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IYH 7 Good Friends, Better Enemies took place on April 28th, 1996 from the Omaha Civic Auditorium, in Omaha, Nebraska. It drew a sellout 9,563 fans (8,273 paying $120,668). It was the largest wrestling gate ever in Omaha for a show that sold out about five hours before match time. It did a 0.65 buy rate.

This was the first IYH to have a title with it. Previous IYHs would later have titles added to them

This is a big time in the WWF; we're coming off of WrestleMania 12, where we saw the boyhood dream come true when Shawn Michaels defeated Bret Hart in an iron man match to win his first World Title. This would also be the last pay per view for Diesel and Razor Ramon; they finished up on May 19th which was the famous curtain call incident & they were on their way to WCW.

The Monday Night Wars had been going on about 7 months at this point, and it was fairly even in the ratings, but once Hall and Nash went to WCW after this event, and Hulk Hogan turned heel and joined them to form the nWo, the ratings would solidly go on WCWs side for a long time.

Did you guys realize at this time that the WWF was at a crossroads here? Were you guys already preparing for life after Hall and Nash or was there still hopes they might change their mind and stay?

Hall has said many times over the years that he wanted to stay and he tried to think of different ways to make that happen, such as asking Vince to go to Japan for a few weeks a year to get their money, instead of his, but Vince wouldn't let him do it.

In hindsight, should you guys of either matched the contract offers from WCW or come up with another way financially to of kept them?

A few years ago, we did a show on Razor Ramon and recently on Diesel, where we go into deep details into them both leaving the WWF and going to WCW. Both shows are in our archives and YouTube, if you want to go take a listen.

We mentioned how in a few months, WCW would run away with the ratings battle for a long time, however you guys were hanging in there very nicely at this time. Meltzer reported -

It appears that Wrestlemania XII did approximately the same level of buys as last year's show, although what that level actually is and was remains a subject of widespread discrepancies. However, the WWF did shatter a record one week later by drawing a 4.7 rating unopposed for the 4/8 edition of Monday Night Raw which featured the television return of the Ultimate Warrior and Shawn Michaels vs. Jerry Lawler and Vader vs. Yokozuna matches.

The latter figure, which amounted to 3.05 million homes, was the second largest audience from start-to-finish average ever to see a pro wrestling television show in the history of cable television, training only the 1988 Royal Rumble (which was a USA network special that year to go head-to-head with the NWA Bunkhouse Stampede PPV show) which averaged 3.2 million homes on an 8.2 rating (since so many fewer homes had cable in 1988).

It would have been the most viewers for a regular weekly wrestling television show in the history of cable television, although not the highest rated as in the early and mid-80s, when fewer homes were wired, pro wrestling was the routinely the top rated show of any kind on cable and routinely drew ratings that would be considered way off the charts today. It destroyed the all-time record for a Monday Night Raw show of a 3.9 that the show hit twice in the spring of 1995 for Undertaker vs. Jeff Jarrett and Diesel vs. Bam Bam Bigelow main events. WCW has had a few Clash of Champions specials, including the last one, peak with more homes during the latter stages of the show and even during entire hours, but never averaged as many viewers over a two-hour period as Raw did over the one-hour period.

The last time a regular cable show broke the 4.0 barrier and the only two times previously in the 1990s were in 1990 when WCW did twice on a weekend in February when the Saturday show did a 4.0 and Sunday a 4.4 for Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman and Flair & Arn Anderson vs. Rock & Roll Express matches. While going unopposed during a time when wrestling is on a hot streak helped (both WWF and WCW in previous unopposed positions did 3.6 and 3.7s respectively), it is no doubt the debut of Warrior that put the show over the top much as the debut of Elizabeth for WCW led it to set its company viewership record in January.

It was a one-time curiosity about seeing a star from the past who had disappeared for years. Only a small percentage of fans actually order PPV events (Raw was probably seen by eight to ten times as many people as Mania) so for most it was their first chance to see Warrior.

The WWF took excellent advantage of its largest Raw audience ever with one of its best shows ever. The company shot angles to heat up the upcoming Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel and Ultimate Warrior vs. Goldust PPV matches on 4/28. They also built farther into the future for an eventual PPV match with Vader vs. Yokozuna that will likely take place in May or June and Ahmed Johnson vs. Davey Boy Smith, which will be a house show program for May and no doubt hit PPV at some point.

April 15 Raw posted a 3.1 rating (4.6 share) beating Nitro’s 2.8 (4.3) share.

Let's get to some company news heading into Good Friends, Better Enemies

May 1995 vs May 1996 -

  • Estimated average attendance 5/95 3,440
  • Estimated average attendance 5/96 5,890* (+71.2%)

April 1996 4,485*

  • Estimated average gate 5/95 $43,250
  • Estimated average gate 5/96 $95,214* (+120.1%)

April 1996 $51,477*

  • Percentage of house shows sold out 5/95 16.7
  • Percentage of house shows sold out 5/96 16.7*

April 1996 50.0*

  • Average cable television rating 5/95 2.3
  • Average cable television rating 5/96 2.2 (-4.3%)

April 1996 2.2

We mentioned earlier about how Michaels beat Bret at WrestleMania to win the World Title. After the match, Bret would go on about a 7 month break from the WWF, with the exception of a tour in Germany that he wrestled on a few times. However, Meltzer reported -

The WWF plan was for a Michaels-Hart rematch for SummerSlam in Cleveland on 8/18 and had suggested a ladder match, but in any case wanted Michaels over clean and at least at this point, Hart has no intention of returning at any time in the foreseeable future, particularly to put Michaels over again

Any truth to that?

In Hart's kayfabe column in the Calgary Sun, he said, "Where I go from here is undetermined. I could consider ending what has been an illustrious career or I could regroup with my world wide following of loyal fans to charge and storm the castle once more. To be a four-time WWF world champion has a compelling ring to it, but I admit that coming home for good sounds more compelling to me right now. I will take some well deserved time off and decide my future in the future."

Although Hart rarely breaks storyline in the column, he did say that he doesn't like Michaels being a role model for small children and said that somebody should ask why Michaels was beaten up in Syracuse and suggested it was because a lot of the time Michaels behaves like a jerk. He also made a few barbs about Ultimate Warrior saying he received a tremendous response, but said Warrior was more tired after his match then Bret was after going 62 minutes.

"Warrior will fade fast, especially if he hasn't learned any more than throwing clotheslines and shaking the ropes. But, hey, he looks great."

We mentioned how Bret wrestled a few times on that Germany tour after WrestleMania. Speaking of that tour, Keller reported -

There was a lot of heat on the Germany tour between Tammy Sytch (Sunny) and Shawn Michaels. Also, a rib was played on Sunny where someone put a terd in her meal. She left the tour early. Also in Germany, Michaels blew up at WWF officials when he wasn’t told about a bus ride to a gym for a workout, yet had been under tremendous pressure to make a ton of charity and promotional appearances during the tour…

Because Kevin Nash and Scott Hall had nothing to lose because they realize the WWF needs them for the next month more than they need the WWF (now that they have WCW jobs lined up), they were said to be flagrantly violating WWF rules during the tour, be it being late for the bus to other infractions… The feeling among many wrestlers and officials is that once Bret Hart, Nash, and Hall are gone from road shows, the locker room tension should decrease quite a bit. That is thought to be especially so for Michaels as Bret is his top “rival” and Nash and Hall are, in the eyes of others, his main “bad influences”

There was some controversy about Goldust during this time, which seemed to be somewhat common. Meltzer reported -

The Connecticut Post on 3/31 had a lengthy front page feature on the Goldust portrayal and local gay groups reactions to it. "What they are doing is horrendous," said Roger Hooverman, a member of the Fairfield County gay community, "Particularly when gay men are being beaten and even murdered in real life. They have this man dressed in drag, showing he's less than a man, coming on to other men who then beat him up." A New York therapist for Gays, Joe Fitzgerald, said the portrayal is sending the wrong message to children.

"These kids view wrestling stars as heroes.

This reinforces a number of different inaccurate stereotypes about gay men--that they act like women whereas most transvestites are straight; that they are in sexual pursuit of straight men, which is generally not true; and that gay bashing is OK." WWF's Jay Andronaco responded by saying the company has toned down the character (yeah, right) after receiving a fair share of complaining phone calls and said the character Goldust portrays is not homosexual but androgynous (which is a nice response except all the heat from the character based on sending the idea to the fans that a faggot is hitting on straight studs and the studs are going to clean his clock and by cheered in doing so).

What's your memories of this? Does something like this concern Vince, or does he pretty much ignore it?

We mentioned Razor & Diesel's shows earlier, we also did a great show on Goldust a few years ago, which is also in our archives

Brian Pillman was the hottest free agent in wrestling at this time. He was sought after by not only you guys, but WCW was attempting to resign him and he had gone to ECW and did some memorable things there and I'm sure they wanted to keep him.

However, on April 15th, tragedy struck as Brian was involved in a horrible auto accident. Meltzer reported -

Brian Pillman was thrown 40 feet out of the open-air military vehicle he was driving on 4/15 and at press time was hospitalized in Cincinnati with multiple fractures and lacerations.

Pillman, 33, ran off the road on Kentucky Route 338 and struck a tree stump, then went across the road way into a field where his van overturned and he was thrown 40 feet from the vehicle from the vehicle according to threw witnesses, who estimated his driving speed at 60 to 70 miles-per-hour in the 45 zone.

Pillman was listed in critical condition on 4/16 but his condition was said not to be life threatening and there was no speculation about the status of his wrestling career. There were no other details available at press time.

Pillman was the main player in one of the strangest wrestling angles in history, strange because nobody really knew where it was going and how it was going to resolve, and strange because WCW and Pillman at the beginning of the angle attempted to work everyone, including their own front office and wrestlers on the angle where Pillman feuded with booker Kevin Sullivan. From a wrestling career standpoint, the timing of his injury couldn't have been worse.

Pillman's contract with WCW expired this week and there was dialogue going on regarding a new deal but this will no doubt make WCW a lot more skeptical. He had also reached an agreement with ECW where he would work for that group provided he didn't reach a deal with WWF or WCW including building to a match with Shane Douglas, which obviously would have to be on hold as well.

What's your memories of that and had you guys already started talking to Brian when this happened? This accident happened 2 days before his WCW contract expired

Meltzer reported -  Pat Patterson will be moving back to Connecticut in May. WWF sources say he won't be going back to work with the WWF and that he was simply a guest at Wrestlemania.

Keller reported - Curt Hennig’s injury insurance policy with Lloyds of London either recently expired or expires soon. There was apprehension about returning to the ring right after the policy expired because it could cause problems with the insurance company if he “just happened to get better” as soon as the policy stopped paying him for his injuries that prevented him from wrestling. He also didn’t want to return too soon from injuries in general.

As of now, it appears – especially with the angle on Raw – that he’ll be incorporated back into the storylines soon, probably sooner than otherwise expected because they want to fill the gap left by Diesel and Ramon come June and Hennig is a major league name that keeps the WWF from looking small time after Ramon and Diesel leave…

That takes to to In Your House -

Dark -  Mero beat 1-2-3 Kid via DQ in 7:17. Kid physically looked bad. His work was sloppy and he was way down in weight, appearing to be in the 165-170 range. Mero hit a nice tope to pop the crowd early, but still had problems working with the looser WWF ring ropes. Helmsley came to ringside at the 3:00 mark and began chasing Sable. Mero came out to protect her but Kid blindsided him with a baseball slide. Helmsley then left ringside.

After Kid missed a splash off the top, Mero did a spinning head scissors and appeared on his way to the win when Helmsley ran back out for the DQ. When Mero went after Helmsley, Kid kicked him from behind and Helmsley left Mero laying with the Pedigree. Not a bad match, but a disappointing match. *3/4

Mero had just come into the WWF a few weeks earlier at WrestleMania 12. It's been said that newcomers would face Kid in one of their first matches in the company to see where they stood work rate wise and Kid would either endorse them or not. Is that why they wrestled here?

It's been said that Mero got a lot of heat when he came in for getting a big guaranteed contract. How was he fitting in at this time?

During the pre-game show, they had a Warrior interview which ended with Goldust blowing the dust in his eyes which was poorly done. They showed Jose Lothario talking to Mad Dog Vachon to set up Vachon's presence in the building. Diesel did a fake shoot interview teasing that since they were on live, he could say or do anything he wanted and called himself the baddest mother trucker in the WWF and threatened he'd do something to McMahon at the PPV.

They dropped the hints of Diesel pulling a shoot and leaving for WCW for those who knew he was leaving, without directly saying it for those who didn't, similar to a Japanese style angle. Dok Hendrix announced Goldust ran away from Warrior, slipped on water and hurt his knee, but they never acted as if he wasn't going to wrestle on the PPV show. They pretended that Sunny had flashed Phinneus Godwinn backstage.

Davey Boy Smith & Owen Hart beat Jake Roberts & Ahmed Johnson in 13:47. This was made into a tag since Smith's knee wasn't ready so they needed to add Hart to the show to save the match. Before the match Roberts pulled out the snake and Jim Cornette fainted and Smith pretended to give him CPR. Even though Johnson's work was still pretty bad, he shows a lot of fire and potential to get over like a big dog. Roberts was in most of the way, and looked bad because he's so out of shape.

It was really a one person match. Finish saw Smith hit Roberts twice with Cornette's tennis racquet and useed photo of her and he concentrated on it more than the match.

Warrior beat Goldust via count out in 7:47 of an IC title match. Goldust came out with a new bodyguard, who wasn't given a name (Mike Hallick aka Mantaur aka Bruiser Mastino). This was horrible. Warrior grabbed Marlena's cigar and began smoking it, sat in her chair and put on Goldust's wig and Goldust mainly complained and was barely in the ring. It would have been okay for two minutes but it never ended. Finally Warrior burned Goldust's hand with the cigar and clotheslined him out of the chair, which was the first body contact of the entire match, and Goldust walked out for the count out. Not only a worst match of the year candidate, but a worst match of the decade candidate. -***1/2

Goldust hurt his knee against Razor not long before this match, and he couldn't really work the match. Meltzer said about it -

Goldust clearly couldn't work the show. And unfortunately, being wrestling promoters, even when they make a policy of trying to be honest with fans after some memorable bait-and-switches of the past (Shawn Michaels at the Winnipeg PPV coming immediately to mind), it seems they can't help themselves when it comes to destroying credibility if even a few bucks are at stake. Let's go under the assumption that the Goldust thing was a day-to-day deal, and the fact was, WWF didn't hide at all the fact Goldust was injured, immediately putting it on its own 900 line but always emphasizing that he was expected to work the PPV.

That was fine if as of mid-week, when the syndication was completed and they still expected him to work the match, that they didn't release the word of the injury on television even though the injury had taken place weeks earlier. As of this writing, I'm not clear one way or the other who really knew what and expected what of whether or not Goldust would have been ready, although there are WWF insiders who were insisting to me that he wasn't going to be ready for the PPV while I was being told by the WWF that they weren't certain, but expected he'd be able to work although admitted he'd be nowhere near 100%

The problem was, just as WCW baited and switched its viewers on the last PPV by doing a major hype job on using Brian Pillman in the main event, and never mentioning during the pre-game show that Pillman wasn't coming (and ironically, even during the PPV broadcast hinting that Pillman would eventually show up even though Pillman had given word a few days ahead that he couldn't come), WWF did the same thing. No better. No worse. Maybe even worse because from the beginning of the hype of this show, Warrior and Goldust was pushed as the No. 2 match for the No. 2 belt on this show, whereas Pillman was actually only mentioned at the last minute of even being on the WCW show.

Again, doing a 30 minute live pre-game show, that gave the WWF time to either tell the truth or shoot an angle if they wanted to with Goldust (and shooting a last minute angle to negate an advertised and heavily pushed match would still be false advertising unless the day-to-day aspect of the Goldust injury was the case and they did do an angle) and still explain he couldn't work and announce a sub match to take his place, since this was the second most pushed match on the show.

There would have been a problem with consistency, as when they pulled the bait-and-switch in the Michaels deal in October, by precedent, they'd have to switch the title from Goldust, something they obviously didn't want to do and certainly the last thing they wanted was to put the thing on Warrior. But the WWF has never had a problem in the past with having consistency or logic of angles or adhering to past precedent setting. So they sent the guys out to do a non-match with a walk-out finish that achieved the impossible.

It was actually worse than the Doomsday match, at the time the worst PPV main event in history. And even though the argument could be made that Goldust was there in the flesh, it was bait-and-switch because they knew going in he couldn't perform to a level of doing even a poor match and they knew during the pre-game show that no match would take place since that garbage had already been booked.

Warrior had a column in the WWF Magazine that came out at this time. He said -

'By now, all the rumors have been laid to rest regarding the return of the Ultimate Warriors. No more hoaxes… no more teases… no more pathetic imitations (hang your boots up Renegade and find a gym)… I know I speak for everyone in saying that it’s great to be back home. Whatever differences in the past between Titan Spots and me, I have never forgotten the World Wrestling Federation is the birthplace of the Ultimate Warrior.”

“Warrior university is the only full-scale training facility for developing ‘real’ pro wrestlers/sports entertainers. Everything from fantasy camps, lifestyle changing camps (learning to live your life in the way of a Warrior) to technical and character development camps for those who wish to become the next superstars in the world of professional wrestling”

Vader pinned Ramon in 14:49. Vader dominated early but Ramon got a strong comeback. Vader looked to have put on another 15 pounds and it works against him in long matches. Still, it was a good match with some good near falls and solid psychology. Finish saw Razor go for the Razor's edge, but Vader flipped out of it and gave him a hip drop for the pin. ***1/4

Vader & Razor had known each other for years, they were both in AWA together in 1985, with Vader known as his real name, Leon White and Razor also went by his real name, Scott Hall, which he'd of course go by in a few months in WCW

Bodydonnas retained the WWF tag titles beating The Godwinns in 7:17. Slightly better but basically along the same lines as their Wrestlemania match. They are pushing the angle where PIG is infatuated with Sunny and Sunny uses it to her teams' advantage. Sunny gave PIG an autographed photo of her and he concentrated on it more than the match

Finish saw HOG used the slop drop on Skip, but they did the switch behind HOG's back and Zip pinned him with an inside cradle. HOG got mad and put the picture of Sunny in the slop, but PIG took it out and wiped off the photo and left with it. *3/4

The next match was the main event for the World Title, Shawn Michaels defending against Diesel. This was a rematch from their WrestleMania 11 match a year earlier, when Diesel retained the World Title by pinning Shawn

Shawn Michaels retained the WWF title pinning Diesel in 17:53. Michaels did an Orihara moonsault (moonsault from the top turnbuckle outside the ring to the floor). Diesel pulled off (Spanish language announcer) Hugo Savinovich's boot and used it. Michaels did the Ray Stevens flip into the corner and crashed into the guard rail. Diesel took over and choked out ref Earl Hebner with tape and pulled off the belt from his pants and began whipping Michaels. He hung Michaels over the ropes tied to the ropes by the belt. Diesel threw Howard Finkel out of his chair and gave Michaels two chair shots to the back.

As he went for a third chair shot, this time to the head, Michaels moved and Diesel's chair shot hit the ropes and rebounded in his own face. As Michaels went to use the chair, Diesel hit him with a low blow. Michaels' selling was tremendous. Diesel power bombed Michaels through McMahon and Lawler's table with the monitors flying. Michaels made a comeback by spraying Diesel with a fire extinguisher that was underneath the ring. He used two chair shots before Diesel cut him off with a foot to the face.

He went for the jackknife but Michaels fell on top of him and came off the top rope with an elbow drop. As Michaels went for the superkick, Diesel blocked it and hit a clothesline and sent Michaels over the top rope with a second clothesline and dropped him on the guard rail. Diesel then went after Vachon, pulling him over the guard rail and taking off his artificial leg. Before he could use it, Michaels hit the low blow and used it, with Lawler's headset wrapped up in the leg. Michaels then used the superkick for the pin. ****1/2

Very creative spot with Diesel taking off  Vachon's artificial leg. Michaels has credited Pat Patterson with that idea

After the match, Vince came into the ring with Michaels and Shawn kissed him on the lips. Memories of that?

Which match did you like better? Their match here or at WrestleMania 11?

Michaels has said about this match - "It was all I could do to get through each and every day back then, you began to realize, okay, so now you're going every month. I'm the champion. Yes, I've got an opportunity here to really solidify myself as a top-notch performer. One of the first In Your Houses was me and Nash, coming off of my title victory of the championship, and getting to go into a no holds barred match with Kevin which I just feel was a wonderful opportunity.

He was leaving. It was the kind of match that, at that time, WWE wasn't doing a lot. It was a chance to showcase myself in a little rougher, tougher way. So I certainly looked at each and every performance from a, anything that was gonna make it on TV or be televised, I always thought of that as an opportunity to do my best to set myself separately from everybody else as a performer if I could.

How big mentally was this match for Shawn? Did he feel pressure on him that he needed to really hit a home run here?

Michaels went on to say about using Mad Dog Vachon's leg, Michaels credited Pat Patterson with that idea -  "I gotta believe, Kevin would have to correct me, I think it was Pat Patterson," Michaels said. "Because Pat and Mad Dog go back. He was the one that was gonna ask him and he was so into it. They were both great about it. He was great about it. But have to give Pat Patterson the credit for that. We at the time, I mean, again, people always make sure to point out and I'm always good with it, which is like, hey, I wasn't easy to deal with, but that took me, Kevin, everybody by surprise. Like oh my goodness, you want us to do what? You rarely get the green light for something like that, but usually, it's you as a talent suggesting it. When one of the guys in charge is suggesting it, you're like, oh my gosh."

"On one hand, you go, oh my goodness, that's brilliant, but then on the other hand, you go, oh gosh, is lightning gonna strike me after something that?" Michaels said. "Where does that fall on the whole karma thing? I hope the Good Lord knows that it's all just pro wrestling fun. Look, it turned out great. It was memorable. I think that whole match was well-timed as well considering what was ahead for WWE in the future."

B. In the first of two post-PPV dark matches live, Helmsley pinned Mero using his feet on the ropes in what was reported as a so-so match.

Undertaker pinned ManKind with the tombstone in what was reported as a terrible match.

The next night on Raw -

During the intro for the show Jerry Lawler told Vince McMahon that Jim Cornette would explain that Shawn Michaels is a womanizer and a home-wrecke

Mankind beat Bart Gunn at 11:30. McMahon called Mankind deranged and Lawler said, “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.” The atmosphere of Raw was actually quite relaxed without Nitro in opposition. The pacing of the match elicited a few “boring” chants. Mankind “bled” from the side of his eye, although it was probably fake blood. Mankind got it on his finger and later used it for his finger-in-mouth nerve hold finisher. Mankind was then mesmerized by his post-match music as Bart writhed and suffered. Jim Ross interviewed Bart Gunn backstage. Bart was gasping and talking about the paralysis the hold causes. Mankind then attacked him as they went to a commercial break

Steve Austin defeated Scott Taylor at 2:38. Before the match Savio Vega then came to ringside to his entrance music to commentate. Vega said he was going to challenge Austin to a Caribbean Strap Match. After the match, he issued the challenge over the house mic. Vega then charged the ring and whipped Austin from behind

British Bulldog and his wife Diana Smith came to the ring. Shawn Michaels then followed. McMahon interviewed Michaels in mid-ring first. Michaels said no one thought he could match Bret Hart at his game or Diesel at his, but he came out on top of both. Michaels said, “Don’t get me wrong, I know I took an ass-kicking, but I gave one back.” Cornette then accused Michaels of trying to sleep with Diana.

Cornette narrated footage of a security personnel calling Diana to the back to supposedly talk with Cornette. Cornette said he had nothing to do with it, and in fact Michaels backed her into the corner and propositioned her. Diana shook her head yes. Cornette called him a “sexual deviant” for wanting to “sully and corrupt and desecrate” her. He concluded, “Diana, look at him and tell the man who tried to lay his hands on your most private parts and call him a fornicator.”

Diana then said, “Shawn, I know you want me.” The fans oohed and ahhed. Michaels said, “Mrs. Smith, with all do respect, please do not flatter yourself.” Diana slapped him. Michaels said, “I guess we know who wears the pants in the Smith family.” Bulldog attacked Michaels as they cut to a commercial

Upon returning, they showed the pullapart brawl that took place during the commercial break

This would set up the Michaels/Bulldog feud, where they'd wrestle each other for the World Title on the next 2 pay per views

The Godwinns & The New Rockers went to a double countout at 9:30.

Ultimate Warrior pinned Isaac Yankem (w/Jerry Lawler) in 4:00.  Warrior pinned Yankem is less than a minute.

McMahon and Lawler previewed next week’s show featuring Undertaker vs. Owen Hart with Goldust at ringside doing commentary and 1-2-3 Kid vs. Marc Mero.


  • Thumbs up 183 (64.9%)
  • Thumbs down 61 (21.6%)
  • In the middle 38 (13.5%)


  • Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel 246
  • Razor Ramon vs. Vader 11


  • Ultimate Warrior vs. Goldust 208


Adam Arpin

Anybody else get tricked everytime by the show notes thinking it's the show and then feverishly refresh their podcast app while thinking aloud "Why the fuck isn't it coming up?!" or just me?