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It’s WrestleMania season on The Kurt Angle Show! This week, we’re looking back at WrestleMania 22! 

It happened on April 2, 2006 in front of 17,155 fans paying $2.5 million at the Allstate Arena - or as it was once known, the Rosemont Horizon. This same arena hosted part of WrestleMania 2, and all of WrestleMania 13, as well. Only this arena and Madison Square Garden have hosted three WrestleManias.

(Do you have any fun memories of working in the Rosemont Horizon/Allstate Arena in Chicago? Is it true that the building has great acoustics for a hot crowd?)

Since we’re talking about facts...this was the last WrestleMania until 2020 not to be held in a stadium.

(You did several stadium WrestleManias and several arena WrestleManias.  Which did you prefer to work in at a WrestleMania, and why?)

WrestleMania 22 did 975,000 buys on pay-per-view, which was down a little from the year before and lower than the year after - but still really good. It’s more than WrestleMania 15, 2000, X8, and XIX.

(Was the show considered successful backstage? And have you ever been part of a Wrestlemania that people weren’t happy with backstage after it ended?)

We’ve got a lot of stuff to talk about on today’s show including the event, your questions, and the build to the show. But first, let’s look at some of the news and notes from around this time and get your thoughts on what was going on in pro wrestling.

News and Notes

Saturday Night’s Main Event flops on NBC

Last time we covered 2006, we talked about how you had a chance to work on the company’s first Saturday Night’s Main Event in some time. The company pulled out all the stops to put on a big show but unfortunately, when the ratings came back, it was bad news.

Meltzer wrote: It took 15 years for WWE to return to NBC. But it took only one night for the people involved in negotiating the deal to be embarrassed. A good show, promoted like hell, featuring every big name in the company as well as the returns of Steve Austin and Jim Ross drew a 3.11 final rating and 5.15 million viewers on 3/18 from 8-10 p.m. To put this number into perspective, it is slightly lower than the XFL, considered one of the biggest TV flops in history, averaged for the season in the same time slot five years ago….To show just how bad a rating it was, out of 82 prime time shows on the big four networks during the week, whether first run or reruns, it finished in 80" place...it was both a brutal reality check for the business coming on the heels of the ESPN poll which showed double digit decreases in mainstream interest in wrestling in most demographics over the past two years…

We should note that business isn’t bad. The company did its best January books in four years...but...

(Do you remember a lot of disappointment or finger pointing backstage over the Saturday Night’s Main Event rating?)

Mania Limo Service

They cut way back on limo service. Last year in Los Angeles, everyone in the company had limos on call the entire time. This year, only those authorized got that treatment. The reason? Last year's limo bill alone totaled $115,000

(What’s it like being the world champion on a media week leading into Wrestlemania? I’m sure there are no limo restrictions there. Does your family get special treatment? Are the appearances overwhelming?)

After Party

Vince was beaming after the show, proud his match and the show went well at the after-show party

(What can you tell us about the Wrestlemania after-parties? Any fun or memorable experiences? What do they look like, how long do they last?)

Smackdown Ratings

There’s an interesting story in the ratings for Smackdown during this time. As we’ve talked about already in our No Way Out 2006 episode just recently, you moved to Smackdown because Batista went down with an injury and the brand needed a top star. Not only that, but in September 2005, Smackdown moved to Friday nights for the first time.

Smackdown averaged 4.9 million viewers in January 06, down from 5.56 million in January 2005. But! The 4.9 million number was considered strong because it was up from the 4.3 million or so who were watching in November and December.

(Was Vince happy with how you took over as the top guy on the blue brand? Did you feel a lot of extra pressure during this time? How did that affect your health?)


To give you an idea of how much things have changed since 2006, check out this news story:

Bill Goldberg did an interview on wrestlingmag.com where he said “When I think of WWE, I want to throw up. Needless to say, it left a bad taste in my mouth...I was appalled at the way WWE chose to alter my character,” (in response to a question about him wearing a Goldust wig). Goldberg even said he’s been watching TNA and to “never say never” at the idea of him coming there.

(Did you ever expect to see the day when WWE would bring Goldberg back and have him beat Brock Lesnar in 15 seconds at the Survivor Series? You recently watched the Goldberg documentary on WWE Network. What do you think about his story and his journey?)

Smackdown does enormous gate in New Zealand

Sort of a fun, random story from the time. On March 4, Smackdown ran a show in Wellington, New Zealand and it turned out to be one of the biggest gates in company history. It was the first show in that country and was held outdoors, at the Westpac Stadium. The show drew almost 20,000 fans in a 34,500 seat stadium - and drew $1.4 million.

You were in the main event that night in a triple threat match against Undertaker and Mark Henry.

(What was it like performing for the first time in New Zealand? Any interesting memories from the trip?)

Another Neck Issue?

A report in the April 3 issue of the Observer indicated that you might have been going into Wrestlemania with another round of neck issues. The report was that your bad neck was acting up once again going into the week of April 3 which, of course, is leading into Wrestlemania.

(Did you sustain an injury or have neck issues going into Wrestlemania 22? Any idea what triggered it?)

On the heels of that question, let’s talk about something related.

Drug Testing

The WWE began renewed efforts to combat drug abuse on March 20 when the company held its first reported drug tests before tapings in Memphis - since both rosters were there. The testing has several facets. Regarding anabolic steroids or other drugs that are known as steroid precursors, they were testing for levels in the system as well as for known masking agents. Nobody will fail the test, no matter what the results of the test are. The only thing the skaters have to have is lower levels of those drugs in their next test.

The company also started testing for recreational, illegal, and prescription drugs. If there are positive tests for prescription drugs, the report said the talent has five days to get a valid doctor’s prescription. The results of the tests were to come in right after Wrestlemania.

(What did this mean for you? Did you have to have a conversation with Vince or someone in the office about your pain management situation? Or did you just wait for the results to come in before approaching that subject?)

Orton Controversy

Let’s talk about a little bit of news coming out of Wrestlemania 22...from the Observer:

Two days later, Orton was suspended for 60 days for unprofessional conduct. We don't have full details of the story, but what we do know is this. There have been a series of incidents that date back to January. It is those behavioral problems that led to the decision to bring in Kurt Angle after Royal Rumble as champion instead of putting the title on Orton. Another incident happened around late February although the exact time may be off a week or two. I believe it happened shortly after No Way Out, and since he had won the match to get the title shot, they apparently decided against suspending him immediately because of Mania.

The decision was made to punish him (and he had been fined in the interim, and probably on more than one occasion). It was this incident that led to the decision not to give him the title at Wrestlemania, which had been the long-term plan before Batista was injured. There was the feeling his behavior was getting out of control in recent weeks and that it was only going to get worse. The final straw is something he did in Chicago in the days leading up to Wrestlemania. The only thing we could find out is it caused a near disaster and is being kept under wraps.

(Do you remember plans going into Wrestlemania 22 being for Orton to leave with the title? It seems hard to picture this entire Mysterio/Orton feud without Mysterio winning the title at Wrestlemania)

Meltzer went on to say that he had been told, the 60 days is a minimum, and it is actually an indefinite suspension, and the incident was so bad it is not a lock he'll be brought back, and that anyone other than a top guy would be gone for sure. Even though WWE publicly announced the suspension on 4/4, he worked the Smackdown tapings after the story was out, putting Mysterio in a title match, and is expected to put over Angle in the first round of the King of the Ring tournament on the 4/11 tapings.”

We all know this was during the early days of Randy Orton’s career and he’s since gone on to be a future Hall of Famer and one of the company’s biggest stars. And we’re not trying to beat up on him because, of course, he’s probably grown as a person since then...but…

(Is this something you can talk about?)

The Build

Smackdown February 24

The first Smackdown after No Way Out is at the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia. You’re not on the show that night but you’re wrestling for the fans in attendance in a dark match. And, you defeated Mark Henry, Randy Orton & The Undertaker in a Fatal Four Way Match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

Two important things happen on this show. Teddy Long makes a match for the next week on Smackdown between you and The Undertaker. And, despite the night before, when Randy Orton defeated Rey Mysterio...Teddy Long puts Rey Mysterio in the main event of Wrestlemania, anyway.

(Was it the right choice to keep you, the world champ, off of the TV broadcast that night? Or was that just necessary because of the story they needed to tell with Rey and Orton?)

Smackdown March 3

The next week, Smackdown is in Washington DC for the big rematch from No Way Out. The match goes long for a TV match - 28:22, with the Undertaker winning by DQ. It’s another great match, just like at No Way Out. The Undertaker seems to be getting the upper hand and hits the Tombstone, but Mark Henry shows up and destroys Undertaker, causing a DQ. Henry splashes Undertaker through the announce table, which is super impressive.

(Memories of your rematch with the Undertaker in DC?)

(We talked about some of the changes to your character in our No Way Out 2006 episode. Let’s explore that a little bit further for a second today. You’re wrestling in a different style boot that almost looks like a sneaker more than a wrestling boot. Why did you change the style? What’s the difference?)

Smackdown March 10

The main event of the show was you teaming with Rey Mysterio against Randy Orton and Mark Henry. Meltzer said it was a good match that went about 14:00. “Angle and Orton worked tremendously together, and nobody can work with Henry like Mysterio. They mostly paired off that way. As expected, they edited all the screwed up table spots so the finish wasn’t the mess it was live and went like it was supposed to have. Mysterio was on a table and Henry climbed the ropes. At the last second, Angle made the save. However, Orton gave Angle an RKO and put him on the table and Henry splashed him through the table….” The Undertaker showed up and challenged Henry to a casket match after.

(How did you like working in a tag-team with Mysterio here? Any memories of the table spot getting messed up live? The next week, Randy Orton insinuated that you were injured here. Was that legit?)

Smackdown March 17

The show has a couple of segments related to the main event. There’s a three-box interview with you, Randy and Rey Mysterio. Randy Orton hijacks the interview and taunts both you and Rey Mysterio.

But the three of you are teaming up in the main event (and you win). It’s in preparation for your match that would be the following night “in Detroit,” which is Saturday Night’s Main Event. But, that was all UPN allowed you guys to say because NBC was their competitor.

(Does it feel like maybe the company struggled here to create a rivalry for you going into Wrestlemania? Is it just harder to create a believable feud between three people?)

Saturday Night’s Main Event March 18

We’ve already talked about that event several times...the main event from Smackdown vs. the main event from Raw. The match went 11:40 and opened the show on NBC. Eventually, Triple H turned on Cena and helped Orton but Mysterio, the good guy, stopped Orton from winning that way. So, Triple H pedigreed him too. But in the chaos, Cena gets the win.

Coming out of the NBC special, Meltzer wrote that a loud and clear message was being sent that Raw wrestlers “are on a higher plane than the Smackdown wrestlers,” because in the Smackdown vs. Raw match...Triple H laid out Rey Mysterio and John Cena with Pedigrees...then...Cena defeated the entire Smackdown team, three main eventers, by himself.

(When you’re on Smackdown, do you notice stuff like this? Does it bother the wrestlers [you, or perhaps others?] Any feelings you want to talk about here?)

Smackdown March 24

Nine nights before Wrestlemania, Smackdown airs from Memphis with a main event rematch from the Rumble: Mark Henry vs. you in the main event. Henry got the win in 9:27 after interference from both Orton and Mysterio.

Meltzer wrote:

This time Orton tried to interfere first, Mysterio came down, and Mysterio went for a springboard Thesz press, but Orton moved and Angle took it and it led to him getting pinned. Post-match, Angle shoved Mysterio down, and Mysterio came back with a dropkick and a 619 while Orton laughed at the two fighting. This was better than their Rumble match, but still only average at best. They did a cool sequence where Angle was trapped in a bearhug and kept trying to fight out with a hiptoss, but Henry kept using his power to stop it until Angle finally got the hiptoss in a nice building spot.

(It feels like we’re starting to get some real animosity between all three sides here. Were you satisfied with how the booking going into Wrestlemania was handled?)

Smackdown March 31

With you and Rey Mysterio getting into it, the go-home Smackdown before Mania sees you in the main event defending the title against Rey Mysterio. You pick up the win in 15:23.

Meltzer wrote:

Angle and Mysterio had a good title match. Lots of “Eddie chants.” At the finish, Mysterio went for the 619, but Angle grabbed his leg as he swung and caught it with an ankle lock, and Mysterio tapped. Angle left. Orton then came from under the ring and gave Mysterio the RKO and tells Angle he’s winning the title. Angle and Orton brawled, and Angle hit the Angle slam and put the ankle lock on Orton and he was tapping as the show went off the air.

(Could this have been the main event of Wrestlemania? When did you learn that Rey Mysterio was going over at Wrestlemania?)

The Event


  • Thumbs up 81.6%
  • Thumbs down 5.5%
  • In the middle 12.9%


  • Edge vs. Mick Foley 282
  • Money in the Bank ladder match 176
  • John Cena vs. HHH 109
  • Angle vs. Mysterio vs. Orton 84
  • Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon 79


  • Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell 314
  • Candice Michelle vs. Torrie Wilson 300
  • Undertaker vs. Mark Henry 49
  • Angle vs. Mysterio vs. Orton 10

(Is it possible that some fans were upset by the way the match felt like it ended suddenly?)

Crowd Reaction

Let’s talk for a second about the crowd in Chicago that night...

Meltzer said...The Chicago crowd was unique in reactions. The company completely expected John Cena to be booed out of the place, but did not expect Mysterio and Trish Stratus to be booed, to the point Jim Ross almost did the insulting the fans saying they are trying to be defiant like they would do in cities like Toronto…. It appeared the booing of Mysterio wasn't a rejection of him as much as the crowd loving Kurt Angle.

(Did you think going into the match that the hardcore fans might actually boo Mysterio?)

At this point, it feels like you have a special relationship with the WWE fans that very few people ever achieve.

(How did you earn that special level of respect from the WWE Universe? Do you think they recognized the effort you always put in?)

An interesting note followed that story in the Observer….

[WWE] expected the booing of Cena, to the point the company came up with an explanation. ...The booing of Cena is because the traditional fan base respects HHH as the better wrestler because he's the biggest star in wrestling now. There were more than a few people laughing, since HHH had bad mouthed Kurt Angle, saying he was cheered against Cena in their program because he didn't know how to play heel. As the story goes, with HHH, it's not the same thing, it's because the crowd recognizes HHH as the best wrestler in the company. You can insert your own punchline.

(To your knowledge, did Triple H bury you backstage about this or anything else?)

(Why did Cena lose the fans or at least, lose the hardcore fans, with you and again later with HHH? Would there have been any possible way to book you or HHH to get enough heat for the crowd to hate?)

Let’s get to the match itself...Meltzer gave it ***½

9. Mysterio got a big ring entrance with the band P.O.D. from Chula Vista playing his entrance music, and him coming out with a big Mayan headdress like Canek used to wear and Mil Mascaras sometimes wore.

(How did you like Mysterio’s entrance here?)

(Did you and the other two guys spend much time going over the match beforehand and laying it out?)

This was a fast paced excellent match with an abrupt finish. Orton hit Angle with a belt shot. Mysterio came off the ropes but Orton hit him with a backdrop. Orton was behind Mysterio and then Angle got behind Orton and lifted, basically German suplexing Orton who in turn threw Mysterio into orbit.

(This was my favorite spot of the match. Who came up with the idea for this?)

(Who was the agent for this match?)

Angle at one point threw Mysterio overhead into a huracanrana on Orton. At this point the crowd started with a "Let's Go Angle" chant and then turned on Mysterio and started booing his offense. They booed his attempt at a 619, and cheered when Angle did the ankle lock off it like on TV. Mysterio tapped, but Orton had ref Charles Robinson distracted so he missed it. Angle then put the ankle lock on Orton. and Orton tapped, but Mysterio had Robinson distracted. Orton used an RKO on Angle, but Angle kicked out. Angle was being booked as superman since he was losing his title.

(When you’re in the match and hear the fans start to boo Rey, are you concerned, or calling audibles, or just staying focused?)

Angle did a belly to belly off the top rope on Orton. Mysterio then nailed Angle with a 619 and springboard Thesz press but Angle kicked out. Angle did the Angle slam on Orton for a near fall. Mysterio then knocked Angle out of the ring and did a 619 on Orton and a springboard huracanrana for the pin. The crowd booed Mysterio the entire match, but cheered when he won, although not the way it should have been. He went to the back and at that point Chavo & Vickie Guerrero came out to congratulate him. Crowd cheered a lot, but it was not the moment you would have expected from reading it. Rey Mysterio won the WWE title in a three-way over champ Kurt Angle and Randy Orton in 9:18. ***½

(Why was the match so short? Did you get time cut?)

(How did you feel about the match when it was over?)

(It was a good match - but it didn’t get the critical acclaim of the matches you had had the prior three or four years. Why do you think that was?)

Meltzer wrote:

While Mysterio was booed during his match, he was not booed at winning. He couldn't have been booed afterwards, since he broke down and cried, while being congratulated by Chavo Guerrero and Vickie Guerrero. But the reaction was nowhere near expected. Part of the reason was such a pro Angle crowd, but also, the match was too short and the people hadn't been drawn to it at such a deep level to explode at the outcome. Mysterio, Angle and Randy Orton were going in the direction of having the classic Wrestlemania match, when, with no build, Mysterio pinned Orton. The people simply weren't ready to pop big.

(It sort of did feel like the match finished suddenly. Was that always the plan, did something go wrong, what happened?)

Mysterio's title win, from an historical standpoint, was the most noteworthy event on the show. At 5-2 and 165 pounds, Oscar Gutierrez, 31, is, by far, the smallest man ever to hold a major world's heavyweight title in the history of pro wrestling. The idea for him to win had been bounced around since the death of Eddy Guerrero in November….The plan always was for him to get it at some point this year. Mysterio was the plan after the Guerrero death, and then it was changed to Randy Orton. From the booking in recent weeks, it became clear, since Mysterio was either beaten, or if not, beaten down, by the top guys, at almost every turn, that he was going over. Most seemed to expect it, and I believe the booing in the crowd was people who fully expected him to win and felt Angle should retain

(How did you feel about seeing Rey get the title? How did Randy feel, at the time, given that he had been considered for that spot? And, did you feel a little bad for Rey getting booed by your fans?)


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