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Arn today we’re going to be watching what I found to be your debut on NWA World Wide Wrestling. Honestly it must’ve been nerve wracking to leave SECW as you & Conrad covered but did you feel like this was a move to the big time for yourself?

Let’s get to it Arn...3-2-1.

The show opens with Tony Schiavone & Johnny Weaver. We all know about Tony but Arn what do you know of Johnny Weaver and do you have any stories of him?

We got Krusher Kruschev...Barry Darsow...Smash...taking on Mark Fleming. The Koloffs are at ringside and these 3 are the NWA World Six-Man Tag Team Champions. You would get involved more with 6-man tags later on in your run in JCP but what are some of the pros and cons of working a 6-man tag compared to a normal tag?

Why do you think Barry Darsow was able to be successful in many gimmicks?

Any great stories of working against the Russians?

Tommy Young is the referee for this match. How good was Tommy?

This show is taped on March 5th in Spartanburg, SC at the Memorial Auditorium. You worked a lot there as a lot of the TV was taped there. Any fond memories of the arena?

Bob Geigel announces that Wahoo McDaniel will not face Ric Flair in an Indian Strap Match for the NWA World Title. The World Champion Ric Flair comes out and of course takes his shirt off and now Wahoo is out and they’re brawling. Flair is a babyface here as Tully Blanchard comes out and attacks and now they’re gonna whip him while Baby Doll holds Flair.

Here’s Jim Crockett talking about Silver Starr. They’re talking about Sgt. Slaughter who many forget was in this territory. When did you meet Jim Crockett for the first time?

Dusty and Tully are going to be having a $20,000 match where if Dusty loses he’s going to leave. Why do you think that stipulation went by the way side eventually?

This is still before the Big Gold Belt. Do you think it’s odd to see the old NWA Title with Flair instead of the Big Gold Belt?

Back to live action and it’s Dick Slater, Magnum TA & Buzz Tyler taking on Joel Deaton, Doug Vines & the Golden Terror. You’re up next...what is your mind set before your match? Are you stretching? Working out? Watching this match?

Crockett was notorious for a bunch of good working underneath guys…who was your favorite to work?

My goodness the pop for Magnum TA getting tagged in. When you were looking at the roster then was Magnum at the top of the list of people you wanted to wrestle?

Is Dick Slater one of the more underrated guys in terms of ability to work and get over?

What can you tell us about Buzz Tyler as he’s the 3rd man of the team and not really well known?

Here’s “Superstar” Billy Graham & Paul Jones interrupting Tony. What was Billy Graham like to deal with years after his run on top in the WWWF?

How good was Tully Blanchard at this time?

Arn it’s time for your debut! You’re taking on Sam Houston. You’re immediately pushed as the cousin of Ole & Gene. Who’s idea was it for that?

Were you given any instructions regarding cameras or where to look?

Sam Houston was recently in the spotlight because he’s the son of Grizzly Jones and brother of Jake Roberts after the VICE Dark Side of the Ring documentary about them. What did you think of working Sam?

How important is it for you to put together a good match on your TV debut?

Armbar finish Arn! He almost tapped out years before it was popular. Who came up with the finish? Did you not have one figured out at this point? Who’s idea was it?

Are you happy with the match when it’s over?

We go right into the confrontation of Dusty Rhodes & Baby Doll which is really shocking at that time let alone now where Dusty puts his hands on Baby Doll. The babyface pop for her getting smacked is really something.

Let’s get back to your match...do you get any advice or words when you come back through the curtain?

“Superstar” Billy Graham to Kung Fu Fighting is in the ring taking on Frank Lane. It’s surreal to see Graham in this “character” compared to the tie dye World Champion of years past. Watching the product now compared to what it is today it’s hard not to see the JCP product helping form the AEW product. Do you think it’s a comparable product?

“The Boogie Woogie Man” Jimmy Valiant is out after Graham gets the win and my goodness the crowd. Did you ever work with Valiant and what did you think?

The Barbarian & Billy Graham...what a tag team.

Barbarian hits him with 3 headbutts off the top rope. Is this something looking back not a move you’d recommend for wrestlers now to not use?

Dick Slater cutting a promo on JJ Dillon now. What did you think of JJ the first time you met him?

The Great Kabuki is in the ring when Slater is done. Kendo Nagasaki is Kabuki. What did you think of Kabuki and his work?

The mist is such a staple with the Great Muta but it really begins with Kabuki.

Did you ever get hit with the mist? Was it a painful experience?

Kabuki gets the win and is impressive.

Arn I’m going to lay out for these wrap around promos. Do you think with live events returning we’ll start to see local promos again?

Nature Boy Buddy Landel makes his debut on TV against Keith Larson. Landel is immediately compared to Flair as Landel has JJ Dillon with him. What did you think of Landel?

Do you think it made sense to have two Nature Boys at the same time?

What did you think of JJ as a manager at ringside?

While this is going on in the next couple days you’ll team with Ivan Koloff & Krusher and face off with Don Kernodle, Buzz Tyler & Manny Fernandez. What was it like to be with the Russians and the heat from the crowd?

You’re going to feud with Fernandez in the next couple of weeks. Who’s idea was it to put you two together and what was Manny like to work with?

Landel gets the win and it’s AA promo time! Let’s bring up the audio!

Who gives you the direction on the promo? What’s the deal with not having Ole there? Seems like an odd storyline. Do you remember where that was going?

Arn you close the show. Do you remember how big a deal that was for you?

So Arn what did you think? You’ve often said you're your worst critic.


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