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AFS members! Wanted to provide you with a quick update on the video versions of the podcasts. As you might have noticed today, the video version of this week's 83 Weeks episode did not release at the same time that the audio version did. Here's a quick explanation why...

We are piloting a slightly different approach with the videos, with the goal to bring our videos truly to the "next level." To do so, we want to do much more in post-production with the videos (Enter: Kris MacDonald), whereas traditionally we have "punched everything live," meaning the producer would serve up photos, text, etc. as the conversation between Conrad and co-host was happening, in real-time. 

So what does this mean for you?

To reiterate, this is a pilot period, as we determine how much time/effort/resources will be needed for Kris and team to 'dress' up the videos with relevant clips, cutaways, graphics, etc. 

Hopefully by now, we've earned your confidence that the end product will be badass, but it will also mean a modified release schedule - meaning you'll still receive the audio versions of the pods, ad-free, as soon as they become available (along with show notes) like you always have, but the video version will be staggered and come your way a few days later after Kris has worked his magic on it. 

As always, we'll be looking for your feedback as we start roll this pilot out. Thank you!


Robert Haney

TBH I enjoy the video I actually order to watch Jeff Jarret Podcast cause I really enjoy that part also..Of seeing the reaction.I’m excited to see what is to come.

Matthew Gerritsma

I like the idea of adding clips etc to the video. Enjoyed the network show Conrad and Bruce did so happy to wait a day or three to get a better quality show.