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We’re back this time discussing the 20 year anniversary of one of the most talked about pay-per-views in the WWF’s history...King of the Ring 2001.

Let’s set the stage Bruce. You’ve purchased WCW and are in the process of trying to get the company up and running. You’ve lost The Rock to movies, Steve Austin turns heel...you’re light on babyfaces.

Judgment Day features Steve Austin defeating the Undertaker to retain the WWF World Title, Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit win a tag team turmoil match to become the #1 Contenders for the WWF World Tag Team Titles, Kane wins the IC title from Triple H and Chyna retains the WWF Women’s Title over Lita.

That’s where I want to start Bruce. It is Chyna’s last match ever in the WWF. What happened coming out of that pay-per-view that just blew up the relationship?

Going into what is a historical Raw is War...what is the state of company in terms of creative?

This Raw...headlined by Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho taking on Triple H & Steve Austin gets a 4.2 rating. It is tied for the lowest rating since 1999 and the last time it was lower than a 4.2 (leaving out a Christmas episode) was September 28th, 1998 when a show mostly remembered for Steve Austin driving a beer truck into the arena and attacking Vince McMahon lost to a Nitro that featured Hulk Hogan vs. Bret Hart on top.

Is this a reality check?

It’s been long rumored that the push of Benoit & Jericho to the top so quickly came from Paul Heyman. What say you?

The Raw not only featured Benoit & Jericho taking on Triple H & Steve Austin but it also has Big Show beating Rhyno for the Hardcore title and the epic scene of Shane McMahon talking shit as WCW owner to Kurt Angle during his “medal ceremony” and Angle Olympic Slams him off the medal stand to a huge pop.

Couple things here. Rhyno was gaining momentum it felt like and Show beating him just stopped it do you agree?

Also...how was WCW ever going to get over when it’s leader...Shane...is talking shit to Kurt Angle and gets his ass beat and starts tapping out to the ankle lock making Kurt the babyface and Shane the hell. Isn’t that...ass backwards?

From the Observer… “Benoit & Jericho won the tag titles from Austin & HHH in 13:55. Great match by any standard of a great match. Great moves. Great build during the match and even before the match as they tried to sell it as the biggest match of Benoit & Jericho's career. This match was a real slap in the face to anyone who thinks winning and losing doesn't matter or shouldn't matter to the fans. The reason this got over was not because of any silly gimmick, but because they sold the idea that the most important thing was the win and the quest for the win was real. Finally Jericho made the hot tag. He blocked the Thesz press and got the walls on. HHH ran in for the save, and in the run-in, his thigh muscle tore. Still, he limped outside the ring to do the blocked pedigree into the walls spot on the American table. Benoit did a diving head-butt on Austin. Austin came back with a stunner on Benoit but Jericho pulled the ref out of the ring at the last second. Jericho got in and went for the lionsault but Austin got his knees up. Jericho blocked the stunner and hit the lionsault on Austin. HHH got the sledge hammer and went to break up the pin, but Jericho moved and HHH hit Austin and Jericho scored the pin. Show ended with Benoit & Jericho celebrating”

It’s such a match with such a horrible ending for Triple H. You were there that night Bruce. What was it like when you see Triple H go down and the severity of the injury?

How much of the creative plans go out the window the instant this happens?

The next night at Smackdown a TLC match for the World Tag Team Titles between Benoit & Jericho, the Dudleys, Edge & Christian and the Hardys took place. No build to it at all and these guys go out and kill each other. Benoit & Jericho retain but man matches like this take years of careers. Why do it with no hype or build?

Tajiri debuts on TV as William Regal’s assistant. How good was Tajiri in this role?

Raw the next week is in Calgary and somehow the Hart family and the WWF get themselves into a mess. Stu Hart and some of the Hart family make their first appearance at a WWF show since the death of Owen and the Raw main event that night is Chris Benoit vs. Steve Austin. Vince “screws” Benoit but this time Jericho helps even the odds and puts Austin in the Walls while Benoit puts Vince in the crossface to end the show. Bruce, what did you think of all this drama and was it all necessary?

After the show Brian Lawler is fired after being stopped at the border for possession. How bad of shape was Brian in at this point?

Lance Storm makes his debut as the first WCW wrestler on WWF TV and superkicks Saturn to a big pop. Why Lance here?

Jericho defeats Big Show for the Hardcore title then gets gored by Rhyno and pinned. Why use Jericho as a transition guy when he’s about to main event a pay-per-view against Steve Austin & Chris Benoit?

The Sara Undertaker stalker angle begins. Who came up with this and thought it was a good idea?

The next night in Edmonton for Smackdown Benoit and Austin headline again and go 23:45 in what Meltzer calls a ****½ match. Was this what you envisioned for Chris Benoit when you signed him?

Jericho needs help to pin Kurt Angle after Shane McMahon interferes. Why do you think Jericho isn’t booked in a similar fashion as Benoit in the run up?

There is talk with various WCW wrestlers happening at this time. We’ve covered this in the Archives before...but to your knowledge what were the contract negotiations like with people like Goldberg, Scott Steiner or Rey Mysterio?

Building to Angle vs. Shane, Angle qualifies for the King of the Ring tournament. Did you need Angle to work 3 matches at the pay-per-view when you have one of the strongest talent rosters in the history of the business?

Supposedly Jerry Lawler meets with Kevin Dunn & Jim Ross about a possible return. What do you remember about the talk of bringing Jerry back?

From the Observer… “Guerrero, 33, was sent home because of the belief he was in no condition to perform on Raw. The descriptions of his condition were really bad. He was scheduled to wrestle Matt Hardy (Jeff replaced him) in a KOR qualifier.”

You’ve talked about this in the past but what do you remember of this day in Minneapolis?

How weird is it that he is sent home originally from a show in Minneapolis and just 5 years later he passes away in Minneapolis?

Jesse Ventura is featured on an episode of Raw overruling Vince McMahon and making a main event of Jericho vs. Austin. I’m sure Jesse enjoyed this creative. What was Jesse like to work with at this time when he’s still Governor?

Was this last minute because he was never promoted?

Spike Dudley & Molly Holly are flirting with each other all over the shows. I personally weren’t a fan but a lot were. Were you?

The WWF is reportedly signing talent coming out of WCW & ECW. It includes Booker T, Buff Bagwell, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer. Were these welcome additions to the roster?

Johnny Ace is officially hired. What was Johnny’s role at this time?

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit in a cage main events a Raw in the run up to KOTR...and man what a match. Go out of your way to find it on Peacock but Austin...doing commentary...helps Angle win? Why is Angle winning here when Benoit is scheduled to face Austin?

Is the creative all over the place because you’re talking about launching WCW as much as keeping the product on current television the best it can be?

Everyone seems to be working hurt as Benoit’s neck is giving him issues, Jericho’s shoulder is giving him issues. Is this just everything bad that can happen happening?

Spike and Molly’s angle all of a sudden includes Steve Austin which leads to Austin stunning Molly Holly which gets a gigantic pop. Is this around the time everyone was saying...maybe this Austin heel turn isn’t working?

DDP reveals himself to be the Stalker. We’ve covered this in the Archives but man Bruce this is the shits.

The Dudleys defeat Benoit & Jericho to win the tag team titles. Was it important to get the tag titles off of them due to their injuries or is it just to make Benoit & Jericho lose again in this build?

We’re here finally Bruce. King of the Ring 2001 from East Rutherford, NJ. The show draws 16,024 which is a sell out paying $1,132,395 and gets 445,000 buys. It’s only down slightly from King of the Ring 2000 which had 475,000 buys which the Rock teaming with Kane & Undertaker vs Triple H, Shane & Vince McMahon in a match where the WWF World Title was on the line.

From the Observer…

“Show started with DDP coming out, mainly to cheers. He claimed he had hot personal footage of Sara for his private collection that he couldn't show on TV. He had a ticket for the front row and said he'd stay there until Undertaker showed up. As the show went on, they, on the screen, aired footage of Page eating at a restaurant, getting out of his car, etc. The idea was that because DDP didn't get the big heel reaction they expected, they were going to present the idea that DDP would complain about what's being done to him, which is what he was doing, thereby making him a crybaby. It came out Sara was now stalking him. And as it turned out, people still weren't buying it.”

Bruce...just...was this really what DDP left his Time Warner contract and took 50 cents on a dollar for?

1. Kurt Angle pinned Christian in the KOR semifinal match in 8:17. They were pushing Angle's quest to win back-to-back KOR's with the idea that nobody had ever won back-to-backs and that not even stars like Bret Hart, HHH or Steve Austin were able to repeat. Angle got good heat. He suplexed Christian all over the place. Shane McMahon came out. Nice sequence where Angle missed a moonsault and Christian got a near fall. Angle went for the slam, but Christian countered going for the unprettier, but Angle countered with an ankle lock and Christian made the ropes. Christian countered the slam and hit the unprettier, but Shane broke up the pin, helping Angle. Angle then got the pin with the Angle slam. The storyline was that Shane was helping Angle to advance to tire him out before his match. ***

Really a solid match and Angle is so good with just under 8 months on television. This is a lot to put on someone this quickly in the business to carry a lot of a pay-per-view. Why could Kurt handle it?

2. Edge pinned Rhyno in 8:52 in the other semi. Rhyno undid the padding on a turnbuckle and Edge went sternum first into the exposed metal, selling it to make him the face, theoretically. Good spot where both guys went for the spear at the same time and collided. Finish saw Rhyno miss the gore, and Edge put him away with the implant DDT. **½

Kind of funny to watch this match back now knowing Edge has made the spear into his thing while Rhyno’s gore has gone by the wayside. These two click in the ring and work well together. What say you?

3. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley kept the tag titles over Spike Dudley & Kane in 8:32. Big screw up when Kane used a powerslam on Bubba and apparently D-Von was supposed to break up the pin, but he didn't. Ref counted two, Bubba didn't kick out, and everyone booed when the ref just stopped counting. Kane threw Spike over the top and he did a crossbody on both his "brothers." Some near falls and saves. Dudleys did the "wazzup" spot without saying "wazzup" since they are now heels. They really should just drop the spot. Finish was Bubba scoring the pin on Spike after a 3-D. After the match, Kane power bombed D-Von and then choke slammed Bubba through the table. **¼

The Dudleys doing babyface spots as heels doesn’t really make sense. No one wanted to boo the Dudleys and what a drop for Kane teaming with Spike here compared to last month beating HHH for the IC title. What did you think?

4. Edge pinned Angle in 10:21 to win the tournament. Tournament had zero impact. Build-up was lousy. Finals were put in the middle of the show like they were just Angle's prelim test for his real match. No real emphasis put on Edge winning the rest of the show. Angle took a dangerous flapjack early, nearly landing on his head. Angle suplexed Edge all over the place, including one over the top rope. Angle got a busted lip. Edge catapulted Angle into the barricades for a near fall. Ref bump and Angle got the ankle lock. Edge tapped, but no ref to see it. Shane came back out and speared Angle, leading to Edge scoring the pin after the impaler DDT. ***

Hard to argue with Dave here. It makes sense why it’s here considering the match Kurt is about to have with Shane but it really didn’t do much for Edge to be crowned.

5. Jeff Hardy pinned X-Pac in 7:11 to keep the light heavyweight title. X-Pac used the X-factor, but Hardy got his feet on the ropes. He went for it a second time but Hardy countered and scored the pin after a swanton. **¼

Just squeezing these two onto the card it seems like. Where was Waltman’s head at at this time?

The non-match with Undertaker vs. Page was next. People popped for the first punch and it was pretty much it. Page's "Terry Funk" comedy bumps in a serious heat program just seemed out of place. As far as the first physical confrontation between WWF and WCW, which this was, it couldn't have been planned out any worse. Page got very little offense in, and just bumped. Page's offense was just brief spots after low blows or chairs. They ended up brawling over the U.S. announcers table. In the ring, Taker hit Page with a high kick and Page ran off in 5:40. Shouldn't the first confrontation end with all the WCW guys swarming Undertaker and beating his ass, building heat, rather than a finish which made someone who needs to be a star right now with the lack of star power and multitude of non-stars under contract, look bad, which is exactly the opposite of what needed to be done. At this point I was sure it was WCW that had bought WWF and hired their writing staff. 1/2*

Are these fair criticisms? No one can defend it as good but there’s just nothing redeeming about this for anybody. When did you know this was already dead?

6. Angle pinned Shane McMahon in 26:00 of their street fight. Angle suplexed Shane all over the place and did some tremendously smooth matwork. Shane potatoed Angle with his first punch, busting him above the right eye. Very stiff, excellent, but far too dangerous match, particularly when WWF can ill afford another top guy going down, and then put Angle in a position where the risks were too high. Shane killed Angle with a garbage can lid, then went up for a shooting star press, but ended up landing on a garbage can. They brawled backstage. The big sequence started when he went to belly-to-belly Shane through a thick glass stage set-up. The glass didn't break, and Shane went down, almost head-first, on the ground. That was dangerous enough, so they did it again, and both, as planned, went through the glass. The idea is they would do it again to come back to the other side. Angle twice suplexed Shane and twice the glass didn't break. Finally he whipped him through. This was total insanity, and not in a good way. You had broken glass everywhere. The crowd was going crazy. And you had Angle, who is being counted on so highly in plans, being put in a situation where he could have been seriously injured because you just can't predict how broken glass will break. As it was, he was just scraped up. His back was all bloody and there was broken glass all over the floor and they were reduced to putting the best worker the company had for the summer putting himself at far too much risk than necessary just to do Combat Zone Wrestling spots, and in New Jersey no less. Angle wheeled a prone Shane back to the ring and put him in the ring to pin him, but Shane kicked out. McMahon came back with a low blow and three hard garbage can lid shots, then did the Angle slam on Angle for a near fall. Angle catapulted Shane into the corner. Shane was supposed to hit the post (the 1981 Sgt. Slaughter bump in the famous Pat Patterson match) but it looked bad. Angle got a board and hit Shane with it. Finish saw him use the board as a platform, and used it to stand up while on the top rope and delivering the Angle slam. Shane got a huge ovation after the match from the crowd. ****

It’s just an amazingly brutal match. New Jersey had recently passed a law outlawing extreme wrestling and then you guys go ahead and do this. You’ve talked about in the archives before how Vince was ready to fire you during this match...what was going on backstage? How worried were you about these two and was it worth it?

7. Steve Austin retained the WWF title in a three-way over Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit in 27:52. Typical very hard work. They did several spots where one person would be injured to make it one-on-one for several minutes and then just as somebody was beaten, the third guy would revive to make a save. Jericho got Austin in the walls but Benoit saved. Benoit then suplexed Jericho over the top to the floor. Earl Hebner got bumped and Benoit hit Austin with a stunner but no ref. Benoit hit Austin with the title belt but Jericho recovered for the save. Jericho posted Benoit. This left Austin vs. Jericho and they struggled for boston crabs. Benoit sold being injured leading to Austin vs. Jericho. Benoit ended up recovering and went to hit Austin with a chair, but he ducked and Jericho got hit. Isn't that screw-up spot a heel spot? Austin gave Benoit a stunner, to injure him again. Austin gave Jericho two superplexes off the top rope. Benoit recovered and then gave Austin five german suplexes before Austin delivered a low blow. Jericho put the walls on Austin in the middle of the ring. Instead of Benoit saving, he put the crossface on, and Austin tapped. Being that a precedent had been set when Undertaker and Kane both beat Austin in a similar three-way on PPV a few years ago, this was stunning. But not so fast. Even though that was an acceptable finish on PPV a few years ago, and on TV as recently as Monday, it was an illegal double-team so Hebner ordered the match to continue. Booker T showed up out of the crowd and threw Austin through a table. Booker got excited and threw him too far, and Austin tried to protect himself since part of his body overshot the table, and in doing so injured his hand. Jericho got the walls on Benoit, but a rope break. Jericho slipped on the ropes and screwed up a lionsault spot on Benoit. Jericho and Benoit then screwed up a second spot due to miscommunication. Jericho attacked Austin with wood and Austin sold like he was knocked out. Jericho gave Austin a moonsault but Benoit saved. Benoit did the diving head-butt on Austin but Jericho pulled Hebner out. Benoit then gave Jericho a backward superplex. All three guys laid on the mat out and Austin, in dramatic face fashion, with all the odds against him, two wrestlers, all of WCW, and even Vince McMahon deserting him, draped his arm over Benoit for the pin. With Benoit being injured and out of action all summer, the only logical finish was for him to be the one pinned. ***¾

A lot to unpack here Bruce. Booker T debuts, and hurts Steve. Benoit gets through the match with an injury but disappears right after. Jericho doesn’t win and right after this were right into the WCW launch. What did you think of this match and do you think it made sense?

What say you Bruce...thumbs up, thumbs in the middle or thumbs down?


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