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Today we’re covering “The Masterpiece” Chris Masters here on Something to Wrestle.

Chris turns 39 on January 8th and his story begins at the age of 16 for Ultimate Pro Wrestling when he first started to train there. Rick Bassman and the WWE and really you Bruce have had a relationship for many years. What was it about Bassman that attracted the WWE to him for talent?

Masters started in training the same day as John Cena but ends up getting hurt and was out for 3 months. The WWF at the time were recruiting out of UPW and Masters decided at the time to get into bodybuilding and working out which led to him focusing on that for 3 years. When does Masters come across your radar?

He’s signed by the WWE in October of 2003 and sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling and he will be known from that point forward as Chris Masters. Who makes the decision to sign him?

Masters has said in the past that your brother, Dr. Tom, was the one who came up with his name. Did your brother speak highly of him?

He’s 20 when he’s signed. Was his age a concern for you at the time?

Did you know when you see him, 6’4”, ripped bodybuilder, Vince was going to love him?

When do you first see his in-ring work?

What was the thing he needed help with the most?

He’s compared to Lex Luger very early on with his look and physique. Is that a fair comparison in your mind?

He’s introduced on OVW TV as part of a tag team called The Troubleshooters with Brent Albright but very early on the reports were Masters was lacking charisma. Did you feel that he just needed the right gimmick to get going?

Did Johnny Ace love Masters and his arms?

Let’s put it all on the table early on here. Masters look and physique…it just screamed steroids. Was there a worry about this as very early on in OVW the crowd did chant “Steroids” at him on a regular basis?

The Masterpiece gimmick begins in OVW and Masters has said in the past that Matt Morgan called him that and Masters talked to Jim Cornette about it and that’s how it happened. What was the communication like back then when something in OVW would happen creatively with a talent?

Was this something you saw and knew it would get over?

There’s always a worry that someone will be called up too soon and way before ready. How does this type of thing happen?

What do you remember your brother telling you about Masters?

Masters is brought to some house shows and is teaming with Matt Morgan against the Basham Brothers, the Dudleyz, and even gets some dark match wins at TV over the likes of Funaki and Val Venis towards the end of 2004. What was the first impression of Masters and did anyone say it’s too early or he’s too young?

From the Observer: “As I suspected, the minute they saw Masters at TV, they'd bring him up a year too early, and I hear it's most likely for Raw and just a few weeks away. It's getting pretty good now when I predict the mistakes a month before they do them, but then again, I did say every way they could botch up the Invasion before the angle ever started and they did everything I expected and worse, including spending the money I figured they'd eventually spend for Bischoff, Flair and Goldberg a year later and botching their potential (well, not Flair) even after botching the Invasion”

Go ahead Bruce.

From the Observer: “An incident involving Bob Holly and Rene Dupree at the 11/20 Smackdown house show in Syracuse, NY, should result in a suspension, or termination of Holly's career with the company, but it seems likely that won't be the end result.

The description of the incident is that during a Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki tag title match under hardcore rules with Holly & Charlie Haas, with no apparent provocation, midway through the match, Holly smashed Dupree with a ridiculously hard chair shot to the head, which left the chair dented. Dupree was laying in a fetal position next to the ring with Holly hitting him time after time with legitimately all out punches. When Holly got up off Dupree, Dupree's left eye was immediately badly swollen shut. Dupree went to get his title belt and walked off, while at the same time, Suzuki pinned Haas to win the match. The timing of this seemed to indicate either it was one of those internal punishment deals that everyone but the victim were aware of ahead of time. Holly then came after Dupree again, and Dupree ran to the dressing room with Holly chasing him. Neither Suzuki or Haas left. Agent Fit Finlay came out and started talking with security about what happened. There were also reports of Holly going after Dupree a second time backstage.

Undertaker, who is Smackdown's unofficial leader, went to bat defending Holly and in some circles there was the attitude Holly was just taking care of company business. Dupree is largely disliked in the locker room, and there is a feeling he had screwed up so many times and this was his punishment. All this makes perfect sense within the mentality that a lot of wrestling has had forever, which is another example of how, internally, there is a lot really screwed up and outdated about the mores of this business. However, at the 11/23 Smackdown tapings, Holly worked a dark match, and had to put over developmental wrestler Chris Masters (Chris Mordetzsky, who is expected to be called up to one of the main rosters within weeks). Dupree, with his eye looking a mess, worked a Smackdown match losing to Rey Mysterio.”

What do you remember of this? What type of position does this make for Masters - who’s not even on TV yet - winning a match over Holly as a “punishment.”

January 10th, 2005 - the first vignette of “The Masterpiece” Chris Masters airs on Monday Night Raw. Was he ready? Is the Masterlock already a thought at this point?

Why Raw and not Smackdown? You have a young guy on a live TV show compared to a taped one…was it just roster placement?

Masters debuts finally on February 21st, 2005 in State College, PA. To debut he exits a limo and tells Ric Flair to watch his match so he could learn something about wrestling. From Meltzer: “When the night was over, that turned into 2005’s most comical line.” The reason for that is in Masters debut match against Stevie Richards he hits him with the Polish Hammer and breaks his orbital bone before beating him with the Masterlock. From Meltzer: “Masters didn’t get over a lick. He showed no charisma and didn’t appear to be near ready. It was readily acknowledged by almost everyone that this was a flop after all the hype. Well, it isn’t as if we haven’t said over and over that it was a year early. There were also reasons having to do with steroids that would come across as encouraging use, but honestly, everyone watching was thinking the same thing. In the videos, people were expecting Lex Luger. And he came out, and he just looked like every other tall muscle head who isn’t ready that they bring it. Well, except he had no tattoos.”

I mean him breaking Richards orbital bone and not getting over to the live crowd is all signs of him not being ready or the gimmick isn’t ready. What say you?

Was there an immediate worry that he was brought up too early?

Did he get heat for the Richards’ injury?

Is it tough when a guy of his age and experience to get guys to work with him after he hurts someone like this?

When does the thought process of having Masters be the guy who doesn’t get his submission move broken set in place? Was that the goal from day 1?

The hold isn’t put on just wrestlers but also “fans” in the crowd which obviously are plants. Where does this idea come from?

Masters ends up in a big spot at WrestleMania 21 being the last man eliminated by Booker T in the pre-show battle royal. Does that show the company thinks Masters can be a player in the future?

At Backlash 05 Masters first appearance on an actual pay-per-view takes place and he pulls Melissa Coates from the crowd for the Master Lock Challenge. Coates at the time was in OVW and she is the former girlfriend of Sabu before she passed away in 2021. Coates had a bodybuilder body and Masters beats her. Was this just a way to get some heat on him doing it to a muscular woman?

Masters would offer $1000 to get out of the Masterlock and it ended up getting as high as $20,000. This is just straight out of the Jim Cornette playbook is it not?

Masters begins feuding with Big Show with the story that there’s no way he can keep the hold on Show. This never really has a payoff because Masters keeps ducking Show. Was there a thought to this story at the beginning that never paid off?

Coming out of SummerSlam 05 where Shawn Michaels loses to Hulk Hogan - he’s programmed with Chris Masters as Masters says Michaels is past his prime. This is a big step up for a guy who’s never had a singles match on pay-per-view. Was the hope that working with Michaels would get Masters to the next level?

Masters & Carlito begin what feel like their company long relation with each other when they team up on Raw to take on Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair and they got 20 minutes in the main event in Tampa on August 29th where Masters makes Flair submit to the full nelson. Did you think you had a top heel at this point?

It’s announced that HBK will take part of the Masterlock Challenge and it ends when Masters keeps avoiding HBK hitting him with a low block to break the hold and smashing him in the face with a chair leaving HBK bloody on Raw. This is to all set up Masters vs. Michaels at Unforgiven. Masters has not lost or been pinned on TV…any consideration to giving Masters the win here?

Did Masters need the win here or was it time for Masters to lose finally?

Even with the loss this is a big spot. First pay-per-view one-on-one match and it’s with HBK. What’s the reaction from Shawn after the match? Did he praise or enjoy working with Chris?

Masters invades SmackDown in the runup to Survivor Series but first we have an interesting set of circumstances. Masters is to team with Edge and take on two of five Smackdown wrestlers voted on at Taboo Tuesday. Edge ends up dropping out and is replaced with Gene Snitsky. Now there’s an option for a Smackdown wrestler to team with Rey Mysterio to take on the team and it’s between Matt Hardy & Christian and Matt Hardy gets the win. I bring this up because it’s Christian’s last appearance for the company before leaving for TNA. Was there ever any thought on pulling Christian when he doesn’t resign?

Masters ends up losing to Mysterio in the match. Does this show that Masters stock is dropping considering Gene Snitsky is right there to lose and doesn’t?

Masters gets his first main event at Survivor Series on the Raw side against Smackdown. It’s HBK, Masters, Carlito & the Raw Tag Team Champions of Big Show & Kane against Batista, Randy Orton, JBL, Bobby Lashley and Rey Mysterio Jr. Mysterio ends up pinning Masters and SmackDown wins the match. Has Masters already stalled out at this point?

The next night on Raw Masters is actually part of the main event but loses to John Cena and Kurt Angle in a 3-way when he submits to Cena’s STFU which is Cena’s debut of the move. Was the whole point of putting Masters in this because he was also a submission guy and so was Kurt?

During a weird portion of time on Raw, the trial of Eric Bischoff takes place. Upon being called to the stand to testify for Bischoff's defense, he was asked to give his name, which he did saying his name was Chris Masters. He was immediately accused of perjury and disqualified as a witness, as McMahon broke kayfabe and stated that Masters' real name was Chris Mordetzky. Bruce - what was this?

Masters ends up winning a spot at New Year’s Revolution 2006 in the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Title. The show is on his 23rd birthday which really is a hell of an accomplishment. Him & Carlito have been working together until Masters puts on the Master Lock on Cena and Carlito hits him with a low blow and rolls him up to eliminate him. Cena survives but this is the classic Edge cash in show. Is Masters & Carlito working together constantly a directive that these two can elevate each other?

Masters & Carlito are put together as the Masters of Cool to take on Big Show & Kane - the tag team champions at WrestleMania 23.

They open the main show but take the loss when Big Show chokeslams and pins Carlito. After the match Carlito & Masters argue and the next night on Raw Carlito turns babyface on Masters.

At Backlash they face off

Was Carlito the more important player on the roster at this point compared to Masters?

Were any of Masters issues coming to a head at this point?

On Raw on May 22nd Masters loses to Cena via the STFU and Masters is off TV after this. Was he just too young for the push? Injuries?

It’s reported that he ends up in rehab due to painkillers. Did you ever talk to Chris about his issues?

He returns back to TV looking much leaner and smaller. He’s obviously healthy but this isn’t the same Masters that went away to come back. Him coming back smaller … does it hurt him?

Masters is putting over Super Crazy when he returns which shows where his standing is on the pecking order. Was it a directive to reduce his TV time and his role?

It takes Jerry Lawler getting in the ring with him to get a win - and the stip is that Lawler is handcuffed to the top rope. This isn’t exactly the makings of a big time heel. What was it about Masters at this point that he was so depushed?

So Eric Bischoff’s book, “Controversy Creates Cash” comes out and there’s a skit on Raw where Masters is talking to Bischoff about the book and how he was a WCW fan when he’s interrupted by Triple H & Shawn Michaels.

From the Observer: “Masters came in and talked to Bischoff saying he was thinking of writing a book of his own, on nutrition. HHH then said, they could call it "How to lose 50 pounds in 4 weeks." The poor guy gets off stuff, goes from a pushed guy to a laughing stock jobber, and then they make fun of his physique.”

This is just mean shit coming from a babyface to a heel with no value added does it not? You understand why the WWE gets the shit they do about bodies when this type of stuff happens right?

Masters floats along in the lower card until March 19th when in the run up for Lashley vs. Umaga at WrestleMania Lashley finally breaks the Full Nelson after 2 years. This is the last noticeable thing Masters does in his time then.

Masters is drafted to SmackDown but ends up failing a wellness test and is suspended for 30 days. How bad did Chris need help?

He returns in October and ends up getting his elbow dislocated in a match before he fails again on the wellness policy for a 60 day suspension and he’s released 6 days later. Was there anything else for him at this point in the company?

Was Masters someone who would’ve benefitted from the NXT of the future compared to the OVW at the time?

Did you keep in touch with Chris after his release?

You leave the company in 2008. Did you run into Chris on the indies or working shows?

Masters returns in 2009 and isn’t really pushed or a highlighted guy. He’s there for 2 years and doesn’t do anything of note. What was missing from Chris?

Chris is in TNA when you had your brief run in 2018. How did he look?

Was there something Chris could’ve done himself to give him success?

If Chris was born 20 years sooner he’s a main event guy right?


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