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Today JR we’re going to be discussing one of the biggest stars you’ve ever signed to the World Wrestling Federation who is still going strong in All Elite Wrestling...Chris Jericho!

You wrote the foreward to Chris’ first book. How close have you become to him since signing him to the WWF?

When does Chris Jericho originally land on your radar? His work in Japan and ECW or his time in WCW?

The story from Jericho’s book is that his being upset over how he was treated in his “angle” with Bill Goldberg led to him reaching out to Vince Russo to schedule a meeting to discuss the possibility of his coming to the WWE.

You’re in Vince’s house waiting for Jericho to arrive for the meeting. It’s you, Vince, Shane, Russo, Ferrera and Prichard. What’s the conversation like before he arrives?

Chris sits in on a booking meeting. Why was this the focus? To show how an organized company like the WWF was being run?

You & Gerry fly down to Tampa for a “secret meeting” as Jericho described it in his book and get him to agree to a $450,000 a year contract which is much less than what WCW was offering. Did you know Jericho was probably going to agree to whatever you offered him?

How important was bringing someone like Jericho on? You’ve always talked about building a team...here’s a good worker, young, good looking guy. You have to have had people reach out to you and vice versa regarding him being an asset is that right?

Were there any promises made to Chris regarding his creative and the spot he was walking into?

His signing with the company was announced on WWF.com. Did you believe in the transparency of that compared to having it be a surprise?

Jericho tells the story in his book that he came up with the Millenium countdown. Was this one of the most intriguing ways to introduce a character you could remember?

The electricity in the building that night in Chicago was palpable. Everyone knew it was Jericho which made it all that much better. Then when the clock ticks down in the middle of Rock’s promo...Jericho’s an instant superstar. Here’s a guy who went from beating Perry Saturn in a loser wears a dress match to going one-on-one with the Great One in a promo battle … what an introduction. What do you remember of the pop when his name appeared and then the promo?

So here’s the big question Jim...what was the issue with Jericho that came next?

It feels like there’s just...no follow-up. He gets into a quick feud against Road Dogg, X-Pac, Ken Shamrock and really the biggest thing of note is he’s given a heater… Mr. Hughes. Where does Curtis Hughes come from in the Jericho package?

After Mr. Hughes comes and goes somehow Howard Finkel ends up being his lackey. This isn’t the top level guy that he was introduced as. The rumor and innuendo at the time was he wasn’t given rave reviews of his work by the likes of Triple H and the top guys in the WWF at the time. Is that how you remember it?

Was Vince Russo leaving for WCW a hindrance for Jericho at this time? Russo pushed heavy for Jericho and boom he leaves.

Jericho is put into a feud with Chyna which is where supposedly the heat comes from. He’s supposed to bump and feed for her but when he accidentally busts her face up he gets heat for working too stiff. What do you remember of the issues Chris was dealing with and did he ever come to you to discuss them?

Jericho wins his first WWF title...well the Intercontinental Title … at Armageddon 99. From the Observer: “7. Chris Jericho won the IC title from Chyna in 10:17. This was actually the best wrestling match on the show, which is a real credit to Jericho because Chyna was really exposed with her bad looking offense, particularly the forearms which she needs to retire from her repertoire, that Jericho had to sell, and her bouncing off the ropes like someone beginning wrestling school. They traded nice spots and near falls at the finish. Jericho finally got the walls of Jericho on, and the crowd, which cheered Jericho when he came out and somewhat throughout the match but never booed Chyna like last month, totally popped for the hold. After struggling in the move, Chyna tapped out. After the match, Chyna interrupted Jericho's interview and told him that she was the better wrestler last month but he was this month and shook his hand. **¼”

How big an accomplishment is this for Chris? How much trouble was there between him and Hunter regarding working with Chyna?

In Jericho’s book he talks about a meeting on Raw the next day between you, Vince, Chris & Jack Lanza about Jericho’s work. What are you told going into this meeting?

Jericho has to apologize to Chyna after the meeting where Vince calls Jericho the drizzling shits and he has to run all his matches through X-Pac at this point and that Vince was sold a bill of goods that isn’t true. When Jericho leaves...what is Vince like?

Do you think there was buyers remorse from Vince on Jericho?

There’s a goofy segment where Jericho & Chyna do a double pin and are named co-intercontinental champions. Jim...like what is this? Punishment to Jericho?

Jericho vs. Chyna vs. Holly happens at the Royal Rumble in 2000 at MSG which is a big deal for Chris considering his father grew up as a New York Ranger. From the Observer: “3. Chris Jericho regained the Intercontinental title in a three-way over Chyna and Bob Holly in 7:30. Chyna ruined the match. The gimmick of her in the ring as a title contender has run its course. Jericho had the walls on Holly and Chyna made the save with a weak clothesline and the crowd booed heavily. Chyna used the pedigree on Holly but he kicked out. After a few near falls, Chyna got the boston crab on Holly and the crowd booed heavily. Jericho ran in and broke it up and gave him a facebuster and a quebrada for the pin. Even though Jericho did the coolest moves in the ring, Holly was actually the best worker of the three. *¼”

The goal is obvious to get Jericho away from Chyna but considering what’s about to happen the best thing that could be for Chris Jericho is about to happen…

The Radicalz make their way to the WWF. Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn...all men that worked very well with Chris Jericho in WCW … jump ship. Now some would say that it overshadowed Chris but it gave Jericho the ability to work with some familiar talent and gain some confidence back in his work right?

Jericho drops the IC title to Kurt Angle at No Way Out and is booked for his first WrestleMania match in a 3-way against Angle & Benoit in an interesting concept: the first fall would determine the Intercontinental champion and the second fall would determine the European champion since Angle held both belts. Well Angle left without any belts as Benoit won the first fall over Jericho and Jericho won the second fall over Benoit. From the Observer: “This was technically the best wrestling on the show, and didn't have much heat, but the wrestling from all three was well below the standard you'd expect from them. I don't know if it was nerves, or a reaction to the dead crowd and it was good, but you'd expect great in this setting. **¾”

This is a forgotten match in WrestleMania lore for many reasons including Benoit being involved. Was this a disappointment looking back as Benoit & Jericho’s WrestleMania debut?

It’s interesting because as Jericho points out in his book he’s on the WrestleMania 2000 poster and the main event is a 4-way for the WWF Title. Mick Foley ends up being the 4th man in the match with the other 3, Rock, Show & Triple H...being on the poster. Was Jericho ever positioned to be involved in that match?

With Jericho just floating around the mid card at this point … do you have any regret at this point for bringing Chris in?

This leads to a special night in State College, Pennsylvania where Chris Jericho pins Triple H to win the WWF Title and it’s a gigantic pop. Was this proof that Jericho could be a top guy in your mind?

Obviously it’s a Dusty finish and the title goes back to Triple H but man that had to show something to Vince right?

Jericho becomes Intercontinental Champion again by defeating Chris Benoit but loses it right back to Benoit on Raw. I know a lot of things have been said about titles changing hands a lot. Where do you stand on this issue?

Jericho would be part of a triple main event at Fully Loaded 2000 in a Last Man Standing match against Triple H. From the Observer: “Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Chris Jericho in a last man standing match in 23:11. HHH then pulled out a sledge hammer from under the ring. Jericho managed to get it and use it to HHH's guts. They ended up brawling outside and HHH back suplexed Jericho through the American announcers table. Both guys were down for the nine count and HHH rose, then collapsed, to win the match. ****½”

It’s obvious that as much as Hunter and Jericho had chemistry and got along in the ring they were having issues outside of it. What do you think was the big issue between the two?

Coming off a big match like that and SummerSlam around the corner he’s put back with Chris Benoit for a ⅔ falls match. From the Observer: “Chris Benoit won two of three falls from Chris Jericho in 13:02. Of course it was a good match, but it was missing something, and seemed rushed. They may have been given longer. First fall saw Benoit win in 3:15 with the crossface. Second fall with Jericho came back with a nice roll through into the walls of Jericho at 5:10 (time of the fall, not elapsed time of the match). Third fall saw them deliver big moves including a dragon suplex by Benoit and a Super Frankensteiner by Jericho off the top rope as well as a lionsault. Jericho sold his shoulder much of the fall. It seemed to be building well, but then abruptly ended with Jericho going for a cradle and Benoit reversing it and holding the ropes for the pin at 4:37 of the fall. ***¼”

I mean when you hear these two in a 2 out of 3 falls match you think ***** classic right? What do you think is missing at this point in each of these guy’s WWF careers?

Jericho is now one year into the WWF. He’s not a tippy top guy but he’s also not really a mid carder. He started as a heel but now he’s kind of a bland babyface. Was Jericho missing a character?

Jericho is sort of pushed down the card for Unforgiven in Philly in a match against X-Pac. From the Observer: “4. Chris Jericho pinned X-Pac in 9:03. Fast paced really good match. X-Pac had his working shoes on more than any time in months. Ross was pushing the idea of X-Pac as a singles wrestler. It was obvious who was going over since X-Pac took the first 6:00 including doing the bronco buster. Jericho made a comeback with a power bomb and even did a bronco buster. Jericho kicked out of the X-factor. Jericho used a power bomb into the walls of Jericho but X-Pac made the ropes. X-Pac got a near fall with a sweet spin kick. Jericho did a facebuster, followed by a lionsault, but X-Pac got his knees up. X-Pac came off the top again, but Jericho caught him and turned him over for the lion tamer for the tap. After the match, X-Pac destroyed Jericho with nunchakus. ***½”

Is this sort of an awakening to get Chris back on track?

Jericho continues to be married to X-Pac as we get to No Mercy in Albany, NY. They work in a cage match which is a super underrated match and you should go out of your way to go check it out. From the Observer: “Chris Jericho beat X-Pac in a cage match in 10:40. This was a very innovative cage match in that they did a lot of spots never done before in that cage, but it, like a lot of matches on the show, was hurt by a lack of crowd heat. X-Pac slammed the door on Jericho's head early and did some nice kicks. X-Pac was on the ropes and Jericho did a springboard dropkick to his ankle and he crotched himself. This was the first of 500 crotchings on this show. X-Pac was thrown into the cage, and seemed to make a head-first landing which isn't good for anyone, let alone someone with a previous broken neck. Jericho did a missile dropkick and a lionsault, but X-Pac got his knees up. X-Pac threw Jericho into the cage. Typical guys trying to get out and last minute saves. X-Pac used a chair to the head and was standing on the top of the cage on a platform in the corner. Jericho climbed up and eventually took a big bump off the platform to the mat, which was a legit nine foot drop. X-Pac seemingly had the match won, climbing over. They opened the door as he climbed down, so he stood on the door as Jericho shook the cage and X-Pac crotched himself on the door and Jericho got out for the win. ***½”

It’s important to point out that this is the show where Kurt Angle defeats the Rock for the WWF Title. When Chris Jericho signed with the WWF, Angle hadn’t even debuted on TV yet. Did you ever assume that Angle would be WWF champion before Jericho?

Is that a testament to Kurt or to the issues Chris had early on in the WWF?

Jericho is programmed with Kane for the rest of 2000. He loses to Kane at Survivor Series but defeats him in a Last Man Standing match at Armageddon to close his year out. It’s interesting to note that the main event of Armageddon is a 6-man Hell in a Cell match between Kurt Angle, HHH, the Rock, Steve Austin, Undertaker & Rikishi which really cements Jericho as a mid carder to close the year out. Did you have a talk with Chris at the end of the year regarding his future and what’s next for him?

It’s crazy to think about how 2000 closes out and here we are...21 years later...and Chris Jericho is probably at the top of his game all these years later.


Mike Malkasian

Conrad nailed the Korean bbq lol, I was there on Wednesday at Arthur Ashe and that’s what I ate 😂