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Another perk of being an AFS member? YOU get to help shape what topics we cover in 2022!

We've asked for your help to shape Something To Wrestle, 83 Weeks, and My World. And now, we're looking ahead to Grilling JR in 2022!

What topics, that we haven't already covered, would you like to see JR and Conrad tackle next year? Keep in mind anniversaries (i.e. 1992 = 30 years,  1997 = 25 years, etc.), milestone events, birthdays, etc.

Leave your topics for Grilling JR 2022 in the comments below!



Adam Arpin

July 4 2002 episode of Smackdown. Hogan and Edge vs Billy and Chuck, Taker vs Angle, fun segment where Knoble surprises Nidia with a new mobile home.

Adam Arpin

Summerslam 02 and the talent wars between Bischoff and Steph building up to it