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Hey guys/gals, 

Unfortunately, Conrad is experiencing internet issues at The Conradisson, which will not be resolved until at least Wednesday, possibly longer. As a result, the guys were unable to record tomorrow's episode of 83 Weeks, and instead, it will be a best of show. 

We're as disappointed as you are, trust us! We're going to try and make it up tonight however we can. First, we're going to be posting the on-demand version of last week's Locked & Loaded 5 event for everyone here in just a few minutes. 

I'm also seeing if Eric may be able to hop onto our Discord later to chat with you guys - TBD on that at the moment. And you know I'll do whatever else I can for you! 


Dan Taylor

Stuff happens. There’s so much content here for me to catch up on I’d never be upset.

Roland Fewless

Was the best of episode ever posted? If so I can’t find it