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We’re here today on My World to continue the story that we began with last year in the archives when you walked out on Vince McMahon for the first time…back in 1995 as we transition to your return to the World Wrestling Federation later that year.

Check out our last episode regarding this in the archives - My World #12: Walking Out on Vince: IYH 2 as it tells the first part of our story.

On the July 29th, 1995 Superstars - you’re brought up on TV as they show the recap of you vs. Shawn at In Your House 2 and it’s speculated on television that you & Roadie broke up AND for the first time it’s talked about how you were lip synching and Roadie was the one who was likely the singer. Did you see this or hear this and think…ah shit that’s where they’re going while I’m not back yet?

Also - they’re shilling a t-shirt and cassette tape of yours as well! You think they couldn’t edit that out or do you think they’re looking to get something out of this while they still can?

I mean the company has to be looking for some type of return on what is this really big investment between the music video and all this so they’re going to try and sell it but they can’t even promote you because you went home!

Did you get any of that merchandise money?

Are the boys calling you? Are you calling them? Or is it more out of sight out of mind?

You’re replaced on the house shows when you’re scheduled against 1-2-3 Kid…with Waylon Mercy who is Dan Spivey. Also you were promoted for a Madison Square Garden show in August where you & Sid were scheduled to team up to take on Diesel & Michaels. Somehow Men on a Mission take your spot. They’re just moving on at this point. When do you realize you’re just on completely ice?

You’ve talked the last time that you were shocked you weren’t brought back right away.

From the Torch: “Sunday night, July 30 Jeff Jarrett and Vince McMahon had a two hour phone conversation. At the conclusion of the conversation, both Jarrett and McMahon are said to have worked through the disputed issues (those being Jarrett's lack of pinfall victories and the future of Jarrett after he is exposed as a phony singer), settled those issues, and come to an agreement that Jarrett would return to the WWF and pick up on the angle. His return, though, wouldn't necessarily be immediate. It could have been two months down the line or later.

As it turns out, though, what appears to be a misunderstanding confused the issue. Jarrett called McMahon back the next day, as they had agreed he would, to propose a scenario for Jarrett's return. McMahon at that point told Jarrett he should no longer call him and their respective lawyers should finish off all negotiations for him to return.

Jarrett was said to have been shocked at McMahon's matter-of-fact tone considering they had become virtual friends the night before.

This above story surfaced last week because McMahon's version of what happened was different than Jarrett's. McMahon told various people that Jarrett called him an "a--hole" as they concluded their conversation Sunday night. McMahon told people he was dismayed because he, too, though they had gotten along so great.

As it turns out, McMahon told Jarrett that from now on Jarrett should speak up louder and let him know immediately if he has any problems with the way his career is handled by the WWF. Jarrett had admitted to being to timid in the past. As a rib, Jarrett basically said, "Okay, asshole, you'll know how I feel in the future." It was his way of showing McMahon he could be up front with him. Jarrett laughed immediately afterward and said it was a sarcastic comment.

McMahon, who as one observer put it, "wants badly to be 'one of the boys' but doesn't understand how 'the boys' talk to each other," was offended by the comment and apparently took it wrong. That slowed the negotiations and caused McMahon to move the negotiations to the lawyers.

As it stands as of Tuesday, Aug. 8, the respective lawyers are negotiating, doing the "letter exchanging" that lawyers tend to do. The issues at stake now are how Jarrett's departure (or "leave of absence") should affect his contract situation. His contract is not set to expire until near the end of this year. How he'll be reintroduced if he does agree to return is also not yet decided.

All sources agree it's about an 80 percent bet that Jarrett will return to the WWF this fall or winter.

Brian Armstrong (a/k/a Roadie) has been all but dropped from consideration to be brought back, and he apparently feels comfortable with that. Although normally drug test results aren't reported on, word has spread widely in the industry alleging that the drug test Roadie gave the night he left the WWF came back positive for a marijuana, which continued his streak. It's believed now that Roadie realizes if he were to return to the WWF, he wouldn't last because of the legitimate drug testing the WWF does. The WWF has resigned themselves to that belief, also. Roadie will probably became a significant player in SMW and the USWA from this point forward.”

Did you…really…call Vince McMahon an asshole?

Did you feel the lack of pinfall victories were hurting you?

Were you shocked when Vince changed course and told you to start communicating via lawyers?

After that last phone call with Vince where he says he hopes to work together with you in the future...when are you contacted again by the WWF? Is it Vince, Pat, Bruce?

So you got your contractors license…but there’s some big news at the time that WCW is launching Monday Nitro. Are you thinking you can get out of your WWF contract to join WCW? Is there any talk considering your dad is a consultant for the company?

Were there any legal threats during this time regarding your contractual status?

From the Observer on August 14th: “Jeff Jarrett is still sitting it out and the two sides are farther apart at this point than they were one week ago. At press time no progress had been made between the two sides and Jarrett is attempting to get out of his contract and entertain offers at that point because right now nobody can dare talk to him or risk a tampering lawsuit. Usually when a guy leaves WWF while under contract, the promotion lets him work anywhere but WCW (such as Brian Armstrong already working with SMW), but some feel because of the nature of what happened, they may keep Jarrett from working USWA. According to Jerry Jarrett, his son was unhappy about being portrayed as a phony singer in a phony business and thought that would make his career go the same place Milli Vanilli's did and that at this point, WCW (who Jerry Jarrett works for) has made no inquires about getting Jeff.”

A lot to unpack here - what did you think of Brian already working with Smokey Mountain and Jim Cornette while you’re working on your contractors’ license?

Was your dad hesitating on putting you back on the USWA roster or was that more you considering you were worried about burn out, etc?

Were you worried about being another Milli Vanilli?

I find it hard to believe there’s no contact with WCW…your dad had to have floated your name right?

In the Torch it’s brought up regarding your status and the status of the WWF-USWA relationship with Jerry Lawler. Did Jerry reach out to you during this time? Was there a worry there was going to be a backlash with Jerry and the USWA?

From the Observer on August 21st:

“There has been a lot of discussion involving Jeff Jarrett as well. The lines of communication are open and WWF officials seemed to believe it was better than 50/50 that Jarrett would return although no idea as to when. The WWF has soured on bringing Roadie back, at least at this point. There are several reports Roadie did fail the drug test administered at the In Your House PPV in Nashville where he and Jarrett walked out and although not confirmed, the company's feelings regarding Roadie's returning have definitely changed over the last few weeks. Reports are that since Jarrett has several months remaining on his contract, that WWF is enforcing it to the point they won't let him work even USWA whereas Roadie, who they don't want back, is being allowed to work anywhere he wants. In the past when performers leave WWF while under contract, the WWF usually allows them to work anywhere but WCW..”

So we know Roadie isn’t coming back soon and won’t actually come back to the company for another year. Are you putting in a word for Brian in these conversations with Vince and the office or is it a every man for himself type of thing?

How much conversation are you having with Brian?

Any talks with Smokey Mountain with Brian working there of going to work for Cornette?

Did the WWF not clear you to work anywhere including the USWA?

Jean Pierre Lafette - now known as PCO - is doing local media in Montreal to promote his match against Diesel on September 15th and when asked about you & Roadie leaving he says that among the wrestlers, it wasn’t a big thing. Did you have a relationship with PCO at this time and do you think that’s just him trying to get the focus back on himself compared to answering a question about you two?

It’s speculated a lot at this time that you & Brian have just thrown away your careers. Did you ever get that feeling?

From the Torch on August 26th…”Sources indicate that the tone of the WWF's negotiations with Jeff Jarrett have deteriorated in the past two weeks to the point that the odds he will return have dropped to less than 5 percent. Roadie's situation remains status quo. There is no word of any further talks taking place between him and the WWF.”

What happened towards the end of August Jeff?

Well there’s big changes going in the WWF. British Bulldog is turned heel and Lex Luger disappears from the company. Do you think Bulldog being turned is because one of their top heels they were pushing all year is now at home?

You’re on the outside of both locker rooms at the time but did you hear any stories about Lex being unhappy or were you present with Lex being unhappy?

WCW goes on a hiring spree and picks up Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko from ECW. When you see something like that do you think you might’ve missed your chance?

Did you watch the first Nitro? What did you think of the presentation and did you think it was better than Raw’s tired old presentation?

Were you shocked when Luger walked out?

Did you think Lex leaving helped you in any sort of negotiation or power play?

Bill Watts in a very sudden shift in the WWF becomes a big time player in the creative process. Did you have any talks with Bill at the time and did you think that was going to help or hurt your current situation?

On September 16th in the Torch its reported: “A WWF source indicates Jeff Jarrett and WWF brass are scheduled to actually talk again this week. The last few weeks have seen just the exchange of formal legal letters. The plans to actually have conversation again is a positive sign toward reconciling, but there is still a long way to go including egos having to be put aside.”

What changes?

Brian James is renamed in the USWA as Jesse James Armstrong…is there a plan in place to have this feud in case you’re able to make it happen?

It’s reported in the Torch: “Vince McMahon flew Jeff Jarrett to the WWF's Connecticut headquarters on Thursday, Sept. 21. Word in the WWF is they put their personal differences aside, but no deal was reached. They are expected to talk again later this week. Odds are increasing that Jarrett will return, but they are far, far from reaching an agreement. Certainly Jarrett would want unconditional assurances that his grievances would be addressed.” Was that your first face to face meeting since you had left? What was the meeting like? Is it just you & Vince?

Now from the Observer regarding you being flown in: “There are a lot of people within Titan against bringing him back because of the nature of how and when he walked out without doing a planned angle and that bringing him back sends the wrong message about what is tolerated, and others who defend Jarrett saying that during his entire tenure in Titan except for the one incident, he was a model employee. Others think that Jarrett was correct in that they would have killed his character had he done what was planned at the PPV.”

Who do you think was against you coming back? Anybody ever say anything to you about coming back?

Just as quickly Bill Watts is a player, Bill Watts is gone. Was this a good or bad thing for you do you think?

It comes out in the Torch that right after Bill Watts is let go by the WWF your father’s consulting agreement ends with WCW. “sources say WCW and Jerry Jarrett severed their agreement either late last week or early this week. Jarrett had been getting paid to be a "consultant." With that move Bischoff cuts back on payroll which helps his efforts to make WCW profitable on paper this year. What has Turner's syndication department concerned is that also part of the severance of the deal is the loss of the USWA's 70-plus station syndication network which had been grouped with WCW's Worldwide and Pro programs to advertisers. Bischoff always included those USWA syndication viewers as part of the number he quoted to back up his claim that WCW was "number one" in viewers. The loss of the 70 stations means Turner won't meet the viewership (or ratings) that was promised to syndication sponsors and Turner will be forced to provide "make good" spots for those sponsors down the line. WWF sources say, though, that Jarrett is not being pursued for the booking position.”

How big a deal is this at this time for your father? Did you think it would impact you at all? Did you know if your father was being considered since Watts was already gone?

Do you know if it was just a money move like it was speculated here?

Shawn Michaels gets the shit kicked out of him in Syracuse during a bar fight. Does anyone call you up and tell you the story? Are you in contact with Shawn?

Once again…do you think that helps your standing in coming back?

The WWF sends the current Intercontinental Champion - Razor Ramon - to headline the USWA Mid-South Coliseum show on October 30th and he takes on Brian Christopher in the main event. Razor is DQed to keep the title. Are you at this show? Pop in to see Scott? Get your face on the radar?

From the Torch on November 4th: “Former WWF main eventer Jeff Jarrett has signed a record deal and will be recording country songs in Nashville within a few weeks. Because everyone knew Roadie (Brian Armstrong) was a good singer, apparently no one knew that Jarrett could carry a tune also.

The ongoing talks between Jeff Jarrett and the WWF are as reconciliatory as they have been in six weeks, and a couple sources indicate odds are very strong he will be returning soon. If he doesn't agree to return soon, he'll probably end up sitting out his WWF contract until it expires next year then look for opportunities elsewhere.

Because Jarrett quit without giving 90 days notice, the WWF has the advantage in being able to contractually prevent him from working elsewhere until the contract expires. Meanwhile, Jarrett doesn't get paid anything.”

Jeff - did you really sign a record contract?

There’s a story the next week in the Torch about how there’s a record low morale at this point in time for the boys in early November but there’s this part at the bottom I want to point out: “On the bright side (yes, there is one), Jeff Jarrett came to terms with the WWF late last week and the WWF is currently formulating plans for how to reintroduce him into the mix - which could take place within a few weeks or not until late this year. His return and freshness drastically helps the heel side of the WWF roster.”

How does the deal come to be? Were you worried about what was going on in the locker room? Did you take a paycut to return? Break it all down for us.

Are you promised programs? Titles? More say in your character or future?

How important is Bruce Prichard in all of this?

All of a sudden though there’s something that comes up down south. Your family - the Jarretts - and the Armstrongs - somehow start feuding between Smokey & the USWA.

USWA TV   November 11th 1995

From the Observer:

“The 11/11 television was the best in a long time. The main angle started with a tape from 11/4 in Nashville where Bob Armstrong was facing Eddie Marlin (Jeff Jarrett's grandfather). As Marlin gained the advantage, the SMW crew attacked him and he was locked in a figure four leglock. Then they aired a clip from 11/10 in Crenshaw, MS starting with J.J. Armstrong making fun of Marlin, because he was walking with a cane based on the Nashville angle. J.J. Armstrong then jumped Marlin and beat him up again and put him in the figure four. Bob Armstrong did a phone interview which they said was from the Bahamas challenging the USWA to put up its promotion against SMW with his son representing SMW against anyone USWA can put up, saying his son had already beaten everyone in the USWA and that he didn't think anyone would accept the challenge.”

4:20 - 13:58


When do you get clearance to do this? Who puts this all together? Was this part of your agreement with Vince that you were coming back?

“Later in the show, a gift box came addressed as being from the Bahamas for J.J. Armstrong. When he opened the box, Jarrett was inside and the two brawled all over the studio, out the door, through the aisles, into the parking lot, and finally in front of the studio until Jarrett chased J.J. Armstrong down Union Avenue. Jarrett got a huge pop and did an interview saying that people thought he deserted the USWA the past two years, but what happened was that every wrestlers' dream was to wrestle in the main event in Madison Square Garden. He said he finally achieved that dream, but felt he had given up too much and said that he had missed seeing his younger brothers' high school football season last year and missed his sisters' college graduation, and when his grandmother was on her deathbed and he flew in, he had to fly back out the next morning and she didn't even remember him being there. He said he wasn't proud of what he had given up to achieve his dream, but when he heard about what happened to Marlin, that was it. He said Jesse James Armstrong was a fake name which he came up with because his always wanted to be Double J, and that his real name is Brian Gerard James. He said he could have picked any wrestler in the world to be his Roadie and he made the Roadie and the Roadie kept screwing up. He claimed USWA isn't like SMW because it doesn't have big money backers behind them but SMW doesn't have any wrestlers who can back up their money.”



Jeff how did it feel to be back? Did Cornette put you in the box since he’s famously said anything that jumps out of a box is over?

Here’s the follow-up as there’s a promo your father cuts on TV and then you follow-up on which Dave calls one of the best of your career at this point

Right after this on November 13th you finally have your blow off you didn’t want against Jesse James Armstrong in Memphis with you two headlining

From the Observer: “The 11/13 Memphis show was headlined by a match billed as USWA vs. SMW with the winner winning the losers' promotion with Jeff Jarrett vs. Jesse James Armstrong with no disqualification. Even with Jarrett's return, doing the best interview possibly of his career, and the stipulations, the house only popped up to an estimated 1,200 fans, which is probably about all they're going to be able to get on their best nights now battling both Raw and Nitro. The match was said to have been the best match in Memphis in a while, with Jarrett winning in 20:11 and as the storyline goes, that means the USWA is supposed to now own SMW.”

Was the house a disappointment? I mean your grandfather - Eddie Marlin - is part of this and is attacked. Is the Monday Night Wars hurting the Monday nights in Memphis?

Did you agreeing with the WWF mean you could do this program?

USWA 1996 - Jerry Jarrett promo on Bob Armstrong and SMW

That promo is before the hair of Jesse and the company on the line match and you guys draw 1,150 and Jesse gets the win. Was this a fun program to work?

Eventually the blow off is USWA & SMW against Jerry Jarrett’s house and he’s at ringside for it but it only draws 520 in Memphis for you getting the win in the rubber match. First time your dad has been your second in a while has it not?

This actually leads to the closing of Smokey Mountain Wrestling. Did you know that was the plan all along?

Are you preparing to return to the WWF at this point?

There’s talk in the Torch AND the Observer that the person being promoted as the new “Million Dollar Champion” is between you & Steve Austin. Oh man that irony huh Jeff? Did you ever hear talk of that being your role in your return?

So you finally make your WWF return at In Your House: #5 in Hershey, PA which features Bulldog vs. Bret on top. Are you told you’re going to be programmed with Ahmed Johnson?

From the Observer: “At this point, to show a communications breakdown somewhere, ring announcer Manny Garcia announced coming from Knoxville, Tennessee, Nature Boy Buddy Ridell, so one would assume Landel was getting a new name and about to debut. Then Jerry Lawler cut him off and went to the ring for a surprise, which would surely be Landel, but instead was Jeff Jarrett. Lawler gave Jarrett a plaque commemorating a gold CD and Jarrett announced he'd be in the Rumble. Jarrett got no pop at all. When the segment was over there were light cheers and light boos but no real reaction. Many have forgotten by now because of just how great the video and the Michaels match was that until the very end of his first WWF tenure, Jarrett was actually the least over wrestler in the company of all the guys who got a push. Jarrett did a good job but the segment didn't get much of a reaction.”

First off the breakdown in communication to start with Buddy Landel getting announced before it was supposed to be happen…you’re backstage for this. Do you remember anyone in Gorilla freaking out?

Man Dave just didn’t think you were over did he?

So Ahmed beats Buddy Landel who’s actually introduced by an injured Dean Douglas who will make his literally last WWF appearance and then…”Jerry Lawler then interviewed Johnson, and when Jarrett came back, he broke the plague over Johnson's head. Jarrett hit him several times with brutal chair shots and the two brawled to the back. Johnson didn't seem to know what to do because the brawl looked pretty bad.”

So from the Torch instead: “Jeff Jarrett returned to the WWF and used a chair against Ahmed Johnson in a key angle of the program while also breaking a plaque over Ahmed's back.”

Yup. What was Ahmed like to work with already? I mean Dave even points out that Ahmed Johnson doesn’t seem cooperative? Was this how you wanted to return to the company?

From the Torch: “Ahmed Johnson was supposed to be left lying at In Your House rather than fight back against Jarrett and brawl to the locker room. Apparently lack of communication in the locker room led to the road agents not running out as scheduled to break up the fight as Jarrett was beating on Johnson.”

Is this how you remember this?

The next night on Raw you open the show by defeating Fatu and you win by DQ when Ahmed interferes. Gorilla Monsoon later on announces that you won’t be part of the Royal Rumble as you said in your promo but instead you’d be working Ahmed Johnson. Was this a change of plans from the night before or was this the plan all along?

On Raw the next week you defeat Hakushi via submission and in the very next match Ahmed gets the win over an enhancement talent and you run out but you miss Ahmed’s head with the guitar and hit the turnbuckle and run off scared while Ahmed destroys the guitar. Is this the first time you’re using a guitar to attack someone?

Looking back at these first two nights…are you happy you returned? Would you had rather been the Million Dollar Champion?

The next night in a blizzard you work Marty Garner…the future Cham Pain…and you do this…

Jeff Jarrett vs. Marty Garner [1996-01-13]

You and Garner look almost exactly alike…how does that happen?

On December 20th you win the Unified title from Ahmed Johnson in Tunica and Meltzer reports you both work as babyfaces. Was this getting a trial run in before the pay-per-view? Were you allowed to work USWA whenever you wanted now as part of your deal?

Christmas night in Nashville in front of 860 fans you defeat Brad Armstrong to get a lumberjack match with Bullet Bob and you win that one too.

In Louisville the next night you defeat Bullet Bob in a Lumberjack strap match and then Brian Christopher in the main event to get keep the Unified title.

On the 27th you defeat Bullet Bob in another lumberjack strap match and then Brian Christopher in front of 1,300 in the main event at the Mid-South Coliseum. Was there a long term plan for you to stay in the USWA at this time?

Jeff - what can you sum up about your 1995? From winning the IC title as we covered last week to losing to Shawn and walking out and then returning and being back involved for the USWA…what a year.

We move into 1996 and you’re on the road to facing Ahmed at the Rumble. On house shows you return and you’re teaming with Sid losing to Razor & Diesel at the Nassau Coliseum in front of 5,100 and then teaming with Hunter in New Haven and losing to Razor & Diesel. Did it feel good to get back on the road again with the Clique?

You work the Montreal Forum in front of 8,000 paid and 10,016 total teaming with Hunter and losing to Razor & Savio. How is the locker room treating you after your return? How about the office?

You work Ahmed in Fitchburg, MA in front of 3,500 with Ahmed getting the win. Is this your run through for the Rumble match?

Well Jeff to close this all up let’s talk about your pay-per-view return to the company. It’s the Royal Rumble in Fresno and you’re opening the show for the second consecutive Rumble! You vs. Ahmed…and let’s hear what Meltzer thought of the show:

“1. Ahmed Johnson beat Jeff Jarrett via DQ in 6:40. Johnson is really green. The transitions from spot-to-spot were weak. Jarrett tried to carry it but it's hard when nobody buys Johnson being in trouble because he's so physically impressive and doesn't know how to sell to overcome the impressive size. After a sidewalk slam (called a spinebuster by McMahon although it's not the same move as the one Arn Anderson uses), Johnson did a dive over the top and crashed into the guard rail in the process. Johnson then did a full somersault splash off the top and missed, selling his knee. Jarrett used the figure four but Johnson reversed it. He tried it a second time but Johnson kicked him out of the ring. Jarrett came in with a guitar and came off the top rope, smashing it on Johnson's head for the DQ. The guitar shot sounded great. Johnson keeled over from the shot, but recovered before Jarrett was back in the dressing room and got up and ran after him but never caught him. *¼”

Is Ahmed green? Tough to work with? He doesn’t have the best working reputation over the years from really anyone.

Do you think a guy of Ahmed’s size and stature makes it tough to get over you’re a believable heel for him to sell?

Ahmed crashing into the guard rail is a real holy shit moment. Was he ok?

This…doesn’t seem like a match you really put together Jeff. It’s hard to see here who the showcase is for. Then the finish with you smashing the guitar over his head I think is the first time we’ve seen it happen where you connected. Did you think even all these years later you’d still be using a guitar?

From the Torch: “(1) Ahmed Johnson defeated Jeff Jarrett via DQ at 6:38 when Jarrett nailed Ahmed with his guitar. Ahmed attacked hard and fast. Jarrett retreated to ringside. Ahmed chased Jarrett back into the ring. Ahmed outpowered Jarrett early in the match with shoulder blocks and screaming powerslams. Ahmed missed a flying clothesline when Jarrett ducked and Ahmed’s hand got caught in the ropes. Jarrett clotheslined Ahmed off the ring apron and then swung him into the ringside stairs. Ahmed began a superman comeback, running in place and no-selling Jarrett. He then caught Jarrett in a bearhug at 3:54. At 4:33 Ahmed hit a bodyblock over the top rope onto Jarrett. Ahmed then attempted a flip senton, but Jarrett moved. Jarrett then applied the figure four which would have been a sensible place to end the match considering Ahmed in reality and according to the storyline is new to WWF rings. But Ahmed reached the ropes and onto the non-clean finish we went. Jarrett went for the figure-four again, but Ahmed kicked him away and through the ropes. Jarrett saw his guitar and decided to come off the top rope and nail Ahmed with it for the DQ. Jarrett did a good job carrying Ahmed. The match told a story, but the finish was lame. The guitar shot should have come after a clean finish. (*1/4)”

Ahmed has said some things over the course of the years about how he didn’t like working with you and said you were racist. Care to comment?

Here is one question from AdFreeShows.com Slapnut Liam Evans asked, “ What happened to your framed gold CD that Jerry Lawler presented to you after you hit Ahmed Johnson over the head with it at In Your House #5?”

Next week Jeff we’ll be discussing Against All Odds 2011 as we look back 11 years at one of the most…interesting stipulations in TNA’s history. It’s you vs. Kurt Angle - with the stipulation that if you win Kurt had to give Karen away at your wedding vow renewal and if Kurt wins he gets full custody of his & Karen’s children. Yup.

In two weeks we’ll be talking about Against All Odds 2007 which was the first one of it’s kind where Kurt gets his first NWA Title shot against Christian Cage, Abyss faces Sting in a Prison Yard match, DALE TORBERG has AJ Pierzynski in his corner against Lance Hoyt who has David Eckstein in his corner, Christy Hemme is in a tuxedo match against “Big Fat Oily Guy” plus so much more!


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