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Today Jeff we’re going way way back in the wayback machine as we’re going to be discussing SuperClash III. The show is long remembered for the Jerry Lawler vs. Kerry Von Erich title unification match between the AWA and World Class Titles.

The show is first announced in early October as happening but there’s a report in the Observer about the show from late September.

The “other guys” are getting together to run their own pay-per-view show on December 13 from the UIC Pavilion in Chicago.

The official announcement of the card should take place either this weekend, or next weekend on the AWA’s Saturday night ESPN show. The card will be billed as SuperClash and will include wrestlers from the AWA, CWA, World Class, Southern and David McLane’s POWW. Verne Gagne will be the head promoter for this show.”

Jeff you’re a 21 wrestler who’s father is currently working on purchasing World Class. When do you hear about this show? How is it presented to you?

Are you excited about the idea of the pay-per-view?

When you look at the promotions listed the AWA & CWA are probably the most successful on that list is that correct?

From the Observer: “The odds are greatly against this one being a success, for a number of reasons. First off, none of these smaller groups have any wrestlers who are “over” to the national audience. There are a few with the potential to be “over,” but not the exposure. The date itself is a problem. IF a Tuesday night isn’t a tough enough problem, the date is sandwiched in between Vince McMahon’s PPV show on Thanksgiving and Crockett’s PPV show on 12/26.”

The top guys in these promotions at the time are Jerry Lawler, Kerry Von Erich, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express and…that’s about it. Is that an issue in your mind looking back as to why this was such a tough draw?

Why the date? Meltzer brings up a great point of trying to get a lot of money from people before Christmas and around the holidays and you’re competing in small time frame against established brands on pay-per-view and this “new group” coming to play.

At 21 you’re not the promoter you are today. You’ve been wrestling for 3 years and learning under some of the best of the business…but did you think this was a good idea?

The theory is that all these promotions who have decent television coverage will promote it to their fans and they’ll be running angles to push the show and the matches. How hard is it for everyone to be on the same page here?

Verne Gagne is considered the lead promoter of the show as it’s called AWA Super Clash. Did he put up the most money?

There’s a TV taping down in Nashville which sees the beginning of the promotion for the show begin. Jerry Lawler and Kerry Von Erich go to a non-finish to setup the main event and Jeff you yourself team with Bill Dundee & Jimmy Valiant in a 6-man tag and get the win over Robert Fuller, Jimmy Golden & Tommy Rich via DQ when Valiant kisses Sylvia - Fuller & Golden’s valet - and DOWNTOWN BRUNO interfered for the DQ. That’s right Harvey Wippleman. Jamie Dundee attempts to make the save and eats a kendo stick shot from Sylvia before CACTUS JACK FOLEY makes the save.

Do you remember that match and anything from it?

Let’s take a look at some of the people on that TV taping:

-Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond   -Manny Fernandez

-Wahoo McDaniel    -Madusa

-Michael Hayes & Steve Cox   -Col. DeBeers

-The Samoan Swat Team of Samu & Fatu -Ron Garvin

-Greg Gagne     -Lee Marshall

-Scott Steiner     -Sgt. Slaughter

This is some top name talent later on in life and previous to this show. Was this just some of what happened when the AWA & other promotions were collaborating with at the time?

Jeff do you think this show is put together to run competition to Vince & Crockett? Just Vince?

How much is your dad involved in the planning/booking of this show?

At the time World Class & the AWA are running the Lawler vs. Von Erich match a lot in their respective towns to double DQ finishes but with titles being stripped by respective companies. Running the match so much without a conclusive finish to build to a pay-per-view where you’ll “100% SEE A WINNER” is that something you’d expect to draw a pay-per-view audience for?

On October 15th at the Cotton Bowl you defeat Eric Embry to become the World Class Light Heavyweight Champion. It’s also reported in the exact same issue of the Observer that your father has bought 30% of World Class Championship Wrestling. We’re going to talk about that a whole lot more next week but did you get any resistance from anybody in the back being Jerry’s son?

How did it feel to work in the Cotton Bowl and win the title?

What was Embry like as a worker?

Are you working more in Memphis or Dallas at this point?

What were some of the differences in the two areas working wise?

During another one of the Lawler vs. Von Erich title matches you slam the cage door into Kerry’s head to help Lawler get the win and the World Class title. What do you remember of the cage match and the reaction it go and Lawler winning?

Meltzer questioned why the top two babyfaces would do such a heavy heel finish…is that a fair criticism?

You’re scheduled to team with Jerry Lawler on Halloween in the main event against Kerry Von Erich & Michael Hayes. Is it odd to be down the card in Dallas with the Light Heavyweight title compared to main eventing in Memphis?

The match ends in a double countout. What’s it like to be working Kerry & Doot Doot at the time?

It’s got to be hard running concurrent angles between all the promotions to really be building this show. Do you remember your dad expressing any doubt…Lawler any doubt…anyone having any doubt that this was going to work?

Did you think it was going to work?

How’s the picture money at this time?

Embry is the booker for World Class at the time. You’re working with him a lot. Are you learning about booking from him? How much of a learning tree is going back and forth and working with all these different guys?

On 11/7 in Memphis you go to a double DQ again teaming with Lawler against Hayes & Kerry.

On 11/11 you drop the title back to Embry to continue the build to your match at SuperClash. When do you know you’re going to be on the show? When do you know you’ll be working Embry?

As this is going on the amount of moving and shaking going on in wrestling is insane. JCP is reportedly sold to Ted Turner and TBS. When you hear about this, what are your thoughts?

The conversations you’re having with your father around this time. Him buying into World Class, Ted Turner buying JCP, is this the first monumental change in wrestling that you remember since you became a part of it?

Does this change anything that you remember from the Superclash perspective?

At the time - did you think Turner buying JCP was good for the business?

Were you hoping to get a match or two on the AWA ESPN show for the national exposure?

Explain to our listeners the differences in ESPN then compared to ESPN now for those who aren’t aware.

On 11/11 it’s announced you’ll be main eventing in Dallas teaming with Lawler, Valiant & Eddie Marlin against Kevin & Kerry, Eric & Frank Dusek. Was there money in your mind in World Class vs. Memphis?

On 11/20 you work Buddy Landel. What was it about Buddy that he just kept shooting himself in the foot?

You regain the World Class Light Heavyweight Title from Embry on November 24th in Jackson, Tennessee. Why were there always constant title changes in the Memphis territories?

You work at the Sportatorium on Thanksgiving on November 25th and team with Michael Hayes to take on the Samoan Swat Team

The AWA ran a show on 11/26 that only draws 1,500 fans. When the AWA in the Twin Cities only draws 1,500 fans are you really expecting a house in Chicago considering the exposure is really only for the AWA?

You’re announced as teaming with Scott Steiner against the Rock n Roll RPMs. Is this when you first met Scott and the friendship started?

Are you involved with the promoting of the card? Are you doing any radio/television spots?

A week out do you think this show is going to be a success?

Are you excited to be working a pay-per-view?

Is this experience part of the reason your father never attempted a big time national pay-per-view?

What are the conversations you’re having with your Dad ahead of the pay-per-view? How about the other talent? Any reservations from anyone?

Was Lawler worried about a double cross?

There is a major controversy in the run up to Super Clash. Supposedly Col. DeBeers in a match in Las Vegas accidentally takes off Kerry’s boot and with it comes Kerry’s prosthetic foot. Supposedly Titan Sports hears about it and turns to the Illinois commission and says there’s a law that prohibits wrestlers with artificial limbs. How do you hear about this? What’s your dad’s reaction? How silly is this shit?

There’s talk about possibly bringing in Larry Zybysko to take Kerry’s place in case he can’t go. Did you hear that rumor?

Did you know that Kerry had a prosthetic foot?

You work Embry on December 5th which I guess is technically the go-home show for Super Clash and you pin him but then both of you are attacked by the Samoan Swat Team and Buddy Roberts and Embry helps you fight them off. So Embry now technically is a babyface. What did you think of this and were you worried about having a babyface vs. babyface match now at the show?

Is there a worry walking into an unknown territory that no one’s going to know who you are?

The show has a lot going on. Gary Michael Cappeta is the ring announcer coming off his WWF run. First time meeting him?

Let’s take a look at the card:

The Guerrero Brothers (Chavo, Mando & Hector) took on Cactus Jack and the Rock ‘n’ Roll RPMs which were Mike Davis & Tommy Lane.

Here’s a link to the whole show if you want to watch it: AWA (American Wrestling Association) - Superclash III -  1988-12-13

Time stamp for your match: 12:21

From the Observer regarding your match:

“Eric Embry regained the World Class lightheavyweight title from Jeff Jarrett in 4:13. Both guys were booed during the introductions, even though both are pushed heavily as babyfaces on television, but that seemed to be the pattern as the night went on. Verne immediately stated how there was no love lost between the two, forgetting, or more likely, being unaware that the two are tag team partners. They did a few standing reversals early, then traded clotheslines and Jarrett took a bump that Sam Houston would have been proud of for Embry’s, which woke the crowd up. As the bout went on, the fans started backing Embry. My feeling is Jeff is just too “pretty” for his own good ,especially since this was a largely male crowd. Jeff “injured” his shoulder on a bump, then did a dropkick off the middle rope, taking another bump on his shoulder. They went to lots of near falls by Jarrett, but Embry reversed a sunset flip and got the pin for the title. Really, boh guys did as much as they could for the time they were given, but telling a story needs more time to be effective. There was a mixed response to Embry’s victory. **½

First off Dave thinks you're pretty. What did you think of the match and the spectacle? Who tells you your finish? Did your Dad book it?

Jimmy Valiant and Wayne Bloom are next up. Wayne would be known better as Beau Beverly later on and actually Mike Enos is a referee for this show so the future Beverly Brothers are on it. Valiant went over in a short match.

Iceman King Parsons took on Brickhouse Brown for the World Class Texas Heavyweight Title. Parsons got the win after Brown thought he got the win with a crossbody but Parsons got his foot on the rope and used a foreign object.

The Top Guns of Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes teaming with Wendi Richter…that Ricther took on Badd Company of Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka with Madusa with both of their titles on the line…Badd Company’s AWA titles and Madusa’s Women’s title…ended with Ricther pinning Madusa after she got super kicked by accident. Madusa loses her title but Badd Company retains.

Greg Gagne wins the vacant International TV title over Ron Garvin by countout. Countout. Yup. Give Garvin credit as he had already agreed to go to the WWF and here he is fulfilling his commitment to appear but sheesh Jeff.

The Lingerie battle Royal takes place next and Ivory of future WWF fame and Luna Vachon both being part of it. The whole show is basically built up for the women to lose their clothing and no one really does. The Terrorist wins. Moving on…

Bill Apter is ringside and shooting pictures and is also here to present Jerry Lawler with an award for Inspirational Wrestling of the Year…and Lawler no-shows. WTF?

Sgt. Slaughter and Col. Debeers are in a Bootcamp match as this is after Slaughter’s big WWF run and before he joins Sadaam Hussesin and Iraq. Then General Adnan as he’s known later interferes against Slaughter and the Iron Sheik as well. The Guerreros save and it’s crazy to think that Slaughter, Adnan & Shiek would be the top heels in the WWF just two years later.

Finally Apter is able to give the award to Lawler and it’s because Lawler was in negotiations with Kerry and everyone regarding the finish of the main event.

The Samoan Swat Team with Buddy Roberts defeat Michael DOOT DOOT Hayes & Steve Cox with Roberts help to retain the WCCW tag team titles.

Tatsumi Fujinami appears…only because he’s in America…before the Wahoo McDaniel & Manny Fernandez strap match. The rumor and innuendo at the time was your dad wanted him as part of the card and Verne couldn’t find a spot for him. Is that how you remember it?

Obviously the real story is the show itself. Lawler ends up going over Kerry Von Erich to unify the titles which is negated weeks later, Kerry does get cleared to work but ends up cutting himself with his blade before the match even starts.

Lawler finally beats Von Erich after Von Erich bleeds but the referee doesn’t stop it until Lawler is down on the mat with the claw on his head and the referee decides now is the time to stop it. What a concession here right?

Somehow the main event is the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express against Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden. Double DQ after a brawl. Yup.

Here’s what Meltzer had to say regarding the show.

“Well, the AWA and Superclash III are history, probably in more ways than one. I supposed it was a noble attempt to try and keep up the facade that they are major league, and it wasn’t the worst pay-per-view event of the year, but they were attempting something totally out of their league. The matches themselves ranged from very bad to very good, the production values were terrible, camera work fairly bad, crowd heat non-existent except for the main event, none of the matches, save the main event, had an aura of being anything special or the card being anything special, and the announcing–well, just plain the worst.”

The show draws 1,700 and the gate is $26,000. What’s that payday like Jeff?

Was this all doomed from the start?

Do you have any fond memories of this show and what went on going up to it?

What’s the thing that stands out in your mind the most regarding this show?

Next week Jeff we’re covering Daddy Buys Dallas. We touched on it briefly in this episode but what can our listeners expect next week when Jerry Jarrett bought World Class Championship Wrestling?


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