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Today Jim we’re discussing your old friend and AdFreeShows.com friend Gerald Brisco. Floyd Gerald Brisco was born on September 19, 1946 so by the time you hear this he will about to be 75 years young. Born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma along with 5 siblings including his future tag team partner Jack...Brisco was an amateur wrestler & football player growing up. Jim as a fellow Oklahomaian when did you first hear of the future stooge?

Gerald would end up going to Oklahoma State just like Jack did. There’s an old story that Jack had committed to OU and last second Jack switched to OSU after the wrestling coach said he would get him a national championship. How real was the OU - OSU rivalry back then JR?

The story always is that Jack moved into the professional side of wrestling because he & his family needed the money. Is that how you always heard it?

Gerald ended up going with Jack to a show on spring break in 1968 and Gerry was asked to substitute to be his tag partner despite his lack of experience but he did. Gerry ends up contracting hepatitis and injures his knee in college and drops out to become a full-time professional wrestler. How lucky was the wrestling business at this time to gain the Brisco brothers?

Jack trains Gerry and it’s off to the races. When was the first time you saw either of them work singles and then as a tag team?

What was it about the Brisco Brothers that many still refer to them as the best tag team of all time?

The Briscos were part native american but weren’t booked in the way you saw Chief Jay Strongbow or even Tatanka. Why do you think that is?

How big a star was Jack compared to Jerry? I know Jack held the NWA World Title and his classic fueds with the Funks...but legitimately how big was Jack compared to Jerry at the time?

The Funks and Briscos...explain it to our listeners who don’t know anything about them. Texas vs. Oklahoma.

After Dory Jr got hurt and couldn’t drop the NWA title to Jack...do you think that heat ever died down?

You ever get a chance to sit in a room with all these guys and talk about it?

When did you become friendly with the Briscos?

In 1973 Jack, Gerald and one of the non-wrestling brothers Bill opens up the Brisco Brothers Body Shop. Were they just looking for a non-wrestling business to get into?

It’s said that once Jack drops the NWA Title to Harley Race he really just kind of opts out of wrestling. Is that how you know the story?

Jerry is completely overshadowed by Jack during this time in pro wrestling until Jack returns and really only returns to tag with Jerry. Do you know why that is?

Jerry was the first man to hold the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title and defeated Les Thornton for the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title which is the belt Danny Hodge made famous. Do you think Jerry could’ve been more successful on his own without Jack?

The story has always been that the Briscos discovered Hulk Hogan playing bass in a Tampa night club and recommended him to Hiro Matsuda. Was this Jerry Brisco’s first talent scout acquisition?

There’s been a long noted story about Ernie Ladd and the Briscos getting into a fight. From the Observer: “There was also a famous story, and who knows the exact details, but when Ernie Ladd held a title in the Florida territory, and he was asked to drop it, he agreed, as long as it wasn’t taped for television. While Ladd was wrestling, he noticed a camera was filming the match, and then changed the finish, refusing to do the job.

Later that night, he got a surprise visit from the Brisco Brothers. Not leaving anything to chance, he went to the trunk of his car, and hid a crowbar. Before they could make a move, he nailed both with it, knocking them both out. The story ends with him putting both brothers in the trunk of his car and driving them either to the local hospital, which is probably accurate, or dumping them on Eddie Graham’s front lawn, which is likely the romanticized version.”

You worked with Ernie in Mid-South and know the Briscos so well. Do you think that’s a true story?

The biggest thing of Jerry Brisco’s wrestling career is a move made outside the squared circle. The Briscos turned heel against Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood and drew some amazing crowds. But in that process the Briscos...who were part owners of the Georgia Championship Wrestling territory were wondering if there was still money to be made in this end of the business as they watched Vince McMahon’s expansion of the WWF. Georgia & Florida begin to struggle and supposedly Jack goes to Jim Barnett at the time and lets him know he’s going to have to take advantage of their national platform on TBS and start expanding which Barnett turns down. Barnett’s heavy spending isn’t helping and a move is made to put Ole Anderson in charge of GCW.

Ole gets the company right again but is making all the money from the agreement and now the Briscos still aren’t making anything. There were rumors at the time that the Briscos were talking with people about selling their points and possibly to Jim Crockett. The biggest part of this is that GCW was the only show on TBS...and this is before Jim Crockett is on TBS. The Briscos maneuver for the board seats while still wrestling for various NWA territories...even being the NWA World Tag Team Champions….including having Jack main event against Ric Flair in Baltimore for the first time the NWA World Title is defended in the city...and 48 hours later the Briscos sat down with Vince McMahon and make a deal to sell him the territory and the timeslot for a reported $750,000. Jim...so much to unpack there but what did you hear at the time from being in the business...all the rumors and innuendo...and then what did you find out later after you became close associates of Jack, Gerald & Vince?

They drop the belts to Wahoo McDaniel & Mark Youngblood and are technically fired by Jim Crockett just weeks later.

Black Saturday as it’s dubbed takes place when Vince McMahon walks out on screen on July 14th, 1984 to shake hands with Freddie Miller and introduce the new World Championship Wrestling...being taken care of by the World Wrestling Federation. WWF presents WCW...what an odd way to phrase it. This is of course the first time they purchased WCW compared to the second time in 2001. I have to ask Jim. It’s never been explained why Gordon Solie wasn’t there and it was Freddie Miller. Was that a Gordon Solie decision...Vince McMahon decision...TBS...do you know the story behind that?

He mentioned Jim Barnett & Jim Crockett Senior in his Hall of Fame speech...what do you think their impact was on Gerry?

Do you think the Briscos made the right move at the time?

They debut for the World Wrestling Federation but it’s not long before Jack...during a blizzard in Newark...turns to his brother and says he’s going home and he did. Jack never returned to professional wrestling while Jerry transitioned into the front office as a road agent. It’s really the end of both Briscos in-ring. What do you remember hearing about this?

When you’re hired in 1993, what was Jerry’s role?

Were you friends with Jerry during your trips in and out of the company?

Did Jerry have anything to do you think with your return to the company?

You talked about last week at the end of our 9/11 SmackDown episode that Gerry was a major part of the talent relations success you had in the 90s. When you made that transition what was it about Gerry that helped you and what were his qualities that made it known you needed him as part of your team?

He’s a well respected road agent and has talked about how he helped put together the Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin WrestleMania 12 match with the double turn. How important was having Gerry on putting together some of the toughest matches?

Not long after that Vader is in Kuwait doing a promotional tour and gets into an argument on TV with a host and is arrested. Gerry had this to say regarding it: “In his show with JBL, Brisco discussed new details of the story that had not previously been reported. That includes that US Special Forces offered to help Vader escape via a cargo container to get him out of the country to France before he could fly home to the US. WWE ended up not taking the offer, as Brisco reported, concerned that Vader was too big for anyone to hide him.”

Is this how you remember that happening?

You were integral in bringing Jack back for the Bad Blood show in a tribute to St. Louis wrestling. Did Gerry help with that?

What do you remember about Gerry’s role in the Montreal Screwjob? There’s always been the rumor and innuendo of Gerry trying to teach Shawn Michaels how to protect himself if Bret Hart wanted to shoot on him?

How did he & Patterson end up back on TV when Mr. McMahon and Steve Austin started getting hot in 1998?

What was it about Gerry & Pat that made them so entertaining?

Who’s idea was it to have Gerry & Pat come out to Real American?

What are some of your favorite Stooge stories?

Did anyone really need to suffer through Gerry vs. Pat in an Evening Gown Match at King of the Ring 2000?

During the 95-02 era who are some of the superstars Gerry brought to you and the company?

It’s said that Gerry personally recruited Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar and most of the collegiate athletes on the roster. Is that correct?

What type of connections did Gerry have to get all of the college athletes and his success?

The Briscos are inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2008 on the same show that you inducted Gordon Solie in. How special was that for both of them?

How important was it for Gerry to have JBL induct him?

June 09 Gerry was sickened by strokes and taken off the road. How worried were you about your friend?

It’s said that you were a major factor in bringing him back as a talent scout for NXT in March of 2010.

Bruce told a story once on Something to Wrestle about Gerry & Eric Bischoff getting into a grappling match backstage. Were you there for that and what did that look like?

You mentioned after Gerry was released from WWE that his impact on wrestling was still going to be felt for a long time after that. Do you think that’s his legacy, being a talent scout?

Has there been any talk of bringing him into AEW?


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