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Welcome back to the latest edition of My World and this week we’re going to cover one of our most requested topics since our podcast was announced...the night “Hulk Screwed Hulk” at Bash at the Beach 2000. Jeff is this a welcome change to talking about the formation of Total Nonstop Action now that we’ve done 5 straight weeks of it?

We’ve really heard the story of this from most of the players. Vince Russo has talked ad nauseum about it, me & Eric even did one of our first 83 Weeks on this. Hulk Hogan has had his say in various interviews but everyone tends to forget about you in this whole thing. Why do you think that is Jeff?

Jeff this story really begins back in April of 2000 when Vince Russo & Eric Bischoff made an agreement to come back to WCW and take over creative. We’re not going to cover all of that today but Vince has been in and out of WCW since you both joined WCW in late 1999. What was your relationship like with Vince when he returned in April of 2000?

This is Eric’s step back into a power position at WCW and the first time you’ve worked together since you left WCW back in 1997. What is your relationship like with Eric at this point?

When this happens Brad Siegel & JJ Dillon are still powerful people in the company is that correct? Are you having any dealings with them while all this turmoil is happening?

The return of these two launches a storyline deemed The New Blood...which is to feature Vince, Eric Bischoff, and yourself as “leaders.” Why do you think they deemed you the leader?

On the other side is the “Millionaire’s Club” which included Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, DDP, Sting, Sid Vicious. What did you think of the idea of these groups and the story?

You win the WCW World Heavyweight Title a bunch of times including trading the title with David Arquette which is a story for another time but Hulk is working with the likes of Billy Kidman while feuding with Eric Bischoff. How is Hulk around this time? Any interaction or dealings with him?

You retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title over Kevin Nash at Great American Bash after Bill Goldberg turns heel for the first time in his career interferes and Hogan defeats Kidman to become the #1 Contender. When that pay-per-view ends do you know what the creative direction is going to be for you vs. Hulk at Bash at the Beach?

Considering that’s supposed to be the direction...the night after the pay-per-view you have your first one-on-one match against Hulk on Nitro. To set up the match as Hulk Hogan enters the building you hit him with a guitar. Your match with Hulk had Billy Kidman as the referee. Here’s Meltzer’s write-up of the match: “Hogan and Jarrett had a non-finish in 6:18. Kidman was ref and turned babyface. Hogan juiced again. Kidman stopped Jarrett from using a chair and then threw the chair to Hogan, who used it. Goldberg and Russo came out. Hogan legdropped Jarrett and Goldberg saved. Actually Goldberg never even touched Hogan but it broke up the pin anyway. Goldberg speared Kidman, nearly tripping before doing so and threw Kidman over the top rope and then speared Hogan, and jackhammered Hogan through a table. G.I. Bro did a run-in but Goldberg left the ring. Through it all, Hogan avoided doing the job and went out on a stretcher.”

Hindsight 20/20 and all that...what did you think this match accomplished for you looking back at it?

The next night on Thunder you defeat Billy Kidman but the big news is yet to come…

From the Observer… “In what many people are reading in many different ways, Vince Russo quit his position as television writer for WCW on 6/15. It was largely believed in the company that he would return, so publicly it was stated that he was taking a few days off due to a concussion.”

It’s reported that he had an issue with Eric trying to bring back Lex Luger, Elizabeth & Kimberley and because Vince had issues with all of them he quit in protest. Is that how you remember hearing it?

Nitro & Thunder is supposedly written by Terry Taylor, Bill Banks & Ed Ferrera. Also supposedly this is one of the first Nitros where Johnny Ace is there helping with finishes. How weird is this set of tapings?

At Nitro you defeat Scott Steiner with another special guest referee Mike Awesome. This is a lot of the same gimmick weeks in a row don’t you think?

You know you’re booked against Hulk Hogan at a pay-per-view in 20 days. Do you have any idea what that finish is going to be?

You’ve said that during your time in WCW you were just a wrestler. You weren’t involved in the creative process but you’re the champion here Jeff. Normally the champion in every other wrestling territory at and before this time had a major hand in the direction and creative at least for themselves. What influence or “power” for lack of a better term did you have?

The next Nitro Hogan is still out selling the injuries from the Goldberg attack and you’re in a 4-way for the World Title with you, Nash, Goldberg & Steiner which you retain after Goldberg kicks Nash as he’s about to power bomb you and you get the pin. What did you think of doing this type of creative? Do you remember who’s writing this TV with Russo not there?

Russo not being there doesn’t mean he’s not impacting the creative. He’s well involved in the discussions almost 2 weeks before the show is to happen even though he’s not there. How in the loop are you on certain things?

The next Thunder Horace Hogan comes out to defend Hulk as you cut a promo on him. You beat him in a good straight up wrestling match. Are you thinking at this point everything is moving along as planned?

From the Observer… “Hogan has been calling Bubba the Love Sponge regularly in Tampa. His latest was that FOX was giving him a $150 million talent budget and that after the July PPV, he was quitting WCW and working for FOX.”

Does something like this land on your radar? It’s often been talked about and joked about when Hulk says… “That doesn’t work for me...brother” and he goes into business for himself to get what he wants. Where are you at with all of this?

Meltzer reports in the Observer on July 10th: “Supposedly there are problems with the finish of the main event on 7/9, although so much b.s. is thrown out there and since it involves Bischoff, Russo and Hogan, everything has to be taken as a possible angle. Originally when this match was made, Hogan was supposed to win the title from Jarrett. Supposedly the idea now is for Jarrett to go over, but Hogan, who has creative control in his contract, is balking. Hogan was originally scheduled to return on 7/3 to shoot an angle to build up the match, but since Hogan didn't like the finish, he balked at pushing it and didn't come to television. It wasn't a no-show, in that by the time they wrote the TV, they knew Hogan wasn't going to be there and he wasn't in the script. It had been planned all along for Hogan not to appear on TV until the week before the PPV in order to sell the idea he was injured in the original attack. In this company, who knows what is and isn't an angle (only that whatever the angle, it probably will never draw money at the end), but the story going around is that they want Hogan to do the job, and in his contract he has creative control and is refusing to do so.”

I mean...this is almost spot on for what eventually happens which we’ll get to obviously. But what is everyone telling you at this point a week before the pay-per-view? Are you concerned about what’s going on because this is the biggest match of your career...you vs. Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Title.

Let’s talk about the Nitro before the pay-per-view Jeff. From the Observer… “Jarrett did an interview and brought up some fat women to sing for the end of Hogan's career. They brought out a fat snooty guy who they called Gaylen Chandler as the head of Standards & Practices to get mad about the skit because they were calling the women fat and Jarrett hit him with a guitar shot and laid him out dead. The funny thing is, and this is almost too funny to be true, that the head of S&P at the show is named Gaylen Chandler, as that almost had to be this poofy made up name. However, the guy who took the guitar shot was an actor playing the role of Chandler because the real Chandler refused to do the angle. You know things are bad when guys who have never even been on TV are refusing to do your angles.”

What did you think of this creative and the angle? What’s the story with the head of Standards & Practices? Was this just a microcosm of what was wrong with WCW at this time?

Did you know at this time that this angle would lead to Mike Awesome being the “Fat Chick Thriller?”

From that Nitro until the day of the show...what do you know and when do you know it?

The rumor and innuendo at the time was that Russo wanted Hogan to beat you for the WCW Title and that Hogan would leave and you would be built up as a major heel champion to face him when he returned. Was that the talk?

Who’s keeping you updated?

Booker & Russo have both said in interviews that the plan for the show was to get the title onto Booker T. When are you told this?

Russo has said in the past that whatever he wrote up for Hogan to do at Bash at the Beach he had agreed to on Friday...do you know what that was?

From the Torch:

How much of this is fact and how much is fiction?

You arrive in Daytona Beach...walk me through what happens when you arrive at the building.

What is Hulk like at the building?

Did you have any conversations with Eric that day?

Russo has said when he arrives that he’s informed that Hogan has decided that he’s no longer happy with the plan. When are you informed of this?

Eric Bischoff wrote in his book at the time that Vince Russo tried to rush a production meeting before Eric got to the building so Eric wasn’t aware of what was really going on. Are you part of this production meeting?

Is all the talent coming up to you wondering what the hell is going on?

Russo said when he informed you that Hulk was refusing to lose to you he had never seen you so mad. Break down for me why you were so angry. There are a ton of reasons to be angry...the situation...the timing...but tell me about your range of emotions regarding it.

What is your mindset or attitude during the day? Are you unhappy about what’s going on with Hulk or that you have to drop the title?

Do you know that Vince Russo is planning on cutting the promo on Hulk?

Is this one of the weirdest days in your career in wrestling which covers so much considering your history?

It’s showtime. You’re preparing to do your thing with Hulk and then work Booker in the main event. How awkward is the backstage area during all this?

As you’re preparing for your first “match”...did you ever talk to Hulk?

What does Russo direct you to do?

You do a run-in for the Kanyon vs. Booker T match. You hit Booker with your guitar to help Kanyon get the win. This is to setup the main event right?

Well here we are Jeff. The moment of truth. You vs. Hulk Hogan. Here’s the Observer write-up:

“9. Hulk Hogan pinned Jeff Jarrett to theoretically win the WCW title. Vince Russo came out, looking forlorn. Jarrett came down. Russo told him to lay down. Russo threw the belt in the ring like he was mad. Hogan put his foot on Jarrett for the pin. Jarrett got right up and walked out and didn't look very happy in the process. Hogan said it was bullshit like this that Russo was doing that was ruining wrestling. The announcers went on and on about what they just saw saying it was real life, not a part of the format, etc.”

Walk us through it all Jeff. How tense is gorilla? Do you say anything to Hulk before you go out there? Did it go down exactly how Russo explained to you?

Is anything said between you & Hulk in the ring?

The belt...talk me through what WCW’s process was with you having the title. The title given to Hulk wasn’t the one you used later on that night correct?

Talk me through what goes on after you come back. Do you see Hulk? You have to get ready for Booker T in the main event so do you just go right into that to stay focused or do you get barraged by people asking what’s going on?

Bischoff wrote in his book that Hogan compromised a little with you on how the match ended. What was that compromise?

Are you happy that the end of this show is you putting Booker T over after everything going on with Hulk?

As you put it all together, how hard is it to focus?

As you’re in the back Vince Russo enters the ring to cut a promo.

Jeff, your family has been in wrestling at this point for 5 decades if not longer. Does this type of promo fly in the face of everything your family believed in and built for so long?

Vince came through on his promise. Hulk Hogan was never seen from again in WCW. Do you even hear the promo?

Now it’s time for the real main event and the actual World Title match between you & Booker.

From the Observer:

“11. T pinned Jarrett to win the new belt in 13:40. The announcers did a great job getting the belt and match over. They worked hard, but seemed very nervous because the match had a lot of slow spots and things were off. They did a lot of near falls and the obligatory ref bump. They teased the belt shot finish. Jarrett then gave a recovering Billy Silverman the stroke, which made no sense, but T hit the uranage when Mark Johnson ran in, fully clothed I might add, and counted the pin. ***”

Was this a struggle to get through considering everything going on?

Still a really good match and you & Booker would have better matches later on but these are some trying circumstances for yourself. Is this the hardest match you’ve ever had to work yourself up for?

Russo has said in interviews that he told you the next day it was a work. Did your relationship with Russo change after this?

Can you describe this whole scenario in one word?

When do you get the chance to talk to Hulk about all this?

Were you ever deposed for the lawsuit between Hulk & Time Warner for this?


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