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Note: The July 5, 1986 show could not be found.  We looked.  So we are jumping ahead one week to July 12, 1986.

A great show from the famed Dorton Arena in Raleigh that is completely different from the studio shows...and some great matches not normally seen on TBS.  We will see Black Bart vs. Ron Garvin, Tully Blanchard vs. Wahoo McDaniel, the Midnight Express vs. The Road Warriors, and a Bunkhouse Match featuring the Rock 'N Roll Express and Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair, Arn and Ole Anderson. WOW!  Some good stuff and a very good angle between Jim Cornette and Baby Doll.

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WHW WCW 071286


Ted the Hillbilly Heel

Great show as always. This is one of the main reasons I finally decided to join AdFree shows. So many memories my dad and I watching every Saturday night. He passed away almost 3yrs now so every week I get to relive fond memories. Also in 86 I actually went to the Bash show in Johnson City TN. Thanks guys.