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20 years ago the World Wrestling Federation had it’s most successful non-WrestleMania pay-per-view ever and that’s going to be our topic today...Invasion 2001.

Before we get to the show Jim we have to talk about the build up. It’s one of a kind as it’s supposed to be the first show of the WWF vs. WCW war. We’ve beat around the bush a couple times when talking about this but now we’re here and it’s time to get down to the brass tacks.

As head of Talent Relations WCW really is put in your hands on finding a staff, referees, talent, etc. Were you ready for all this?

The rumor and innuendo at the time was that Raw was going to become the WCW show and Smackdown was going to be the WWF show. Is that how you remember it?

Coming off King of the Ring where the first WCW vs. WWF showdown happens between DDP and the Undertaker, Booker T accidentally injures Steve Austin, Chris Benoit has to have surgery to repair his nagging neck and man the hits just keep on coming. The amount of talent that you’ve lost in a few months is staggering. Is there a push at this time to reach out and contact the Ric Flairs, Goldbergs, Stings, etc to see what you can do?

While this is all going on, you’re completely revamping developmental. MCW and Terry Golden are out while HWA and Les Thatcher were in. At this time it’s reported in the Observer your assistants were Dennis Brent, Bill Moody who the world knows as Paul Bearer, and Bob Clarke. What were their roles underneath you?

Why wasn’t Memphis Championship Wrestling and Terry Golden working out for you?

It’s hard to compare any developmental territory to what Jim Cornette & Danny Davis were doing in OVW but why were they the only ones who really got it?

Also at this time Joey Matthews (also known as Joey Mercury), Bryan Danielson & Brian Kendrick are released with the closing of the Memphis terrority. Crazy to think 20 years ago they were released.

The contract negotiations with Joanie Laurer finally end when the company sends a letter to her letting her know the company was dropping all negotiations with her. What made it get to that level?

Mike Awesome appears on WWF TV at MSG and wins the Hardcore Title. It’s pushed as a big moment and that MSG is the WWF’s home and it’s almost like sacrilege for this guy who works for the competition to do that. What did you think of it?

Kurt Angle & Steve Austin begin their Odd Couple routine and it’s super entertaining but it’s also to help rest their bodies. There’s an old saying...funny doesn’t equal money. Do you think these vignettes helped or hurt their characters?

Vince & Torrie Wilson start their angle to set up the splitting of the shows with a divorce between Vince & Linda. I’m sure Vince had no problem doing all these scenes with Torrie right Jim?

Tough Enough debuts at this time. Good god JR the WWF is all over the place. Closing the XFL, WWF New York, Tough Enough, buying WCW...how did you guys get through all of this?

The world shifts for you when Buff Bagwell vs. Booker T happens in Tacoma. You’re not at ringside for the match as Arn Anderson & Scott Hudson take your place but you’re backstage. Tell me what’s going on and then Vince’s reaction.

From the Observer regarding the announcer situation:

“Hudson had talked with Jim Ross a few months back when he came to Atlanta and Ross gave him the impression he would be strongly considered for an announcing job. This was when they were going under the impression WCW would have the Saturday night late time slot on TNN. When that fell through, nobody was called back. Hudson wrote Ross a few weeks ago, noting that he had until 6/15 to make a decision on whether to go back full-time to work at his government job, or continue to work part-time. At his work, he had been switched to part-time because of all the time he had spent out of the office working for WCW. Ross did get back to Hudson before deadline telling him that in the short-term, there was nothing that appeared on the horizon for him, which was likely because Joey Styles seemed the prime candidate for the WCW job. Hudson then informed his work he was going back full-time. Then, with the plans to introduce a WCW announcing crew at the 7/2 show in Tacoma and the Styles deal having fallen through over the two sides being far apart on money issues, Hudson was given a call to come to Connecticut for a week of training and to be the lead voice of WCW. Hudson got there, but surprised the WWF by telling them he had gone back to work full-time and couldn't take the job, but would be willing to help them since they were in something of a jam, and agreed to take the spot for a few weeks to get the angle going.

Hudson's partner was scheduled to be Jerry Lawler. Lawler had been called by WWF officials several days before Hudson was called and asked to work starting in Tacoma, which he agreed to do, in what was to be a secret arrival in an angle booked by the creative team. When the word got out, Lawler denied having ever talked with anyone or that he would come back, because WWF, like with Diamond Dallas Page, wanted the introduction to be a surprise on Raw. Nobody from WWF denied the story or would publicly confirm it (it was privately confirmed to us several times during the week). According to Lawler as well as other WWF sources, the final deal was agreed to on 6/28. Exactly what happened from there is more questionable.

According to Lawler, he was supposed to be introduced with Hudson by Shane on Raw as the new WCW announcing team, and his wife, Stacy Carter would accompany him to ringside. Lawler said he was told the next day that Vince McMahon wanted to make it clear they had no role for Carter other than appearing on Raw and Smackdown with Lawler at both shows in Tacoma, which Lawler agreed to. This would have resulted in both missing their scheduled show booked in Memphis on 7/3. On 6/30, after both received with travel itinerary, Lawler was called again by WWF officials and told that he would be getting a contract and she wouldn't. At that point Lawler backed out of the deal.”

What a god damn mess Jim. Is this how you remember it all happening?

The next night again in Tacoma for SmackDown you can tell the WCW angle is unwinding as they end up attacking each other and Shane and it’s a mess. How quickly did Vince shift things?

How frustrating is it to put all this work in and then boom, it’s all gone?

How does ECW come into play and why is it Paul Heyman?

Did you agree with stopping WCW fully and making ECW be part of it?

The Atlanta Raw where ECW morphs with WCW ends with...Stephanie McMahon as the Owner of ECW. Walk me through the creative of this Jim...and what did you think of it?

How much are the talent that’s been signed for WCW coming to you wondering what’s going on? How about the WWF talent?

It’s just utter confusion for you at this time isn’t it?

From the Observer … “The locker room dynamics have changed greatly over the past week. The descriptions to me sound identical to what I heard in 1987 when the Bill Watts guys and Jim Crockett guys became one company. The Crockett guys wouldn't accept any of the Watts guys as stars and you know how that ended up. In this case, there is resentment of the WWF guys because the WCW guys have gotten paid since the end of March even though they just are starting on the road this week. There is a feeling that some of the WCW guys (read that the inexperienced guys who never worked any territories and learned wrestling in that horrible WCW atmosphere) walk around the locker room really cocky. The biggest heat was on Booker, Stacey Keibler, Bagwell, Palumbo and O'Haire.”

Jim you were there when the UWF & JCP merged and you were here for WCW & WWF. Is the comparison fair between the two and the locker rooms?

Buff is let go before the Raw in Atlanta. There’s been talk about his fight with Shane Helms at practice, him showing up late, Judy Bagwell calling complaining about his flights. What was it that made him only last 3 weeks?

What could’ve been done differently...in your mind...to make the WCW invasion work?

From the Observer … “To show how wild the ideas became, there was serious talk of bringing in Eric Bischoff. Backstage at Raw in Atlanta, the talk was that Bischoff would debut the next night at Smackdown, although those in the inner circle claimed the Bischoff deal had fallen through several days earlier. The claim was that, once again, as the entire WWF vs. WCW issue was booked more for ego and to prove the new group was second-rate even though they owned it, before rebuilding it, they only wanted Bischoff for two weeks, just long enough to save a PPV they were afraid was heading for a fall. Bischoff would come in, shoot an angle, do a match with Vince, which was thought would draw a big buy rate. Vince would go over and Bischoff would never be heard from again. One WWF source claimed Bischoff turned down the idea because it was short-term, although Bischoff himself denied any approach was made, saying he couldn't believe they'd make the approach because they would have to know he'd turn it down.”

Was this the plan with Eric at this time and do you think that’s why it didn’t happen?

Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer sign before the ECW invasion. What do you remember of the contract negotiations with them?

Do you think pushing some of the young green WCW talent like Mark Jindrak & Sean O’Haire on TV instead of putting them into developmental hurt them?

ECW’s name and likeness is caught up in a legal battle. How much of this ends up in your lap or is this just handled by legal?

Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy passes away on July 16th. How do you remember hearing about this and what do you think Gordy’s legacy in the business should be?

On the go-home Raw the classic angle of having everyone in the ring between the WWF, WCW & ECW finishes with the breaking of the glass and Steve Austin arriving to one of the biggest pops ever to take us into the Invasion pay-per-view. It felt like old times at ringside hearing that pop for the glass break right?

From the Observer … “An angle was proposed for Raw this week where Heyman would beat up Ross, but Ross nixed it”

Is that true?

Alright Jim we’re finally at the show. It’s Invasion from the Gund Arena in Cleveland. The Wrestling Observer readers gave it a 53.6% thumbs up, 21.3% thumbs down and 25.1% thumbs in the middle. The show draws 17,019 fans with a gate of $848,060 and another $146,452 in merch.

1. Edge & Christian defeated Lance Storm & Mike Awesome in 10:10. Match had its ups and downs. Some sloppiness early but built well and good near falls at the end. Awesome took a bump from a missed dropkick by Edge. Then Storm nearly killed himself taking a bump over the top. Then Christian slipped off Edge's back, his foot caught the ropes trying to do a big dive, and he also could have been hurt but everyone seemed okay. Storm threw Christian into the post (they seemed to have differing ideas exactly when and where the whip was going) to start the heat on Christian. Christian reversed Awesome's power bomb off the top. Some good near falls. Awesome went for the Awesome bomb on Edge, but Christian speared him and Edge fell on top for the pin. **½

What was it about Mike Awesome that he just never got over anywhere but ECW on a national level? What did you think of the match and is it odd that two super heels in Edge & Christian were babyfaces against the evil invaders?

2. Earl Hebner pinned Nick Patrick in 2:50 in the battle of referees. Now that they did the match, I have even less clue as to why. Mick Foley was referee. All the WCW refs attacked Hebner, so Foley kicked them out. Hebner won with the spear. Patrick wrestled for a few years in the 80s and was pretty entertaining. Hebner, who is older and has had some serious health problems, was really blown up. Short enough that it wasn't that bad, but in hindsight there was no reason for it.


3. APA defeated Shawn O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo in a non-title battle of WWF tag champs against WCW tag champs in 7:17. Palumbo & O'Haire were aggressive but didn't get much heat. All brawling, and pretty stiff. Bradshaw pinned Palumbo with the clothesline. For what in another era would have been such an important deal, this was really nothing. *

What was it about this time frame of sending the APA out to work stiff with guys?

4. Billy Kidman pinned X-Pac in 7:12 in a battle of WCW cruiserweight champ vs. WWF light heavyweight champ with neither title at stake. X-Pac was still booed, even on the WWF team, and played heel from the start. The word on Kidman was always that he desperately needed a new ring outfit. Now that he's got one, he still does as those tight biker shorts were four years ago. X-Pac did a Silver King plancha. Kidman kicked out of the X-factor and got the pin with a shooting star press. Nothing wrong with the match, but nothing compared with Kidman's matches on WCW PPV events. **

Was Sean just too much with his personal problems at this point because a year or two earlier these two should’ve killed it right?

5. Raven pinned William Regal in 6:34. This match didn't get over at all. Crowd was dead except "boring" chants and in the ring it was a major style clash. Raven did a leg sweep into the barricades. Regal is an old-school wrestler and Raven is a creative garbage wrestler. Finish saw Tazz interfere and suplex Regal, allowing Raven to get the pin with a DDT. 1/4*

Just a complete styles clash and really the wrong guy went over as Regal was super entertaining at this time as the Commissioner with Tajiri and Raven didn’t go anywhere before or after this.

6. Chris Kanyon & Shawn Stasiak & Hugh Morrus defeated Big Show & Billy Gunn & Albert in 4:23. Fans didn't seem to care about Gunn, who did that heel turn that nobody was and didn't register. They didn't know how to take Albert, since he's on TV as a heel. WWF guys did a triple press slam spot to open the match. Kanyon did a traditional Russian leg sweep, followed by a face first version. A couple of near falls and saves before Stasiak did a reverse DDT to Gunn and Morrus pinned him. 1/4*

Why was Stasiak brought back considering when he was let go last time for recording people? He seems like someone that would’ve been on the no return list?

Just a match Jim which seems to be a theme. Was it an issue getting the WWF & WCW guys to work together well?

7. Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Tazz in 5:43. Tajiri is great. Tazz looked slow and rusty, but still throws a mean suplex. Tajiri carried it with his great kicks and the tarantula. Tajiri was throwing kicks, when Tazz blocked one and suplexed him. Tajiri blew the green mist and kicked Tazz in the side of the face for the pin. *¾

It’s a shame Tazz got to the WWF when he did as just maybe a year earlier he could’ve been so much more. Tajiri was really entertaining. What say you?

8. Rob Van Dam pinned Jeff Hardy in 12:24 to win the WWF hardcore title. Before the match in the dressing room, Van Dam hit Matt Hardy with a chair to take him out of the show and build a little heat for the match. Lots of Van Dam chants to start the match. He did some nice acrobatic spots early. At one point both guys walked the barricade and collided. Van Dam dropkicked a chair into Hardy's face, which seemed to be the spot where Hardy's head split open pretty big, which may have been a hardway. Van Dam did a split legged moonsault, but Hardy got his knees up and DDT'd Van Dam on his head. Hardy missed his swanton and Van Dam got the pin with a frog splash onto the title belt on Hardy's chest. Easily the show stealer. ****

What a “Debut” for RVD and Jeff being the perfect opponent. Really the bright spot on the show for excitement. These two were just on the same page when it came to this type of match don’t you think?

9. Trish Stratus & Lita beat Torrie Wilson & Stacy Keibler in a double bra and panties match in 5:04. Foley refereed the match. It was what you'd expect, mainly women tearing clothes off each other. All four were in their bras when the WCW women had their pants taken off to lose. Keibler didn't seem that happy about being in her bra. Match was long enough to where they actually tried some wrestling between the clothes ripping, and that was predictably awful.

Oof Jim. Oof. At least Trish & Lita were trained. Did no one know ahead of time that Torrie & Stacy barely wrestled?

10. Team ECW/WCW of the Dudleys & Rhyno & Diamond Dallas Page & Booker T beat Team WWF of Steve Austin & Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho & Undertaker & Kane in 29:03. Everyone worked hard, and this was good, but not the calibre of most WWF main events. Austin and Angle in particular got huge reactions when they came out. Vince, Shane, Paul Heyman and Stephanie were all brought out to ringside but until the finish, none played a part in the match. Austin didn't look good as far as moving early, but seemed to get into it as the match got going. He picked his spots and actually did more than I figured he would. He did a superplex off the top to Rhyno early on. Match would have been better served being a little shorter, as it dragged in the middle. Austin tagged in at 11:00 and kicked the hell out of Booker. Austin even did a suplex on the floor to Booker. Jim Ross went off on WCW and ECW here. He said WCW as an organization was dormant for years and that ECW created a style that was career shortening. Angle slam on Bubba and ankle lock on Booker but Booker kicked Angle off into ref Mike Ciota, so he was down. Vince grabbed the WWF title belt to throw to Austin, but Shane got the belt and hit Vince with it. Angle knocked Shane out of the ring and gave Booker the Angle slam and had him in the ankle lock. Booker was tapping, but no ref. Austin then made his miraculous comeback, throwing Ciota in the ring, but he then kicked Angle and gave him a stunner, put Booker on top and ordered the ref to count. The show ended with Austin in the ring drinking beer with Shane, Stephanie and Heyman. ***1/2

One of the things I’ve always been so fascinated about is Rhyno here. He’s in this match when just 6 months before he’s the last ECW champion. Who was really pushing Rhyno to be in this match?

Was this another missed opportunity with a chance to keep Steve a babyface and here he is turning heel right back again?

What did you think of Angle being positioned as the new number one babyface coming out of this and was he ready for it?

The show knocks it out of the park with pay-per-view buys with 750,000 buys...still the highest mark set for a non-WrestleMania pay-per-view. When that number comes in does it make anyone take a step back and think...holy shit we need to sign more guys and keep this going...or is this considered a fluke?

What say you Jim? Thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle?


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