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You may have cheered for Pistol Pez Whatley, but that ends today.  He turns on Jimmy Valiant and sets the stage for Shaska Whatley. Plus, Jim Cornette, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson, the Russians and Road Warriors all weigh-in on the upcoming Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Tag Team Tournament.

Additionally, over the past weeks, Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin has been asking for Wahoo McDaniel.  Well, Wahoo gives Jimmy and Precious a stern warning. Finally, Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes and Baby Doll spend some time on camera as they get ready to battle in New Orleans.

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Adam Glover

When will this hit the feed in our podcast app?


It should be there, as it automatically feeds in through the RSS link. It's not showing up on Apple Podcasts for me on this end either, so I just reached out to our account manager at Patreon to try and see what's going on with it.

Adam Glover

Just showed up on Apple Podcasts for me a few minutes ago. Thanks!

Carolina Jackpot

I was at the TV tapings when Pez turned on Boogie. That was on a Monday night in Greenville. I remember rushing to the corner of the lower bowl to get close to the interview area to see what was happening. My heart was broken (I was 11 years old). Now looking back I find it hilarious hearing David Crockett “Pez !!! Pez!!! “

Brent Mydland

Was at the last show ever in the Greenville Memorial Auditorium. Savage and Flair were the main event... same as the last year when they ran the same venue, Savage even started the match the exact same way by saying “Ric Flair... I’m gonna kick your ass” lol. Great venue and great history, Flair gave a long speech after the match signifying how important Monday nights in Greenville were... then a few years later he would return on a Monday Night in Greenville at the brand new Bilo Center to cut my favorite promo of all time when he reunited the horsemen.