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Survivor Series 2005 was the 19th such yearly event and was held on November 27, 2005 in the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. The attendance was reported at 15,000. It’s the third Survivor Series event to be held at Joe Louis Arena, too: The others were 1991 and 1999.

Why did you like having Survivor Series events in Detroit?

The tagline for the event was “The Beginning of the End.” The poster for the event featured a smoky scene with a light behind a shadowy figure - that of the Undertaker. There were six matches on the card and two matches billed as main events.

From a buyrate perspective, the show did good numbers compared to the year before: 400,000 buys for 2005, compared to 325,000 in 2004.

However, of the “Big Four,” it performed the worst, as is almost always the case. 575,000  bought Royal Rumble; 980,000 bought Wrestlemania; 650,000 bought Summerslam; And 400,000 bought tonight’s show.

Why do you think that is? Why is the Survivor Series almost always the less purchased of all the main shows?

What do you think about this show that was most attractive to potential pay-per-view buyers?

News and Notes

MSNBC's Rita Cosby will be hosting two editions of "Live and Direct" from Afghanistan alongside WWE wrestlers. Currently, she has a running blog on MSNBC's website talking about the trip. "When we arrived at this isolated locale, the young men and women were so thrilled to see their wrestling superheroes," Cosby writes. "Many of the young soldiers recounted the wrestlers' regular phrases in the ring, and even some of the local Afghans told me who their favorite wrestlers are, most of them recounted guys like 'Big Show' and 'Triple H,' both enormous men who tower over the average Afghan man. More importantly, the Afghans told me how thankful they were that Americans liberated their country, and despite the rough conditions they are facing, every one of the American soldiers I spoke with said he or she was honored to serve our country and protect the freedoms we hold so dear."

Especially considering how much negative news seemed to get attention during this time when related to WWE, this positive bit of news had to make everyone happy, right? Did you ever end up meeting or working with Rita Cosby?

Ken Kennedy will be out six months after tearing muscles in his back and shoulders. Batista suffered the same injury, only Kennedy's was more severe. The tendon separated from the bone in his back and Kennedy must wait three months before rehabbing. "It’s kind of similar to what Triple H did to his quad," Kennedy told WWE.com. "I had torn it completely off the bone and the doctors said I needed surgery - that it couldn’t be rehabbed." Kennedy said he felt a tear during the European tour. He had a bruise and swelling, but both went away. He wrestled Kid Kash at the Smackdown taping in Cincinnati and the swelling returned. Kennedy is hopeful he can continue contributing to Smackdown in a non-wrestling role.

In our previous months, we’ve talked about how big of an impact and debut Ken Kennedy had with the company. He came in and held wins over several big names...and then this happens.

Was this the first red flag on Kennedy? What might his plans have been had he not been injured? Would the monster push continue?

The medical examiner's report, released Dec 8, states that Eddie Guerrero "died of natural causes related to arteriosclerotic heart disease," but also noted that he had an enlarged heart and other enlarged organs, which is related to a history of anabolic steroid use. "They were contributing conditions," said Berg according to the Associated Press report. "When you have larger organs, et cetera, your body works a little bit harder to maintain your normal physiologic state."

Arteriosclerotic heart disease can lead to the narrowing of small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Death can result when they restrict enough to stop the flow of blood to the heart. The process occurs over the course of many years and is the most common cause of cardiovascular disability and death.

What’s the reaction like backstage when this news comes in?

Speaking of news related to Eddie…

Dave Hawk of Kurt Angle's management team sent PWTorch.com the following quote from Angle in response to fans sending him messages of concern regarding his health in light of the sudden death of Eddie Guerrero.

Says Angle: "To all my fans, I'm in perfect health. Thank you for your many kind comments, prayers and concern about me, but, again, I am healthy and in great shape. Yes, naturally I have a few minor aches and pains due to bumps and bruises but certainly nothing at all life-threatening or anything that will keep me from participating in the ring. Also, I DO NOT nor would I EVER do anything that would jeopardize my health or my life, as has been fabricated on many website chat rooms. This great outpouring of concern for me demonstrates that my fans appreciate my hard work and dedication to be best. I have the greatest respect for all my fans, my family and everyone at WWE. I will never let you guys down. God bless you and thank you for your support."

All the hating on the internet aside...do you think this shows how wrestling fans really do care about their heroes?

On Dec 10 in Osaka, Japan, Brock Lesnar defeated New Japan's "top tough guy" Manabu Nakanishi at 4:27 in the main event. The semifinal saw Riki Choshu & Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tuji Nagata beat Tatsutoshi Goto & Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Masahiro Chono at 12:54.

Lesnar wrestled in defiance of WWE legal threats that he is breaking the no compete clause he voluntarily signed about 20 months ago releasing him from his WWE contract (which made him property of WWE until 2010). WWE is attempting to put a restraining order on his participation in future matches. WWE believes it is wrong that they came to a mutual agreement with Lesnar in 2003 that he could leave WWE to pursue his NFL dreams as long he didn't work for another pro wrestling promotion worldwide until his WWE contract would have expired, but now he is wrestling elsewhere.

What is Vince’s reaction when he learns Brock is going to ignore that non-compete and go back into a wrestling ring?

How much of this could have been avoided if WWE gave Brock the same schedule he has now?

The event itself

Match Summary/Ratings by Wade Keller - PW Torch

1 -- CHRIS BENOIT vs. BOOKER T (w/Sharmell) -- Best of Seven Series - Match One

Tazz talked about the Best of Seven Series in WCW between these two. Cole said this is different, it's about much more, because the U.S. Title is at stake. They paced themselves for a lengthy match, settling into submission holds at 5:00. Booker applied an abdominal stretch. He hit a scissors kick at 8:15. Booker then settled into a chinlock at 10:00. Sharmell was active (loud) at ringside throughout (although not at a Sensational Sherri level). If half the wrestlers could look at involved in their own matches as Sharmell seems in Booker's, the industry would be in a better place. Benoit made a comeback at 11:00 with attempts at consecutive Germans. Booker escaped and hit Benoit with a jump spin wheel kick to the face. Benoit made a full comeback at 13:00 and signalled for the top rope headbutt. Sharmell jumped onto the apron and yelled at Benoit. Benoit decided to yell back at her, giving Booker time to catch him on the top rope. Benoit punched out of it and then headbutted Booker to the mat. Benoit then went for his top rope headbutt, but Booker rolled out of the way. The crowd was really into that minute of action. Booker then used an Oklahoma Roll to pin Benoit and Sharmell held Benoit's leg to prevent a kickout.

WINNER: Booker at 14:21.

STAR RATING: *** - Solid match. Nothing we haven't seen before, but well executed with decent pacing.

How did you like the match?

When did you realize Sharmell was going to be a good heater for Booker T?

How did Booker T like the idea of turning heel and his wife being the catalyst for it?

Do you think making Benoit lose on PPV right after his best friend died was the right move? Should he have maybe been given some time off (or would he have even taken it, knowing him?)

-Eric Bischoff promised Vince McMahon backstage that Raw would decimate Smackdown. He said he planned to screw John Cena just as McMahon screwed Bret Hart. Yeah, it worked for McMahon because he let Cena know ahead of time. As Bischoff chanted "You screwed Cena," Cena walked in. He said, "So, Eric Bischoff screws guys? Not really my thing." We know, John. We know. McMahon talked about "what's good in the hood" with Cena, said, "keep it up, my nigga!" and then strutted away like George Jefferson. Booker and Sharmell saw and heard, then said, "Tell me he didn't just say that!"

MY GOD. Let’s just do the whole show on this promo.

Who the hell suggested Vince say the N word (without the hard R)?

What was Vince’s reaction to that?

How did the idea of Booker T and Sharmell being next to it all come about?

How amazing were Vince’s facials during this? He’s a walking meme, right?


The goal of this was to show Vince as a wacky, out of touch guy trying to talk to someone from the streets in a cool, “hip” way...and failing at it miserably...right?

2 -- TRISH STRATUS (w/Mickey Jay) vs. MELINA -- Women's Title match

Styles and Tazz teamed up for this match. Uh oh, thinks Cole. Tazz and Cole argued with each other early on. Tazz asked Cole what's up with Mickey Jay, indicating that he doesn't watch Raw. When Mickey and Melina brawling at ringside, Styles yelled, "Cat fight!" Mercury and Nitro then entered the ring and were about to pound on Trish when the ref ordered them to the back. Melina then surprised Trish with a tackle and threw some brutal forearms. "That's the way we do it on Smackdown, Styles," said Tazz, adding now he knows why Coach and Jerry Lawler hate him. Trish made a comeback at 5:00 and hit a spinebuster. Melina ducked a Chick Kick, but Trish caught her with a front kick. Mickey intervened on Trish's behalf as Melina was about to reverse momentum. Trish gave Melina a Stratusfaction off the top rope for the win. Tazz said, "I'd be happy not to have to work with you again." Styles said once every ten years is fine. Tazz said he hasn't missed him. Styles concluded, "I'm done with him."

WINNER: Trish at 6:35.

STAR RATING: *1/2 -- The usual good intensity from Trish and Melina.

Help me out...was the Styles/Tazz tension legitimate? It can be somewhat distracting, especially if it’s not a really superior match.

What did you think about the match and both competitors’ work?

-A commercial aired for the Jake "The Snake" Roberts DVD.

The next match is a rivalry between Triple H and Ric Flair that began at WWE Homecoming, when Triple H returned to WWE television after an absence of three months. The two had been aligned since 2002, as members of Evolution, and were partners in a tag team match on the show. After they won the match, Triple H attacked Flair with a sledgehammer. The week after, Triple H explained his actions, saying that he realized Flair was no longer the legend he was, and he needed to stop Flair. Flair and Triple H met in a steel cage match at Taboo Tuesday, which Flair won. A Last Man Standing match was made between the two for tonight!


When's the last time a Triple H match was this early on a PPV? Hunter attacked Flair on his way to the ring while his robe was still on. They brawled at ringside for several minutes. Hunter grabbed a chair; Flair countered with a kendo stick shot which took out a camera. They brawled into the crowd, then back to the entranceway. Hunter entered the ring at 3:45 for the first time and suplexed Flair into the ring. Coach said he knew Hunter would dominate Flair. Lawler asked if Coach remembers Taboo Tuesday. Coach said Flair got lucky. At 6:00 Hunter took over at ringside, jabbing Flair's forehead with a screwdriver to draw blood. Surprising it took this long for Flair to bleed. Flair made a brief comeback at ringside at 9:00, but Hunter regained control. Hunter grabbed a mic at ringside and told Flair to stay down for a count of ten if he knows what's good for him. Flair instead grabbed Hunter's crotch. Hunter yelled in agony, then hit Flair in the head with the mic to break Flair's vice grip. Hunter began clearing the announce table. Coach helped. Hunter then set up a Pedigree on the table. He took his time and milked the anticipation. Flair then backdropped out of it. Hunter crashed through the next announcers' table. Styles gasped, "Oh my god!" The beating continued. Hunter raised a chair and was going to bash a vulnerable Flair, but then had a second thought and dropped it. Instead, he punched Flair. Flair got up, but the blood-drenched Flair didn't seem to know which way was up. Hunter set up Pedigree, but Flair gave him a low-blow to escape. Flair then bit Hunter's forehead and yanked Hunter into the ringpost crotch-first from ringside. Flair followed up with several more yanks. Styles asked how Hunter can possibly stand after that. Flair clipped Hunter from behind, then bit his thigh from behind. He stomped Hunter once, and then went into a virtual Garvin Stomp (circling Hunter's body and stomping every body part along the way), which Styles surprisingly didn't reference. Flair set up a figure-four, but Hunter kicked him off. At 20:00 Flair applied the figure-four and held onto the ropes for additional leverage - legal in this match. Hunter tapped out after a minute, but it didn't matter in this match. Both men were down center-ring at 23:00. The ref began counting both down. Flair rose at eight and Hunter at nine. Flair chopped Hunter, but Hunter surprised Flair with a Pedigree. Hunter was slow to get up himself, but once he did, he hit another Pedigree. Coach said Flair is done and that's the last we'll probably ever see of him. Flair, though, managed to get up before ten. Flair gave Hunter the finger as he used the middle rope to stand. Coach asked if Flair is the dumbest man on earth. Hunter then gave Flair another Pedigree. Hunter told the ref to count. He began the count. Flair began to rise. Hunter was shocked. Hunter grabbed his sledgehammer. He wound up and hit Flair across the shoulder blades with it. The ref began counting again and this time got to ten. Flair was strapped to a backbrace and helped out by medics.

WINNER: Triple H at 26:59.

STAR RATING: **** -- Not a match of the year, but a very good, dramatic bloodfest with a good internal logic. Not entirely unpredictable, and not particularly exciting as it never got out of second gear - although in a match like this that's not going to happen past the five minute mark with any credibility anyway - but it told a good story.

How special was it for these two to get to work an extended program together?

Whose idea was it to use a screwdriver in the match?? Isn’t that unheard of in wrestling? It’s basically stabbing the guy, right?

There’s a shot directly on camera of Flair blading. Did he get any heat for doing this on camera or would the heat have gone to the director/camera guy?

-Backstage, the Smackdown team talked about needing a leader. Batista said he would be the leader and checked to be sure it was okay with everyone else on the team. Everyone said yet, but Orton hesitated for a few seconds before agreeing.

These were fun segments. I just have to wonder...what would have been the approach if Eddie was on the team? Would he still have been Batista's friend, here? Would they have clashed in the match? Anything you want to freestyle or book for us, in a sort of alternate universe style?

-Edge and Lita walked to the ring. He said it was just him and a live mic, and that scares some people. Edge asked a Detroit Tiger at ringside if the Tigers' lame record is because of a lack of steroids or too many cheeseburgers. "Let's face it, baseball is a crock," he said. "It's filled with a bunch of overpaid crybabies pumped up with amphetamines." Edge then ripped on Detroit in general. This is so boring when wrestlers go after local fans on a nationally broadcast show. Does anyone else anywhere care about the local sports teams in Detroit? He tediously went from one team to another. Lita had only one line and screwed it up, unable to pronounce "baseball" the first time. Edge referred to Demetrius Young as "Mark Henry" (as if most fans even know who that is). Young said, "You and I share something in common. I hit balls and you have no balls." How is that "sharing something in common?" Young then talked about the titles of various Detroit teams, then asked Edge where is his World Title? "I'm out of here. Just like Ford, just like G.M., I'm getting out of this stinkin' city." I suppose that was meant to ignite Edge's desire to win a World Title, but the whole local team angle is so overplayed and ineffective. Lawler said he wouldn't be surprised if the Detroit Tigers win a championship before Edge does. Edge's delivery was good and he carried himself like a star. He also gets bonus points for not saying anything about "shooting" when he introduced his segment.

There’s a moment on commentary where Coach says something about hoping we can understand Young because of him possibly “speaking ebonics.” Is this a fed line and if so, from who? :)

Was this just a one off or were there ever plans to do something between Edge and Demetrius Young?

How would you score Edge’s performance here?

The top feud between two stars, at least, for tonight’s show was between John Cena and Kurt Angle, over the WWE Championship. Their rivalry began in August, when Bischoff chose Angle as the number one contender to the WWE Championship after Cena defeated Chris Jericho in a You're Fired match to retain the WWE Championship, in which Bischoff was forced to fire Jericho, his #1 wrestler. Angle failed to win the title at Unforgiven, due to Cena being disqualified. The two squared off against each other again at Taboo Tuesday in a Triple Threat match that also included Shawn Michaels, and again Cena retained the title. On the November 7 edition of Raw, Angle refused to compete in a tag team match pitting him and Chris Masters against Cena and Michaels due to the "you suck" chants from the audience. Angle finally agreed to compete if Bischoff silenced the crowd and let him have a special guest referee. Angle chose Daivari, who favoured Angle and Masters throughout the match and ultimately disqualified Cena and Michaels for using a chair, which he had ignored earlier when it had been used by Masters.

4 -- JOHN CENA vs. KURT ANGLE -- WWE Hvt. Title match

Daivari was introduced as special ref before the wrestlers came out. The Detroit fans were buzzing for this match, in great part because of the battle bettween Cena fans and Angle fans. There was a loud battle of "Let's go Angle" and "Let's go Cena" chants, with the Cena chants sounding significantly higher pitched than the Angle chants. It felt like a big time match as a result of the intense crowd heat. Lots of boos whenever Cena went on offense. Cena wisely ignores the pro-Angle chants and the boos for his offfense. Cena went for an early pin at 3:00, but Daivari didn't even begin a three count. When Cena protested, Angle applied a quick anklelock. Cena escaped and hit a spinebuster, then he punched Daivari. Daivari pointed at his ref shirt. Cena slapped him. Daivari was about to DQ Cena, but Angle tackled him and told him not to because he couldn't win the title. Cena then tackled Angle into Daivari and both tumbled to the floor. With Daivari down, a replacement ref (Chad Patton) entered the match. A loud "Cena sucks" chant broke out. Styles referenced anti-Cena chants during his first live WWE announcing appearance several weeks back and got chewed out for it by Vince McMahon, so he wisely ignored it. Angle went on sustained offense. He didn't like the job the replacement ref was doing, so he speared him. A third ref came out. Angle scored a near fall. He went for a moonsault, but Cena moved at 12:30. Cena went for a quick FU, but Angle grabbed the ref to block it. Angle KO'd this ref with an uppercut, then tried to revive Daivari at ringside. He threw Daivari into the ring. Cena then gave Daivari a DDT and followed up with an FU on Angle. Charles Robinson, a Smackdown referee, came out and mede the count. Coach said Robinson had no business doing that. Styles said they're all sanctioned by WWE. Angle returned to the back practically in tears, yelling "bullshit."

WINNER: Cena at 13:50 to retain the WWE Title.

STAR RATING: ***1/4 -- The crowd helped raise the level of the match, reacting to everything. The parade of referees was an interesting and effective storyline for the match. Too bad it lasted less than 15 minutes as they were on their way to a potential match of the night.

Tell us what you think of the match! What story did the performers tell during this contest?

Looking back at the legitimate background of Kurt - and how over he was with hardcore fans - do you think programming him with the relatively new top guy babyface in John Cena was a bad decision?

How much did this lead to Cena being booed for the rest of his run? Would it have been the same, as bad, or better had he not worked this long program with Angle?

5 -- ERIC BISCHOFF vs. TEDDY LONG (w/Palmer Cannon) - Battle of G.M.s

Cole joined Coach and Lawler on commentary. Long mocked Bischoff's karate early in the match. Palmer the Network Guy distracted the refs, unintentionally allowing Bischoff to gain an advantage on Long. Bischoff applied a sleeper on Long. Before the match could get too boring, the Boogeyman's intro played. He approached Bischoff from behind and slammed him, leading to Long scoring the easy pin. Long did a celebration dance afterward as Network Guy applauded.

WINNER: Long at 5:18.


Was this really needed on a pay-per-view? Or...at all?

-A recap aired of the Smackdown vs. Raw feud.

The feud between brands began on WWE Homecoming, a special episode of Raw on October 3 when Raw's general manager Eric Bischoff stopped a match involving SmackDown! wrestlers by turning the lights out. In return, Bischoff's SmackDown! counterpart, Theodore Long, interrupted a Raw match. As a result, wrestlers from the two brands started a brawl and interfered in the other's show before facing each other in a tag team match at Taboo Tuesday; SmackDown!'s Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy defeated Raw's Chris Masters and Gene Snitsky. After Taboo Tuesday, Bischoff and Long agreed that teams from each brand would face each other in a 5-on-5 Survivor Series match, while the two managers would wrestle in a singles match at Survivor Series.  The teams feuded on both shows, and Batista, the captain of the SmackDown! team suffered an injury after being attacked several times.  Qualifying matches for Team SmackDown! were held on the November 11 episode of SmackDown!, with Rey Mysterio defeating Randy Orton, Bobby Lashley defeating Orlando Jordan, Eddie Guerrero defeating Mr. Kennedy and John "Bradshaw" Layfield defeating Chris Benoit.  Guerrero was replaced by Randy Orton due to his sudden death on November 13.


The ring introductions took about 15 minutes. The announcers took swipes at the other's brand during the long ring intros - and with all announcers with their mics on, there was plenty of talking. Tazz came across the leader of the five, moving the discussion along. Michaels and Orton had some strong early exchanges. Masters tagged in against Orton next. Lashley tagged in at 3:45 against Masters which drew a little crowd pop. Master tagged Carlito, but Carlito tried to claim he tagged Show instead. Lashley beat up Carlito. Lashley then outpowered Michaels. Lawler told Tazz he was impressed with Lashley even though he hasn't seen a lot of him. Vince McMahon has to instruct announcers to talk about how they watch the other show every week because it really comes off lame that they all say they don't watch the other show. Lashley gave Carlito his finisher, then lifted Michaels. Kane, though, chokeslammed Lashley from the ring apron and Michaels scored the pin at 7:00. Rey entered and eventually faced off against Kane. Kane applied a bear hug. The announcers' arguing took center stage. Tazz he was getting pissed, noting regarding Coach, "You're not funny, you're not good, you're not credible." Batista finally tagged in at 10:30 and battled Kane. Kane took some shots at Batista's ribs, then Batista came back with a spear on Kane. Chaos broke out and Rey hit Kane with a 619. Batista then gave a spinebuster to Kane for the pin at 11:15. Show chokeslammed Batista, but Batista kicked out at the last second. Kane and Show then double-chokeslammed Batista for a pin at 12:00. JBL entered the match, but when he leaped off the top rope, Show caught him and slammed him. JBL surprised Show with a Clothesline from Hell a minute later, then tagged in Rey because he didn't want to be in there against Show alone. Rey hit a 619. Orton then tagged in and gave Show an RKO. Orton tagged JBL back in. He nailed Show with another Clothesline from Hell. JBL looked shocked that Show was still conscious, so he tagged Rey in again. Rey hit a legdrop and scored a pin, eliminating Show at 14:00. The match slowed down a bit, with Carlito applying a chinlock in center ring at 15:00. At 17:00, Rey held Carlito for a JBL Clothesline from Hell leading to a pin. Masters beat up Rey inside the ring, but Rey sidestepped a shoulder tackle to reverse momentum. Rey then gave Masters a 619 followed by the Drop a Dime for the pin at 18:30. That left just Shawn Michaels, but he was KO'd at ringside. JBL walked over to Michaels, lifted him, and threw him into the ring. Styles cheered on Michaels. Rey battled Michaels in the ring, giving him a 619. He dove at Michaels, but Michaels caught him with a Sweet Chin Music for the pin at 20:00. JBL went for a Clothesline from Hell, but Michaels ducked and gave him Sweet Chin Music for the win. That left Michaels vs. Orton at 20:15. The two battled until they were both KO'd on the mat. A groggy JBL grabbed a chair at ringside and then swung at Michaels inside the ring. Michaels ducked, but Orton then gave Michaels an RKO from behind for the win. The Smackdown locker room held Orton in the air in celebration.

WINNERS: Team Smackdown at 23:28.

STAR RATING: ***1/2 -- Good ten-man tag. About what you'd expect.

Why give Team Smackdown the win, here?

Any particular reason why you chose Orton to secure the win, considering that was supposed to be Eddie’s spot?

Was Team Raw ever supposed to win?

During the post-match celebration Undertaker's music began. Orton looked panicked. A casket was brought out. Orton looked on in fright as all Smackdown wrestlers stopped in their tracks and looked on, also. A casket stood on end, then it caught on fire and exploded. Out walked Undertaker. Cole said, "The dead has risen." Taker walked to the ring with a sense of purpose and tossed Orton out of the ring. He then began chokeslamming, punching, and kicking wrestlers out of the ring. Others wisely fled.

Undertaker was on the poster for the event. Maybe we should have knew! Was it always the plan to have Taker show up at the end of the show? Was that why the promotional poster featured him? Or was that just a happy coincidence?

What did you think about Survivor Series 2005, overall?


The five-on-five Survivor Series match ended the rivalry between the brands. Eric Bischoff was fired as general manager of Raw by Vince McMahon, who took control of the Raw brand as temporary general manager of Raw. McMahon soon started to feud with Shawn Michaels, whom he lauded for his part in the Montreal Screwjob, when Michaels told McMahon to move on.

That’s coming up on an episode of 83 Weeks you won’t want to miss…:)

After Survivor Series, John Cena and Kurt Angle continued their feud. Before being fired, Bischoff had proposed that Cena should defend his WWE championship in an Elimination Chamber match at New Year's Revolution. On the December 12 episode of Raw, Kurt Angle, Carlito, Shawn Michaels, Chris Masters, and Kane won matches qualifying them for the Elimination Chamber match. After the qualifying matches, Cena faced Angle's associate, Daivari in a "You Can't See Me" match, as it would see Cena blindfolded during the match. Cena won as he made Daivari submit to the STFU. At New Year's Revolution, Cena also won the Elimination Chamber match, last eliminating Carlito, but immediately afterward, dropped the title to Edge, who cashed in his Money in the Bank contract following the match.

Is this why we had the Edge promo where he was made fun of for not winning a world title? That would make sense...

Randy Orton and The Undertaker fought each other at Armageddon in a Hell in a Cell match,  which the Undertaker won, ending their feud. Triple H moved on to feud with The Big Show, and Ric Flair feuded with Edge over the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Chris Benoit continued to feud with Booker T throughout the rest of the year and into 2006; their "Best of Seven series" concluded in January. Randy Orton, who was Booker's replacement due to a kayfabe injury, defeated Benoit in the seventh and final match, giving Booker the WWE United States Championship. However, Booker would lose the title to Benoit the following month at No Way Out.

The Randy Orton/Undertaker feud lasted all year and is regarded highly, with WWE releasing one of their Untold documentaries all about it. Why did it work so long when so many others fizzle out fast?

Was the plan always for Benoit to lose the Best of Seven series? If so - why?


Chace asks...How good was Smackdown in this era? The best of seven just before the striking of gold with King Booker, the rise of Ken Kennedy, Randy/Taker, the stories Rey continued to tell leading into his big win at the Royal Rumble all contribute to one of my favorite eras in SD history.

Chase also asked...is this the best Survivor Series of the 2000's? It's my favorite for sure.

Instagram: A Wrestling Historian asks…."Chris Benoit, Ken Kennedy, and Christian Cage were originally going to be on Team Smackdown & Shelton Benjamin was going to be on Team RAW instead of Kane. SOURCE: Dave Meltzer November 2005 True or false?

Tony Koch asks...Since Eddie Guerrero was supposed to be on team Smackdown and Orton took his place due to Eddie’s tragic death, what was the plan for Orton at this show since he wasn’t booked in the main event? And would have the result been the same with SD winning if Eddie was in Orton’s spot?

Jon Alba asks...For some reason, I always remember The Dicks hoisting Orton when Taker returns. Where do The Dicks rank in terms of top tag teams of all-time, and how much of a rib was the name?

Jaden asks...Was the plan always for Randy to go over Shawn in the final two?

Ray asks. Why is that Shawn was always the last one eliminated in traditional Survivor Series matches?


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