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On this episode of Grilling JR, the subject is the controversial 2008 WWE Draft! Suoerstars moved from Raw to Smackdown to ECW, and all points in between, INCLUDING, Jim Ross himself, as he was drafted to Smackdown. For the first time, hear JR's true and uncensored thoughts on this move, how it came to be, and how much he really knew at ringside! Plus his thoughts on all things WWE 2008 at this point, including Triple H, Batista, Umaga, Carlito, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Michael Cole, Kane, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Mr. Kennedy, plenty of thoughts on Vince McMahon, and so much more!

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Tristan Fulham

I know Eric said he wasted 100s of hours of his life in meetings about the draft. Would be cool to hear him break down the process and bs that goes into planning the rosters. Or even if JR was involved heavily in the original split how they worked things out.

Zach McInnis

Meh, even if the very idea of a draft in professional wrestling made sense, they executed most of them poorly. Lack of suprise, lack of deviation from the expected, and was mostly strung together from the depths of a creative vacuum.

Zach McInnis

I totally understand that after WWE went public it was no longer about satisfying their customers/fans with their creative decisions. Instead, their creative decisions only existed to satiate the shareholders.