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Laverne Clarence Gagne was born on February 26th, 1926 in Corcoran, Minnesota. He would gain fame in his home state where at Robbinsdale High School he excelled in football, baseball, and wrestling. He won state championships for wrestling in high school before moving onto the University of Minnesota where he captured two NCAA titles.

Were you aware of Verne Gagne before you moved to Minnesota when you were 14? From the magazines or from his sports accolades?

You talked about how you met Verne at a high school wrestling event in Mound, MN. What was Verne like at that meet? Intimidating? Did you get a chance to chat him up about the AWA?

In the archives of your time in the AWA you talked about how you were a fan of Ivan Putski, Crusher, Mad Dog Vachon, Superstar Billy Graham, Wahoo McDaniel & Dusty Rhodes. Were you not a fan of Verne’s wrestling or his style?

Did you ever attend any events in person that Verne wrestled at?

You told the story that you looked up Verne Gagne in the phone book to call him up regarding the game ‘Ninja Star Wars’ you & Sonny Onoo developed. How big were your balls at the time to do this?

Do you feel the direct nature of that first contact was the precedent for your future business dealings in everything you did?

When you negotiated with Verne regarding the 50/50 split for the profits of the game in exchange for advertising do you think he won that negotiation?

Did Verne remember you when Mike Shields hired you?

Did you have any interaction with Verne while you were doing direct sales for the syndication rights?

How hands-on was Verne?

When you were first starting did Verne give you any advice or tips?

Was Verne the one who asked you to do interviews after Larry Nelson got arrested? If not who was?

Was there ever a moment before you started on TV that you were watching the product and felt it was outdated?

Did you ever pitch any creative advice to Verne?

What was Verne like to deal with on a day-by-day basis at this point? We now know how deep in debt he was and borrowing money to keep the company going. Was he starting to show cracks of the pressure from what was going on?

Did you ever travel on the road with Verne and if so do you have any favorite stories?

What was Verne like with the talent at this time?

Was it a big deal for you to be on ESPN?

Was Verne at every TV taping?

We’ve covered SuperClash III from Chicago in the Archives with Kerry & Lawler on top and you building the set. Did Verne impress upon you how special it was to be on pay-per-view?

Did Verne ever give you feedback or criticism? Was there something, in particular, he liked that you were doing and didn’t like?

For SuperClash IV you helped promote some towns for the event. Was that your first time promoting? Was Verne very hands-on with you or by this point in April of 1990 was he checked out of the product?

You’ve talked about in the past how the paychecks were starting to slow down. Did you ever talk to Verne directly about the issues?

You applied for the WWF in 1990 to be an announcer and you told Verne directly you were going for the job. What was his reaction and feedback to you? Did he harbor anything towards you when you didn’t get the job?

Was there ever a time someone slammed Verne to you and you stuck up for him?

How did you get the news that the AWA was shutting down? Did Verne contact you directly?

Were you owed any money at the end from the AWA and did you go after it?

Did you reach out to Verne once you started in WCW as an announcer or vice versa?

You’re promoted in 1993 after Bill Watts leaves. Do you reach out to Verne for any advice regarding that position?

Did Verne reach out to you for a job at any point for himself or his son Greg?

If he didn’t:

-Would you had considered him for a role in the company and if so what role?

Did you see Verne in person after leaving the AWA?

If he did:

-Was he how you remembered him?

You’re taken off air by the WWE in 2005 and Verne is inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2006. Did you see him and have a chance to speak with him? Were you proud of his induction?

What was your favorite Verne Gagne match?

What is Verne’s legacy to you?

What is Verne’s legacy in the business do you think?

Towards the end of his life, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease until he passed away on April 27, 2015. How do you remember hearing about the news?

What are some of the things in your dealings with Verne that you used in future business practices?

Was there something you ever did while in charge of WCW you saw Verne do that you did and regretted it?

What are your favorite memories of Verne?

What is your overall assessment of Verne as a promoter?

As a boss?

As a person?

Can you sum up Verne in one word?


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