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Show Basics

The December 5, 2005 edition of WWE Raw happened at the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, South Carolina. 7,000 were reported in attendance. Your commentary team is Jerry “The King” Lawler and Joey Styles.

Show Summary (WWE Network):

“Mr. McMahon presides over the trial of Eric Bischoff that could put an end to his tyrannical reign as Raw General Manager. Shawn Michaels & Shelton Benjamin take on Kurt Angle & Daivari. Plus, Triple H goes one-on-one with Tajiri, Kane & Big Show defend the World Tag Team Championships in a Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match, and much more action.”

PWTorch Report:

-Vince McMahon drove a garbage truck into the arena. In the ring, he introduced a Trial of Eric Bischoff to decide his fate. Coach was acting as Bischoff's lawyer. Mick Foley represented the prosecution. Foley brought up that Bischoff should be fired for mocking him on Nitro when he was about to win the WWE Title on Raw. He said it backfired, though, because the ratings turned around from that point on thanks to Bischoff sending so many viewers to Raw to watch his title victory. McMahon said they were going to move the trial to a more appropriate setting - a court room.

[Commercial Break]


WINNERS: Big Show & Kane after a triple chokeslam of the Heart Throbs and Venis.

-They went to a courtroom with McMahon in the judge's chair. The first witness was Stephanie. A video aired of Bischoff forcing a kiss on Stephanie on Smackdown in 2002 (which apparently was on Fridays nights back then according to the graphic on the screen). Steph said the vile, vomitus taste is still in her mouth.

[Commercial Break]


WINNERS: Victoria & Michelle.

-Tajiri was the next witness. A woman translated for him. He said despite being a huge star in Japan and ECW, Bischoff ignored that. He said he wished "a pregnant rhinoceros shoved its mighty thorn up Eric's anal crevice." Tajiri then exclaimed in English that he hopes Bischoff gets fired. Coach then said Tajiri had been scheduled against Triple H. For some reason, that upset Tajiri, who was just complaining about not getting star treatment. Of course, Hunter is so intimidating and above all other competitors, the mere thought of facing him scares even someone who expressed dissatisfaction with the matches he was getting. Then Mae Young walked out to testify.

[Commercial Break]

"That's why Eric Bischoff has no penis," said Mae Young right out of the break. Coach said there is little or no evidence that Bischoff has no penis. Foley then introduced Exhibit B on the monitor.

Chris Masters, who had been acting as bailiff, took the stand. He said his name is Chris Masters. McMahon interrupted and said that the witness perjured himself since he knows his name is Chris Mordeski. He dismissed the witness.

-Backstage Shawn Michaels came up to Shelton Benjamin backstage and ran down his amateur athletic credentials. Michaels said that hasn't added up to much of a pro career so far. Michaels said he became successful by having an attitude and not being a nice guy. He told Shelton he should show some attitude. Shelton said, "You want attitude, you'll get some attitude. Don't worry about me." Michaels smiled.

-Styles plugged Michaels & Shelton vs. Carlito & Kurt Angle was coming up later. Lawler plugged that Ric Flair would be addressing the road rage headlines. Styles plugged the debut of The Cutting Edge with host Edge.

[Commercial Break]

-Coach said a witness was on the way who would prove Bischoff deserved to keep his job.


The fans chanted "Eddie, Eddie" early in the match. Lawler asked Styles if Bischoff should be fired. He added he knows what Good Ol' J.R.'s answer would be. Styles said since Bischoff set a goal and didn't achieve it, he should be fired. Somebody in Vince McMahon's life must have set a goal and not achieved it, and he's sending them a message about why they deserved to be fired or should be thankful they're not fired.

WINNER: Guerrero with a frog splash at 4:00.


-Back in the court room, Coach presented Daivari. He thanked Bischoff for giving him his job back despite facing unspeakable bigotry. He said Bischoff has handled his job with class and dignity. McMahon, it turned out, missed Daivari's testimony because he was listening to Ashley Simpson on his new iPod. "Gosh, she sucks," he said. He then said Daivari won't be refereeing Angle's match later, then dismissed him. Foley began eating a Moon Pie and drinking an RC (Coke and Pepsi obviously don't sponsor WWE programming).

[Commercial Break]

-The Cutting Edge debuted. Edge said he is going to ruffle some feathers backstage. He called himself the "Rated R Superstar." Lita told Edge she knows why he's called the "Rated R Superstar." Edge said they can't find a guest this week and last week the show was scheduled to debut, but was cancelled. He said Ric Flair was scheduled to be the guest, but his lawyer advised him to not speak publicly. Edge talked about Flair's road rage incident. He showed a picture on the big screen of Flair in his prime and then his mug shot. "He's been reduced to beating guys up on the street," he said. "How pathetic." Lita brought up that Flair is having other personal issues.

Sgt. Slaughter and Michael Hayes walked out to ringside. They gave the cut throat symbol to stop talking. Edge introduced them. Lita said they got their jobs by kissing Vince McMahon's ass. They got into the ring. Edge mocked Hayes for entering the ring because he heard a rumor that he had some Jack Daniels. Hayes said the boss wants him out of the ring. Edge didn't listen. Hayes said he doesn't get kids today. Hayes screamed that Edge doesn't appreciate what he and Ric Flair did to give them the business they have today. He said today's wrestlers want reduced scheduled and they have their rental cars waiting for them. In short, they're spoiled. Hayes said he's going to give Flair the benefit of the doubt because he's earned it.

Hayes asked Edge how many times he's been in the main event or sold out an arena and turned fans away. He paused and then asked how many times he's been World Champion. Edge then called for Hayes's mic to be cut. "It's my show!" he said. Edge asked him where his best friend, Terry Gordy, is. "That's right, Terry Gordy's dead," said Edge. "Yeah, I'm going there." Hayes got in his face, "The only reason you've got this show is because you're banging Matt Hardy's ex-girlfriend." Edge hit Hayes and kicked Sarge. Hayes made a comeback, but Lita gave Edge the briefcase and he used it to knock out Hayes. Edge stood over Hayes's fallen body. Lawler said somebody needs to get him out of the ring. That was the best performance by Hayes in more than 15 years. The pseudo-work stuff, though, is always scary because it usually confuses fans more than it makes them think something is more real. This was an odd attempt to establish that Flair has earned the benefit of the doubt. In the end, though, it did create a sense of Edge as being the lowest form of heel. I have had enough of WWE using the names of dead wrestlers to get heat or sympathy, though.

[Commercial Break]


Triple H blocked a Tarantula attempt at 1:30. He threw Tajiri into the security barrier, then back into the ring. Styles said in all of his years in ECW nobody ever used a screwdriver as a weapon. Yeah, but does an Xacto knife count?

WINNER: Triple H with a Pedigree at 2:37.


-Coach called Simon Dena as his witness. Dean's music played, but he didn't appear. Instead, Boogeyman appeared in the witness box. He had a worm hanging from his left nostril. He held up the clock and said it's becoming more clear that Bischoff doesn't belong here. "I'm the Boogeyman and I'm coming to getcha!" he said, then he broke the clock over his head. They went to a shot of McMahon looking bug-eyed, then shifted to Mick Foley eating a Moon Pie.

[Commercial Break]

-They showed Rita Cosby in the front row blowing kisses to the camera. Yep, she's the one you want to trust with cable news coverage of serious WWE issues such as covering the deaths of wrestlers and drug testing. Not that the ratings whores at MSNBC don't realize she's a disgrace to journalism, but they should have a little more dignity than to allow that.

-Big Show took a dig at Triple H backstage.

-Back in the court room, Foley made Maria giggle on the witness stand. Maria used big words and then walked away. Coach was distracted by Maria's ass. When Coach tried to call a new witness. McMahon said no more witnesses, they'd have closing arguments back in the arena. Bischoff looked worried.

-The Smackdown recap aired.

[Commercial Break]


Shelton got in Michaels's face before the bell to show him he was fired up. Shelton was aggressive against Carlito, then countered an Angle suplex and knocked Angle down with a dropdown spin wheel kick. He looked at Michaels for approval, and Michaels looked impressed.

[Commercial Break]

Michaels tagged in and the heels worked him over. He hot tagged Shelton at 6:00. Shelton took control against Carlito right away. Daivari yanked Shelton to the floor, then Angle hit Shelton from behind. Michaels eventually got a tag and hit the top rope elbow on Carlito at 10:30. He played to the crowd, working it into a frenzy. He stomped the mat, but Shelton tagged himself in and leaped off the top rope. Carlito ducked a crossbody and cradled Shelton for the win. Styles said Michaels had Shelton so worked up, he wanted to prove how aggressive he was at the expense of what was the best strategy at that moment in the match. Michaels took a deep breath and tried to calm his frustration. He then extended his hand to Shelton. Shelton got up on his own and shoved Michaels away. Michaels stared at Shelton, who just walked away with his head down and his hands on his hips.

WINNERS: Carlito & Angle at 11:30.


-Vince and Stephanie arrived back at the arena in a limo. Hunter walked up to Vince and said maybe he ought to hear from "your no. 1 guy in your company." Hunter said he thinks Bischoff should stay because you'd rather hear from the devil you know rather than the one you don't. Hunter sounded like William Regal last week; he sounds like Raven this week. Vince then "introduced" Stephanie and Hunter to each other. They smiled at each other and sparks flew.

[Commercial Break]

Final Segment (Trial of Eric Bischoff)

-Bischoff handled his own closing arguments. He said controversy creates cash. He said he has produced. He said he doesn't care about the fans, but he does care about their money. He said he knows how to separate the fans from their cash. He noted the Elimination Chamber concept. He said since he is still Raw G.M., he wants the Elimination Chamber to headline the next Raw-brand PPV. "You know it will sell," he said. "Vince, you and I, deep down inside, we're a lot alike. It's true. Maybe we're both hated in this industry, but more importantly we're both respected. We overcome obstacles and we get things done." He closed by saying, "Let me keep my job and together you and I will make a fortune." McMahon said Bischoff made some very interesting points. John Cena's music then began.

Cena said Bischoff has taken away the best part of Raw. Cena said McMahon is "dressing in a robe and looks ridiculous, but I love it." He said Bischoff is a pioneer of censorship. He said he wanted to introduce Bischoff to 10,000 surprise witnesses. Cena sat on the top rope in the corner and asked, "Should Eric Bischoff remain the general manager?" The crowd booed. "Do you want to see Eric Bischoff get fired?" The crowd cheered. Cena said the people have summed up his career in two letters, "F-U."

McMahon stood up and asked the crowd if they'd like to see the WWE Title defended in an Elimination Chamber. After the crowd cheered, McMahon said the title would be defended in an Elimination Chamber. McMahon then said everyone would see it except Bischoff. "Eric Bischoff, you're fired!" he shouted. The crowd popped. "Take out the trash!" shouted McMahon. Cena lifted Bischoff and gave him an FU. Cena kicked him out of the ring. McMahon then grabbed Bischoff and dropped him into the garbage truck. The lid closed on Bischoff. McMahon got in the driver's seat and drove away, honking the horn on his way through the entrance tunnel.

Ratings (4.1 Overall)

- Raw on Monday did a 4.1 overall rating. Expect to see more episodic McMahon storylines in the future based on Raw's strongest rating since moving to USA Network outside of Homecoming and the Eddie Guerrero tribute show.

Reax from the PWTorch Staff

The following is a sample of the Raw Roundtable Review feature that is emailed to Torch VIP members after each edition of Raw…

But the common theme is big praise for Eric’s performance!

Bruce Mitchell, Torch columnist (3.0)

Once again the whole show was hijacked by two performers, Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff, who don't go on the road, don't wrestle on pay-per-view, and don't give the rub to anyone else. Actually, the show was in its own way quite the tribute to the performing ability of Bischoff, who lasted three years longer in the role than anyone would have figured. The only wrestling angle, between Shelton Benjamin and Shawn Michaels, just made Benjamin look like a bigger clown.

Jason Powell, Torch columnist (3.0)

Raw is confusing. If a wrestler sleeps with another wrestler's girlfriend, it becomes a storyline. If a wrestler is charged with road rage, it's turned into a storyline and a bait and switch all in one. If Vince McMahon informs the wrestlers that he's instituting a new steroid policy, it pops up on the main page of the company's website. Vince even gave away the real name of one of his wrestlers. However, viewers aren't supposed to know that Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are still married despite their storyline divorce. Or maybe they are. Who knows where that backstage segment with Hunter and Steph is leading. For that matter, who knows where anything is leading? I'm all in favor of storylines that leave us guessing, but this isn't episodic television, it's just a rehashed version of the reality-based approach that Vince Russo was so fond of.

Notes: Finally, a new direction for Shelton Benjamin. I'm not sure he'll be any better off as a heel, but at least the company is giving him another opportunity... The Mickey James and Trish Stratus storyline is progressing nicely... Edge will need to dig a little deeper if he wants us to buy into his worked shoot. For instance, he could have pointed out that Michael Hayes made an ass of himself by singing at Triple H and Stephanie's wedding. Oh, that's right, we're not supposed to know about their untelevised wedding. My bad... Lance Cade is the Southern Gentleman? Let me guess, he's WWE's answer to Sawyer from "Lost"? Um, yeah, good luck with that. The real Sawyer has at least two snappy one-liners per week that top anything I've heard on Raw in ages... I will give WWE credit for the opening scene with Vince driving the garbage truck to ringside. It definitely got my attention and was hardly a conventional way to open the show... So Vince was listening to Ashley Simpson on his iPod and he thought she sucked? I get it, Vince. Now we know why you dropped the N-bomb on pay-per-view. You're cool. You're hip. You're with it. Actually, you appear to be going through your eleventh mid-life crisis and it isn't pretty...

Pat McNeill, Torch columnist (4.0)

Since Raw was built around "The Trial of Eric Bischoff," and since the actual wrestling on Raw was negligible and had little to do with the storylines on the show, I'm going to cover for the absence of Mojo Mitchell by talking about all the messages that Vince McMahon wanted to send on tonight's episode.

-Vince McMahon hates suck-ups, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

-Triple H and Stephanie McMahon really do make a cute couple.

- Nothing's more important in WWE than being a team player. Guys who aren't team players, like Shelton Benjamin was tonight, end up as losers.

- It's okay to use the premature deaths of professional wrestlers to help get a storyline across, and the only people who would object to that are senile old farts.

- If you're not main eventing pay-per-views, it's your own damn fault, even if you're being punished for being a taller, younger, better looking, more athletic, and more articulate version of WWE's chosen son-in-law.

- Never let your mid-life crisis bring bad publicity upon the WWE.

- Having a cool gimmick match like the Elimination Chamber is more important than booking coherent wrestling angles.

- Mick Foley likes eating junk food.

Oh, and false advertising a Ric Flair appearance on Raw? Not cool.

James Caldwell, Torch columnist (4.5)

Now we know what those Helmsley family trips across country in the camper were like. Hunter: Hey. Steph: Hi. Hunter: Weather looks nice. Steph: Yeah. Hunter: So, when do we start the family? Not since the Raw ten year anniversary show when Triple H and Steph shared an awkward moment winning the award for "Shut up and kiss me" have Hunter and Steph been on television together. There also hasn't been as great of a laugh-out-loud moment as Vince McMahon introducing the married couple to each other on television. It was one of many insider moments of a show focused on storylines imitating life.

WWE undertook an ambitious task of weaving the ridiculous Eric Bischoff trial by trash throughout the show, but came up short. Vince looked like a kid trying to play dress up while assuming the role of the judge in the fantasy world the McMahon family lives in. The segments in the courtroom were cheesy, cute, ridiculous, and overbearing all once. (Maria was the star, showing the other side of her personality and breaking the ditzy blonde routine.) However, the endless segments meant more McMahon than anyone bargained for and another sign the McMahon family believes their presence on the show is more important than focusing on wrestlers who will draw for the promotion. I thought we advanced past this stage after the Jim Ross fiasco. Apparently, that was only stage one. For McMahon, the hipster image is his current task in life. The iPod. The tapping of feet to John Cena's entrance music. The Ashlee Simpson reference. Two weeks after mockingly delivering props to Cena and that rap thing, McMahon has gone overboard trying to act cool.

The "I can't believe I'm writing this" moment: I actually didn't want to see Eric Bischoff leave. He over-acted in skits as GM throughout his tenure, but he provided a good foundation for John Cena to build credibility as champion. Despite being exponentially weaker than Austin-McMahon in the Attitude era heyday, Cena-Bischoff worked on the smaller scale.

For two hours, I thought WWE forgot about John Cena. However, it should come as no surprise Cena was saved for the final segment since that is the writing crew's M.O. It's a fine line to walk and the message can be interpreted two ways. Either WWE doesn't have confidence Cena can get a strong reaction if they use him earlier in the show or the company feels Cena can still retain momentum and draw an audience even if he's used exclusively in one segment. One thing remains constant, though. Cena's irreverent behavior - whether he's calling McMahon's outfit ridiculous or calling Bischoff a "jerk off" - connects with the target audience.

The greatest moment of the final segment came during Eric Bischoff's speech when he said he and Vince are hated in the industry. The quizzical look on Vince's face was priceless as if it was news to Vince that some people don't like him. With no one able to openly criticize the McMahon family and Vince well insulated from critical speech by those ass-kissers Edge was talking about, it's no wonder Vince's spontaneous reaction would be that of shock. As far as Cena calling Vince a pioneer of censorship, well, that's like opening Pandora's box.

Mick Foley has been reduced to a shell of the former money-drawing character he once was. I'm sure Foley's speech about capturing the WWE Title reminded him of where he once was compared to where he currently is as a bit player eating out of a lunchbox while arguing with Coach.

WWE might be on to something with Shelton Benjamin. It was long overdue for Benjamin to be featured in a main event role. Shawn Michaels can certainly elevate Benjamin in this mentor-student role.

WWE's drug policy is outdated compared to the new policy of referring to public headlines involving wrestlers. (I'm just wondering if this will lead to Eugene dropping his gimmick.) What began on WWE.com has now reached national television. Ric Flair was reduced to rubble having his name dragged through the mud. It'll make for a hot feud between Edge and Flair, but when the only "legend" that has the voice to defend Flair is Michael Hayes, who the majority of fans have no idea who he is, it's not a good sign. That said, even more than Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, and Vince McMahon discussing ECW in the same ring, Edge and Michael Hayes touched enough issues in the context of a worked shoot storyline to give Edge any number of directions to take the storyline with Flair.

However, the segment spoke to a fallacy that can be traced to the roots of this problem with wrestlers experiencing health and emotional problems. Michael Hayes's statement - give Flair the "benefit of the doubt" because he's Ric Flair - should be framed and hung on a bulletin board for when more wrestlers experience problems because they're given a free pass. Just because a legend sells out arenas for three decades doesn't mean he is larger than life.

Final notes: WWE should check their censorship policies. Until Bischoff was fired, it wasn't all right for fans to say, "you suck." However, the camera focused directly on a sign that read, "you suck" during the audio censoring. WWE needs to get its censorship issues straight since the company is a pioneer in that area... It didn't take long for Murdoch and Cade to be split apart. I guess that explains the squash by Big Show and Kane at Taboo Tuesday to take the tag straps... Maybe WWE can hire Rita Cosby for a backstage interviewer role. WWE already has her in their hip pocket and right now, I'd take Maria in a vote of who would do a better job asking the tough questions.

Wade Keller, Torch editor (3.0)

Well, I was awake for about three hours yesterday, dragging myself to the TV screen and computer keyboard while sick so that I didn't fall any further behind than I already am and that's what I have to digest?

Vince McMahon has always been weird. Just look at the Saturday Night's Main Events in the mid-'80s. His obsession with hillbillies, bodybuilders, bodily functions, and juvenile sexual innuendo has always been present. There have been many times that McMahon's strange traits have gone beyond quirky and endearing into unstable and disturbing territory. This was one of those shows.

Of course, humor is a good way to build goodwill so people accept whatever selfish hidden messages you're trying to get across. And there were a lot of funny moments on this show. The visual of McMahon driving the garbage truck to the ring, Maria breaking out the thesaurus (although I don't really get the joke; she's usually dumb and now she's not?), Mae Young's sexual appetite, the flirtatious moment between the reunited Stephanie and Hunter, Bischoff's facial expressions. Those are all funny moments that helps lower the guard of the viewers and makes them more susceptible to the propaganda throughout the show.

Anyone who has closely followed Vince McMahon's trials and supposed tribulations over the years knows that they manifest themselves in the form of storylines. The turnaround time is usually 7-14 days before he vents on TV. The theme of Bischoff setting and goal and not achieving it and thus being on the chopping block surely refers to someone, but I'm not sure whom.


Scripting Mick Foley eating junk food could be seen as McMahon expressing displeasure with how out of shape Foley is despite having gotten a big contract to stay away from TNA. It was funny and kinda sad at the same time.

The Ric Flair bait and switch was unusual at first. But then it became clear that it was meant to both humiliate and rehabilitate Flair all at once. Showing the mug shot compared to Flair in his prime was scary. But then the message became clear. Flair deserves the benefit of the doubt because he's worked hard and performed well over the years. Also, as Michael Hayes said, kids today who want time off don't realize how hard the previous generation worked to give them what they have. So McMahon got the word out that no requests for a reduced schedule or systematic time off will be greeted warmly.

I know MSNBC is desperate for ratings, but Rita Crosby acting like a girl at the front row of a Beatles concert in 1967 killed off the tiny smidgen of credibility she had. No wonder MSNBC replaced a scheduled interview with me after Eddie Guerrero's death and put JBL on in my place. MSNBC has become a p.r. machine for McMahon.

I could go on. The show was a mess. Memorable, controversial, but disturbing and not in a good way. Vince McMahon has issues. And the wrestling industry, the wrestlers, and the fans are suffering for it.

Reax sent to the PWTorch

Adam J. Grammas of Westchester, Ill.: The word "asshole" aired uncensored, an 80 year woman with her tongue between her fingers, and the mention of 8 ball can only mean one thing - Raw is back on USA! One thing I don't understand, though, is after confirming all the McMahons as heels in the J.R. firing, why would Vince come on as the white knight and save Raw from Eric Bischoff? I hope they find some other place for Bischoff - maybe replacing the tired Teddy Long over on Smackdown. The whole court thing was pretty hokey with Vince's typical over-the-top acting. Why don't they have entrance music in a real court setting like Steph got when she walked in? Steph's calling of Vince "daddy" with a smile and Vince's perverted smile back was a little strange. I'd hate to see those two caught under the mistletoe. If Edge isn't the biggest heel in the biz after his segment tonight, there is something wrong with the writers or the fans. His talking about Terry Gordy was very uncomfortable, almost as much as watching Triple H and Steph having their little "reunion" with their 14 year old smiles. Michael Hayes has one of those beer guts that goes down into his pants. Joey Styles mentioned how no one in ECW ever used a screw driver as a weapon. No, but I DO seem to remember one guy slicing a kid's neck open at one point.

Andrew of Cambridge, Mass (8.5): Best match: Michaels/Benjamin vs. Angle/Carlito. Worst match: Chavo vs. Lance Cade. This was the best Monday Night Raw I have seen in months. A bit weak on the matches, but we saw two of the strongest promos WWE has put together in a while. The Edge-Hayes faceoff was incredible, and a bit too real for my taste, but it just goes to show that Edge, barring further injury, could be a top star in the business. The extended "Trial of Eric Bischoff" promo was absolutely fantastic, and even redeems Vince for the atrocious J.R. skit we saw a couple months back. We also saw an excellently handled heel turn on the part of Benjamin, though given the way WWE has mismanaged him in the past, I wouldn't expect much of a push. Who knows, though - a Michaels-Benjamin feud could lead to some incredible matches. Other random thoughts... Out of Cade and Murdoch, who would have thought that Murdoch would get the push and Cade would become the jobber? When does the cashing in on Eddie's death stop? Should we expect Bischoff back by February? All in all, this was a fantastic episode that restores some of my faith in the WWE after Vince's previous missteps made me question the company, along with his sanity.

News and Notes From Around This Time

Eddie Guerrero’s Death

On November 13, 2005, Guerrero was found unconscious in his hotel room at the Marriott Hotel City Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by his nephew, Chavo. In a 2020 interview for the documentary Dark Side of the Ring, Chavo explained that Eddie had passed out in the hotel room bathroom with a toothbrush in his hand, and was barely clinging to life when Chavo discovered him. Eddie Guerrero was pronounced dead upon paramedics arriving at the scene. He was 38 years old. An autopsy revealed that Guerrero died as a result of acute heart failure due to underlying atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. He is interred at Green Acres Memorial Park Cemetery in Scottsdale, Arizona. His funeral service was officiated by "Superstar" Billy Graham who also has a burial plot near Guerrero.

The episodes of Raw on November 14, 2005 and SmackDown! on November 18, 2005 (both filmed November 13, 2005) each aired as tributes to Guerrero. All storylines were put on hold, and no WWE employees were forced to perform, although several matches took place, including one featuring Chavo, who finished the match with his uncle's finishing maneuver the frog splash. Raw started with all the wrestlers and numerous backstage personnel on stage, as Vince McMahon addressed the live crowd before finishing with a ten-bell salute. In addition to the Raw and SmackDown tribute shows, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling dedicated the pay-per-view TNA Genesis (which aired the evening of his death) to Guerrero, while Ring of Honor named their next show "Night of Tribute". Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW), WWE's then developmental territory, also paid tribute to Guerrero on their television taping following his death. Many of the wrestlers there wore armbands with "E.G." on them. Eventually, other wrestlers, primarily his nephew Chavo and friends Mysterio and Christian Cage, paid tribute to him in their matches by using the Frog Splash, Guerrero's finisher. Combat Zone Wrestling also paid tribute to Guerrero with a ten-bell salute during one of their cards. Wrestlers CM Punk and Rey Mysterio dedicated some of their matches to Guerrero. The 3 Doors Down song "Here Without You" was used as a tribute song for Guerrero, as was Johnny Cash's "Hurt".

On March 19, 2007, Sports Illustrated posted on its website an article in its continuing series investigating a steroid and HGH ring used by numerous professional athletes in several sports. This article mentioned several current and former WWE wrestlers, including Guerrero, who was alleged to have obtained HCG and the steroid stanozolol in early 2005. At the time of the alleged steroid usage, the WWE had not yet instituted its Wellness Policy in which wrestlers are tested for substances, which started by WWE.com on the day the article was released.

Do you have any memories or thoughts about Eddie you want to share, since we’re just passed the 15th anniversary of his death? How did you learn the news?

Ric Flair arrested

Ric Flair turned himself in to North Carolina law enforcement Monday on charges that he “throttled a fellow motorist during a road rage incident last week on Interstate 95”.  The incident allegedly happened at 6:30 PM the day before Thanksgiving.  Flair, 56, was accused of grabbing Robert Steele of Charlotte by the throat in a road rage incident, shaking him, and then kicking at his Toyota.  “I didn’t do anything wrong at all,” Flair told the local newspaper. “As usual, I will be exonerated.”  Flair was released on $1,000 bail.  His mug shot appeared Tuesday on the Smoking Gun website (the front page, in fact), and was immediately all over the Internet.  It was not the most becoming of pictures, made worse by the fact that it was snapped the day after Hunter beat the holy living hell out of him at Survivor Series and he gigged multiple times.

Do you think when the Judge asked him if he was guilty or not guilty, he shook his head no?

DVD Sales

Top-selling DVDs on Amazon.com this week were the Bret Hart DVD, The Eddy Guerrero Story, the Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior, WrestleMania XXI and Ultimate Fighter Season One (which even beat out the Jake Roberts DVD).  Top five books were Shawn Michaels’, Eddy’s, Death of WCW, Are We There Yet?, and Kane’s book.  No Russo in the top fifteen again.

Did you ever see the Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD?

Hypothetical: IF WCW won the war...who might you have made a DVD like that on?

Drug Testing Policy

Vince McMahon actually brought both rosters together before the Raw tapings and announced that within two weeks, a comprehensive drug policy would be put into effect.  “Performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids, etc., recreational drugs, as well as abuse of prescription drugs will be banned,” an article on WWE.com read.  “In addition to the new drug testing procedure, there will also be an emphasis on cardiovascular examinations.”

Vince at the meeting said he wanted to get word out to them personally before they started hearing the rumors on the street.  He said they’d been looking into the process recently and this was bound to happen.  He said the policy would be very strict and he was open to any suggestions anyone might have.  He said an independent company would be in charge of the testing and neither himself nor the office would have anything to do with it.  Anyone with a full-time contract with the company would be eligible for testing.  He asked if there were any questions and the room was dead silent.  He said he knew there had to be a million things running through their head, and there was nervous laughter.  Kurt Angle finally asked about testing for prescription medication and whether they could determine if someone was actually abusing (keep in mind, Angle has said on record that not a day goes by that he doesn’t pop pain pills).  Vince basically said he’d get a printout from the testing company that would list what someone took, when they took it, and whether they were abusing it.  He said it would be relatively simple to determine if someone was abusing something.  The policy, he said, would be very fair, and it would be the same across the board for everyone, with “no special considerations”.  Someone asked if it would be random, and he said yes, and “relatively frequently.”  He said there would be programs set up to help those with problems.  He said some of the folks might have been around when they did this the first time (early 90s after the steroid scandals), and the difference here was that this time he’d be the second person to know.  The testing company would inform the talent first, then Vince, and there was nothing he could do about it at that point.  “No ifs, ands or buts,” he concluded.

This is a major story which will have enormous ramifications on the entire industry.  Make no mistake about it, whatever you think about Vince McMahon, he’s dead serious about the issue this week.  True, he has given us very little reason to have faith in years past.  This time, though, it’s different.  How different we won’t know for many weeks or months, and for how long is another issue entirely.

Fan Questions

Mikey Messier asks...#AskEric   can Eric go through the garbage compactor stunt a bit more and explain how it was done safely without actually incurring injury? Seems like all that metal and heavy grinding gears could be dangerous.

Arguk the Butcher asks...#AskEric By this time in your career it looks like you were settled in to a commitment with your gray hair. I’m 34 and have to dye mine regularly and I’ve been going gray since my mid 20s. What advice do you have to someone who’s still avoiding the inevitable?

JustChris asked...On Youtube the trial segments clock in at over 31 minutes (on a 2 hour raw) and it is fantastic. Is there a need for more threads these days? Or has the AEWWE audience changed too much and have become TOO primarily focused on the in ring rasslin? #AskEric

Jeremy Priest asks...When vince picked you up, did you feel the power of the pythons? #AskEric

Fernando asks...If Eric had another witness to testify, who would he choose? #AskEric

Matty asks...#AskEric was there any other way you would like to go out, instead of a garbage Truck?

Nick asks...Were there any ideas pitched for this segment that ultimately never got used? Was Eric expecting to potentially be brought back at some point? #AskEric

Mitch asks...Was anyone hotter than @MariaLKanellis at this time? #AskEric

Adam asks...What was the most fun part of the evening for Eric? The courtroom scene or being out in the garbage truck? #askeric

Ben asks...Was Vince actually listening to Ashlee Simpson? #AskEric

James asks...What's Eric's favourite 'look'? Short hair and goatee beard combo has to be up there surely? #AskEric

Francis asks...Where did Eric get his suit and ties from around this time #AskEric

Shawn asks...The trial sequence. Fun or not? Was Vince producing and controlling?

Captain Zack asks...Did you have any thoughts of the garbage truck killing you? #AskEric


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