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The big news coming out of the Royal Rumble is the next night on Raw when Vince McMahon - who’s pissed over losing to Ric Flair at the Royal Rumble - promises that he’s going to make a move that the wrestlers, the fans and even himself may regret - and this is to begin the build to the nWo entering the company. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and of course Hulk Hogan are due to debut at No Way Out. At this point had you ever met either of these men?

What are the attitudes of the people who have worked with them in the past about joining the company?

Did you ever talk with the likes of the Undertaker or Triple H about them coming in?

Do you know what Steve Austin or the Rock felt about their joining?

Were you worried this would upset the apple cart so to speak? Here’s 3 top guys entering the company and with only so many top slots were you worried about your spot so to speak?

Raw opens with a promo between Chris Jericho, Triple H and yourself before you & Jericho attack Hunter and Rock comes out for the save.

Triple H, Chris Jericho, The Rock & Kurt Angle Segment After Royal Rumble Part 2 RAW: Jan 21, 2002

This is legit 4 of the biggest stars in the company and the business at the time and the crowd is rocking and rolling through it all. How much fun is this?

Did the what chants ever throw you off?

This is to lead to the main event that night of Hunter & the Rock teaming up to take on you & Jericho.

The Rock & Triple H Vs Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle Part 1 - Monday Night RAW!

The Rock & Triple H Vs Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle Part 2 - Monday Night RAW!

Jericho accidently hits you with the ring bell which leads to Rock hitting Jericho with the Rock Bottom and he gets the pin on Y2J.

At this point WrestleMania in SkyDome…do you know what your plans are?

Is it frustrating to not know where the creative is going?

It’s announced that starting on SmackDown there will be a #1 contenders tournament to determine who gets a title shot at No Way Out against Jericho. It’ll be Austin vs. Booker T and you vs. Rock. At this point you’ve worked Rock a lot - how easy is it to put a match together with him?

You do a classic promo regarding the What chant with Jonathan Coachman…

The word 'What?' is ruining Kurt Angle's life | SmackDown! (2002)

Is the hope to encourage more what chants?

Austin gets the win over Booker while Jericho & Undertaker interfere in your match and Taker choke slams Rock to help give you the win.

The rock vs kurt angle #1 Contender Match 2002

You take the loss in the match against Austin.

From the Observer: “Austin pinned Angle with a stunner in 10:26. Some day these two should go out and have a bad match with each other and hit each other over the head and sell big blows with those giant foam fingers or at least bags of popcorn, just to show that it's possible. Great match. They teased a spot where Austin had a chair and Angle begged Austin to him hit, knowing it would be a DQ and Angle would get the title shot. After a ref bump, Angle grabbed the chair and beat on Austin's body with it with Earl Hebner down. Austin still kicked out. Got to the ropes on an ankle lock and foot on ropes on the Angle slam before the win.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Kurt Angle Part 1 RAW: Jan 28, 2002

Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Kurt Angle Part 2 RAW: Jan 28, 2002

Do you think you and Steve could have a bad match?

On SmackDown you and Taker team up to take on Rock & Hunter.

FULL MATCH - The Rock & Triple H vs. Kurt Angle & Undertaker: SmackDown, Jan. 31, 2002

“HHH & Rock beat Undertaker & Angle via DQ when Undertaker hit HHH with a chair after he gave Angle the pedigree. In the post match, Undertaker went after Rock, but Rock made his own comeback and put him through a table with a rock bottom. In the ring, Angle put the ankle lock on HHH.”

This is the type of easy match the 4 of you put together with no sweat this point in your careers right?

There’s talk in the Observer at this time of there being heat with the nWo guys when they’re in for the first set of tapings to film vignettes. From the Observer: “Both Austin and Undertaker have told wrestlers that they've worked too hard to not only get the company where it is but to elevate the style to the level it's at to sacrifice it with people who aren't going to work for it.”

Do you remember that conversation happening at the time?

You have Raw in Vegas on the 4th of February and Triple H opens the show and calls you out. Instead Booker comes out and Hunter beats him in just under 3 minutes and you attack and run off and hide behind police officers. It’s later announced that you will take on Hunter at No Way Out and the #1 contendership will be on the line. Are you Hunter’s hand picked first big match singles opponent?

This begins Hunter complaining to Stephanie about you. Any idea if your previous love triangle was recommended to be brought up again?

I only ask this because about an hour later Stephanie announces to everyone that she’s pregnant…

And then on Smackdown from LA…well you bring out a baby carriage and say that Stephanie will be a great mother but Hunter would be a lousy father since he’s closer to an ape.

Kurt Angle talks about Stephanie and Triple H's new baby | SmackDown! (2002)

It’s announced that Hunter and Stephanie will renew their vows on Raw. Then this happens on Smackdown from the Observer: “HHH and Vince talked with HHH telling Vince he didn't like him but Stephanie wanted Vince to walk her down the aisle. HHH said he'd never let Vince near his kid. Vince got so mad he ordered HHH in a handicap match against Jericho & Angle.”

It ends up being a Triple H beatdown and you get the pin after hitting him with the Angle Slam twice on a chair.


Triple H Vs Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle 2/2

After the match you bump Hunter into Stephanie and she falls down and this is a way to create some drama regarding the baby. Do you feel like your story with Hunter needed Stephanie in this way and all the baby stuff?

Hulk Hogan is on Bubba the Love Sponge and talks about how he’d beat you “because his takedowns and submissions mean nothing once he stuck his thumb in his eye.” Is this Hulk just being Hulk do you think?

Were you excited about the prospect of wrestling Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash with their impending debuts?

It is reported in the Observer around this time you and Brock got into your legendary wrestling match before doors opened at TV. What do you remember of this?

It is reported you won by the way…

How did this all come to happen?

The next week on Raw is the legendary Stephanie and Hunter wedding where Hunter swerves her and calls her a no good lying bitch. Was the plan all along for Stephanie to be your referee at No Way Out?

You & Taker team up to take on … and how’s this for a team…Triple H & Maven!

Triple H & Maven vs. The Undertaker & Kurt Angle: SmackDown, Feb. 14, 2002

The show ends with Vince announcing Stephanie will be the special guest referee for your match at No Way Out…

So we’re here Kurt! You vs. Hunter for Hunter’s #1 contendership and his title shot at WrestleMania.

Before we get into the match…now do you know what your WrestleMania plans are or did the nWo just mess everything up in terms of your long term planning and the companies?

It is no DQ and Stephanie as the referee:

“6. Kurt Angle pinned HHH to theoretically win the title shot in 14:40 with Stephanie (who insisted on being called Stephanie McMahon) as ref. As much as she figured to ruin the match, and she took it down, she took an awesome first bump to get her out of there flying over the top rope for a great looking Angle clothesline. Seriously, that was as good as almost anything on the show. Not only that, but it meant they could work several minutes without her being the focus of everything with Tim White as ref. Of course the downside is it meant that White was going to get beat up by her before the finish. She was carried out while HHH laughed at her. Technically sound but lacked heat. Angle was suplexing HHH all over the place and seemed frustrated with the lack of response. Angle punched White, gave HHH a low blow and an Angle slam as Stephanie ran in but HHH kicked out. Very surprised she didn't count fast. Angle used the ankle lock but HHH kicked Angle into squashing Stephanie. Ref bump No. 3. DDT by HHH but no ref. HHH had Angle set up for the Pedigree when Stephanie attacked White and kicked him low. That's ref bump No. 4. He set up the pedigree on her, but Angle got a chair and nailed HHH twice, then gave him the Angle slam and Stephanie counted the pin. ***¼”

Here’s the finish at 1:37: Kurt Angle vs. Triple H - No Disqualification Match: No Way Out 2002

Did you think Stephanie helped or hurt? Is it difficult to work with a special guest referee in this scenario? Why wasn’t there a fast count for the finish? Was that just a creative miss?

Do you think you were just someone who was inserted into this not because of the past history with you two but just the fact that Hunter needed to get a win over a someone that meant something considering the plan all along was for him to go to Mania?

Were you happy with the match?

What were the nWo like backstage considering this was their big return?

There’s talk in the Observer that your WrestleMania plans were unable to be finalized because there was a chance it could be you vs. Austin at the show because of the inability to rely on Scott Hall at the time?

Next week Kurt we'll be discussing WrestleMania XX. The 20th WrestleMania featured you challenging Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Title, Brock vs. Goldberg with both of them leaving the company plus Chris Benoit winning the
World Title. Are you excited to talk about that?


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