring together?

Later on that night obviously Bret is screwed by Vince McMahon. What did Steve think of what Vince did?

The Mr. McMahon character is born with his interviews with you on Raw coming out of that pay-per-view regarding Bret screwed Bret. Did you know before, during or after the interview the impact they would have?

Austin vacates the title. The speculation from Meltzer is that Austin thought it was stupid for him to lose if he’s going to be the top guy so instead of dropping the title he vacates it…why does Austin get a pass on this when guys like Bret and Shawn get a ton of heat over not wanting to drop a title in the ring?

The whole Austin - McMahon angle launches when Austin comes out and McMahon says Austin must do what he says because he’s the boss. Did you know from the first promo that this had the opportunity to be the biggest drawing program ever?

What’s Austin’s views on Shawn at this point considering they were on a crash course for Mania?

Is Steve worried about his physical condition considering he’s in line for the top spot?

JR…can you put Austin’s 1997 into a sentence?


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