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Fire up the Peacock machine and find SmackDown, season 2 episode 34. And we’ll count it down! 3-2-1.

We’re taped from New Orleans, Louisiana which in fact was the first time the WWF ever taped TV in New Orleans how about that?

Our opening package highlights what’s been going on between you, Triple H & Stephanie and then the Rock and Lita and now Lita has defeated Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley on Raw in the main event despite you & Hunter being at ringside and we’re going to open with Stephanie coming to the ring.

What did you think of Stephanie’s microphone skills?

Stephanie blames this on Mick Foley as the Commissioner. You taped a lot of skits with Mick as commish with Edge & Christian over the summer. How much did you enjoy those skits?

Here you come Kurt and let’s bring up the audio and listen to you get some amazing heel heat.

Hunter interrupts and you two get into a shoving match and Hunter is suddenly a face. Do you think that was based on you being the 3rd person in the love triangle?

Foley cracks a good line about how he’s got medals around his neck and that he knows Stephanie is attracted to men with medals around their neck.

Foley sets up the main event...Lita & the Rock vs. Stephanie & either you or Hunter and it’s up to Stephanie to decide who’s going to be her partner. It’s a great creative twist. Was Brian Gerwitz the one who was really coming up with these ideas at this point?

To the locker room where Hunter & Stephanie are discussing what is the best thing for both of them and about how they can use this to their advantage for the 3-way that’s coming up at SummerSlam.

Rikishi cuts a promo on RTC and is talking all about stink faces. Kurt I don’t know if you’ve ever talked about this before...but did you enjoy getting stink faced?

Rikishi vs. The Goodfather is up next and it’s over rather quickly but you got Too Cool at ringside along with Bull Buchanan and Steven Richards. What did you think of the RTC gimmick?

The Too Cool dance...did you ever get a chance to do it in front of a crowd?

Eddie & Chyna are backstage discussing how winning a title will make both happy. Did you ever get into the ring with Chyna and did you feel comfortable working a match with her?

Shane McMahon is now the Hardcore Champion from Raw but we go to the ring and it’s T&A and Val Venis against Steve Blackman, Eddie Guerrero & Chyna. These are some teams don’t you think Kurt?

Val is the IC champion and he’s defending it in a tag match with Trish against Eddie & Chyna at SummerSlam...yes he’s defending a singles title in a tag match. Blackman is due for the hardcore title shot at Shane at SummerSlam. Good quick match ends in 3:24 when Val Venis hits Test with nunchucks by mistake and Blackman gets the cover and the win.

Any funny stories of working with any of these guys/gals?

Let’s cue up the audio as you tell Stephanie why you should be chosen as the partner…

Did you have fun filming these pre tapes? I know the nervousness of having to kiss Stephanie but these pre-tapes...how did they go?

Here’s Tazz spray painting a car but we later see that Jim Ross is locked in the car and it’s Lawler’s rental car. Tazz could be a bad ass heel don’t you think Kurt?

Tazz smashes the window out and Ross gets caught and Lawler goes to help but Tazz attacks him again. Effective angle. Did you ever get the chance to work with Lawler or no?

Jericho comes out to do a promo on Chris Benoit to build up their match and it’s a WWE creative favorite...photoshopping people onto other images on the screen. It’s funny and cute don’t you think Kurt?

Benoit interrupts and they go back and forth. Why do you think Benoit lacked the ability to cut promos?

Road Dogg & X-Pac are working on a split but so far they’re not actually split up. Road Dogg at this point in his career was better off as a tag team wrestler wouldn’t you agree?

Kane is a monster again as a heel against Taker. Is this the most effective Kane?

Taker has a handicap match against Dogg & X-Pac. This is to build to DX splitting up and Road Dogg walks out leaving X-Pac to be power bombed and Taker gets the win. Is Taker intimidating to put together a match with?

Let’s bring up the audio for more Triple H & Stephanie in the back. Are you watching these pretapes?

Perry Saturn is the European Champion going up against Al Snow and we talk about the build to a Stinkface match with Terri & the Kat. Stinkface match...2000 was a weird time in the WWF wasn’t it Kurt?

Saturn is such a good underrated wrestler and so is Snow. 2:52 and Saturn gets the win. Do you think there was more to be done with Saturn?

Edge & Christian do a great heel promo let’s bring up the audio for that. How good are they Kurt? Did you miss working with them?

We got Chris Benoit coming out and it’s a 6-man with Benoit, Edge & Christian against the Hardy Boyz & Chris Jericho. Edge & Christian would go on to have the first TLC match against the Hardyz & Dudleyz at SummerSlam. So much goes on in 2:40 and Jericho gets the pin on Edge. Explain to everyone the difference of trying to have a 6 man in 2:40 compared to doing a singles match that’s 20 minutes on a pay-per-view...how different is it putting together all of this in one match?

Dudleyz come out and here comes the brawl to push TLC. With you being friends with Edge & Christian are they expressing any nervousness about working a match like this?

Let’s bring up the audio again as we have another backstage segment with you, Triple H & Stephanie.

Now we have to bring the audio up as this is one of the best promos the Rock has ever done. Is it hard to not want to emulate the Rock considering how good he was?

Let’s bring the audio up again as Stephanie goes to flip the coin and you recommend to flip one of the medals!

Recap of Lita winning the Women’s title...Rock gets a huge pop and now here comes Stephanie and then you.

Is it different doing a match like this taped compared to live knowing you have a bit of a safety net?

Who helps put together a match like this with the women? Who was your go to agent at this time?

Stephanie hits the steps and now here comes Triple H to save his wife.

Triple H attacks afterwards and it’s a full on messy brawl that ends in a DQ.

Here comes a bigger brawl as the Hardyz come out and you powder out of here to go check on Stephanie.

And here it comes Kurt...you kiss Stephanie like a fish as you’ve said! How nerve wracking is this to do this in front of Vince McMahon? Was Triple H coaching you on how to kiss Stephanie?

What did you think Kurt? How much fun is this to go back in time and watch this show? Do you think the product is better now than then?


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