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Today Jim we’re discussing the 20 year anniversary of what is one of the crowning achievements in the mind of the World Wrestling Federation...the first public mass gathering since the terrorist attacks on September 11th with a live SmackDown from Houston, Texas.

Before we get to the show itself Jim let’s talk about that infamous day. You’re in San Antonio, Texas as the day before you have a Raw is War episode. Show ends...you’re back in your hotel I’m assuming and off to bed. No one really knows what’s about to change and how everything is really about to change.

The next day, September 11th...the attack happens at 8:45 am est which means it’s 7:45 am in San Antonio. Are you awake when it happens? Has your work day already started?

How do you learn of the attack?

What happens next in the world of the WWF? Do you all come together to watch...are you on the phone with Vince...obviously you’re checking on Jan and your family as well but how much is talent checking in with you at this point?

Was your plan to drive to Houston for SmackDown or fly back to Stamford?

As the events unfold and the horrible tragedy that is 9/11 happens...a lot of the WWE personnel are based in and around Stamford...it’s a little more than an hour drive from the World Trade Center to Titan Towers. Were you worried about anyone in particular that lived in that area?

The amount of flight travel that was going on at the time...and the eventual shutdown of all flights...how much did that impact everything for you at that time?

Obviously you know at that point that SmackDown is cancelled...but what is the company directive at this point? How do we get everyone home safely? Is the private jet able to be flown? How do we handle everyone being stuck in Houston?

The country is basically put on lockdown...when’s the conversation about what to do with the show had?

Did you think it was important to have the show?

How much local and national push back did you have if any?

From the Observer … “There were a lot of behind the scene politics regarding the show, because many felt it shouldn't go on. Basically Jim McIngvale, who was a long-time wrestling sponsor going back to the beginning of time in Houston with Paul Boesch, and his friend, local war hero Michael Thornton convinced the Mayor that they should do the show on Vince's behalf, as they wanted his approval. Even though the WWF had announced on Tuesday they were running the show on Thursday, it really wasn't cleared until Wednesday. That explains McIngvale was put on television, seemingly as a return of the favor, which made no sense to viewers unless they lived in Houston where he is well known for his TV commercials and associated with wrestling forever. Putting Thornton on and introducing him wasn't bad, and in fact was a very nice touch. But by the end of the night with so many shots and references to him, it was clear they were trying to use a war hero at a unique time as an endorser of the product and that left me with a bad feeling. Both went on the air and thanked Vince for putting on the show, which came off too self serving. They were clearly very paranoid about criticism for running and were too defensive about trying to get themselves over for not cancelling. There was some criticism the next day of them doing the show, but really not much, because in the grand scheme of things, it was so ridiculously unimportant as a major issue. Linda McMahon and Gary Davis (media relations) did some radio defending the decision the next day.”

Who is McIngvale and what do you know about him? Was he the real push to get the show on the air like Meltzer is saying here?

You’re tasked with doing commentary on this show. Who makes that decision to have you & Paul Heyman on the call instead of Michael Cole & Tazz? Was the trust level with you obviously higher than having Cole on the call?

From the Observer … “Ross and Heyman work together well but there are so many underlying issues between those two dating back forever, plus there is the feeling of many that Lawler was a better foil for Ross.”

What were the underlying issues Jim?

Was Al Snow ever considered to be put in the booth for a show?

The narrative has always been that Vince was assured by government officials that regular WWE programming would actually be more helpful in getting people’s minds off the tragedy. Do you think those conversations actually happened?

The show is modeled after the Owen Hart tribute Monday Night Raw where it’s just matches and people sitting down and discussing emotions in a confessional type format. You’re 10 days away from Unforgiven and there’s no plug for the show which is really remarkable. Who makes that decision and was it the correct one in your mind?

It’s said that a little over 200 people requested refunds instead of attending. Did you know right off the bat that with this business has an opportunity to turn worse than it already was?

We open the show with a Vince McMahon promo. The ropes are red white and blue which is a nice touch. Who would make a decision like that? Kevin Dunn?

Here’s the Vince promo: “The spirit of America lives here in Houston, Texas. Our nation’s leaders have encouraged us to return to living our lives the way we normally do… the American way… Make no mistake about the message this public assembly is sending to terrorism tonight. That message is simply we will not live our lives in fear. America’s heart has been wounded but her spirit shines as a beacon of freedom that will never be extinguished.”

It’s always been said Vince loves America. Was that more evident with this promo?

A very emotional rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by Lillian Garcia occurs. What’s it like being at ringside for this?

The non-American shows ended up editing out a lot of the pro-America talk. Were you surprised about that?

We have Edge and then Ricky Santana talk next. Ricky isn’t talked about much but considering he was born in New York it makes sense to put him in this as I’m sure he requested. Who is Ricky Santana for those that don’t know him and what happened to him in the WWE?

Where does this rank in terms of a difficult nature of calling this show? Obviously the Owen Hart Raw has to be #1...is this #2?

The Hardys defeat the Hurricane & Lance Storm in our first match-up. Since none of the matches have any storyline reason they’re just wrestling matches obviously. We don’t talk about him a lot Jim but Shane “Hurricane” Helms can be said that he was one of the first WCW wrestlers to come over in the invasion to really embrace a WWF style character. Were you impressed with Helms in finding this side of him?

Terri Runnels is next talking about the effect something like this can happen on her family.

Rock then seems speechless in his which is understandable.

RVD beats Spike Dudley in 2:23.

Chris Jericho cuts one of the good passionate confessionals saying that he’d rather be in New York doing whatever he could to help. Jericho has roots in New York so that’s understandable. He really was a great promo back then and to see his evolution is remarkable.

Meltzer says this about Hayes confessional, “Hayes did a promo that was better delivered than 99% of the current wrestlers could do while in character. It's funny that people see him talking like this under these circumstances, but I can't believe nobody can find some use for his talents as a heel manager for talent that is good in the ring but not as good on interviews.”

Do you think Michael was underutilized at this time?

Shawn Stasiak is next and says it’ll make us stronger. What was it about Stasiak that didn’t connect with an audience?

Lita talks about being numb.

Jericho pins Christian in 2:16.

Kanyon, Taz, Torrie Wilson, Shane Helms and Bubba Ray talk next. Taz being from Brooklyn and Bubba being from New York all speak passionately. Look not to make light of this situation but hearing a lot of these people talk from their heart and not from a script it makes you think there could’ve been a star under a less formatted system wouldn’t you agree?

So from Meltzer regarding Rock & Shawn Stasiak’s “match”: Stasiak did a comedy bit where he kept attacking Rock and flying over the top. They did a bit where after he had screwed up twice, Rock asked him if he liked pie, and he said no. He asked him if he liked strudel, then they did a bit where Keibler wanted his strudel. Rock pinned Stasiak in two seconds flat to keep the title after that.

Yup. I get the light hearted ness and trying to bring some levity but this just feels...off don’t you agree?

Bill Demott & Ivory are next and Demott talks about how the first responders are the real role models and not wrestlers.

Bradshaw is up next and he has a controversial promo as well. He talks about turning the place into a parking lot after a bombing. I understand wanting to be defensive of the country but this type of stuff doesn’t help Bradshaw’s reputation. What did you think of these comments?

APA vs. X-Factor is next and Jim in this match you talk about dipping Bradshaw’s fist in BBQ sauce. Quite an interesting sell on BBQ. APA gets the win in 2:44. X-Factor was X-Pac & Albert. Was this just an odd fit all the way around?

Something I noticed when Kurt Angle comes up to speak in the confessional is his name on the chyron is “KURT ANGLE”. Do you have any idea why?

Booker...as a hometown guy but a major heel...defeats Big Show in 2:44. I know we’re just racing through matches here but not a lot of exciting wrestling action. Is it tough to put these guys out in the ring to do this and risk injury when the show is really just an exhibition?

Lance Storm and then D-Von Dudley are next to speak and you can tell a lot of guys are starting to think everything is going to change. Did you expect the impact on flying and travel in general and how much it’s all going to be affected at this point?

Michael Thornton...a retired Navy commander speaks...what do you know about him?

Lita gets the win over Ivory. Stacy Kiebler is next to talk and just says she’s 21 and doesn’t know what life is going to be like after this point. It’s crazy to think she’s on the road with the company at that age. Was she mature enough to handle the road at this point?

Steve Austin and Booker T are next to talk and talk about how the country will be stronger. Does anyone get pressured or forced to talk about these things to make sure they’re represented?

So here’s the promo that everyone is probably waiting to hear us talk about. Stephanie McMahon sits down in front of the camera and talks. Here’s Meltzer’s coverage of this:

“The only one that had no business airing was the Stephanie promo, and I can't believe the company let it air. I can see she meant it as a personal experience because in her life, perhaps the worst thing ever for her was when her father was on trial. I was at most of the trial and I remember during the closing arguments in the case by the prosecution just how horrible he would have to feel because his family was in the courtroom listening to it and Stephanie, who was only a teenager at the time, appeared understandably traumatized by it. But to equate a drug trial and the prosecution in the case or whomever she was referring to with the people who did the acts of the past week which resulted in 5,000 deaths, came off so poorly. It was the one aspect of the show I'd call offensive. To their credit, because of the negative reaction to the promo, they did edit it off the Excess show two nights later which was made largely a Smackdown repeat because New York fans couldn't see the original show.”

Jim...I’m sure you’ve seen the promo. The visceral reaction to this promo is loud from fans. What did you think of it and do you agree with Meltzer that this had no business airing?

Test & the Dudleys are taking on Scotty 2 Hotty, William Regal & Tajiri and the heels get the win and they’re the only heels to get the win. Why do you think this is?

Lillian, Faarooq, William Regal & Albert are up next.

Kurt Angle and Rhyno are our main event of course because how could you have a USA tribute show without Kurt Angle main eventing. Kurt gets the win to send the TV crowd home happy.

Meltzer called it a very good main event and Kurt gets all the USA chants and we close by showing all the fans with their flags and signs for America.

After the show The Rock vs. Steve Austin is the main event to send the fans home happy which ends via a DQ when the Dudleyz interfere but the Rock fights off everyone and that’s it Jim.

Looking back 20 years later it’s just an awful time...what did you think JR?


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