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Today we’re going to be taking a look back at Against All Odds 2011 and I guess today will be the day we begin to dig into all that was going on in your personal life and working at TNA at this time.

We’re coming off Genesis 2011 which we covered last month in the archives so be sure to check that out. You got a new TNA champion in Ken Anderson, you and Kurt had our Double J M M A exhibition and now your wife Karen is about to return as an on-screen character.

It’s reported in the Torch coming off the Genesis pay-per-view that there’s grave concern in the locker room regarding the state of the company and various talents in it: “The recent behavior of Kurt Angle at the TNA Genesis pay per-view, Jeff Hardy’s issues at the TNA Final Resolution pay-per-view, and the hiring of Matt Hardy have left some people within the company questioning decisions made by management. “Everyone was talking about it,” one locker room source stated in regards to Matt Hardy’s first week with the company. “It was, ’Oh my God, what happened to Matt Hardy?’” The source knew Hardy prior to his TNA debut and expressed personal concern. “He was a different guy before now. He’s not that guy anymore. He’s very hazy. He’s turning into Jeff Hardy. He was always different... “Matt Hardy is in a daze, Jeff Hardy is in a daze, Kurt Angle is in a daze, and Rob Van Dam is stoned all day.” The source acknowledged that each of those wrestlers have good days and bad days, but expressed frustration that upper management isn’t doing enough to solve the problem. “Dixie (Carter) just acts oblivious,” the source said. “The guys try to hide from her when they’re (messed) up, but Jeff went to her when they wanted to send him home (from the Final Resolution pay per-view), and she said he could stay.”

Is this something you’re hearing, sharing, being a part of? What exactly is your role in TNA at this time as well?

From the Torch: “TNA is officially advertising the return of Karen Jarrett (formerly Karen Angle) on Thursday's episode of TNA Impact after a two year TV absence. Karen will be part of the ongoing feud between Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett as part of the fall-out from Sunday's Genesis PPV. In the storyline, Jarrett bloodied Angle during their "MMA Exhibition" at the PPV and hinted at an "MMA retirement party" on Impact. TNA is playing up the idea of "real-life tension" between Jarrett and Angle related to Karen's divorce from Angle and subsequent marriage to Jarrett. The tagline is "a very special family reunion"”

Alright Jeff. We’ve never really gotten into it so let’s get into it. How is it determined for Karen to return as an on screen character? Is it a negotiation? Who’s idea is it? Any push back from anyone?

There’s also talk in the Torch of some characters coming in and coming out of TNA. Coming in is reportedly Angelina Pivarnick of the Jersey Shore to possibly work a wrestling match with Cookie who is also known as Becky Bayliss. Jeff - what did you think of this?

Stevie Richards tweets that after a conversation with Vince Russo & Terry Taylor that he’s going to move on from TNA. We don’t really talk about Stevie a lot but what can you tell us about him and his leaving TNA?

AJ Styles is still nursing his hip injury that forced him off the Genesis pay-per-view and working his way back. He’s kept involved by being part of Immoral and Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair promos but it’s more important to keep him rested is that correct?

For one of the first times TNA is taking Impact on the road outside of Universal Studios to Fayetteville, NC. With Ric Flair being a big part of the roster and now both Hardys it makes sense but who’s pushing for this move. Did you agree with it?

El Generico - supposedly the same person as Sami Zayn but no one’s ever seen them in the same place at the same time - has a dark match against Red. Did you see the match or anything in Generico at the time?

The Impact show coming off Genesis scores a 1.25 rating which is the highest rating since the follow-up to Bound for Glory 2010. The show opens with a weird interview with Ken Anderson right after he wins the title and he says, “the belt he won “isn’t the TNA World Championship, this is a piece of sh-- that Jeff Hardy drew. I could probably stick a crayon on my ass, squat over a piece of paper, and draw a picture better than this.” Jeff - what in the hell is this?

You arrive with Karen and Mike Tenay immediately says, “This could get uncomfortable.” Did anyone come to you and talk about how uncomfortable this might actually be?

Anderson is introduced and here’s a recap of his promo from the Torch: “Anderson said he busted his ass for 6.5 years eating PB&Js and Ramen noodles. He said he achieved his dream and got hired “over there” (cross boos) and at first he had “a rocket ship up his ass” and beat ten former champions. He said he was destined to be World Champion, “but then a little birdee got inside the boss’s ear and said, “Hey, yeah, I think, uh, Kenny might be a little funny. I don’t think he’s ready for it.” He imitated Triple H’s voice. He said all of this stuff he has been doing he was told not to do. He said he was told how to walk, talk, and dress. He said he was even told not to chew gum on his way to the ring “because that was too hokey.” But, he said, “this is me!” (He left out the part of sticking his foot in his mouth in various p.r. interviews while also getting injured a few times). He said Bischoff called him and said they’d let him be him. He said Bischoff, Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, and Vince Russo allow him to be the “asshole that I am today.” The fans chanted, “Asshole! Asshole!” He said, “And, oh, by the way, this asshole just became the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.” He said he won’t say he couldn’t have done it without the fans because he could have, but he’d like to thank them for their support anyway”

Is this all just bad scripting? Did he need to cut this type of promo and mention Triple H? Is it such a crutch to keep mentioning WWE?

From there Matt Morgan comes out and they give mutual admiration and he leaves then Eric Bischoff comes out and says there’s no way he’s going to let Anderson be the champion and in 3 weeks Jeff Hardy gets his rematch and Hulk Hogan’s going to return and then Jeff Hardy appears on the screen but he’s attacked by Rob Van Dam and then Matt Hardy attacks RVD and Anderson runs from the ring to the back where Flair, Abyss, Rob Terry, Kazarian and Beer Money overwhelm the two and leave them laying.


Jeff - there’s like 12 or 13 characters featured in the segment which is supposed to highlight Anderson’s title win. Is this all too much?

The Hardys are going to team up for the first time in 3 years on this show but it’s not promoted ahead of time. Is this something that could’ve been a draw? Is it tough to promote coming off a pay-per-view to the next TV 4 days later…I mean there’s social media and YouTube at the time…could this had been hyped better?

Backstage you ask Karen if she’s ready and she says she’s been sitting at home for two years and couldn’t be more ready. Was Karen worried about being off TV this long?

Beer Money retains the tag team titles over Motor City Machine Guns in a really good 8 minute TV match. These 4 in the ring together - it was just something that was easy to them wasn’t it?

“-A video package aired on the Jarrett-Karen-Kurt triangle. Backstage Jarrett, with Karen by his side, complained about Angle cinching on his holds a little too tight for an exhibition, so he decided to retaliate in round three and kurt him. “That didn’t have to happen, but it did,” he said. Jarrett said tonight he’s going to go into the ring and hang up his MMA boots undefeated. He said he wouldn’t do it any other way than with his bride with him. Jarrett asked Karen not to lose her temper. She said she’s as cool as a cucumber. Jarrett rubbed his forehead and made a face that said that she definitely isn’t usually a cool cucumber. -Elsewhere Angle smiled and said they had some catching up to do”

Shooting these segments had to be fun right? Karen is just such a natural at these things.

From the Torch: “Jarrett ring entrance took place as the first hour ended. Taz said this whole situation is just uncomfortable. They’ve implied the heck out of what happened with these three without ever just spelling it out. -Jarrett, accompanied by Team Jarrett, he said he stands in the ring ready to celebrate the great career of an MMA fighter. He said he’s never been taken down and was never close to submitting in one of his fights. He said he made an example out of Angle. He said he could have permanently injured Angle on Sunday, but he chose not to. He said he has nothing left to prove. He said behind every great warrior and fierce competitor and hell-bent mercenary and man of war, there is always a great woman. Jarrett introduced Karen, but instead Angle walked out. Angle took out one member of Team Jarrett after another on his way to the ring with punches. He suplexed a few in the ring. Then he cornered Jarrett. Karen walked out and screamed, “Stop! Stop!” She said she has sat at home for two years while Angle played games with their personal lives. She insisted Angle not turn his back on her. Jarrett joined Karen on the stage. She yelled that Kurt would not steal joy from their lives one more day. He said the entire world will hear what she has to say next week. “Make sure you’re dressed for the occasion, because it’ll be a night you never forget.” That was pretty short, but it makes sense if you’re going to do this, give people a week’s notice.”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_eJSmx6XSA The Jarrets and Karen Angle

It is true Jeff that nothing had ever been fully disclosed on TV regarding all that happened. Do you think that’s a valid point in trying to frame these angles?

How do you all map out this angle - from point A to point B and everything. Was there a lot of distrust here?

Matt Hardy is in the back telling Jeff that they need to focus on making money, stepping on people, and taking what you want. I don’t know if you ever saw the Big Money Matt gimmick in AEW but this was a sort of precursor for it…was this the right role for the Hardys to be in? Heels?

Matt Morgan gets a pretty decisive win over Abyss in 3 minutes to keep his build going. But Abyss losing in 3 minutes…I know Chris Park is a smart football guy but was he falling down the card here?

Abyss vs. Matt Morgan

There’s another “They” angle as Crimson is shown backstage choking out Abyss and telling him “they” are coming for Immortal. Did Russo like going to this well too many times when he finds something that works?

It’s reported in the Observer the plans for “They.” From Meltzer: “The big news is that “They” are going to be the return of the Main Event Mafia. The idea is to be Sting, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Booker T. I’ve also heard Bobby Lashley’s name mentioned by those in the company. Those involved with Lashley’s business say there’s nothing new on his front and didn’t think anything was up with TNA. Lashley is a free agent as his Strikeforce contract expired with his loss to Chad Griggs and he hasn’t signed with anyone since, and the only thing he’s done is pro wrestling for the IGF on their last big show but he’s not advertised on the next show nor been mentioned for their world title tournament. The Mafia would feud with Immortal, at least at first. Steiner is obviously on board, as is Angle, and most figure Sting would be. Considering the numbers in Immortal and Fortune, if Nash or Booker aren’t signed, they are going to have to add people. With Steiner and Angle already on TV, if “They” ends up only being Sting running in with them, that’s going to be a big letdown so they have to get I’d say a minimum of one other big name guy, and better two other guys. I’ve only been told people in the company presume Nash will be there. Nash has been adamant saying he won’t, that he’s retired, and that he will be at Mania this year for the Shawn Michaels’ induction unless he’s got a movie gig that week. Internally people believe Nash is just selling the angle that he’s gone, but he’s been pretty adamant about it and has told friends he’s retired. We don’t know anything about Booker, other than he wasn’t believed to have signed last week. Those in TNA were very happy when Booker was gone, with complaints about his workrate, attitude, refusal to put over Matt Morgan, and his own admission that he was using TNA as a way to audition for acting roles.”

You think this is all good at this point right with this angle? The Booker story - where did that come from? Do you remember that?

The Hardys get the win over Anderson & RVD in the main event. It’s painfully obvious that the hottest program in TNA is you, Karen & Kurt. Are you surprised you’re not in the main event or was the title always going to be on top at this time?

The Hardys vs. Anderson and RVD

The WWE announces that at the upcoming Royal Rumble it will feature 40 competitors instead of 30. Does any alarm bells sound off in anyone's head?

You head out on one of TNA’s most ambitious European tours, called the “Ric Flair Whoo! Tour” at the time with 9 dates scheduled and in Lyon, France with Kurt as referee and you team with Matt Hardy to defeat Shannon Moore & Mark Haskins. What do you remember of this match and this tour?

This comes right after losing TV and pay-per-views from the Extreme Sports Channel. How quickly does the company find Challenge TV and are you a part of this deal?

This is also the tour where supposedly Ric Flair pulled out and THE BUS LEFT HIM after he wasn’t given a draw for the remaining dates. There’s talk of it also involving back pay as well. Are you there for this situation and what do you remember?

The next Impact that airs is on January 20th and it gets a 1.15 rating and it’s down from the week before. The show opens with Kurt coming to the ring. From the Torch: “Angle said he wanted to set the record straight. He said when he brought Karen into the company, he noticed she kept talking off in the corner with Jarrett. She said it was just because he was a part owner of the company and they were talking business and he had no reason not to believe her. He said he was wrong. He said one thing she’ll never take from him is his character. He broke down and cried as he said he was a great husband and an incredible father. He said if he’s guilty of anything, it’s not spending enough time with his family. He said it’s not because he was a bad father, but because he wanted to give his family everything they dreamed of. He told Karen they could do it the easy way or the hard way. He said the easy way is they make amends or she provokes him and he will then pull out every skeleton in her closet. He asked, “So what’s it going to be, Karen?” Jarrett’s music played. Team Jarrett walked out and tried to gang up on Angle, but Angle fended them off. Tenay and Taz said Karen and Jeff were on their way to the arena. Angle shouted over the mic, “Jeff! Jeff Jarrett! Is that all you got? Come on, bring it!” The Immortal theme song played and out walked Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair. They crossed their arms and glared at Angle. Then they broke into a smile and out walked police who ordered Angle out of the building. Tenay said they just got word that Karen and Jeff are minutes away from the arena.”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnDaZu_dqsk Kurt Angle Talks About Karen

As uncomfortable at this is this really is some great TV. Who’s scripting it, writing it, offering suggestions. Were you in a position to do so at this time?

Angle returns later and it’s also announced that Beer Money will be taking on RVD & Anderson. Is it odd to have your new World Champion booked in tag team matches two weeks in a row?

Matt Morgan destroys Rob Terry who has Ric Flair with him in 5 seconds. How the hell did Matt Morgan not become a top star in this business?

From the Torch: “Karen and Jarrett walked to the ring. Jarrett told the fans what they’re witnessing is not only a caring wife and loving mother, but also a woman who is just as beautiful on the inside as on the outside, “and that’s saying a lot!” The crowd chanted loudly, “Sloppy seconds! Sloppy seconds!” He said she is a victim of Kurt Angle. He handed her the mic to elaborate. She said she had a presentation ready for the fans, but since arriving at the Impact Zone, she heard about a few things her ex-husband said about her so she wants to reply. She said Kurt is right, her new husband is part owner of the company, “so guess what that makes me?” She said back in 1997 after he won his Olympic Gold Medal and was a lost little puppy with nowhere to go because he had worked his entire life for that moment. Angle charged out and gave Jarrett a back suplex. Karen wound up to hit him, but he brushed her off and went face-to-face with her. She slapped him and he just slowly backed her up. Jarrett recovered and gave Angle a low blow from behind. Jarrett pounded on Angle as Karen circled him with a satisfied smile. Then they left without the “tell all” dirt session Karen had promised. Karen asked Taz if he liked that as she walked up the ramp.”

This is some heavy shit Jeff. Doesn’t seem to be a lot of fiction in this storyline. What say you?

Jeff Hardy defeats Tommy Dreamer in 5 minutes. Why the need to keep running Jeff out there when it’s been documented in the last couple of weeks how tired and exhausted he is. And if he’s going to be out there…why is he beating someone the likes of Dreamer?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmrKXtD8kDI Jeff Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer

Angle destroys AJ Styles and Ric Flair after Ric Flair…and yes this is real…Smirnoff Iced AJ…Angle again demands you into the ring…

But first we get the tag match between Beer Money against Anderson & RVD and Matt Hardy causes Anderson & RVD to lose. Was Matt in a position to be a top guy at this time?

Beer Money vs. Mr Anderson and RVD

“Backstage Flair yelled at Jarrett that he loves him and his wife to death, but he’s not part of this thing he has with Angle. Bischoff tried to calm then down and said he had it handled. Flair said Angle is off his rocker. Jarrett said he knows it. Bischoff told them to trust him that he’s got his back. He told him to go to the ring. Flair told him to go meet his maker.”

Was this the right idea to incorporate more people into this story or did it dilute it in your mind?

Brother Devon & Bully Ray are feuding by the way…is this just a way to get Bully over or did you expect both of these two to really get going with this?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7zcYQqw_Vg Bully Ray & Brother Devon brawl

So the main event segment Jeff…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqYCY0Jdv6A Kurt Angle Brawls with Immortal

“Angle stood in the ring as Jarrett waved Gunner and Murphy to the ring to attack Angle. Angle took care of them. Jarrett joined in the fun and tripleteamed Angle. Angle made a comeback a minute later and cleared the ring of Gunner and Murphy. Then he put Jarrett in a rear naked choke. Karen ran to ringside and yelled for Kurt to stop. She tried to pull Jarrett’s arm. Kaz, Beer Money, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Flair, Styles, and Terry ran out and made the save. Abyss walked onto the stage and held his arms out. Then he fell forward and Janice was shown sticking into his back. Red’s little brother walked out in a suit and yelled at Immortal: “February 3, ’They’re’ coming.” The heels in the ring asked for more details, but then Angle made a comeback and everyone scurried out of the ring to close the show.”

Just so much going on here Jeff. Why?

The January 27th episode of Impact features another high point in ratings with a 1.28. Do you attribute this to Ken Anderson being champion - Matt Hardy debuting - the creative - or is it you & Kurt?

The show opens with Kurt again in the ring and Immortal interrupts with you & Karen staying on the ramp. Jeff - are you the top heel again in this company at this point?

Somehow Flair goes crazy after a brawl and Crimson saves and makes a match…which I’m not even sure he’s in a role to do so but it’s TNA so whatever…but Kurt Angle is reinstated and now it’ll be Angle & Crimson against you, Rob Terry, Kazarian, Gunner and whoever else. Was this the right time to do this match in your opinion?

It’s the first time Angle has wrestled on Impact in 3 months. Could this had been better promoted and structured?

Kurt Angle calls someone that’s supposedly in the area for help. Also in the back Karen is nervous and you instruct her to focus on keeping you loose which she does while rubbing your shoulders. You two are hilarious!

Crimson is shown backstage saying he got a major offer that he couldn’t refuse - and that everyone will find out about it next week.

Dixie Carter is shown on screen in an interview segment as the Dixie - Hulk storyline continues and Bischoff appears to confirm that Hulk will be back the next week. Do you know why they were promoting everything peaking to that TV show?

Mr. Anderson and Matt Hardy are one-on-one at the top of the first hour and Anderson gets the win in 4:06. Was there already some hesitation on Matt’s role?

The handicap match with Immortal and Kurt & Crimson starts without you at the ring. You appear once James Storm hits Kurt with a superkick but Kurt fights back until you hit him with the stroke and with the first ref down a new ref is called to come in…Jackson James slides in and it’s a 1-2-3 and Kurt’s backup is nowhere to be found but Matt Morgan comes out for help and then Scott Steiner enters in his Main Event Mafia garb and all the heels back off. It’s a great ending to a show…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOZ-jodVtcI Kurt Angle and Crimson vs. Immortal

But then the next major show is the Royal Rumble which sees Kevin Nash & Booker T return to the WWE and supposedly that ruins TNA’s original plans for “They.” What do you remember of this and how do you hear about them appearing at the Rumble?

You’ve long talked about your relationship with Kevin. He goes on the radio and talks about some underlying financial situations. Does this become an issue for you two?

Dixie has an interview at the time saying Kevin was released. Is that how you remember it?

From the Observer: “Nash, 51, who had insisted he was retiring, was expected by those in TNA to be returning to the promotion as a babyface as part of Eric Bischoff’s 2001 idea to get rid of the name stars, and then build to their coming back. Like in 2001, when he pulled several main stars, the comeback never took place because the deal to buy WCW, and then bring all the stars back after going dark and building up a new beginning, never happened.

Booker was contacted by TNA and told the promotion he was expecting to return to WWE. Nash, on the other hand, those in TNA claim he had committed to coming in and then went to WWE, where he showed up with jet black hair, as Diesel.”

In response TNA releases this: “The video opens with footage of the Mafia— Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Booker T, and Sting—in action from past TV episodes. The Mafia music stops and graphics of a desolate city are shown to “erase” the Mafia from the TV angle. Text flashes on the screen: “Just When You Thought / “They” Were Back / Think Again! / “They” / Will Be Revealed / This Thursday.””

How big a blow is this to creative?

Is there a scramble to do something about this? Is there anything to do about it?

Were you surprised to know that Booker & Kevin were working without contracts?

Also at this time the WWE runs a tease for what ends up being a Undertaker return but a lot of people speculate online that it could be for Sting. Do you know what Sting’s relationship was with the company at this time?

Dixie does not attend the next set of tapings the Torch reports. Is that just scheduling or is there something more to it from what you remember?

The February 3rd show that was so widely plugged and promoted and built to - only gets a 1.31. I say only because that’s on par with the recent episodes. Is that a failure in your mind?

Bischoff opens the show talking about how Hulk Hogan is not at this show due to Dixie Carter continuing the legal battle. He brings up Kevin Nash, Booker T and Sting and says this about Nash, ““Take the money, get your new action figure, dye your hair, and ride off into the sunset. Kevin’s a smart guy and that’s exactly what he did.”

Jeff - come on how is that helping your product?

Scott Steiner turns down joining Bischoff and threatens to kick his ass while Angle and Crimson join him and Tenay screams this is the “They.”

Later on there’s a video package of you & Karen from Hendersonville. “Karen pointed at the bed and said that’s where Mr. Jarrett does his best work. She said for the years she was with Kurt Angle, she felt alone. The three daughters and a son ran in of their blended family. When one of them brought up Dixie’s name, Jeff made them apologize and promise to not say her name anymore.”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfZrYh1Sg8Q House Tour


Was there a thought to pitting you against Dixie at this point in time?

Anderson & Hardy agree to a title match later on in the show. How do you think these two clicked in the ring together?

There’s long been talk of how Anderson was being groomed as TNA’s “Stone Cold.” Do you agree with that assessment?

“•Another segment aired with The Jarrett Family. They played ‘50s sitcom style music in the background as they had dinner together and talked about what they’re thankful for”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5kyf5wc2ps Part 2

“Another Jarrett Family video aired. The kids danced to Jarrett’s intro music in the living room. After bed time, Karen said she called Jeff “Big Daddy” because he’s exactly that at the end of the day. Jarrett then asked Karen to renew their vows on Impact so the world can see their love for each other. Karen agreed”

Big Daddy Jeff…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKimO4mMWHM One Happy Family Part 3

Anderson and Hardy have a match which features a ref bump, because of course, and then Immortal and Fortune coming down. Fortune ends up turning on Immortal and helps Anderson get the win over Hardy. Was this the best way to make the most out of a bad situation?

Was the original plan that Nash, Booker & Steiner would convince Fortune to turn on Immortal?

I mean considering Crimson attacked Styles at one point about “They”...this has a lot of logic holes and gaps does it not?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u11j2xjWyZ4 THEY are revealed to be Fortune

From the Torch: “There is legitimate talk within TNA of focussing on the younger stars rather than bringing back big names from the past. One source noted that Fortune would be among the top faces in the company, and stated that it would be interesting to see what happens with Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and other big names once their contracts come up. However, the same source stated that while creative is behind the idea, plans could change quickly. The source feels that the ratings in the coming weeks will play a big part in determining whether the company focusses heavily on the younger talents. “They key is the ratings,” the source said. “Dixie panics when the ratings dip. If it moves two points, she’ll panic.” The source went on to explain that if the ratings fall from a 1.3 to a 1.2 as they did last week, then it’s business as usual. However, the feeling is that if the ratings go from a 1.3 to a 1.1, that’s when Dixie tends to overreact.”

Is that an accurate description of Dixie at this time?

OKADA IS THE GREEN HORNET. Jeff - how big a miss is this looking back now?

The go-home Impact draws a 1.2 rating which is a decrease from the 1.31 of the week before. Here’s the amount of viewer breakdown over the last 6 weeks:

Jan. 6 - 1.50 million viewers

Jan. 13 - 1.70 million viewers (coming off a PPV)

Jan. 20 - 1.65 million viewers

Jan. 27 - 1.93 million viewers (building to Feb. 3)

Feb. 3 - 1.95 million viewers

Feb. 10 - 1.70 million viewers

When ratings move like this is it based on creative in your mind? Did the creative peak too early for this pay-per-view?

So to put some perspective on this…NXT on February 1st drew 619,000 viewers. Raw on January 31st drew 1.865 million viewers, Smackdown on January 28th drew 2,217,000 million viewers, Rampage drew 601,000 viewers, Impact on the 27th drew 182,000 viewers, and AEW on the 26th drew 1.1 million viewers. Do you think TNA does not get the credit it deserves for what it was doing back then?

The show opens with you, Bischoff and Immortal coming down and Bischoff buries everyone calling AJ Styles a vanilla midget, James Storm a drunk, Roode is another Canadian devoid of charisma, and Kazarian as the “Clay Aiken of professional wrestling” whatever that means. You grab the mic…from the Torch…

“Fortune (Styles, Kazarian, Beer Money) stepped onto the stage. Jarrett called them “boys, and I mean boys” and told them to grow a set and enter the ring with real men. Jarrett lectured them and said they’re nothing. He said Kaz has million dollar looks and ten cent talent. Roode yanked the mic away when Jarrett called him a useless partner to James Storm. Roode said Jarrett gave them opportunities, but they took that opportunity and built his company from the ground up. He said they could have left, but they stayed because of the belief they had in TNA Wrestling. He closed with: ”Slap Nuts!” A brawl broke out.”

From there Tenay & Taz talk about how Anderson is taking on Matt Morgan on the show. Morgan hasn’t really been on TV and then this is all put together.

So there’s three singles matches scheduled for the pay-per-view. So let’s combine them and make it a tables match! And have it go 4 minutes!

Matt Hardy, Brother Ray & the Pope lose to Brother Devon, Rob Van Dam & Samoa Joe when Ray gets put through the table by Devon. I mean this makes no sense right?

There’s a contract signing between you & Kurt scheduled. From the Torch: “Karen and Jeff stood in the ring. Karen said they want to provide entertainment to help viewers with their terrible marriages and dysfunctional families. So they’re going to continue to show footage of their great home live “where there is nothing but love 24/7.” Angle then walked out. Jarrett said if Angle wins, he gets sold custody of the kids. Jarrett said if he wins on March 3 he and Karen are going to renew their vows and he wants Kurt there to “give the bride away.” Angle signed the contract.”

My god Jeff. Just…what is happening here?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoUPRyWLVew Contract Signing

Anderson gets the win over Morgan in 9 minutes after Hernandez appears and helps for the win. Then Hernandez beats up Anderson. Why was there so many start and stop pushes for Hernandez?

Suicide returns in a X division match between Brian Kendrick and Robbie E. Hindsight 20/20 but Suicide has to be the worst marketable name for a wrestler ever right?

Suicide is Christopher Daniels who is under a Ring of Honor contract but a deal was made between the two companies according to the Observer. Getting Daniels to return after leaving had to be a big deal considering he was a TNA original. How much had to go into this to get a deal done with Ring of Honor?

From the Torch for the main event go-home:

“Jeff Jarrett (w/Karen) & Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle & A.J. Styles. Ring intros took place. Hardy and Jarrett took turns beating on Angle in the early minutes. With so much build up for Jarrett vs. Angle on Sunday, this match ran the risk of giving away way too much between Angle and Jarrett. The key was to have Angle get close to dishing out punishment to Jarrett, only to have Hardy interfere and stop it. Then it was up to the announcers to really drive that point home - that to see Angle finally get unincumbered revenge on Jarrett, tune in Sunday for their one-on-one match. Styles hot-tagged in at 12:00. Jarrett escaped a Styles Clash attempt, but Styles still gave him a Pele kick. Angle stopped Hardy interference with a German suplex, then yanked down his straps and stalked Jarrett. As soon as Jarrett stood, Angle went for an Angle slam, but Jarrett slipped free. As Jarrett tried to keep Angle out of the ring after a brief chase at ringside, Styles surprised Jarrett with a flying forearm for the three count. Winners: Styles & Angle in 14:00. (**3/4) Afterward Jarrett gave Angle and Styles low-blows from behind. He then trash-talked Angle and took a few final cheapshots. Hardy gave Styles a Twist of Hate in the mean time. Then a mass brawl broke out with Immortal and Fortune running to the ring as the bell rang over and over. RVD ran out hit some spin kicks. But it took a final run-in from Anderson to finally tilt the odds in the favor of the babyfaces.”

This builds to the pay-per-view itself well. What did you think of this?

Now we’re finally at the show and Generation Me is unable to get to the show due to travel issues. Is this frustrating from an office perspective when this happens?

***I’m trying to stay away from Torch recaps of these matches because they do move by move when it’s not a synopsis. That’s why I included both ratings.***

Observer readers gave it a 69.6% thumbs up but that’s only 32 votes. 14 gave it a thumbs in the middle.

From the Observer regarding the show: “TNA put on one of its best PPVs in months on 2/13 with the Against All Odds show from Orlando. It was a combination of a hot crowd, and no bad matches. There was some real booking nonsense, including Kurt Angle retiring, only to be back wrestling at the television tapings, which would be stupid under normal circumstances but is a new degree considering they just did that exact same angle a few months ago. One could question the finish of Bubba vs. Devon, in the sense that Devon’s son Terrell was pinned and he was not even in the match. But he was advertised in the match. I know, too confusing.

At the end of the day, this may have been the tree in the empty forest PPV. Our response level for the show was at record low levels, even with a Jeff Hardy ladder match and Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett being one of the company’s best angles in a long time. It’s the whole concept of being unable to book for money. In a sense, PPV has become the self-fulfilling prophecy of the company. They don’t believe it’s a viable concept, so they don't promote it well, so it doesn’t draw at all. The promotion’s goal nowadays is build for the once a month television rating by peaking for a show. On this PPV, almost every key match was not announced until the Thursday before the Sunday, because they didn’t want to get in the way of the 2/3 show. So they only had 2/10 to push PPV matches and angles. The same concept is happening this month. They are peaking for the 3/3 television show, and have a PPV on 3/13, so the whole show won’t be built until 3/10.”

This is the opposite mindset of when the company started. What shifted Jeff?

“1. Kazarian pinned Robbie E to keep the X title in 7:04. It started with Robbie in the ring, saying that Generation Me weren’t there, so he said he won by forfeit and was headed to the club. Kazarian came out and said that he wouldn’t be happy with a cheap victory like that, but since Robbie earned a title shot, he’d give him one right now. Kazarian started selling when Robbie scooped his leg on the apron and Kazarian took a fall into the steps. Robbie whipped Kazarian into the steps. Cookie also interfered and choked Kazarian from outside the ring. Real good match with a hot crowd here. Cookie hit Kazarian with her purse, but Kazarian kicked out of the pin. Kazarian got the pin with the Omori driver, which they are calling Fade to Black. ***”

Torch rating: **

“2. Scott Steiner & Robert Roode & James Storm beat Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy in 10:13. Gunner & Murphy have graduated to regular wrestling gear and are full-fledged wrestlers instead of security guards. Steiner still looks freakish at 48. The match was pushed around Steiner vs. Terry, but it was booked smartly, with them only being in once with each other. And that was just Steiner telling Terry to pose and kicking him low. Storm was beaten down into hitting a back stabber on Terry and he hot tagged Roode. Roode and Gunner botched a sunset flip spot. Roode cleaned house, and hit a blockbuster and uranage on Gunner, but Murphy made the save. Storm kicked Murphy in the head. Crowd was really into Beer Money as a hot act. Roode used the spinebuster on all three, and put Gunner sitting on the top rope. Roode tagged Steiner, who did a Frankensteiner off the top on Gunner for the pin. Crowd went crazy seeing Steiner do the Frankensteiner which he’s done only on rare occasions the past 13 years. **¾”

Torch rating: *½

“3. Samoa Joe beat Pope D’Angelo Dinero in 8:29. Kazuchika Okada is now Joe’s sidekick. He dresses in a mask like the Green Hornet, and his name is Okato, pronounced Oh-Kato, as in Kato, the Green Hornet’s tag team partner. Crowd was kind of into it, not a ton, but they liked it. Joe did most of his moves including a running kick, a senton, and an enzuigiri. Joe got the choke out of nowhere and Pope immediately tapped. They noted he was an early tapper and thus Pope sold it like he got out without any pain. The finish was flat. Pope wanted to shake hands. They did. Pope then attacked Joe. Okato ran in to help and Pope took him out. Pope ran Joe’s head into the exposed turnbuckle and Joe bladed. Pope used the DDE (double knees) in the corner. Joe was bleeding, saw the blood, went crazy, but by that point Pope had run away. **¼”

Torch rating: **

“4. Madison Rayne retained the Knockouts title over Mickie James in 8:27 in a last woman standing match. James dressed as Pochahantas. There was a sign in the crowd, “I’ll play Flair’s bar tab.” Taz in commentary tried to put over that the women in TNA are different from those in the WWE. James tried to pull Rayne’s loaded glove off her hand. Both ended up crawling under the ring. Then they both got out. I have no idea why. Rayne knocked James off the top rope to the floor. But James got up at nine. James came off the top rope with a Thesz press. At this point James pulled the glove off Ryan’s hand and put it on her own hand. Tara came out and James KO’d her with the loaded glove punch. Rayne then pulled Brass Knux out of her boot and with the ref distracted, Rayne hit James with Brass Knux. Rayne instinctively went for the pin even though there were no pins in this match. She then remembered that and James was given the ten count, so it was over. **½”

Torch rating: *¾

Matt Morgan came out for an interview. Morgan called out Hernandez. Hernandez was the cocky heel, and called Morgan “The Great White Hype.” Hernandez said America is looking for its next great white hope. He said that’s why he went to Mexico. He said that they loved him in Mexico (actually he was a heel in Mexico) and people treated him like he was a big star. He said people treated him like a second class citizen, but now Hispanic America is taking over and people like Morgan are now minorities. Morgan acted confused and Hernandez gave Morgan a knee to the groin and then gave Morgan the Attitude Adjustment.

So you build Morgan up…and then feed him to Hernandez. Was Hernandez better than Morgan in your mind?

“5. Rob Van Dam pinned Matt Hardy in 13:18. Matt did an interview before the match saying throughout his career he always tried to do the right thing. He said in the last year he’s been suffering from a potential career ending injury. He said his brother Jeff left (WWE) and he was being punished to get back at Jeff. He used that to make himself Cold Blooded. Crowd wasn’t into it early and RVD had to cheerlead early. But it turned into a very good match. There were dueling chants. RVD missed a rolling Thunder but immediately did a standing moonsault. RVD with a kick to the head and a split legged moonsault. Hardy back getting near falls with the side effect and twist of hate. Matt climbed up to give a superplex. RVD threw forearms and knocked Hardy down. The finish saw Matt miss a moonsault and RVD used the frog splash. Matt looked a lot better here than his debut. **¾”

Torch rating: **¾

“6. Bully Ray pinned Devon in a street fight in 9:26. The match was advertised as Ray vs. Devon & his two sons Terrence and Terrell, who have been involved in angles the past few weeks. But earlier in the show, Devon told the two of them to stay in the back and pulled them from the match. Devon and Ray started by brawling outside the ring. Terrence and Terrell came out and Devon blew up, yelling at both of them and told them to go to the back as he had told them earlier. While he was doing this, Ray hit Devon with a chair shot to the back. Ray spit at the sons. Ray used a garbage can lid to the head and put Devon’s chair into a chair and grabbed a chain. Terrence and Terrell jumped into the ring. Ray threatened both of them with a chain and before he could do anything, Devon recovered. Terrell hit Ray with a garbage can and split his legs so Devon could do the wazzup spot. The kids told Devon to get the table. He did, but Ray gave him a low blow and got handcuffs, cuffing Devon to the corner. He screamed that Devon was weak and that nobody should have ever kicked out of the 3-D. Both sons tried to pry open the handcuffs to no avail. With Devon stuck in the corner, Ray laid out Terrence. Terrell attacked Ray, but Ray kicked him in the head and pinned him. ***½”

Post match saw Devon still handcuffed in the corner and Ray went to hit him with a chair. He then froze. He teased that he was having second thoughts about hurting Devon. But then he attacked the sons and power bombed Terrell through a table. There were fans chanting “One more time.” Devon was freaking out, almost in tears, in the corner. Finally security came and unlocked Devon way late. Terrell was put in a neck brace and carried out on a stretcher. Crowd was going crazy and the angle was perfectly constructed.

Another booking issue was putting the Bully Ray vs. Devon and Angle vs. Jarrett match back-to-back. Both issues involved children of wrestlers, so it felt like angle overkill. The first match segment ended with a post-match angle where Ray laid out both of Devon’s sons, with one going out in a neck brace on a stretcher. If this angle was done in the 70s or 80s in a healthy territory, it probably would have ignited the place and been one of the hottest feuds. The problem is, with the complete context issues wrestling now has, particularly in TNA, it’s almost impossible for anything to work at that level because so much is thrown out that the value of anything is watered down. But the angle could not have been done better.

Torch rating: *

Jarrett and Angle managed to follow it by having a great match. Jarrett pinned Kurt Angle in 16:14 in a ridiculous stipulation match. If Jarrett wins, Kurt has to walk Karen down the aisle and give her away on 3/3. If Kurt wins, then he gets full custody of his two kids. Just a ridiculous stip that took away from what they had. Karen was at ringside, eliciting a chant of “Sloppy seconds.” Karen slapped Kurt after Kurt was beating up on Jeff. Great heat. They went and did all their big moves. Kurt used a belly-to-belly and ankle lock, but Jeff broke it. Angle did three German suplexes but Jarrett kicked out. Jarrett escaped the Olympic slam and hit an enzuigiri. He went for the stroke, but Angle reversed to an ankle lock. Karen distracted the ref. Kurt hit the Olympic slam but Karen was distracting ref Brian Hebner. As Kurt checked on the ref, Jarrett used a low blow and the stroke, but Angle kicked out. Brian Hebner was knocked down, when Angle shoved Jarrett into the ref when escaping the stroke attempt. Karen then interfered again raking her fingernails on Kurt’s back. Kurt went after Karen but Jeff attacked Kurt from behind and threw him into the steps. Jeff brought in a chair, but Kurt got it away. Kurt was about to use it when ref Brian Hebner took it from Kurt. They traded more near finishes, including Kurt using a Saito suplex. Karen distracted Kurt again, leading to Jeff giving Kurt the stroke off the middle rope inside the ring. But Angle kicked out again. Kurt did another German suplex and went for the ankle lock. Karen distracted Brian Hebner while Kurt put the ankle lock on Jeff. Jeff was tapping and the ref missed it. Kurt got up to check on the ref. Jeff nailed Kurt with a wicked looking chair shot, although Kurt did get his hands up to absorb most of the shock. Kurt kicked out. A “you tapped out” chant at Jarrett. Kurt went for an inside cradle, but Jarrett escaped. Kurt tried a sunset flip, and then dropped to try the ankle lock. But Jeff sat down to counter and get the pin. After the match, Kurt took off his wrestling boots and left them in the ring, like Rulon Gardner did at the 2004 Olympics. Taz pointed out right away that he was retiring. Taz said Kurt had retired and that nobody knew that if Kurt lost he was going to retire. ****1/4

Torch rating: ***½

“8. Jeff Hardy beat Mr. Anderson in a ladder match in 18:16 to win the TNA title. The match had two refs, Jackson James and Earl Hebner, but the refs never played into the finish. They pushed that Anderson was from Green Bay, meaning the city had two world champions. Somehow I don’t think anyone in the city realizes that. Some high impact stuff. Anderson suplexed Hardy into an upside down ladder. That had some serious injury risks because you can’t predict how the ladder would collapse. Hardy back with the twist of hate. Jeff brought in another ladder. Anderson recovered and did the Lambeau plunge on the ladder. Anderson missed the swanton. The idea was that he hit his head on the ladder, but actually didn’t even come close. Anderson was still selling like he did hit it, making it even worse. There was a “Let’s Go Hardy” chant. Both guys climbed different ladders and were fighting at the top. Hardy slammed Anderson’s head on the top of the ladder. He grabbed the belt. Anderson started punching back. Hardy again tried to get it but Anderson threw the belt. The finish was that both were supposed to collapse from the ladder giving out, but Hardy would have just grabbed the belt and fall to the ground with it. Well, except he fell without unlocking the belt. So he had to climb back up and just grab the belt. Finish came across flat because it was a screwed up finish and Hardy just grabbed the belt instead of rebuilding to the belt grab. ***¼”

Torch rating: ***¼


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