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Bobby Heenan

Raymond Louis Heenan was born on November 1st, 1944, in Chicago. Bobby's dad left the family when he was under 1 year old, so his Mom & Grandma raised him.

Do you recall the first time that you met Bobby?

Did Bobby ever talk to you about his youth, with his Mom & Grandma raising him?

When Bobby was young, about 10 years old, there was a professional wrestler named Zack Melkof who lived down the street from him. Bobby and his friends used to watch him on TV and one day, Zack asked Bobby's Mom if he could take him and other neighborhood kids to the wrestling matches. Bobby sat in the front row that night, and he was “instantly amazed.”  

Bobby recalled seeing a wrestler that night named Johnny Case, who would later become good friends with him, and a travel companion to Japan.

Bobby said what amazed him was that when Johnny told the crowd they would be quiet, they made noise & if he told them to say something, they stayed quiet. Bobby felt it was incredible to see how a man could control a crowd. Bobby would also say that when Johnny flew through the air, the people would jump to their feet in excitement.

Bobby said that he was hooked right there.

Did Bobby ever talk to you about this memory and how it hooked him instantly on wrestling?

Bobby said in 1959, Vince McMahon Sr. started running his TV in Chicago, along with Fred Kohler, the local promoter. The show was out of Bridgeport, CT and it ran for 2 hours.  Bobby said the show included Johnny Valentine, Buddy Rogers, Bearcat Wright, The Kangaroos & The Graham Brothers. Bobby said he knew wrestling was what he wanted to do, but he didn't know how to do it.

When Bobby was 15, they sold the hotel that his Mom was managing. Liberace's brother & Mother lived in the hotel that she managed. Bobby's aunt, who was living with them, had cancer. Bobby said they moved to Indianapolis to live with her until she had her operation & that Bobby's Mom could get a new job. 

At the time, Bobby was in 8th grade, having been held back twice. Bobby said “I guess my attendance was not so good. I used to prefer taking the bus downtown and sleeping in the tents in the sports department at the local Marshall Fields rather than going to school.”

“School was just not for me. I just didn't understand why I had to know about the Boston Tea Party. I couldn't understand why I had to know about a guy named Magellan. I wanted to see wrestling.”

Bobby's aunt died about a year after they moved to Indianapolis, but Bobby, his Mom & Grandma stayed in Indianapolis. He said that it was the best place that he lived & he met the best people that he could've ever grown up with.

Bobby obviously had a great affection for living in Indianapolis. WrestleMania 8 was held in Indianapolis, and Bobby did commentary on that show with Gorilla Monsoon & he managed and wrestled there many times over the years. Did Bobby ever talk to you about his time living in Indianapolis?

During Bobby's time living in Indianapolis, he became friends with a guy named Tom Mathis, who was a disc jockey with WIFE radio in Indianapolis. It was through Tom that Bobby put on his first wrestling show, on a Saturday night at St. Rita's Boxing Gym, in Indianapolis.

Bobby put a mask on that night, and wrestled as The Avenger. He said that he wasn't even in the business yet, and hadn't been “smartened up” to what was happening in the ring. 

Bobby was going to wrestle Tom that night. Bobby got in the ring and cut a promo on him and he described the rest of his outfit that night as a mask, tight wrestling pants and boots that were made out of old hockey skates without the blades in them. He also had a jacket that looked like someone had stolen a shower curtain from the local hotel.

He said everything they made that night, they donated to the local boxing program. He said the place was crowded, he said it only held 50 people, but it was fun because it was so packed.

He said he and Tom did a 2 out of 3 falls match & Bobby put him over. The crowd loved Tom, but hated Bobby.  He said that he didn't take off his mask, because he had to put up the equipment the following week, and he didn't want anyone to know that he was The Avenger.

Bobby said that some local kids started a band, so Bobby and his friend Scott started to manage them.  The problem was to work in clubs, you had to join a union. Bobby said that if he and Scott made $50 each, the band could get $150, but the most the band made was $50 because they were so bad & they could only get into clubs that paid $20 or $25.

Bobby said that he thought he'd use his wrestling knowledge and disguise them. He put masks on them and called them The Executioners, mostly because they murdered everything that they played. Bobby said that Scott felt it'd be a good idea for them both to be singers in the band & Bobby told him “we can't sing”  so they decided not to plug their mics in.

He said they combed their hair to look like The Righteous Brothers and wore suits with no lapels, ties, beatle boots and tight pants & they played the tambourine. He said it didn't really matter what The Executioners played because they were so bad.

Were you aware that Bobby was involved in music briefly?

Bobby said that in 1966 he had no money & he dropped out of school, never finishing the 8th grade. He got a job, so he could support his Mother, his Grandmother and himself.  He worked as an usher at a theater, a clerk at a hardware store & department store, a milkman & as a car jockey at a Ford dealership, which he said is where he got the “call” for wrestling.

How amazing is that, the man who would reach legendary status known as “The Brain” with his amazing quit wit, never finished the 8th grade

Bobby said that while he was at the dealership, he worked a 2nd job as a stagehand at the Indianapolis Coliseum, setting up the shows. There was a wrestling promoter there named Buck Estes, who ran shows with Cowboy Bob Ellis, Dick the Bruiser, Wilbur Snyder, The Shire Brothers & Ray Stevens

Bobby said that he really looked up to Ray. He'd later wrestle him and manage him. Ray Stevens would also form a very legendary tag team with another guy that Bobby would later work with, Pat Patterson

Bobby said that he also met the Original Sheik, who is the uncle of Sabu. Bobby said The Sheik became his first friend in the business and that The Sheik really took care of him.

Bobby said after a couple of months he got to know a guy named Russ Leonard, who put out a wrestling magazine called Big Time Wrestling. Every Tuesday night after work, Bobby would take his Mom to the hospital to see his aunt, then he'd hitchhike to the Armory & sell Russ' programs out front from 6 to 7pm, then he'd go and help the wrestlers with their bags & pick up a half buck here and there. He'd then sell Cokes until 8:30, which was match time. 

He would take his Coke tray, hide it behind the door, go downstairs, put on a sweater that said “Championship Wrestling” and walk wrestlers to the ring as a second, for $5. Then during the match, he'd run to the back, take the sweater off and sell more Cokes.

Pretty amazing that at 16 years old, a young Bobby Heenan walked the wrestlers to the ring at the Armory and many years later, he'd ride to the ring with Andre the Giant in front of 93,000 fans at WrestleMania 3.  Did Bobby ever share memories of these times with you?

Bobby said at one point in addition to doing these things, he'd wash The Sheik's car for an additional $5. Bobby had a $52 mortgage at the age of 16 & he thought he was home free.

Bobby said as time went on, he started to set up the ring in the Coliseum, carrying the jackets & working around the ring as a second. When he was 17, he'd work some of the spot shows around town, he said that he did anything that he could be around the business.

On January 10th, 1965 Bobby was working at the Ford dealership when he got a call from Dick the Bruiser. Dick told him to be at the local tv station, Channel 4, on Tuesday afternoon for interviews. 

He said that he was thrilled until Dick said “I'll see you there, Bobby”, and hung up the phone. He said that he thought to himself “My name's not Bobby, it's Ray.” He was sure that he called the wrong guy, so he called him back & Dick assured him that he called the right guy. Dick then said Be there at 1:00 on Tuesday, Bobby. 

Dick called him Bobby because Buddy Rogers had a manager named Bobby Davis. So, Dick just gave him that name.

When Bobby went on Tuesday, Dick made him the manager of a team named The Assassins, Joe Tomaso & Guy Mitchell. Unfortunately, Joe wasn't there, but they wanted to do a promo with Bobby & The Assassins, so Dick got a mannequin, put a mask & a trench coat on it & put it behind Bobby & Guy. Guy did the interview & Bobby didn't talk, because he didn't know how to at that time.

Bobby said that he learned to talk while he was shaving. He said everyday you shave your face and you're looking directly at yourself, and see yourself just as the people see you. You can be whatever you want to be, and that's how he did interviews.

That was Bobby's first day in the business as a manager and after that, he went on the road with Dick the Bruiser, and the first trip that they made was to Louisville. He was 20 years old.

When they got there, Dick the Bruiser gave him a mask and told him to put it on. He then told Bobby, we don't hurt each other. We make it look like we do. And if you tell anybody what's going on, I'll break both your legs, your arms, and your back. And when you get better, Wilbur will break them.

Bobby said that during the match, Moose Cholak who was 6'5” 375 lbs pulled Bobby into the ring, who was 20 yrs old, 6 ft tall and 150 lbs & tried to rip his mask off. Bobby didn't know how to wear a mask & he had it tied in about 9 knots. He said Moose had him by 1 arm, the mask & was hanging him, Moose finally reached in, broke the strings & unmasked him. Bobby said that he ran from the ring and ran into some hillbilly woman from Louisville. He then said, “in case you didn't know, the toothbrush was invented in Kentucky. Any place else & they would've named it the teethbrush. The toothless woman reached out, & put her cheap cigar out on his neck. The cops grabbed her and Bobby ran back to the dressing room.

Bobby said on his way home that night, there was a horrible truck wreck. A man was lying on the highway & he was on fire. You could hear him screaming “Oh, God help me” as they pulled up. 

They got back to Indianapolis at about 2am & Dick the Bruiser paid Bobby $5 for the night.  Bobby said that he thought to himself, I went to Louisville, managed 2 guys that I didn't really manage, was almost hung, was burnt by a cigar, saw  Johnny Valentine beat up a guy in the dressing room and was scared he was gonna beat him up too, then saw a man on fire, all for $5.00  and Bobby asked himself, when can I do this again?

Bobby had a very memorable first night in the wrestling business. Did he ever tell you about it?

Bobby said that a few weeks later, his boss at the car dealership found out what he was doing, and asked Bobby how can you be in such a degrading profession? Bobby said, degrading profession? You're a car dealer, these people come through the doors, you take those poor bastards and drop them to their knees. All we're doing is entertaining people.

He then told Bobby that he didn't want him working there anymore, and Bobby chased him around the desk. He then fired Bobby.

Bobby told Dick the Bruiser that he didn't have a job anymore, and that he wanted to do wrestling full time. He then became Pretty Boy Bobby Heenan. Bobby said that he stole the gimmick from Larry Hennig, who was Curt Hennig's father, aka Mr. Perfect, who we did an entire show on, which is available in the archives.

Bobby said that he started wrestling right away, in addition to managing, because the promoters saw that he could take bumps. Bobby never trained to be a wrestler. 

How amazing is that also, that Bobby was never trained, and he would become the best bumping manager in the history of the business

Bobby said that early on, he knew that he was never going to be World Champion, because he didn't have the body for it. He wasn't going to the gym and working out all the time because he just wasn't into it & he didn't like it. 

He said that promoters were going to use him as both a wrestler and manager because it was cheaper. They only had 1 guy to pay, to do both jobs.

Bobby said that his first match was with an African American named Calvin Prince Pullins, who also was a bouncer at Dick's bar called The Harem, as well as a pawn shop. He said Calvin weighed about 210 lbs & Bobby weighed about 180.

Bobby said that he was so high/excited & ready for the match. He said after the bell rang, he started begging off & after doing that about 3 times, he was out of gas because he was so clowned up from nerves. Bobby could never catch his breath during the match and the finish was his manager jumped on the apron to distract Calvin and Bobby took out the foreign object, which was a bar of soap, wrapped in tape. He hit Calvin from behind and pinned him.

Bobby said that after, he remembered thinking that he'd rather be a manager for $5 than a wrestler for $10.

After that, Bobby said he started managing a lot. He managed Angelo Poffo, who was Randy Savage's father. We just did an entire episode of Randy a few weeks ago, which is also in the archives.

He also managed Blackjack Lanza, who came in as a babyface, but then was turned heel and paired with Bobby.  He also managed Handsome Jimmy & Johnny Valiant.

Bobby is getting some big time names to manage right at the start of his career. Do you have any stories of any of those guys? All legendary names in the business.

Bobby said that he and Baron Von Raschke would work against a real bear, named Teddy. Bobby said that the bear could work. Stu Hart also wrestled against a Bear. Any stories about working bears? That just sounds like it's a recipe for disaster.

Bobby worked the Indiana territory from 1965-69. He said that they would tape 6 matches, and there were 20 fans in the audience and 75 guys backstage. When the fans started to leave, Dick the Bruiser would make the wrestlers dress in their street clothes and sit in the crowd.

He also worked a promotion in Pittsburgh. They also only could get about 20 ppl to come to TV, so they had a backdrop curtain, with faces drawn on it, which made it look like 50 people were there.

Bobby was the first manager used for the NWA in St. Louis, for Sam Muchnick.

That was a big deal because St Louis was huge for wrestling & Sam Muchnick was a legendary promotor.  Any stories about St. Louis or Sam Muchnick?

In 1969, Bobby went to the AWA, in Minneapolis. He said there was already a Pretty Boy there, Larry Hennig who at the time was teaming with Harley Race. So, Bobby became Gorgeous Bobby Heenan, but he didn't like it.  

Bobby managed Blackjack Lanza & Dr. X, who was The Destroyer on the West Coast, his name was Dick Beyer. 

Bobby stayed in the AWA for 2 years, but went back to Indianapolis in 1971. 3 years later, he left Indianapolis again after he was screwed on a payoff.  Bobby was being a babyface manager, managing Dick the Bruiser in a match, and at the end of the match, Bobby turned on him. 

They sold out the Market Square Arena with 18,000 fans. Dick gave The Sheik $2,000 and he gave Bobby $600, and told him if you can make more somewhere else, you can go do it.

Bobby then went back to the AWA. He still didn't wanna be known as Gorgeous,and one day, Ray Stevens & Wally Karbo came up to him and Wally said, “Well, you're smart. You're the Brain.

Ray then said, “yeah, you're the Brain. You're Bobby The Brain.”

And Bobby The Brain Heenan was born.

Pretty amazing that it just came up in a brief convo like that, and the name stuck with Bobby for his entire career. Did names and gimmicks often just come up in conversation in the olden days like that?

Bobby said that the weasel nickname came from The Crusher

When Bobby went back to the AWA on July 10th, 1974, he managed his idol in the business, Ray Stevens and Nick Bockwinkel.

Bobby told a story in his book about how he and Nick Bockwinkel were on a plane and after it took off a guy walked by Bobby and tried to open the emergency door. Bobby took his seat belt off, grabbed the guy, threw him over his seat. He put his foot on his throat and pulled his hair up. Bobby then yelled, Can I have some help here?

Nick just sat there, calmly stirring his coffee and said Sir Robert, why are you beating up the passengers? He called him Sir Robert, because Bobby was knighted by Lord James Blears, a promoter from Hawaii, on the “shithouse” floor at the St. Paul Civic Center, with Nick's belt, Bobby said he was on his knees and everything

Cool story here, Bobby said that Nick's AWA World Title was made by inmates at the Denver Prison. When he said it, Nick said isn't it awful big? Bobby then said, Nick, you could be wearing a license plate.

He said that the belt had velcro on the back.

Bobby said one night, in Bismarck, North Dakota at the Budgetel hotel, and some heels and babyfaces started talking in the hall and even playing cribbage together. A bunch of people walked out, and saw them all standing there talking, so in order to keep kayfabe, they just started fighting each other.

There was 30 guys in the hall, hitting each other with working punches. Bobby hit The Crusher with a cribbage board, and The Crusher took a bump.

Certainly a much different time than today 

On January 25th, 1975 during a show in Chicago, a gunman shot at Bobby. He missed, but injured 5.

Did Bobby ever tell you that story?

Bobby left the AWA in 1979, to go to Atlanta with Blackjack Lanza because he asked him to come with him.

While he was in Atlanta, he had the first version of The Bobby Heenan Family, with Killer Karl Kox, Masked Superstar & Dr. Judo, who Bobby only managed once.

Bobby said there wasn't a lot of money in Atlanta at that time. Ole Anderson was the booker & Bobby said that nobody liked him. Bobby said that Ole is the kinda guy with a size 10 foot, but a size 9 shoe. Bobby worked from January to November, without a day off & he decided that he wanted to go back to the AWA.

Bobby returned to the AWA around Thanksgiving, 1979. Upon his return, Bobby worked an angle with Lord Alfred Hayes, they wrestled a loser leaves town match, which Bobby won.

Bobby wrestled the first weasel suit match against Greg Gagne, in St. Paul. Bobby would later work that same match many years later against The Ultimate Warrior in the WWF. Gagne won the match, and Bobby had to get into a weasel suit, chase his tail around and take bumps.

One time in an interview, Bobby was asked if he felt Verne pushed Greg too hard. Bobby said that he didn't push him hard enough.....he should've pushed him off a cliff.

He would also wrestle Buck Rock n Roll Zumhofe in a weasel suit match. Zumhofe would carry a big raadio to the ring. What's your favorite Buck Rock and Roll Zumhofe match?

Bobby said that he enjoyed working for Verne Gagne & the only conflict that he had with him was when he left for the WWF in 1983. Bobby said that he called Vince McMahon, Sr before he went to Japan in 1983 & that he'd call Vince Sr every 6 months, but Vince would never bring him in because he already had Freddie Blassie, Lou Albano & The Grand Wizard.

Bobby said that the last time that he talked to Vince, Vince told him, “Something big is going to happen, and I can't use you now. There'd really be trouble. But you'll hear about it.”

When Bobby was in Japan, Vince Sr passed away from cancer, and he already sold the WWF to his son. Vince Jr.

Bobby broke his neck in Japan, earlier in 1983, Bobby teamed with Harley Race against Haku & Onita. Haku slammed Bobby & Onita came off the top rope with a leg drop & dropped his leg on Bobby's face but he never got any surgery on it. His neck never healed totally, which is why he eventually retired from managing many years later in the WWF. Any memories of that?

Bobby didn't have the surgery in 1995, when he worked for WCW, because he then had insurance.

Bobby said that Verne didn't want him to leave the AWA, but Vince made him an offer that he couldn't refuse, it was almost double his pay. Bobby was going to do the TV from MSG, on the MSG channel. He said that he was 44 at the time, and ready to make a change. He didn't want to work past 50.  Bobby said that he had an opportunity to go with Hulk Hogan, Gene Okerlund & David Schultz, would later garner national fame while in the WWF when he slapped 20/20 reporter John Stossell, backstage at a WWF show.

Bobby said that Vince made him feel like a star, and Verne was a wrestler.

What do you recall the talk being when Vince started to go national in 1984? 

How mad were other promoters about it?

Bobby tells a story in his book, which is a pretty famous story in wrestling about how after The Iron Sheik won the WWF World Title from Bob Backlund, Verne called Sheik and said You come to Minneapolis with the belt, and I'll put you over Nick Bockwinkel. You'll be the AWA Champion, and the WWF Champion. We'll unify it to the AWA championship, and I'll pay you $100,000.

Bobby said that Sheik thought about it, and told him that “Verne Gagne started him in the business, but he never made any money for me. Vince McMahon Sr has always taken care of me and gave me the belt. I've made good money with him.”

Sheik turned down Verne's offer and told Vince Sr about it. Sheik would end up losing the WWF Title to Hulk Hogan in MSG on January 23rd, 1984.

Think about how different the business would've been if Sheik would've taken Verne's offer & taken the WWF Title to the AWA and unified the titles, and it became the AWA World Title only. We probably wouldn't be doing this podcast right now.

Bobby said that when he decided that he was ready to leave the AWA, he called Hulk Hogan and told him that he wanted to go to New York. They had already called Bobby 3 or 4 times. Hulk said, call me back in 5 minutes.

When Bobby called Hulk back, Hulk said that he just talked to Vince. When you get home, call him.

Bobby called Vince on a Friday night from Denver. He said that he couldn't take it anymore, and he wanted to make a change. 

Bobby accepted the offer from Vince & called Verne, who was at his son's Greg's house. He told Greg that the WWF made him an offer. Greg said, “oh, those bastards. They're after it again”.

Bobby told him that he was going to take it, it was a substantial offer. Greg then said “go ahead”

Verne called Bobby quickly and told him that WWF made him an offer and Verne said the exact same thing that Greg did, Oh those bastards, they're after it again.

Bobby told Verne that he was accepting the offer and Verne told him to tell him this face to face. Bobby then asked if he was going to be in the office tomorrow around 1 and Verne said yes.

Bobby said that before he went to the office, he made a blade to protect himself. Bobby said that he walked into Verne's office and kept his hands in his pocket the whole time. 

Verne said to Greg, Let's get him and throw him out the window, they were 20 floors up.  Bobby said, go ahead, you'll make my wife a very wealthy woman.  Bobby then told him that Vince offered him twice what you're paying me to do MSG TV and manage.

Bobby said in his book that WWF managers in those days only worked TV, and they'd go home and get paid for every town their man was at. Bobby said that he'd have less travel, and be home with his daughter who was 5 at the time.

Verne then made Bobby an offer and said, I don't know where I'll get it, but I'll get it to you.

Bobby told him, I have to look out for myself now. You have a big home on Lake Minnetonka, you have all this land and money. I want that. Now is my chance to advance myself and have it.

Bobby then told him that he'd finish out these dates, but he won't work with Brad Rheingans. He said that Brad was new and an Olympian and Bobby didn't wanna risk “breaking his leg or neck accidentally on purpose.”

Bobby said that if they were going to hurt him on the day that he gave his notice, he was going to take that blade and cut the top of his own head off. Let the courts sort it out.

Interesting note, Bobby said that he got a call from Harley Race, who was promoting Kansas City at the time and he told Bobby that ``I hear you're going to New York, we've been friends for 30 years, you can't do this to us.”   Bobby said, Harley, I've got to look out for myself and my family. Harley agreed and wished him luck.

Ironic because a few years later, Bobby would manage Harley in the WWF.

There's been rumors and innuendo over the years that during this time in 84, Vince was getting death threats from other promoters when he started going national. Did you ever hear that, or did Vince ever talk to you about that?

Bobby said that he first met Vince in 1976 at an exhibition for Muhammed Ali in Chicago. Ali was preparing for his match in Japan with Antonio Inoki. Bobby walked in with Nick Bockwinkel and Al DeRusha. They introduced themselves to Vince, who just looked up and nobbed. Bobby described it was a very cold reception.

Bobby said the first night that he met Vince after he came to work in the company was at MSG and Bobby had a lit cigar and Vince barked “put that out!”

Bobby said that At WrestleMania 5, Vince yelled at Jesse for having a cigar. Later that night, Bobby saw it in an ashtray, and he took it and put it in the breast pocket of Vince's suit that was hanging on a rack

We've talked about some of Vince's pet peeves, smoking, sneezing, what are some others? Did he ever fire someone because they just kept getting on his bad side with various things they did such as those pet peeves?

Bobby told a story about how when Vince was 14 or 15, he started hanging out with a wrestler named Dr. Jerry Graham and they would drive in Graham's Cadillac down Broadway with the top down & Vince was wearing a red, ruffled shirt, and had bleached blonde hair. When Vince Sr found out, he went nuts

When Bobby first came to the WWF, he was supposed to manage Jesse Ventura. However, Vince told him that Jesse had some circulation problems in his legs & he couldn't be there, so he asked Bobby if he'd be ok with managing Big John Studd, which he agreed to do. Ironically, their first show together was in Bloomington, MN, AWA country. 

Bobby walked into the back wearing a mask and put a rock in his shoe to change his walk, because he was bow legged. When Studd introduced him as his new manager, the weasel chants began. Bobby said it was like he never left the AWA

November 22nd 1984 – Bobby took part in a $10,000 steel cage battle royal won by Rocky Johnson

November 23rd, 1984 – Bobby took part in another one, won by John Studd

November 26th, 1984 – MSG – Prime Time Wrestling – Bobby beat Salvatore Bellomo

December 7th, 1984 – Pittsburgh - Bobby defeated SD Jones

December 8th, 1984 – Prime Time Wrestling: Bobby Heenan defeated Salvatore Bellomo.

December 10, 1984 – MSG Network - Bobby Heenan defeated SD Jones

December 12th, 1984 – Buffalo, NY – Jimmy Snuka & Tonga Kid defeated Bobby & John Studd

December 28th, 1984 – Dallas – Andre the Giant & Blackjack Mulligan defeat Bobby & Ken Patera

February 16th, 1985 – Philadelphia – Bruno & David Sammartino defeated Bobby & Paul Orndorff by DQ

February 23rd –  Altoona, PA - David Sammartino, Junkyard Dog & George Wells defeated Bobby, Ken Patera & Johnny V

February 23rd – Pittsburgh – Bruno & David Sammartino defeated Bobby & Paul Orndorff by DQ

March 15th – Philadelphia – Lumberjack – Bruno & David beat Bobby & Orndorff

March 17th – Philadelphia- Bruno & David beat Bobby & Orndorff

March 18th – Landover, MD – Andre beat Bobby & John Studd

March 20th – St Louis – Andre beat Bobby & Studd

March 26th – Detroit – Andre beat Bobby & Studd

At WrestleMania 1, on March 31st 1985 Bobby managed Big John Studd against Andre the Giant in a bodyslam match. Andre won the match and took a bag that had allegedly, $15,000 in it and started throwing it to the fans. Bobby ran in from behind, grabbed the bag from Andre and ran out of the ring

Did you ever talk to Bobby about his WrestleMania 1 experience?

May 29th – Davenport, IA – Ordorff beat Bobby by CO

May 30th – St Louis – Bobby, Missing Link, Studd beat Swede Hanson, Ivan Putski, George Wells

June 7th – East Rutherford, NJ – Ricky Steamboat, Snuka, Orndorff beat Bobby, Bob Orton & Greg Valentine by DQ

June 8th – Landover MD – Steamboat, Snuka & Orndorff beat Bobby, Studd & Orton in 2 out of 3 falls

June 20th – Erie – George Steele, Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo beat Bobby, Voloff & Iron Sheik

June 21st – MSG – Bobby, Adrian Adonis, Studd beat Windham, Rotundo, Steele

June 23rd – Toronto – Bobby & Orton beat Orndorff & JYD by DQ

June 29th – Philadelphia – David Sammartino beat Bobby by CO

July 4th  - New Haven CT – Bobby & Studd beat George Wells & SD Jones

July 5th – East Rutherford – Orndorff beats Bobby by CO

July 12th – Pittsburgh – Steamboat & Orndorff beat Bobby & Studd

August 2nd – Omaha – Orndorff, Windham, Rotundo beat Bobby, Roddy Piper & Orton

August 14th – Miami – Andre & Orndorff beat Bobby & Studd

September 14th – Landover – Bobby was in a $50,000, 21 man battle royal, won by JYD

October 11th – Baltimore – Andre, Windham & Rotundo beat Bobby, Studd & King Kong Bundy

November 9th – Landover – Andre, Lou Albano & Hillbilly Jim beat Bobby, Bundy & Studd

November 9th – New Haven – Andre, Albano, Hillbilly beat Bobby, Bundy & Studd

November 25th – MSG – Andre, Albano, Hillbilly beat Bobby, Bundy, Studd

December 7th – Detroit – Andre & JYD beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

December 9th – East Rutherford – Andre beats Bobby & Bundy by DQ

December 12th – Oakland – Andre & Hillbilly beat Bobby, Bundy & Studd

In 1985, Bobby managed John Studd, King Kong Bundy, Adrian Adonis, The Missing Link, & Ken Patera

Any stories on any of those guys? I think the only ones we've talked about on the show was Studd & Patera mostly

January 3rd, 1986 – Denver – Andre & Hillbilly beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

January 11th – Philadelphia – Hulk & Andre beat Bobby, Bundy & Studd

February 22nd – Minneapolis – Hulk & Steamboat beat Bobby & Bundy

At WrestleMania 2, on April 2nd it was held in 3 locations, Uniondale NY, Chicago & LA. Bobby was on the LA show.

He managed King Kong Bundy in the main event. Bundy challenged Hulk Hogan in a salad steel cage for the World Title. Hogan won & retained the title.

Bobby was in the hospital the morning of WrestleMania 2, in Tampa Florida. He had a myogram done where they shot dye in his spine. This is because of the broken neck that he sustained in 1983, in Japan. Bobby never had pain in his hand, but the pain went from his wrist to his neck.

He said that it bothered him for those 3 years after it happened, but he never had any insurance and he couldn't afford to have surgery & he couldn't take time off, because he had a family to support.

Bobby said that someone from the WWF (he didn't name any names) told him that if he didn't make WrestleMania that night, he was going to be fired. So, Bobby checked himself out of the hospital that morning after having the myogram the day before. The nurse asked him where he was going and he said I'm going to Los Angeles to wrestle, see you later and he left and caught a plane to LA.

After WrestleMania 2 was over, he caught a red-eye back to Tampa and returned to the hospital. He checked in at 5 in the morning, and went to bed. Bobby said he felt the way that they talked to him, by saying either you come to WrestleMania or you're fired was disgraceful.

Did Bobby ever share that situation with you, or did you ever hear about it? This happened a year before you got to the WWF

Bobby has told a story about Bundy. Bobby used to call him Shamu because of how he looked. They were on a plane, sitting in first class, Bundy was asleep. The stewardess asked Bobby if there's anything she can get him? He said I'll have a scotch & water. She then said, would you like something? Bobby said, Yes, bring him a pail of fish.

Bundy heard this and leaned over onto Bobby and slept on him, the whole way to San Francisco

July 12th – MSG - Bobby took part in a $50,000 battle royal, which was won by Jimmy Hart?!

July 26th -  Long Island – The British Bulldogs defeat Bobby & Bundy to retain the tag team titles

How interesting would that have been, to have Bobby Heenan & King Kong Bundy as the World Tag Team Champions?

August 3 – Buffalo – Bobby, Bundy & Studd beat Steele, King Tonga & Sivi Afi

August 8th – Richfield, Ohio – Hulk beat Bobby & Bundy

On August 26th, in Toronto the WWF held the Big Event. It drew over 64,000 people. Bobby, Studd & Bundy beat Big & Super Machine & Albano by DQ. In the main event, Bobby managed Paul Orndorff as he challenged Hulk Hogan for the World Title. Hulk won by DQ.

In 1986, Bobby would start doing commentary on Prime Time & All American Wrestling. How did that come about? Did He and Gorilla already know that they'd have magical chemistry, or was that something that they discovered as they did it?

We did a show on Prime Time, which is in our archives. Lots of great stories in that show, do you have any other memories  that we didn't touch on?

September 7th – Albano & The Machines beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

September 10th – Oakland – Animal Machine, Big & Super Machine beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

September 11th – Anaheim – Albano, Big & Super Machine beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

September 16th – Baltimore – Hulk Machine, Big & Super Machine beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

September 22nd – MSG – Hulk Machine, Big & Super Machine beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

September 23rd – Sacramento – Bobby, Studd & Bundy beat Animal Machine & Big & Super Machine

October 4th – Piper Machine, Big & Super Machine beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

October 5th – St. Paul – Crusher Machine (The Crusher), Big & Super Machine beat Bobby, Studd & Bundy

October 22nd – Bobby, Studd & Bundy beat Albano, Big & Super Machine

January 28th, 1987 – Rockford, Illinois – Bobby won a bunkhouse battle royal

Bobby wrote in his book that he didn't know they were going to turn Andre heel. One day, Andre walked up to him and said “we're going to have some fun, boss.” Bobby was confused because he wasn't managing Andre at the time.

A few days later, Vince approached him and said “Andre would like you to be his manager.” Bobby said that it was quite an honor. He said that he thinks Andre felt that he was over, and that he could trust Bobby.

Around February, 1987 on an edition of Piper's Pit WWF President Jack Tunney presented Hogan with a huge trophy for being the World Champion for 3 years. Andre then came out and shook Hulk's hand and said “3 years to be a champion, it's a long time” and walked away. Planting the seeds for what was to come.

The next week on Piper's Pit, Tunney presented Andre with a much smaller trophy than the one that he gave to Hogan for being undefeated for 15 years. Hogan came out to celebrate and started talking and Andre just walked away as Hogan was talking.

The next week on Piper's Pit, Hogan was already out and Andre came out with Bobby Heenan. Bobby said that Andre was sick of him and what he stood for. Andre then challenged Hulk for the World Title at WrestleMania 3.  He then took Hogan's shirt & his cross off.

Truly one of the most iconic moments in wrestling history. You were still a month or two away from coming to the WWF, but what did you think of this angle, and Andre being managed by Bobby?

Side note, Sean Waltman, who was a guest at our LA show last week was in attendance in Tampa that day.

Bobby wrote in his book that the morning of WrestleMania 3, he and Andre had breakfast. Andre had his usual, an omelette & 6 bottles of wine. When they got to the building, they met with Vince & went to the steam room of the Detroit Lions, to discuss what was going to happen in the match

Vince explained to them that they were going to be going to the ring on a forklift & they'd be raised about 7 or 8 ft in the air

Andre then asked Vince, how big are the aisles?  Vince asked him why and Andre said that he's going to push over Hulk's forklift, Vince shockingly asked, while he's on it?

Andre said, I don't know.  Vince then said, Andre, you can't do that. There's a guy driving it. Andre said, I don't care.

After the meeting, Vince pulled Bobby aside and said if he starts to push the forklift over, watch him. Bobby said, Vince, me and 93,000 people will watch him, and that's all we'll be able to do.

Bobby said as he was riding to the ring that night, it didn't click in his head right away that there were 93,000 people there, he was wondering how many people were watching this on pay per view.& he thought, My God, this is history.

Hulk pinned Andre that night to retain the World Title.

Bobby said that it was Andre's idea to have the match and pass the torch to Hogan. Bobby said that he didn't think that Hulk wanted to work with Andre because Bobby didn't think that Hulk trusted Andre. 

Did Bobby ever tell you that, or did you ever hear it from anyone else?

As we've talked about many times on the show, you came to the WWF right after WrestleMania 3. Talk about your first interactions with Bobby, Andre and Hulk

Bobby was such a pivotal part of that feud between Hulk and Andre. Hulk and Andre were friends and teamed often and Bobby was the main enemy of them both. Then suddenly, he's managing Andre against Hulk. Bobby doesn't get the credit that he deserves for what a huge part that he played in that angle. Would you agree with that?

Bobby said Andre had a favorite french restaurant in Connecticut. The food was just like his Mom used to cook & he could sit there in the quiet and no one bothered him.They served liver, tongues, lungs and lips. Bobby used to call the place “The Autopsy Grill.”

Bobby said there was an old guy named Charlie who played the piano and Bobby once told him, “One of these days, you're going to be on the menu here.”

Do you know of the restaurant that Bobby was talking about?

Bobby told a story where Andre would be in elevators with old women and Andre would fart, and scowl at them, and yell “quit it!”

He told another story of how he hadn't seen Andre in about 10 years & they ran into each other at O'Hare airport. Bobby felt this huge hand on his shoulder, and turned around & Andre was standing there in a plaid suit and his big hair. Andre wanted him to have a drink with him, but Bobby said he had to go, Andre again asked, but Bobby said no, I have to go, please. Andre said, well good to see you.

Then two businessmen came up to him and asked him who that was? Bobby said I don't know, but I was on my way to my plane and he grabbed me and asked me to go into the bathroom with him.

They both screamed oh my God and ran in the opposite direction of where Andre was going.

March 6th – Birmingham – Hulk defeated Bobby & Hercules Hernandez

April 25th – Baltimore – Jake Roberts pinned Bobby Heenan

At the first Survivor Series in 1987, which we'll probably be covering next month, since it'll be the 30 year anniversary of it, Bobby was featured heavily on the show.

He was at ringside for the first match in Survivor Series history. He managed Harley Race & Hercules, who teamed with Honky Tonk Man, Danny Davis & Ron Bass to take on Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan & Brutus the fucking Barber Beefcake

Savage, Roberts & Steamboat would be the winners of the match.

Bobby would be back later on as he managed The Islanders, who teamed with Valentine & Dino Bravo, The Hart Foundation, Demolition & The Bolsheviks to take on Strike Force, British Bulldogs, The Young Stallions, The Killer Bees & The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers.

The Killer Bees & The Young Stallions would be the winners of the match.

Bobby would also be in the main event of the event. He managed Andre the Giant, Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy. They teamed with Butch Reed & The One Man Gang to take on Hulk Hogan, Bam Bam Bigelow, Ken Patera, Paul Orndorff & Don Muraco.

Andre would be the winner of the match

Like I said, we'll be talking about this entire event in great detail very soon, so we'll just move on for now.

We talked all about Rick Rude on our Rick Rude show, in the archives but Bobby said that he and Rude weren't really close, Rude thought that Bobby would try to steal his spotlight. Did you ever hear of that?

In early 1988, Bobby sold Andre's contract to Ted DiBiase.

Why was that decided? Bobby was a classic & traditional manager, why not just keep him in the spot that he was in, and continue with the Hulk & Andre storyline and maybe have him work with DiBiase in story plotting against Hulk? His brains & experience combined with DiBiase's money, would've been a good fit together against Hulk

WrestleMania 4, on March 27th, 1988 took place at Trump Tower and Bobby said that Donald Trump came backstage with about 5 security guards to meet the boys & his wife, Ivana. Bobby said that he was a real nice guy, and shook hands with everyone back there.

Any memories of that? Did you meet President Trump at that time?

Bobby first managed Rick Rude in the World Title tournament, where he faced Jake Roberts in the first round

Bobby wrote that during the match, Jake put Rude over the security railing backward, right in front of Ivana and Jake went and got the snake and told Rude to move & the snake went right into Ivana's face. She flew backward in her chair with her chalice of wine on the floor & her legs up. I thought “Oh God, if Vince hears about this, we're in trouble.”

“I looked over at Trump. He winked at me. He was glad that she got knocked on her ass. Ivana stood up, dusted herself off, and told her bodyguard, “You should have shot the fucking snake.”

Any memories of that? That could've been a pretty big deal if she would've gotten hurt

Bobby also teamed with Islanders to take on Koko B Ware and The British Bulldogs.

Bobby wore a dog suit type gimmick to protect him against an attack from Matilda. Bobby & the Islanders won the match in 7:30, when Bobby pinned Koko after the Islanders dropped Bobby on top of Koko 

Bobby said that it was made for a guy that wore a medium suit, and that he couldn't “breathe in that bastard”

April 23rd, 1988- Providence, RI – Bobby & The Islanders beat The Bulldogs & Koko

April 24th – Toronto – Bobby & The Islanders beat The Bulldogs & Koko

May 1st – Milwaukee – Bobby & The Islanders beat The Bulldogs & Koko

May 10th – Duluth, MN – Koko beats Bobby

May 11th – Rochester, MN- Koko beats Bobby

May 12th – Winnipeg – Koko beats Bobby

May 13th – Omaha- Koko beats Bobby

May 15th – Chicago – Koko beats Bobby

May 21st – Philadelphia – Bobby & The Islanders beat The Bulldogs & Koko

May 27th – MSG – Bobby & The Islanders beat The Bulldogs & Koko

May 28th – Providence – Salad Steel Cage – Bobby & The Islanders beat The Bulldogs & Koko

May 29th- Montreal – Bobby beats Koko

May 30th- Portland – The Bulldogs & Koko beat Bobby & The Islanders

June 3rd – Tacoma – The Bulldogs & Koko beat Bobby & The Islanders

June 4th – LA – Bobby & The Islanders beat The Bulldogs & Koko

June 18th – Philadelphia – Weasel Suit Match – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

This was the first of several weasel suit matches that the two did together. Bobby did them in the AWA as we talked about earlier, was it his idea to do them here?

Bobby has said in various interviews in later years that he wasn't a big fan of The Warrior, because Warrior didn't respect the business. Did Bobby ever share those feelings with you?

June 24th – Providence – Weasel Suit Match – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

June 25th – MSG – Weasel Suit Match – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

June 26th – Toronto – Weasel Suit Match – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

June 15th – LA – Weasel Suit Match – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

June 17th- Denver – Weasel Suit – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

July 21st – Providence – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

July 31st – WrestleFest 88 – Milwaukee – Weasel Suit – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby

September 9th – Cincinnati – Jake Roberts beats Bobby

Bobby was in his late 40s at this point, and he had a bad neck. Why was he wrestling so many matches? Did he ever have a problem with that, because of his neck problems, especially working against a very green Ultimate Warrior?

At SummerSlam 1988, which took place on August 29th, 1988 from MSG  Bobby managed Rick Rude as he wrestled The Junkyard Dog. Rude won the match by DQ when Roberts attacked Rude.

Bobby was also in the main event, where he was at ringside with Andre & DiBiase as they wrestled Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. We talked about this match a few times on our past shows, specifically in the Randy Savage & Ted DiBiase shows.

Around this time, Bobby sold Hercules to Ted DiBiase, which caused Hercules to turn face.

In October of 1988, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson came to the WWF, and they adapted the name The Brain Busters, and they were managed by Bobby. 

Why were they put with Bobby? It seemed like a natural fit. 

How did they all get along backstage?

Around this time, Bobby also started managing Something to Wrestle With favorite, The Red Rooster, Terry Taylor.

Why was this done? 

Bobby said that he basically did it for more TV time, and he has said in interviews over the years that he wasn't a fan of Terry Taylor because Terry lied to him in WCW.

At Survivor Series 1988, on November 24th, 1988 from The Richfield Coliseum, outside of Cleveland, Bobby was involved in this card

He managed The Brain Busters, as they teamed with Demolition, The Bolsheviks, The Conquistadors & The Rougeau Brothers. They took on The Powers of Pain, The Rockers, The British Bulldogs,The Hart Foundation & The Young Stallions

The Powers of Pain were the sole survivors and the winners of the match

Bobby was also at ringside for the next match, Andre the Giant teamed with Harley Race, Mr. Perfect & Dino Bravo. They took on Jim Duggan, Jake Roberts, Ken Patera, Scott Casey & Tito Santana

Mr. Perfect & Dino Bravo were the sole survivors and winners of the match

Bobby was at ringside in the next match, which was the main event. He managed Haku & The Red Rooster as they teamed with Akeem, Big Boss Man & Ted DiBiase. They took on Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Hercules, Koko B. Ware & Hillbilly Jim.

Randy & Hogan were the winners and sole survivors of the match.

On the January 7th Saturday Night's Main Event, Rooster lost a match to Tito Santana. Heenan slapped him and Rooster beat him up, thus ending their business relationship.

At the Royal Rumble 1989, Bobby was with Rick Rude as he did the super posedown with the Ultimate Warrior. Bobby ended up spraying something in Warrior's eyes who had a very delayed reaction to it, and Rude attacked him with a metal workout bar

Bobby was at ringside with King Haku who took on Bobby's former client, Harley Race. Haku won the match.

Bobby started to manage Steve Lombardi, who was now known as The Brookly Brawler. Brawler was an enhancement talent for many years. How did Bobby feel about being put with Lombardi?

At WrestleMania 5, on April 2nd, 1989 from the Trump Plaza, Bobby was once again heavily involved in the event.

In the first match, Bobby managed King Haku against Bobby's former client, Hercules. Hercules won the match by pinfall.

He was next ringside with The Brain Busters as they took on Strike Force. The Busters won the match after Rick Martel walked out on Tito Santana during the match

Bobby was in the next match, as he managed Andre the Giant against Jake Robers, with Big John Studd as the ref. Jake won by DQ

A few matches later, Bobby managed Rick Rude, as he challenged The Ultimate Warrior for the IC Title.

Rude won the match and the title after Warrior went to suplex him back in, and Bobby grabbed Warrior's legs & held them as Rude fell on top for the pin. Warrior beat up Bobby after the match. Looked like he botched the press slam and Bobby landed hard.

Did he hurt himself?

What's hard to believe is, this is the first time that Bobby managed a champion in the WWF. Bobby was the top manager in the company for over 4 years at this point, always managing in the main event picture. Why do you think that he never managed a champion until this time in 1989?

Bobby then wrestled The Red Rooster. Rooster won in 31 seconds.  Bobby wrote that before the match, Vince came up to them and said all we need is 30 seconds.

Bobby told Terry,”I'll give you a turnbuckle charge, you move, I'll hit the post, and bounce back, and you pin me.”

Rooster then said, but we've got 5 minutes of spots to do.  Bobby replied, “After the match, when we get to the back, you can do them.”

“They wanted him to work less for the same money. He really was a Red Rooster.”

On July 18th , 1989 The Brain Busters, managed by Bobby defeated Demolition in a 2 out of 3 falls match to win the World Tag Team Titles.

So after not managing any champions for the previous almost 5 years, Bobby is now managing the Intercontinental Champion, and the World Tag Team Champions at the same time.

Around this time in the summer of 89, Bobby started doing The Bobby Heenan show. It did 4 episodes, and aired for the last 30 mins of Prime Time Wrestling. Bobby had various guests on the show, including Jameson, who'd go on to manage the Bushwackers. Porn star Heather Hunter & he had The Rosatti Sisters as The Oinkettes.

Bobby said that Vince had wanted Jim Troy to make the deal for it, but he never did it. Vince had a contract with USA for 2 hours of wrestling & USA claimed that they weren't getting 2 hours of wrestling, they were getting 90 minutes of wrestling and 30 minutes of The Bobby Heenan Show & they were never consulted about that, nor approved it, so that's why The Bobby Heenan show only last 4 episodes

What's your memories of The Bobby Heenan show, and it's early ending? What was the original, long term plan for it?

At SummerSlam 1989 on August 28th, from the Meadowlands, Bobby managed the new tag team Champions the Brain Busters in a non title match against former tag team champions, The Hart Foundation. The Busters won when Tully pinned Bret.

He also managed Rick Rude, who defended his IC title against The Ultimate Warrior. The Warrior won the match, and regained the IC Title

Bobby was also involved in the next match. He managed Andre the Giant who teamed with Akeem & The Big Boss Man against Demolition & Jim Duggan.  Demolition & Duggan won the match.

The Busters would lose the tag team titles back to Demolition on October 2nd, 1989.

At the Survivor Series 1989, Bobby was wrestling in the main event tag elimination match.

Bobby was filling in for the recently fired Tully Blanchard & teamed with Arn Anderson, Haku & Andre to take on Ultimate Warrior, The Rockers & Jim Neidhart.

Bobby pinned Marty Jannetty in the match. Bobby & The Warrior were the last 2 in the match, and Warrior pinned him to win it.

What's your memories of Tully's firing and why was Bobby made to wrestle that night?

On December 13th, Andre the Giant and Haku, managed by Bobby defeated Demolition to win the World Tag Team titles.

December 26th – Hershey, PA – Demolition beat Bobby & Haku

February 10th, 1990 – Minneapolis – Demolition beat Bobby & Haku by CO

February 18th – Chicago – Demolition beat Bobby & Haku by CO

February 25th – Landover, MD – Demolition beat Bobby & Haku by CO

March 4th – Eugene, OR – Roddy Piper beats Bobby

Around this time, Bobby started to manage The Barbarian.

Interesting pairing. Why were they put together?

At WrestleMania 6, which we did a full show on in our archives, Bobby managed the World Tag Team Champions, The Colossal Connection, Andre & Haku as they defended the titles against Demolition. Demolition won, and regained the titles. 

After the match, Bobby was yelling at Andre, he slapped him and you could hear him say, I'm the fucking boss! Andre then started to paintbrush slap him.

Bobby said of it – I saw that big paw coming down, but I moved to the left. I thought he was going right to left, but he missed me. His hand moved back to the left, and I was moving my face to the right, and he connected. He was paintbrushing the hell out of me, and I couldn't tell him to stop. It was like driving a golf ball in a bathroom. I don't know where he was coming from.

Later in the show, Bobby managed The Barbarian, who defeated Tito Santana

Bobby wrote that after the event, a woman and her husband came backstage and asked Bobby if she could have the vest that Barbarian wore to the ring. Bobby asked him and Barbarian said no.  The woman was Mary Tyler Moore.

Did Bobby ever tell you that story?

Later in the show, Bobby managed Rick Rude, who defeated Jimmy Snuka.

Around June of 1990, not long after Mr. Perfect won the IC title in a tournament, he enlisted Bobby Heenan to be his new manager. Mr. Perfect called him the Perfect manager. We did a full show on Mr. Perfect, in the archives.

Why were they put together? Definitely a very good pairing

June 14th – Tampa – Ultimate Warrior beat Bobby & Haku

June 15th – Indianapolis – Ultimate Warrior beat Bobby & Haku

June 21st – Phoenix – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby & Haku

June 22nd – St Louis -  Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby & Haku

June 23rd – Chicago – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby & Haku

June 24th – Grand Rapids – Ultimate Warrior beats Bobby & Haku

At SummerSlam, on August 27th, 1990  Bobby managed Mr. Perfect, who defended his IC Title against The Texas Tornado, Kerry Von Erich. Von Erich won the match, and the title.

Bobby was also managing in the main event. He managed Rick Rude, who challenged The Ultimate Warrior for the World Title, in a salad steel cage. Warrior won the match, and retained the title

October 29th – Indianapolis – Big Boss Man defeated Bobby

November 4th – Milwaukee – Big Boss Man defeated Bobby

November 11th – Sacramento – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

At Survivor Series, which took place on November 22nd, 1990 from Hartford, Bobby managed in a few matches.

He managed Mr. Perfect who teamed with Ax, Smash & Crush and they took on Ultimate Warrior, LOD & Texas Tornado. The Ultimate Warrior was the winner and sole survivor of the match.

He also managed Haku & The Barbarian, they teamed with Earthquake & Dino Bravo to take on Hulk Hogan, Jim Duggan, Big Boss Man & Tugboat. Hogan was the winner & sole survivor of the match.

November 23rd – Chicago – Big Boss Man beat Bobby & Mr. Perfect

November 24th – Detroit – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

November 30th – Miami – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 10th – Orlando – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 11th – Tampa – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 13th – Dayton – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 14th – Minneapolis – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 15th – Philadelphia – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 16th – East Rutherford – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 26th – Providence-  Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 28th – Hershey – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

December 29th- Richfield – Bobby was in a 14 man battle royal. Tugboat won

Later that night, Boss Man beat Bobby

December 30th – Toledo – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

Bobby once again wrestled a lot of matches, this time against The Boss Man. How did Bobby feel about having to wrestle him?

January 3rd, 1991 – Tucson – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

January 4th – San Fransisco – Boss Man beat Bobby

January 5th – Long Beach – Boss Man beat Bobby

January 8th – Chattanooga – Ball & Chain Match – Boss Man beat Bobby

January 12th – Tempe – Boss Man beat Bobby

At Royal Rumble, which took place on January 19th, 1991, Bobby managed The Barbarian who wrestled The Big Boss Man. Boss Man won the match.

February 8th – Murfreesboro, TN – Roddy Piper beat Bobby

February 15th – Montreal – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

February 16th – Long Island – Big Boss Man beat Bobby

At WrestleMania 7, which we did a show about, Bobby had double duty that night. He not only managed, but he did commentary with Gorilla as well.

Bobby managed Haku & The Barbarian. They lost to The Rockers

Later in the show, Bobby managed IC Champion Mr. Perfect, who defended the IC Title against The Big Boss Man. Boss Man won by DQ.

This was the first WrestleMania that was not called by Gorilla & Jesse Ventura. Why was Bobby picked to do it, and how do you think he did? He and Gorilla already were great together.

During the summer in storyline, Bobby sold Mr. Perfect's contract to The Coach

That was pretty much the end of Bobby's managerial career. He'd start doing commentary full time, on TV and ppv's.  Bobby has said that he wanted to quit managing because of his neck. Do you recall Bobby saying that he wanted to stop managing?

Check out this match – August 2nd – Long Island – Bobby defeated Mr. Fuji, in what would turn out to be Bobby's last wrestling match.

I bet no one would've guessed that in a trivia contest. Do you recall this match? 

Bobby did commentary at SummerSlam 91, with Gorilla & Roddy Piper

Not long after SummerSlam, Vince approached Bobby and told Ric Flair was coming to the WWF and was going to eventually be the World Champion, and Vince wanted Bobby to manage him. Bobby wrote in his book – From the first time that he told me about it, I didn't want to do it.

I was still hurting. I lost my heart for it. I used to like to take bumps at the end of matches and be brought in and thrown into the turnbuckles. I didn't love to work and it wasn't fun anymore. And my deal was that I wasn't going to manage anymore. But I knew that if I didn't do it, they would dump me over it. Flair told me that Hogan wanted to work and go on the road for six months with me.

Bobby started to appear on WWF TV with the WCW World Title and called Ric Flair the real World's Champion and saying that he was coming to the WWF. Bobby said that attorneys got involved and they had to stop doing that.

Bobby wrote that “I agreed to manage him, but I only lasted 10 days. I just couldn't work anymore. It hurt so bad, I couldn't sleep at night. I never took pills or medication. I had beer, scotch, and wine to help.”

Bobby wrote that Ric told him “You don't have to do anything, just stand there. Bobby said, I can't. I'm going to reach a point where I have to move. When my man is hit, I've got to sell it.”

What's your memories of when Flair came in and Bobby was approached to manage him?

Bobby wrote that his first encounter with Ric Flair, from what he was told, was when Ric was a fan & Bobby punched him in the mouth, outside of the Minneapolis Auditorium. Bobby said that he didn't remember it, but Ric told him

Bobby did commentary at Survivor Series 91, with Gorilla

Bobby did commentary at Tuesday in Texas, with Gorilla

Bobby did commentary at Royal Rumble 92, with Gorilla

Bobby did commentary at WrestleMania 8, with Gorilla

Bobby did commentary at SummerSlam 92, with Vince

Bobby did commentary at Survivor Series 92, with Vince

Bobby did commentary at Royal Rumble 93, with Gorilla

Bobby also did commentary on Raw, with Vince

Bobby did commentary at WrestleMania 9 with a debuting Jim Ross & Randy Savage. Bobby rode ringside backwards on a camel.

Bobby said that Randy Savage pulled up his robe to reveal his bright, blue shorts, Bobby said I kind of liked it

How did he feel about riding the camel backwards?

Bobby's contract was up in 1993, and Vince offered him a new contract, then a week later he told Bobby that he couldn't honor that contract & wanted him to take a 50% pay cut. Bobby said that he didn't want to do that. He was tired of going to NY, tired of the crowds & tired of people, so he decided that it was time to go.

The December 6th, 1993 Raw from White Plains, NY was Bobby's last Raw. Bobby wrote that at the production meeting earlier that day, Vince asked him how he wanted to leave. Bobby told him to have Gorilla Monsoon throw him out, after going through his bags and finding stolen towels, light bulbs, ashtrays & phonebooks. Everything from a hotel. That's what The Brain would do.

Pat Patterson asked him, Why don't you have a bra and panties in there too?

Bobby replied, Well, Pat, I think when we travel, you and I pack differently

During the show, Gorilla came out while Bobby was doing commentary and grabbed Bobby and walked him backstage with his bag, and threw him out of the arena.

Bobby said that he gave his farewell and walked around the back & Gorilla was waiting for him in his car & they drove to the LaGuardia Holiday Inn.

They took the elevator to their floor, they were on the same floor. Bobby said to Gorilla, “Well, 9 years together. Good luck, partner.” They shook hands, and went to their rooms.

When Bobby got to his room, he had a big basket of bananas there. So, he called Gorilla and said, I have some bananas here. Do you want them? So, Gorilla came down and Bobby said that they must've hugged and cried for an hour.

What's your memories of Bobby's last night?

Talk about Bobby & Gorilla's relationship. How did Bobby leaving the WWF affect Gorilla?

Do you have any personal stories of things that happened with you and Bobby?

What was your favorite Bobby Heenan/Wrestler combination?

Bobby went to WCW in 1994 and left in 2000.

During Bobby's time in WCW, he would be pressured to sometimes say something bad about Vince and/or the WWE. Even Eric Bischoff once asked him if he still worked for the WWE, because Bobby wouldn't say anything bad about them.

Were you surprised that Bobby never did that, did anyone in the WWE ever take notice that he never said anything bad about Vince or the company?

Bobby made a surprise return in 2001, at WrestleMania 17. He did commentary with Mene Gene during the gimmick battle royal.

What do you remember about Bobby's appearance that night?

Was there consideration to bringing him back at the time?

Bobby was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2002. The cancer went into remission in 2004. 

Stan Note: In 2004, he was the final inductee of the night in the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony at The Hilton in New York City. (That was the first time the event was shot as a full video production and later sold on a two-disc DVD.) A super emotional moment during his speech as he ended it with, “And only one thing’s missing...I wish Monsoon was here.”

Unfortunately, on September 17th, 2017, Bobby passed away at the age of 72. The official cause of death was organ failure caused by complications from throat cancer.

Awards that Bobby won - 

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Manager of the Year – 1972, 76, 89, 91

Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame 1996

Wrestling Observer Best Color Commentator 1992, 93, 94

Cauliflower Alley Club – Iron Mike Mazurki Award 2004

WWE Hall of Fame 2004 – Did you get to talk to Bobby that night?

Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame and Museum 2006

Pro Wrestling Report – Lifetime Achievement Award 2009

St Louis Wrestling Hall of Fame 2010

Stanley Weston Award 2012

Here's some tributes that people in the wrestling business said about Bobby after his passing -

Dave Meltzer - Bobby Heenan just passed away a few hours ago. He was the best ever at what he did. 

Ric Flair - Bobby Heenan... The Greatest Manager, One Of The Greatest Announcers, And One Of The Best In-Ring Performers In The History Of The Business 

DDP – I just @JrsBBQ tweet the one and only @BobbyHeenan passed. Bobby named the diamond cutter. I'm eternally grateful. Love, DDP

Bubba Ray Dudley – Today we lost one of our legends. I'm just happy the last words I said to him were I love you Bobby. RIP Bobby Heenan

Sean Mooney – Such sad news. So grateful to have worked with wrestling's clown prince. He did it all and no one did it better. RIP Bobby Heenan

Mick Foley – RIP Bobby The Brain Heenan – one of the greatest and most influential personas our business has ever known.

Jim Ross – The news of Bobby The Brain Heenan's passing today totally gutted me. I loved our time together. No one did it better than the Wease.

King Kong Bundy – Bobby Heenan was the greatest manager/performer in the history of the business. RIP my friend

Hulk Hogan – Worked with Bobby Heenan from 1980 until my career ended, learned new things from him every single day, love u my brother rip. HH

Vince McMahon – One of the greatest managers and announcers in WWE history. Our thoughts are with the Heenan family

What do you think is Bobby's legacy in the wrestling business?


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