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Today on My World we’re going to discuss the first time Jeff became the Assistant Manager at the Royal Rumble in 1995!

The story of you and Razor - Scott Hall - really begins with your Madison Square Garden debut on January 17th, 1994. At the time Razor is the IC Champion and Razor defeats you via DQ when Shawn Michaels interfered. Is this when you were inducted into the Clique?

But seriously - your debut in MSG is against who is really one of the top 2 or 3 babyfaces in the company at the time. How big a deal is your MSG debut to you personally and do you remember the match itself?

Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett 01/17/94

Is this the first time you worked with Scott or did you wrestle him in any of the previous territories?

You work Razor a couple more times during the year, including on a Raw taping in April in Utica. It’s the first time you have your flashy entrance and you originally work a match with him and something didn’t go right and you guys had to go out back later and fix some things. What do you remember of this and what were the issues?

Who’s idea was the flashy ring entrance? Was this a sign the company was really starting to get behind you?

Diesel gets hurt in late May and early June and you sub for him as he’s the intercontinental champion at the time and you end up putting Scott over. Do you know or think at this point this is setting up for a run with Razor for the IC title?

We’ve all heard the stories of Scott and his issues later on in his career but at this time how good is Scott to work with? Is he giving as a worker?

You guys are kept apart from each other one-on-one in the ring again until later on in the year. The beginning of this build has you really as an afterthought. End of OCtober it’s announced that the Bad Guys - Razor, 1-2-3, Davey Boy & the new Headshrinkers will be taking on the Teamsters - Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart & yourself. When this is put together do you know the plan is to get to you and Razor?

On October 19th at a Wrestling Challenge taping in Utica Razor Ramon with Ranger Danger who is a local TV personality pinned you with a Razor’s Edge. You originally win the match via count out but when you find out you don’t win the title you challenge to keep the match going so you can win the championship.

This is a complete Memphis finish isn’t it? Why do heels always think they win the title when they win by count out or DQ until the referee tells you you don’t get the title? Are you happy this has kind of disappeared over the years?

You work Scott on a Canadian loop in late October and you put him over at the Montreal Forum in front of 15,534 paid and then in Halifax when he reverses a figure-four into a small package. Are you two getting better with each match?

Part of that Canadian tour without Bret Hart on the shows like in Brandon, Manitoba and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan you and Scott are actually main eventing. What are those paydays like back then?

The big push for Survivor Series comes at the end of the Monday Night RAw on November 21st when there’s a big brawl between Razor and his team and Diesel and his team.

You don’t get a lot of action between you & Scott at Survivor Series as really the whole match is a back drop to Diesel and Shawn breaking up. Your participation in the show is obviously more remembered for getting superkicked by Chuck Norris but you’re in there with a lot of Hall of Fame talent eventually. That’s gotta be a big deal does it not?

Coming off that show you work the next day in Youngstown, Ohio in front of 1800 taking on Razor. Now to explain this crazy travel Jeff and what you guys went through back then - Survivor Series was in San Antonio, Texas. From there Lex, Davey Boy, Razor, Taker, Paul Bearer, Doink & Dink had to fly to New York to be part of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. From there Scott heads to the Youngstown show. Is that a typical travel schedule during that time as part of the WWF machine?

You head to Pittsburgh next at the Civic Center where you’re second from the top losing to Razor again and then it’s back in the Garden on November 26th at the infamous show where Diesel becomes WWF champion in front of 7,300 and you go 20 minutes with Razor with the same countout finish and challenge Razor to get back in and he wins.

Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett 11/26/94

Lot to unpack here Jeff. You guys have had the same finish for a bunch of matches at this point. How do you keep it fresh? Are you doing the same stuff every night? How does it all break out in this era when it comes to this?

Two days later there’s a Monday Night Raw taping and not only do you get a big victory over Davey Boy Smith but you get a new heater! The Roadie - Jesse James Armstrong - makes his debut and helps you gain the win.

Let’s start with the match itself. Davey Boy is a world class worker - what’s it like being in the ring with him especially on Monday Night Raw?

When do you know Jesse is coming in to the company? Who’s idea was it for him to be your Roadie? Was Jesse excited to be there?

Having a heater - explain what that means to the listeners and what it means to a heel.

Was he the perfect heater for you?

Are you excited for him to be with you?

When Jesse comes in - do you guys immediately know that because of Jesse’s singing ability your breakup is destined to happen the way it’s supposed to in 1995 without you walking out?

Your first interview segment with Roadie takes place on the December 17th Superstars taping on the Heartbreak Hotel with Shawn Michaels hosting. Do you know at this point you’re going over for the IC title at the Rumble?

The next week on Superstars - December 24th - it’s announced that you’ll be taking on Razor for the Intercontinental Title. I mention the date again because just 1 year ago you debuted on WWF TV and here you are challenging for the second biggest title in the company. Quite the journey from Point A to Point B is it not?

You work with Razor on the next European tour - Germany, Israel, England - putting him over each night. How easy is it at this point to work Razor?

Are you two already talking and planning about the Rumble?

Is Scott excited for you to go over at Rumble? Is Scott expecting to move up the card or is it known at the time you guys are going to be trading the title for the next few months back and forth?

We’re still going with the country singer gimmick as on Superstars on January 2nd, 1995 you’re supposed to perform on the King’s Court with Jerry Lawler but there are technical difficulties and you’re unable to sing. Do you think you needed this part of the character still because of Roadie being introduced to the gimmick or do you think it was a heat generator still?

On January 16th - and we’ve discussed this before - you take on Bret Hart and lose with William Shatner at ringside. Shatner beats up Roadie afterwards. Jeff - I know this is Bret’s return and his first match from the losing at the Survivor Series to Backlund - but in two weeks you’re winning the IC title. Are you assuming you’re going to have a program with Bret after the Rumble because of the loss or is this just business?

Do you think it doesn’t look great when you’re going into your biggest high profile match so far in the company and you put someone over? I know it’s Bret but still…

There’s a fun segment on Superstars on January 21st in the final build to the show. Razor wins a squash match and you & Roadie come out and as Razor grabs the mic Roadie cuts the power to the mic. That’s a nice little touch there Jeff. Is that a Bruce or Pat idea?

The last house show you work before the Rumble is at Madison Square Garden and you’re all over the show. You’re a part of Shawn’s Heartbreak Hotel and then you main event with Shawn at ringside for you to sub in for Bob Backlund to take on Diesel. Main eventing the Garden with Shawn at ringside across from Diesel … you must’ve been part of the Clique?

Diesel gets the win obviously and its in front of 5,400 people. How big an accomplishment is it to main event a live event at MSG? Something you call home to your Dad and tell him?

Well Jeff we’re here at Rumble 1995 at the Tampa Sundome on January 22nd. You are opening the show with you & Razor. Does match placement even though you’re winning matter to you?

From Meltzer regarding the show itself: “the crowd reactions really hurt. Jarrett in particular, and even Hart and Diesel for much of their match, were doing some very good work and it just seemed like the crowd didn't care.”

Was the crowd rough to get going from what you remember?

Meltzer’s report on the match:

“1. Jarrett won the IC title from Ramon in a total time of 18:06. Ramon opened strong with a blockbuster suplex and choke-slam. Jarrett took a lot of big bumps. As was the story of the match, Jarrett did a good job of carrying Ramon but the crowd doesn't care about Jarrett and even when it got exciting, they never really got the heat they should have. They traded near falls and did a few clumsy Mexican high spots. Ramon crotched Jarrett on the post and did a clothesline off the top for a near fall. The first part of the match finished when Ramon took a bump over the top rope and started selling his left knee. Outside the ring, Roadie clipped Ramon's knee and he was counted out of the ring at 11:47. Jarrett then said he didn't want to win via a count out because he wouldn't get the title, the same basic deal they've been doing at the house shows in Ramon's matches since November. He called Ramon a chicken so of course Ramon got back in, still selling the knee. Jarrett mainly worked over the leg Flair style, putting on the figure four at 3:15 before Ramon broke it after 70 seconds. He kept selling the knee during his comeback. They did a hot spot where Ramon went for a backward superplex, Jarrett reversed it in mid-air and Ramon reversed it again for a near fall, however the crowd for whatever reason just wasn't into it. Finally Ramon went for the Razor's Edge but his knee gave out and he dropped Jarrett, who scored with an inside cradle in 6:19. ***¼”

Meltzer brought up before the match how tough the crowd was but talks about how you’re not over enough to bring any heat to the match. Was that the issue in your mind?

Is this the match you & Scott set out to have?

Are you happy? Satisfied? What’s Vince and everyone in the office’s reaction?

Do you consider the match a success?

You’re not done for the night as you make a run-in during the Diesel vs. Bret match for the WWF Title. Any reason you were included other than you working with Diesel the next night on Raw do you think?

This is your first time being the Assistant Manager - do you take the role as a challenge or responsibility?

This Rumble has a lot of celebrity involvement between Pam Anderson and Lawrence Taylor. Did you get a chance to talk with or hang out with them at all?

Next week Jeff we’ll be talking about when you made your return to the World Wrestling Federation in 1995 after walking out on Vince the first time. What went into the return - why you returned - how you returned - and feuding with Ahmed Johnson! What else do you think we’ll be discussing?

In two weeks Jeff we’ll be talking about Against All Odds 2011 and then in three weeks Against All Odds 2007. Back to back TNA shows and you won’t want to miss them!


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