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Warrior's WCW Monday Nitro Debut

The first time Warrior is teased to coming to WCW is in 1995 when Hulk Hogan reveals an “Ultimate Surprise” to be in his corner at the Uncensored PPV to watch his back against Big Van Vader. That would turn out to be...The Renegade…

Was it ever...ever...a possibility of Warrior at this point? There was some rumor and innuendo at the time it was supposed to be The Road Warriors as the surprise to work a program with the Four Horsemen...but we ended up with Rick Wilson. What...the...fuck?

Kevin Sullivan in a shoot interview:

Actually, Hogan wanted to call him something, he wanted to call him ‘WARRIOR’ and I said, “Gee, you know… I think might want to run that one by the political arm of TBS.’”

Was this conveyed to you by Hulk at the time?

Ric Flair’s To Be The Man book:

“Hogan was still mad about having to lose the World Wrestling Federation Championship to the Ultimate Warrior at ‘WrestleMania VI’ in 1990.  He was actually grooming the Renegade as an Ultimate Warrior clone that Hogan could beat, somehow getting back the win. How many WCW fans do you think cared about a match that had taken place in another promotion five years earlier? But it sure seemed like Hogan was still losing sleep over that loss.

In 1999, four months after being released from WCW, the Renegade shot himself to death in his kitchen in Marietta, Georgia. The guy obviously had other problems, so I’d never blame Hogan for the suicide. But I do blame both Hogan and Bischoff for inflating the kid’s ego and giving him the impression that he was capable of being a star.” – To Be The Man [2005]

What do you say to Ric regarding that?

Wrestling Observer 2/23/98

The judge handling the Jim Hellwig v. Titan Sports lawsuit made a preliminary ruling that Hellwig is allowed to use the name Warrior and all characteristics and likenesses of the Ultimate Warrior character in any marketing ventures. The judge did not make a ruling regarding "Ultimate Warrior."

This is a big part of this story before it even becomes a story. Warrior and Titan Sports battled legally over his ability to use the name. It’s always been said that Jim Hellwig changed his to Warrior to get around WWF’s trademark of the IP. Did you ever discuss this with Warrior?

Wrestling Observer 3/30/98

There have also been rumors flying around regarding Jim Hellwig including a mention of a rumor by Mark Madden on the WCW hotline. What we've been able to find out is at least at press time there is no deal, but there definitely is smoke to this fire, possibly interest in him working two PPV shows in late 1998. I'm not sure the timing is right. There is no question that as bad as Hellwig is, he would mean a short-term bump in TV ratings due to curiosity (although Roddy Piper didn't mean that and he should have for the same reason this week) and for attendance the first time he appears in every city. Of course, his track record says he won't last, but that's actually okay from a business standpoint because by the time he walks, most of the value will have been gotten. The problem is that the Hellwig bump should be used either when WCW has no fresh foes for Hogan on PPV, which is hardly the case, or when ratings are slipping, to jump-start them

Do you remember Mark Madden doing this on the hotline? When did the discussions begin with Warrior and who started them? Were you worried about doing business with Warrior due to his issues with the WWF and Vince and I would assume you kept Hulk in the loop...what were his thoughts?

Wrestling Observer 4/6/98

The latest on Jim Hellwig seems to be that there is a lot of seriousness to the possibility but no deal has been reached. WCW supposedly is offering something along the lines of low six figures apiece for two PPV appearances and also wanting him to do a few Nitros toward the end of the summer or the early fall. Eric Bischoff met with Hellwig this past week in Phoenix and there was an article in the Phoenix Republic talking about Hellwig winning the rights to the name Warrior in court where Hellwig talked about going to work for WCW.

6 figures a piece for two PPV appearances along with some TVs. Did you really see the ROI on Warrior for that type of price or is Meltzer way off?

Wrestling Observer 4/13/98

Bischoff did a Prodigy chat this past week. Among the highlights were strong denials that Jim Hellwig would ever work in WCW (he could have been lying but the general feeling we've heard is that his meeting with Hellwig didn't go well and Hellwig isn't coming in although nobody seems to know for sure)

There’s nothing to comment on. I’ll reiterate what I said earlier. There is no place in WCW for [Ultimate Warrior] given his track record and past history. I don’t know him personally. I can go by what those who have worked with him in the past have said. I’m not willing to put this company at risk by bringing in someone with his track record.”

Was the Prodigy chat answer just a BS swerve to people or did the meeting go that bad that Dave is referring to that you swore it would never work and that was your actual answer?

This is coming off of Raw cracking the 83 week straight. Was there an impetus to you to get Warrior in because of the loss in the ratings? 

Wrestling Observer 5/18/98

There was a lot of talk in the days preceding Nitro that in order to win the ratings, this would be the week to bring in Jim Hellwig with Hogan being the one making the suggestion. It ended up being overruled with the feeling that they should wait until after the NBA playoffs when they have every week back in the regular slot before making that play, but that does pretty much end speculation as to if Hellwig is coming in and simply changes it to which week

When is the deal with Warrior made and what “closed” the deal? How did you feel when the deal closed and how hard was it to hash out cash and creative with Warrior?

What was Warrior’s biggest Warrior request in his deal? (aka the weirdest thing)?

Wrestling Observer 5/28/98

The Jim Hellwig situation is that he's made the deal and is expected in shortly, although when that is probably will be determined by ratings. The plan seems to be for him to debut at the 7/6 Nitro from the Georgia Dome to set up a match as Sting's partner against Hogan & Giant, although he could be in earlier than that if the ratings don't look good when they go back head-to-head over the next three weeks. The general feeling is that Hellwig will draw one big rating for WCW based on curiosity if it's properly hyped, ie this isn't the guy to bring in as a unannounced surprise. After one month, it's really questionable what he'll mean, let alone what the over/under is on him self-destructing in a company where normal people are already coming close

Was this a consideration about debuting him at the Georgia Dome (what a change in history that is between Goldberg and Hogan main eventing that show and doing the title change there to this) but the assessment of what happens after he debuts...is kind of dead on by Meltzer isn’t it?

Did you think he was a one month and done thing or did you think he would have legs?

Was there consideration for promoting a debut of Warrior or always doing it as a surprise?

Wrestling Observer 6/15/98

Latest on Jim Hellwig is that the current plan is for him to debut in August or September, obviously that still being determined by the ratings on Mondays. All kinds of rumors flying around about how much he's going to make but the most reliable sources have it as 36 to 38 dates for about $1 million. That should do wonders for morale as the betting line is after the third week, he'll be useless. I'm trying to envision him out there for seven minutes doing those nonsensical promos before a live crowd. He's got presence so they want shit on him right away, but Piper is out there dying when he's out by himself for any length of time and he's still 50 times the promo-man Hellwig is. They are producing new music for him and his ring entrance is going to be a laser lights show type deal even more elaborate than Glacier's.

OK so here’s where you can say Dave is full of shit over the money and dates but do you remember what the deal was date and money wise? There’s a common theme in Dave’s writing about Warrior being useless after a couple of weeks and it is somewhat prophetic...especially with the rambling promos. Any of that a concern for you at the beginning of the deal?

What did the laser lights show cost or did you just re-use Glacier’s?

Wrestling Observer 7/27/98

The tentative plan is for Jim Hellwig to debut on 8/17 Nitro from Hartford, CT. I just hope WCW promotes it hard because if they don't let people know on television for at least one week ahead of time, they won't even get one rating out of him and no matter what, his shelf life isn't going to be long. If they try and do their surprise gimmick, he won't help the ratings that week and they'll have already given away his return without the ratings boost that it should bring.

It’s tough to disagree in hindsight but did it ever cross your mind to promote his debut?

Wrestling Observer 8/3/98

As of last word, the plan was still for Jim Hellwig to debut on 8/17 in Hartford. Tickets were put on sale this week in both Hartford for that show and in Chicago for 8/24 Nitro and at press time Hartford had sold 10,707 for $262,905 without Hellwig's debut even being advertised locally, and Chicago had sold 14,000 for $288,686

The gates are insane here even without Warrior. Is that part of the reason there wasn’t a need to promote him for the gates...but for TV?

Wrestling Observer 8/17/98

A lot of people in this business get so hung up on surprises that they forget that surprises are good at times, but at other times the simple direct and predictable approach in basic situations is the best, and the debut of Hellwig is a basic situation.

Do you think this is a case by case basis or sometimes a lot of overthinking happens and the easiest route sometimes is the best?

WCW Monday Nitro on August 17th, 1998. Sell out crowd of 12,655. 

Let’s start with this...the episode is in Hartford, CT. Did you debut him there to be in Vince’s backyard? Or did it just happen that Nitro that day was in that location?

DDP cuts a promo in the beginning of the episode where he taunts Hogan about bringing someone from his past who is 1-0 against him. Why DDP bringing the tease here?

Hulk Hogan walks to the ring with Eric Bischoff and Brutus “The Fucking Disciple” Beefcake. 

“Who is out there that Hollywood can’t handle, brother? Who is out there that Hollywood can’t put under his thumb, the God of Wrestling or something? Well, sorry you didn’t recognize me without my sandals on, Page. I’m the man. I always will be. There’s not a wrestler I can’t beat to win my belt back. There’s not a war I can’t win to get my belt back. There’s not a warrior in the world that I can’t beat to get my belt back, because I beat—“

Lights flicker and music never before heard in WCW pipes through the arena. Pyro and dark lighting and the crowd explodes. The announcers act like they can’t figure out who this is but the crowd does. Hogan’s face looks like he’s seen a ghost and the lights come on and Warrior is there in all his glory in a WCW ring.

Here is that promo...in all it’s literal glory…

Ultimate Warrior: “TALK TO ME, WARRIORS!!”

*Crowd explodes*


Hollywood Hogan: “I, I thought you were dead.”

*Crowd alternates between “HOGAN SUCKS!” and “WARRIOR! WARRIOR!” chants*

Warrior: “Who holds the absolute power now, Hollywood Hogan?? Unleash that raging voice, Warriors!”

Tony Schiavone: “This is the last thing in the entire universe that Hogan ever expected, and you can see it. I’ve never saw him shake before but Hogan was shaking.”

Warrior: “Seems as if no formal introduction is going to be necessary! Actually, it seems as if there are those who anticipated my arrival”

Bobby Heenan: “Well, they’re glad he’s here!”

Schiavone: “Hogan, I think Hogan is scared to death. I think he wants to make amends, he’s doing everything–look at this!

*Hogan offers Warrior the nWo shirt off his back*

Schiavone: “He took off–he wants him to join him! He wants him to join him!”

Heenan: “That’s the act of a coward right there.”

Warrior: “What is that smell?? You might want to use that to clean up the mess you made all over yourself!

You need to open your eyes and ears. Take control of the limited ability you have to understand the words I’m about to say. For years, I have watched while this industry with YOU as its figurehead has tried to recreate what is simply un-re-cre-atable! I have heard, listened to all of the innuendo and speculation that something ULTIMATE or WARRIOR may soon reappear. Welcome to the reappearance!

Those things, Hogan, which are irreplaceable, whether they be people, places or things, are never forgotten. You are witnessing that right now.”

Heenan: “Hogan is visibly shaking.”

Schiavone: “He’s speechless. Has no idea where to go, what to say, what to do next and the fans here are into it!”

Heenan: “He’s at a loss for words!”

Schiavone: “Bischoff looks sick.”

Warrior: “History tells us, Hogan…”

*Crowd chants “Hogan sucks!”

Warrior: “Let’s talk about something he doesn’t know.”

*Crowd cheers at Warrior absolutely dunking on Hogan*

Heenan: “Bingo!”

Warrior: “History tells us that a man’s legacy is built on the premise that within his life the moments lived, once lived, become a piece of his history. Somehow, you have conveniently and even eloquently misplaced pieces of your history. In the one time, epical battle between us Hogan, you were the quintessential influence of what was good, great and heroic. But different than what you may remember, although you have beaten myths, legends, giants and other great men, you never, never beat a Warrior.”

Heenan: “He’s right up in his face.”

Schiavone: “Right up in his soul, is what he is.”

Warrior: “AND certainly, not the ULTIMATE ONE!

As the victor of that one time battle, I defeated what was until-then undefeatable. I conquered what was then unconquerable. I dominated what was until-then indomitable. On that day, you were great. I was ULTIMATE!”

Warrior: “Let me introduce myself to those two fools who stand behind you. Let’s see… (motions towards The Disciple) this ‘dude’ must be your barber.”

*Both Heenan and Schiavone laugh to themselves as a light “Brutus!” chant starts up*

Warrior: “And who are you, little man? Who are you?”

Schiavone: “Introduce yourself here!”

Eric Bischoff: “You know who I am. My name is Eric Bischoff, and I run this company and who invited you?”

Warrior: “Different than what you want to make people believe, I never received an invitation. I showed up on my own accord, and let me tell you, Mr. Eric Bischoff, if you stick your nose in my business, you only, very quickly, prepare for your own demise.

FURTHERMORE, when I get done with my business here, I’m going to be sending you a bill, and I suggest that you pay it.

I have waited patiently. The Warriors have waited all too patiently.

Now, NOW. The virtue of justice unties my hands so that I can continue to fulfill a destiny set in motion upon that memorable day years ago. A destiny at the next level. A destiny beckoning the next super hero. There really is no sadder sight that when a grown man fears the challenges in his life so much that he rationalizes adolescent behavior to the point where he carries out heinous and self-indulgent actions. Your evilness, the evilness you embody and portray is intolerable. I am the one that has the power to destroy you.

In source, Hogan, the truth is inexhaustible. I come here, not to beat you up tonight, Hogan. Beating you means nothing anymore, everybody already has.”

Heenan: “Now to Hogan, that hurts.”

Warrior: “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, that’s too easy, because you felt guilty for being who you were. Your mind became weak, and Hulkamania became boring. I come here Hogan to tell you that NEXT week, I intend to launch a revolution not even YOU can control. I ask you to find the courage. Check it out, next week. Same Warrior time. Same Warrior place. Same Warrior channel.”

*screen turns to static as the ring becomes overtaken by pillars of smoke that allows The Warrior to escape via a trap door hidden in the ring*

Might as well just end the episode here but let’s keep going. Why did you use a WrestleMania Main Event - WWF Title Match - from 1990 to base a program around in WCW in 1998?

Some people say it’s not good business to ignore the past and some...like the WWE...insist on either re-writing or pretending history didn’t happen...this storyline makes it seem like you don’t believe in that is that correct?

Oh...there’s this…

Schiavone: “He has vanished. Ladies and gentlemen, in one of the most mind-boggling and incredible displays we’ve ever witnessed on this program, the Warrior has literally vaporized before our eyes.”

Heenan: “Never seen anything like this in my life.”

Schiavone: “There’s never been anything like this in our sport. Look at the sign.”

Nope...never seen anything like that before.

Hulk Hogan: “I went, ‘Oh my God. We’ve self-destructed.’ Vince has to be at home laughing his ass off.” – ‘The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior’ [2005]

So...how long was the promo supposed to go for?
What did it feel like to be out there during this with literally no control over the situation?
Were you angry that he took so much time?
What were your feelings as you walk through the curtain after the promo?
Did anyone come to you to complain about all the time he took?
What was Hulk’s words to you while taking that long walk back down the aisle?
Did this promo change anything about your plans with him?

Coming off the promo the next important things were the ratings and how it fared. Nitro beat Raw with a 4.9 to 4.2 overall rating for the show. It gave Nitro it’s second win in six weeks and third win in seventeen weeks. The Hogan/Bischoff/Disciple promo into Warrior drew a 6.4 quarter hour facing off against Bart Gunn vs. The Godfather in a Brawl for All fight on Raw is War which drew a 3.1. The problem is...the next quarter hour fell to a 4.5 while Raw rebounded to a 4.3. Did that immediately worry you that the quarter with Warrior spiked but the next quarter dropped so hard that the promo had to have pushed people away?

The next week would see Warrior cut another promo but this one only 8 minutes in length. This Nitro episode would go up against obviously Raw is War but the debut of Monday Night Football, albeit a preseason game. Nitro would win this week as well for it’s 3rd week in a row and this was the episode after SummerSlam for the WWF. 

From the Observer:

pro wrestling set a combined all-time viewership record as during the two hours head-to-head the shows combined for a 9.72 rating (5.04 for Nitro and 4.68 for Raw) and 14.9 share in 7,169,500 homes per average minute breaking the latest total audience record set on 7/27 of a 9.58 rating and 15.6 combined share in 7,060,000 homes. The total number of humans in the head-to-head period watching Nitro was 5,560,500 and Raw was 5,050,000 so the total number of people watching wrestling in the U.S. was 10,610,500.

Warrior would “lose” his segment with the WWF putting on a Kane vs. Mankind Hell in a Cell match against it.

Wrestling Observer

Warrior's second appearance wasn't even as good as his first. He managed to keep his interview down to eight minutes, despite getting lost in mid-thought and walking around silent for nearly one minute of dead time and saying something like patience is a virtue. The crowd reaction to his entrance was huge, but they didn't react strongly to anything he said.


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