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Another perk of being an AFS member? YOU get to help shape what topics we cover in 2022!

And, as Tony and Conrad announced last week on WHW, 2022 will see the return to the show's original format, bouncing around various topics, with some key moments/events from JCP 1987 mixed in.  

What topics would Tony and Conrad have fun with? The silly, the strange, the historic...NOTHING is off limits!  Comment with your suggestions below.

* Note, if you need a refresher on episodes/topics that have already been discussed on WHW previously, click here 



Timothy F

I think summerslam 2002. Is one if the best ppv’s of the past 20 years. And the fact that it happened 20 years ago, it was a very important show that started a new chapter in professional wrestling. Brock vs Rocky, HBK first match back. Rey Mysterios debut in the wwe. The amount of HOFers in this show is unbelievable

Justin Phelps

Lots of old school WWF please. Do the whole time he was there.