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Today Jim we’re going to talk about an old colleague of yours and someone that I think gets a bad rap when it comes to you so hopefully we can clear some of that up today. It’s Michael Cole!

Sean Michael Coulthard was born on December 8th, 1968. The story goes that Cole was recommended to the WWF by a fellow broadcaster Todd Pettengill. He started doing voiceover work for the WWF and hosted LiveWire occasionally. When do you remember hearing about Cole, meeting him, etc?

His first appearance on TV is June 30, 1997 where he is the backstage interviewer for a Legion of Doom interview. Did you know at the time he was being groomed to be a play by play guy?

Were you a mentor to him when he first started?

What were his strengths and weaknesses in your opinion?

Did he have a passion for it? Do you know if he was a wrestling fan or someone just looking to advance his career?

Were you in charge of him as the “lead announcer?”

His first time on commentary that I could find in my research was a Shotgun show on August 9th, 1997 with Jim Cornette. That’s a hell of a way to debut as a play by play guy isn’t it?

Cole begins to take part of a 3 man booth on Monday Night Raw in late 1997 with you & Kevin Kelly. We know you’re in a 3-man booth now but back then how did you feel about it?

Did you feel already at that point Cole was set to be your replacement or under study?

He did some stuff with DX as they’re coming to rise where they would harass him and give him wedgies. Is it tough to build someone to be the lead commentator and have things like this happen to him?

He’s replaced in the role with Jerry Lawler in mid-1998. What was it about Cole that didn’t work during that time period? Or was it just that Lawler was better?

Cole steps in for you after your bout with Bells’ Palsy in December of 1998 and becomes the voice of Raw with you producing him. There’s a famous clip in the movie Beyond the Mat where they’re showing the footage of Royal Rumble 1999 match between Rock and Foley where you’re in the back essentially doing commentary in Cole’s ear and Cole is repeating what you’re saying to the audience. Was there not a lot of trust in Cole in this position and that’s the setup Vince wanted?

Why Cole over someone like Kevin Kelly in that spot do you think?

In a classic JR moment...on March 8th, 1999... JR returned to Raw Is War as part of a storyline alleging that McMahon fired him because of his condition, but that he would not go down quietly and enlisted the services of "Dr. Death" Steve Williams as his personal "enforcer". Ross confronted his replacement, Michael Cole, in the ring. Despite Cole's insistence that he was not trying to steal Ross's job, Ross kicked Cole in the crotch and attempted to return to the announce table, though Terry Taylor ended up commentating for the rest of the night.

Do you think at the time there were already forces working to pit you against each other or was this just a storyline?

At WrestleMania 15 that year...and this is kind of crazy that people still bring it up...Cole does a live ad read for the QVC after show...yes that QVC...and talks about how they will have the new WWF World Champion on the show. Obviously the main event is yet to take place but he’s always caught a lot of heat on the internet for exposing the ending...when in reality he’s just reading his script. Are you backstage at the time this happens? Is it even brought up?

You replace Cole in the main event for Austin vs. Rock at their request and Cole finds himself demoted at this point. Did you talk to Michael about this? Does Vince?

Do you think your relationship with Cole changed after that point?

Cole is not put back on regular commentary for Raw while you & King hold the spot down for most of the attitude era. He’s used for interview segments and other tasks. Is Cole happy at this point?

Cole finally gets a promotion when SmackDown comes to air on UPN and he’s tabbed as the commentator for the show. Is that a Vince or Kevin Dunn decision? Is Cole ready for that spot at this point?

Cole would be in that spot for 10 years and only missed two Smackdowns. The debut episode which you did and the 9/11 episode in Houston. That’s a hell of a run isn’t it Jim?

How did you see Cole evolve as a commentator?

Do you think Michael was ever angling to get you out of your spot or was Vince just the one doing it?

When you & Cole switched on that infamous draft moment on June, 23rd 2008...do you think he knew ahead of time?

Did that cause any heat between you two?

Cole begins to have an edge around commentary and effectively is turning himself heel. Do you remember who’s idea this was?

What do you think of having a lead heel announcer? How damaging to the product is it?

Cole was damn good in the role but it hurts the on-air presentation does it not?

You’re on Old School Raw on November 15th, 2010 and you make an appearance with Cole & Lawler at the commentary desk which leads to Cole insulting you throughout the match between Jack Swagger and Daniel Bryan. You hit him with your hat at the end. This is the beginning to set up Cole and Lawler to give Lawler a WrestleMania match finally. What do you remember of this night...the insults Michael sent your way? Do you think they were all coming from Vince?

What did you think of being inserted into this feud?

On March 14th, 2011 you return to confront Cole and challenge him to a match before being attacked by Swagger. What is the plan here?

You end up calling Jerry Lawler’s first WrestleMania match against Cole and the rest of the show. What did you think of the finish where the Anonymous GM reversed the decision to give Cole the win by DQ over Lawler? Was it silly that Jerry couldn’t win his only Mania match?

The on screen burials and insults by Cole coming your way...did you have any issues with them? Did he clear them with you or was it all scripted?

What is your relationship with him like at this point?

Cole squirts you with BBQ sauce on the Raw after Mania and this is all going to lead to you teaming with Lawler to face Cole & Swagger on two Raw episodes before a Country Whipping match at Extreme Rules. From the Observer: “3. Jack Swagger & Michael Cole beat Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross in a country whipping match in 7:01. Ross worked with a splint on his hand since he broke one of his fingers punching Cole on Raw, and Cole had bruises around his left eye from a week earlier. Ross & Lawler whipped Swagger early. Cole came out, covered from the shoulders down in bubble wrap. Lawler started whipping him and he no-sold it, because the bubble wrap protected him. Ross and Lawler continued to whip him and he laughed at both of them. Lawler then decked Cole and pulled his bubble wrap off. Cole tagged out before getting destroyed. Swagger started whipping Lawler but was trying to make it as light as possible to protect him. Swagger tied Lawler’s left wrist to the ropes. Swagger put the boots to Lawler. Cole whipped Lawler a few times and tagged out. Swagger was beating on Lawler until missing a Vader style reverse splash. Cole tagged in and started whipping Lawler, who no sold it. Lawler was about to get Cole when Swagger nailed him with a chop block. Swagger put the ankle lock on Lawler, but Ross made the save with two weak strap shots. Lawler hit the DDT on Swagger and hot tagged to Ross. Ross whipped Swagger a few times and put Swagger in the ankle lock. That spot didn’t make sense with Swagger selling being in pain from an announcer. Crowd reacted to it but didn’t seem to believe Swagger was in trouble. Swagger tagged Cole. Lawler and Ross were beating on Cole as much as they could. Ross whipped him and put on the ankle lock. Ross used the strap for a low blow on Swagger and was whipping him with a strap. While this was going on, Cole schoolboyed Ross for the pin. Ross sold the loss more than anyone on the show sold their loss. 1¼

Tell me about being in this match...losing...how happy were you to be in the ring?

At Over the Limit you squirt Cole with barbeque sauce and that’s really the end of the Cole - Lawler feud.

You return to Raw to replace Michael Cole when Triple H is the new babyface COO before being fired by John Laurinitis later on in October. This is to lead to a match between you & John Cena against Cole & Alberto Del Rio. Why do you keep having to go back into a wrestling ring against Michael Cole? Do you think anybody wanted to see you two wrestle?

All things considered being in a tag match with John Cena has to be pretty cool right? You’re in Mexico also which is a big deal for Alberto Del Rio is it not?

From the Observer: “Cena & Ross were backstage. Ross said he was almost 60 and a grandfather and doesn’t want to be wrestling. Cena told him not to worry, that Del Rio has never beaten him and he’ll work the match by himself. Ross then said that he would like to get Cole for a second. Cena said that Ross is the greatest announcer WWE has ever had. They script this into the show, but then have a hideous broadcast team and he’s not being used anymore as an announcer.

Cena & Ross beat Del Rio & Cole in 11:32. Ross was the babyface when in with Cole, but Del Rio was the face when in with Cena. Ross did one slap to Cole’s face and then Cena and Del Rio worked almost the entire match. Crowd was really hot for Del Rio, chanting “Mexico, Mexico.” Del Rio did a lot more than he usually does, probably because the crowd was so strong behind him. The crowd popped pretty good when Del Rio used a German suplex (which fans knew as Dos Caras Jr.’s finisher) for a near fall. Cena ended up giving Cole the Attitude Adjustment. He then tagged Ross, who put on an ankle lock for the submission.

How much of that promo is real compared to fake?

Cole challenges you to a “Michael Cole Challenge” for your job. It happens on November 14th and you win 2 of the 3 challenges which is arm wrestling and then a dance off but you lose the 3rd because Cole weighed less than you. Explain this to our audience - did you have a legit issue with Cole or is this all part of the work as they would say?

You returned at WrestleMania 28 to call the End of an Era match and you shake hands with him on camera effectively ending your on screen feud. Were you happy to put it past you on screen?

You worked with Michael after Jerry Lawler had his heart attack on Raw. What was it like sitting next to him in a color commentary role?

What is your relationship like with him today?

Cole recently said he has lost part of his hearing. Do you think that’s from Vince screaming in his ear for over 20 years?

What is the biggest misconception of Michael?

Could you imagine working with him again one day?

Do you guys keep in touch?

Did you feel comfortable being in the ring with him?

Did you ever have true animosity with him during it all?


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