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A little BONUS content comes your way, as Conrad answers YOUR questions for Part 14 of our Ask Conrad Anything series! Topics include best WrestleMania cities, Montreal Screwjob, BBQ'ing preferences, Van Hammer, home refinancing, and more!

ALSO, as you'll hear in this episode, we need YOUR help choosing the theme song for Ask Conrad! Be sure to comment with your suggestions below!!

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Chris Starr

Connie I was a low key big hog for quite a while and was lucky enough to do a bonus show with you and Tony in July 2019- picking Backlash 07 from Atlanta which I thought was a great show. What are the odds of that ever becoming a STWW? Ever?

John Lopez

Given that that you’re a Dairy Queen fan, have you ever had Kopps in Milwaukee? If not I highly recommend it. Thanks