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On this episode of 83 Weeks, listen as Eric answers YOUR questions on another fun edition of Ask Eric Anything! But...before we get to questions, Eric responds to the reactions from his "Shut up and wrestle" comments on the last week's 83 Weeks! Buckle up boys and girls!

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Matthew Williams

First off - good job jumping in again Paul. Never easy to be the guy following someone as popular and gifted as Conrad. But Paul has brought a growth mindset into his role and keeps getting better with each appearance with the main AFS crew. Second - one of the best episodes of 83 weeks in awhile. Eric’s response/comments about TK’s recent comments was fantastic to listen to. Love Eric or Hate him, he is a smart son of a gun. And when he is on his game there is no one better and today Eric was spot on in all his responses. Thanks Eric for a great episode and thanks Paul for jumping in to keep things going this week.

Clayton S Kennedy

Either Paul has a natural voice for broadcasting or he doesn't sound like that when just talking normal.