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Unforgiven 2005

The 2005 edition of Unforgiven took place on September 18 at the Ford Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It was a Raw-only brand PPV. About 8,000 fans were in attendance, grossing $485,000 in ticket sales. The arena seats almost 17,000, so it was about half full. The event had about 243,000 pay-per-view buys, slightly more than the year before.

This was in the era where we still had unique sets for PPV shows and they had a really creative set on this night with five projection screens. It’s interesting how you can barely see the video on some of the screens, as opposed to seeing crystal clear images on every screen in 2020. 

As a show, Unforgiven ran from 1998 to 2008

The top feud going into the show was between Cena and Angle, as part of a larger Cena/Bischoff feud. Kurt Angle was playing the hardcore wrestling machine at this time. It will be Cena’s toughest challenge yet as a relatively new top guy. 

But before we get to this show, let’s hop into the Deloreon and go back in time to check out some of the news of the day - 15 years ago!


Smackdown jumps to Friday night

Earlier in the month…for the first time since it’s debut, Smackdown moved to Friday nights. Dirt sheets were panning this as a horrible move.

Brian Alvarez wrote, “As an 18-34 male myself, I can tell you that my interest in staying home Friday nights to watch Smackdown is nil, though to be fair, my interest the last year or so in staying home Thursday nights to watch Smackdown was also nil, and that had nothing to do with the night but rather the content of the show.  I will always tape Smackdown, though these days, to be honest, it’s mostly because it’s my job, and I highly doubt I will be staying home every week to watch it live.”

WWE goes home to USA Network

Another big shift around this time is the WWE leaving SpikeTV to return to the USA Network. After major legal struggles between the two sides during WWE’s jump to TNN (Spike), WWE decided it was time to return to their Monday night home on USA. 

From the Observer…”When Death of WWE is written, this jump back to USA may be chapter one.  They left Spike TV for a far worse deal — which includes losing over $20 million per year total in ad revenue — with the USA Network, which Vince thought was in way more homes because it was on TV in his hotel rooms whereas Spike was not (there’s your .01), when in reality it’s in the exact same number of homes.  It gets better.  Spike blitzes USA Network in Canada, a WWE hotbed.  WHOOO VINCE MCMAHON~!  You’d think John Lauranitis signed this deal or something.”

This deal would open SpikeTV up for TNA/Impact Wrestling. 

Michelle McCool hospitalized

While training in Deep South, Michelle McCool was in the hospital for a week, according to the Observer, due to a bad reaction to Ibuprofen.

WWE has a great quarter for revenue

Total revenues for this quarter were $93.8 million as compared to $86.1 million last year, and net income was $11.2 million as compared to $7.6 million in 2005.  That’s a big jump, sure.  But you also have to take into account that they ran five PPVs this quarter as compared to four last year.

However, for some odd reason, WWE’s earnings reports said they added a new PPV this quarter which boosted revenue - Backlash. The actual new PPV added was ECW One Night Stand. 

Why did WWE not want to acknowledge the ECW show as the boost it received for this quarter?

Live event revenues were down to $16.5 million as compared to $17.9 last year.  They ran less house shows both domestically and abroad, though, so they actually drew more fans and made more money per individual show.  US attendance was actually way up to 4,600 per show as compared to 3,800 per show last year.  International was 10,700 per show, which is what they were averaging domestically during the boom period, as compared to 8,300 last year.

Merchandise was $25.2 million as compared to $16.4 million last year.  The WWE Shop website is doing strong business, going from 15,000 orders last year to 41,000 orders this year. Home video revenues grew from $5.7 million to $8.5 million and they sold 722,000 units as compared to 495,000 units last year.  WrestleMania XXI was a huge hit, selling 202,000 units and setting a record.  Greatest Stars of the 80s sold 95,000 and Road Warriors sold 84,000.

Nefarious plot targets Jerry Lawler

One of several individuals who were convicted of conspiring to rob Jerry Lawler’s house in 2004, April Veach, was sentenced during September to 13 months in federal prison. The plot involved stealing $200,000 out of one of the King’s jukeboxes on a Monday night when he was out of town. Veach was a stripper who had previously ‘dated’ Lawler while scoping out his house. However, more concerning is that the scheme involved veteran police officers. Officer David Tate, an 18-year police veteran, was accused of plotting the burglary, taking bribes from nightclubs, protecting drug dealers and transporting prostitutes to Tunica, Mississippi casinos. Reports are he even discussed shooting Lawler, should he unintentionally be home during the burglary. Tate was sentenced to 14 years in prison, according to Memphis TV station Action News 5/WMC-TV (ironically, a station Lawler wrestled in). Officer John D. Vaughan was sentenced to four years in prison and Officer Billy Scott received a seven year prison sentence. 

So if you ever want to know why Lawler is skeptical of authorities’ accounts of what happened to his son in jail, look back to this. Three law enforcement officers from the very city went down hard for being completely corrupt. You have to ask yourself if this could have led to retaliation. 

Further reading:



Now, to the show itself!!

Ric Flair wins the Intercontinental Championship from Carlito at 11:47 with the figure-four

Flair opens the show wearing the black robe with blue feathers and accent. He’s fighting Carlito for the Intercontinental Championship. This is the oval IC design. The big story is that Flair has never won the IC title. Still, it feels unusual seeing Flair fighting for a non-primary championship. 

Was this during the time that rumors were WWE wanted Carlito to mature and grow? What did management want from Carlito that they weren’t seeing?

The match starts out without much happening until Flair hits a very loud chop. The Nature Boy tries to cinch in his Figure Four but Carlito pushes him outside. We get some “Lets Go Flair” chants. Flair hits a move off the top rope! The fans eat this one up. Flair wins with the figure four leg lock! (** - Observer) 

Flair says this means as much to him as his 16 world championships. He says he wishes Triple H was there to celebrate with him. Then he gets four obvious-plants from the audience, all attractive women, to go with him. One of the women falls over the guardrail in the most embarrassing moment of her life.

What reasons might you book a former world champion to win a secondary title?

Backstage, Lita is massaging Edge. They’re talking about making each other happy. Then she straddles him and they French kiss. Bryan Alvaraz hated the segment.

WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus & Ashley defeated Victoria & Torrie Wilson (w/ Candice Michelle) at 7:06 when Trish pinned Victoria with the Chick Kick

The golden girls are out next. It’s actually Torrie and Victoria, accompanied by Candace Michelle - all in gold. They’re facing Trish Stratus and the late Ashley Massaro. Ashley had a unique look with the punk-rock style. Unfortunately, she’s green, but she does a fair enough job with a few rehearsed spots. Then she’s thrown outside and falls hard. Her selling is not good. Also, her skirt becomes non-existent and you see a full moon the entire time - which works. When Trish tags back in, it’s a clear difference in talent. Trish carries her team to a win. (* - Observer)

Ashley took brutal online heat for her performance. She was described by the always-positive Bryan Alvaraz as, “by far the worst worker on the North American continent, and quite possibly in the whole entire world.”

Flair goes backstage with his party chicks. I have a feeling they’re going to do it.  

ZZ Top is front row. If only we knew of a song by ZZ Top to talk about here... 

The Big Show pinned Gene Snitsky with the chokeslam at 6:08

Big Show comes out and says hey to ZZ Top. Then Snitsky comes out. His body acne is mega-visible. It almost seems like the director goes out of his way to keep a tight shot on Snitsky’s back. There’s a RARE Big Show chant during this match. Big Show is actually over here. He does a kip up, barely, and with help from the ring ropes. Big Show wins with a choke slam. Then he teases leaving several times before coming back and hitting Snitsky with the bell. The segment seems designed to fill time. The Observer gave it 1/2*

Backstage, Flair is working the women in the limo so hard, steam is literally rolling out of the doors.

We see a match graphic and promo next for Shawn Michaels and Chris Masters’ feud. The graphics look horrible. Part of the theme for this show was to have rough looking cut-outs of the wrestlers but it looks like a super low-resolution image for Michaels. Definitely pre-HD era! In the promo, Shawn asks how Masters will be able to use the Masterlock (full Nelson) with a mouth full of ten inches...of leather.

For some reason, the next match isn’t HBK/Masters. It’s...oh no. 

Shelton Benjamin pinned Kerwin White at 8:03 with the Exploder suplex after avoiding White's use of a golf club and throwing his opponent in the air

Kerwin White. Or K White as Coach calls him. JR isn’t having it. He says the former Chavo has turned his back on his heritage - but Coach says the name White is okay. The set up of this entire match is based on White attacking Shelton with a golf club on Raw. Shelton wins with a pop-up T-bone suplex.

Alvarez wrote, “You know, the Kerwin White gimmick makes me laugh, but it’s one of those gimmicks where when the guy is in a match that would otherwise be really good, no one can take him seriously.  So anyway, right there in the middle of the heat Kerwin grabbed his golf club.  Right as he was about to swing, Shelton grabbed him out of nowhere and hit the exploder for the pin.  Despite selling his leg the entire match, the second Shelton won he stopped completely and was walking around the ring like something was wrong.  That’s not the sort of thing I’d expect from him.  (**1/2)”

Can you explain the concept of Kerwin White and what the plans were for the character?

Next up...

Matt Hardy pinned Edge (w/ Lita) in a steel cage match at 21:32 with a legdrop off the top of the cage

Their feud was one based in reality, with Matt Hardy being fired over social media comments he made about Lita cheating on him with Edge. Edge had just won at Summerslam by beating Matt to a bloody pulp and the ref stopping the match. Edge comes out with his MitB briefcase. Lita has a look on her face that makes the viewer wonder...

How did Lita feel about this angle being on TV? It had to be uncomfortable...


Was there ever any worry about these matches turning into a shoot?

Matt Hardy is as hot as ever during this. Hardy chants during the match, which begins with Matt looking strong. Hardy stated in his pre-match promo that all he cared about was Edge not being able to walk away - giving us a subtle hint that he might not win! Edge gets in offense on Matt, including a power bomb into the cage (Edge drops Matt, and Matt’s head bounces off the ropes). Edge hits a buckle bomb, ala Seth Rollins. Edge hits a power bomb off the top rope after Matt makes his only brief effort to climb the cage. Matt does not really try to escape or go for pinfalls. Edge, however, does try to escape. It’s a small piece of psychology that tells a story: Matt wants to hurt Edge while Edge wants to win. We repeatedly hear that a steel cage match can’t be stopped for any reason (a rule that will be grievously broken during Hell in a Cell 2019). Matt makes a comeback, pummeling Edge and throwing him into the cage until he’s busted open with a lot of color. But instead of escaping, Matt continues the assault. Finally, Matt hits a Side Effect off the top rope and goes for the pin. Lita breaks it up. Matt hits her with a Twist of Fate but he gets speared - and survives a pin attempt! The crowd is hot. Edge is knocked down in the ring and Matt climbs to the the top of the cage. Does he escape or will he go for the high spot? Of course, Matt goes for and hits the top-rope leg drop! How this didn’t destroy his tailbone, I’ll never know. Matt goes for the pin - and wins!

Observer gave it (****1/2)

Bischoff is backstage taunting John Cena as Cena is in the trainer’s room. Bischoff says Cena will lose tonight. Cena gets tape and puts it on Eric’s mouth.

We then cut to a bloody Edge crawling up the entrance ramp.

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch defeated WWE Raw Tag Team Champions the Hurricane & Rosey to win the titles at 7:41 when Murdoch pinned Hurricane following a clothesline / legsweep double team

Pretape promo with Cade and Murdoch. The camera man is going out of his way to avoid shooting Murdoch’s tattoo, keeping it just out of frame. They’re challenging for the tag team championship against Hurricane and Rosey - who has graduated his SHIT training (Super Hero In Training).

Murdoch wants a kiss from Lillian, randomly. But Hurricane stops it and gets a DDT on the outside, which sounds great with a sick thump. Hurricane is out of commission and the trainer comes out to check on him. He’s being walked out but in an exhausted stupor, Hurricane is determined to return to the ring to help his partner, Rosey. Murdoch hits a lariat while Cade chop blocks for the double team to win. (**)

Stan Note: I loved this tag team. I thought they had chemistry and were interesting and unique characters.

Flair is still backstage fucking those four women in the limo. One of them has to step out and take a break - in Flair’s robe.

Shawn Michaels pinned Chris Masters with the superkick at 16:45

Maria is backstage and asks Chris Masters why they call him the Master Bate. Crowd pops. He corrects her. It’s MasterPiece. He looks INCREDIBLE. A sign says HBK is the Locksmith. The crowd is bigly excited for Shawn Michaels. But Masters locks in the Master lock during Shawn’s entrance. Shawn is hurting but quickly comes back and unloads offense on Masters. Masters is able to gain the upper hand with a power bomb on Michaels against the ring post (it looks better than it sounds and even moves the post). Michaels’ selling of the back is masterful, pun intended. He makes everything look like it hurts.

Hypothetically speaking, what would it have done for Chris Masters' career to be made fun of by HHH for dropping a ton of muscle over steroid testing? How much would that help?

Shawn goes for the superkick but Masters counters with his full nelson. Michaels barely escapes with use of the ring ropes. Michaels goes for a cross body off the top but is caught! He’s almost caught in a Masterlock - but he is nailed with the best Sweet Chin Music you’ll ever see (Masters flies off his feet; great selling). Coach says Chris Masters stepped up and had his best night. JR says he may someday have the torch - but today, Shawn Michaels is unwilling to pass that torch. (***)

Backstage, Ric Flair has finished putting the Baby’s Arm to work on the four ladies in the limo. He backs out of the limo with his ass hanging out. He’s about to WOOO...and does his signature Flair flop onto the ground. It’s so funny, you can hear JR and King snickering through the entire segment. JR says he’s seen this before!

Now, the main event.

John Cena made his Smackdown debut against Kurt Angle. Angle won the match. Now, here we are three years later and Cena is beginning his epic run on top of the company. Cena won the WWE title from JBL at Wrestlemania Goes Hollywood. He finished his program with JBL at May’s Judgement Day. In June, Cena had been drafted to Raw in what was one of the biggest pops ever.


On June 26, the Raw-only PPV Vengeance was held. Cena won a triple threat against Chris Jericho and Christian. On August 21, Cena beat Jericho at Summerslam to retain the title. Then on Raw, Cena beat Jericho in a Loser Gets Fired match.

But tonight, he faces his toughest challenge YET. Kurt Angle is the wrestling machine, here - no more comedy. He’s wearing his mouth guard (JR says he lost some teeth against Cena recently). All business. JR says he’s the only Olympic gold medalist in WWE history. This sounds great...however...here are other Olympic gold medalists who have wrestled in WWE:

Wim Ruska - Wrestling, 1972

Muhammad Ali - Boxing, 1960

Shaq - Basketball, 1996

Probably other examples we are missing.

But none of these guys won a gold medal with a BROKEN FREAKING NECK.

Kurt Angle defeated WWE World Champion John Cena via disqualification at 17:15 when referee Mike Chioda stopped the match after seeing Cena hit the challenger in the face with the title belt

Cena is over here and fans are mostly behind him. The two share equal offense at first with Cena getting the upper hand and Angle leaving the ring in frustration. Cena continues to control the match and looks strong.

There’s an interesting moment on commentary. JR says Kurt Angle’s body scissors is so powerful it could break open bags of corn or feed. Coach says “Who can relate to that?” And calls JR hayseed. JR gets hot. The two bicker back and forth for a few more sentences while Lawler tries to keep the peace.

Around the time Cena gets to his You Can’t See Me spot, the boos are building. Angle is also getting more and more cheers. Ref bump. Cena hits the FU but Mike Chioda is knocked out. Angle uses his gold medal as a weapon. Angle clinches in his ankle lock. Bischoff comes out and is taunting Cena, possibly giving him added motivation to escape. Cena gets free and grabs his belt to smash Angle. Referee sees it and we get a DQ finish as a reward for spending $49.95 on the PPV. (***1/2)

Bischoff goes off on Cena on the microphone. Cena interrupts him with an FU. Then, Angle attacks from behind. They battle to the table and Cena counters the Angle Slam, hitting the FU through the table.

Cena celebrates in the ring with the title (although he lost). The show ends. 

What did you think about Unforgiven 2005?

Now, let’s throw a few fan questions into the mix.

Brennan wrote...I was at this show in OKC, and the experience was disappointing.  The PPV was a 2 match show completely dependent on the Cage Match & the Cena/Angle main event.  I’m sorry for being blunt, but 13 year old me is still pissed about the show ending with a DQ! How do you justify hyping a main event, asking people to pay for it, then not delivering a real conclusion?  WWE got to drag out Cena/Angle for another month, but that did nothing for the fans in OKC that night who felt ripped off.

Anthony asks...Since this was match 2 in the Edge-Matt Hardy feud, was there ever a consideration to have Matt go over in the end a few weeks later? Or did WWE go with Edge because Matt wasn't as over as we thought he was? #ASKBRUCE

Jaden asks...Was there ever any plans to have Chris Masters defeat Shawn Michaels? I feel like that win could have really made Masters a top guy, but his star faded shortly after this. #STW #AskBruce

Connor asks...Were there any thoughts of having Shawn Michaels remain a heel after the Hogan match instead of turning him back face right away? #AskBruce

Kirby24 asks...How did ric flair feel winning the ic title? #Askbruce!

Ray asks...How underrated are Cade and Murdoch? #AskBruce

James asks...Snitsky came in looking to be a top guy, does Bruce remember what might have went wrong and why the momentum stopped so quickly

Jeremy asks...Did Bruce produce the limo spots with Flair backstage after winning I.C. title. Love to hear the backstop behind those shoots

Lots of folks asked...Why was this the only WWE PPV in Oklahoma City?

Plunkett the Ogre wants to know...Hypothetically speaking, what would Jim Cornette say about Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch?

Ska Dude Yams has a good one... any thought to giving Angle the belt here? He was a very hot heel at the time and seeing Cena chase the belt rather than be the unbeatable demigod could’ve been fun because Angle was a believe-able threat and had Bischoff on his side

And finally….

Luke from Eastern Iowa had a very thoughtful question. He writes...#AskBruce I read that this show’s DVD reached 3rd on Billboard’s DVD charts. There were some other WWE DVDs released around this time that also had quite successfully topped the charts, so I wonder; how big is Batista’s dick?


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